The Pretrib Rapture Explained in the Dead Sea Scrolls | Josh Peck

Prophecy Watchers
8 Feb 202421:59

TLDRIn this video update, Josh Peek discusses the timing of the Rapture and the Millennial Reign based on the Dead Sea Scrolls calendar, suggesting the end of the current age in 2075. He explains the Asen's belief in a 7,000-year creation timeline with a final 1,000-year Sabbath rest, aligning with the Bible. Josh also addresses the possibility of an early Rapture and tribulation, drawing parallels to biblical examples. He shares personal updates, including his move to Prophecy Watchers and the launch of the new Daily Renegade site, offering a 20% off sale on yearly memberships.


  • 📜 The Dead Sea Scroll calendar suggests the end of our age in 2075.
  • 📅 The millennial Reign may not start until 2075, but the Rapture could happen anytime.
  • 🌟 The Essenes believed in ongoing prophecy and followed a solar calendar.
  • 🏰 The concept of ages in the Jewish calendar includes 2,000-year periods and a final 1,000-year Sabbath.
  • 🕊️ The Rapture is not the event that starts the tribulation, but rather an event that could precede it.
  • 📖 The book 'Lost Prophecies of Kumran' by Josh Peek provides an in-depth look at these topics.
  • 🏛️ The final Jubilee could see the Rapture, tribulation, and return of Christ before the millennial Reign officially begins.
  • 🛖 The biblical examples of Noah and Lot suggest that God rescues His people just before destruction.
  • 🏗️ The millennial Reign's infrastructure, like the new Temple, may require time to build before the age officially starts.
  • 🌐 The transition to the millennial Reign may involve a period of adjustment and learning for humanity.
  • 💼 Josh Peek has accepted a position at Prophecy Watchers and will be moving to Oklahoma.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the video?

    -The main topic of discussion is the interpretation of the Rapture and the end times within the framework of the Dead Sea Scroll calendar, which suggests the end of the current age in 2075.

  • What are the three main schools of thought on interpreting the Old Testament during Jesus' time?

    -The three main schools of thought were the Pharisees, who followed the oral Torah and believed prophecy had ceased; the Sadducees, who did not believe in much including Angels or the afterlife; and the Essenes, who followed the teachings of the Zadok priests, believed in ongoing prophecy, and were the writers and keepers of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • What is unique about the Essenes' calendar compared to the calendars of other Jewish sects at the time?

    -The Essenes' calendar was unique because it was a solar calendar, which they believed was the original calendar given by God to Adam. In contrast, the Pharisees and Sadducees had adopted a pagan lunar calendar a few hundred years before Christ.

  • How does the Dead Sea Scroll calendar align with the Bible?

    -The Dead Sea Scroll calendar fits perfectly with the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. It is based on a 7,000-year timeline from the first day of creation until the last day before the new heavens and new earth, divided into different ages.

  • What is the significance of the final Jubilee in the Essenes' understanding of time?

    -The final Jubilee, a 50-year period, is significant as it is set to begin in 2025 according to the Essenes' calendar. This period leads up to the millennial Reign, and it is suggested that the Rapture, tribulation, and return of Christ could occur within this time frame.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the timing of the Rapture in relation to the tribulation?

    -The speaker suggests that the Rapture is not the event that begins the tribulation. Instead, the tribulation begins with the confirmation of a covenant with many, referring to Israel, which is a seven-year period. The Rapture could have happened before this, possibly years or even decades prior.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on the timing of the Rapture and the start of the tribulation?

    -The speaker believes that the Rapture could happen at any time and may not necessarily be followed immediately by the tribulation. He suggests that there could be a period between the Rapture and the start of the tribulation, and that the Rapture, tribulation, and return of Jesus could occur early in the final Jubilee, similar to how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies early in the final Jubilee of the Torah age.

  • What is the speaker's view on the role of the new Temple and city in the millennial Reign?

    -The speaker believes that the new Temple and city, as described in the last few chapters of the Book of Ezekiel, will be built under the direction of Jesus before the official start of the millennial Reign. This construction process could take decades, and people will be involved in the physical work, similar to the building of the second temple by Herod the Great.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the timing of the end times events?

    -The speaker emphasizes that all of this is speculative and we do not know for sure how everything will pan out. He stresses that the Rapture could happen at any time and encourages viewers to be ready, as signs in the world suggest there may not be much time left.

  • What updates does the speaker provide at the end of the video?

    -The speaker announces that he has accepted a position at Prophecy Watchers and will be moving to Oklahoma. He also mentions the upcoming activation of a new daily Renegade site, which will offer full videos and additional perks for members. Lastly, he provides an update on his son Nathan's health and recovery from cancer, and offers a way for viewers to donate to help with the medical costs.

  • How does the speaker address the objection that the Rapture will occur just before the tribulation starts, based on the examples of Noah and Lot?

    -The speaker acknowledges the objection but counters by suggesting that while God did rescue Noah and Lot just before the destruction, there were differences in the timing of their rescues. He argues that God warned Noah 120 years in advance, and Noah was on Earth but not yet in the ark during that time. The speaker also points out that the situation with Lot does not have a direct parallel in the Rapture timeline, and thus the Rapture could occur early in the final Jubilee, followed by a period of preparation before the official start of the millennial Reign.

  • What is the significance of the years between 2032 and 2075 in the speaker's proposed timeline?

    -In the speaker's proposed timeline, the years between 2032, when he suggests Jesus could return, and 2075, when the millennial Reign officially begins, would be a period of transition. During this time, the world would adjust to the new system established by Jesus, and the new Temple and city would be built. This period would be necessary for the world to learn and prepare for the millennial Reign, much like preparing for a birthday party before it officially starts.



📜 Introduction to Rapture Theories and Calendars

This paragraph introduces the topic of the video, which is the exploration of the Rapture within the framework of the Dead Sea Scroll calendar, suggesting the end of the current age in 2075. The speaker, Josh Peek, addresses questions about the timing of the Rapture and the seven-year tribulation in relation to the millennial reign. He provides a brief overview of the three main schools of thought on interpreting the Old Testament during Jesus' time: Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. The Essenes, who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls, believed in ongoing prophecy and followed a solar calendar believed to be the one God gave to Adam. The video aims to discuss these theories in depth, referencing Josh's book 'Lost Prophecies of Kumran' for more information.


🗓 Explanation of the Essenes' Calendar and Ages

In this paragraph, Josh Peek elaborates on the Essenes' understanding of the totality of creation, which was believed to last for 7,000 years, modeled after the calendar week. He explains the division of time into four ages, with the first three lasting 2,000 years each and the final age, the millennial reign, being a 1,000-year Sabbath rest. According to the Dead Sea Scroll calendar, the third age, or the age of Grace, began in 75 AD and is set to end in 2075 AD. The speaker discusses the implications of this timeline on the timing of the Rapture, the seven-year tribulation, and the return of Christ, proposing that the Rapture could occur before the tribulation starts and that there could be a period between the Rapture and the beginning of the tribulation.


🕊️ Objections and Counterarguments to Rapture Timing

Josh Peek addresses an objection to the theory that the Rapture could occur years before the tribulation, drawing on the examples of Noah and Lot. He suggests that, based on these biblical accounts, it's more likely that the Rapture will occur just before the tribulation. However, he also presents an alternative view, comparing the timeline to the final Jubilee of the Torah age when Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of his first coming early in the period but the old system persisted. He suggests that the Rapture, tribulation, and Jesus' return could happen early in the final Jubilee of the age of Grace, followed by a period of preparation and transition into the millennial reign.


🏗️ Preparing for the Millennial Reign

In this section, Josh Peek discusses the practical aspects of transitioning into the millennial reign, focusing on the construction of the new Temple and city as described in the Book of Ezekiel. He argues that the process of building and preparing for the new age will likely take time, possibly decades, and involve the physical work of people under Jesus' direction. The speaker also touches on the need for educating the world on the new system and the changes it will bring. He suggests that there could be a period of 'cleanup' and adjustment before the official start of the millennial reign, similar to the preparation for a birthday party.


🚨 Updates and Personal Reflections

Josh Peek concludes the video with some personal and professional updates. He announces his new position at Prophecy Watchers and the upcoming move to Oklahoma. He expresses gratitude for the support received during his time at Zack Drew's Igby Ministries and clarifies that there was no falling out, emphasizing the decision was a 'God thing'. He also provides contact information for those who can assist with housing needs in Oklahoma City or are interested in buying his house in Illinois. Additionally, he announces the launch of the new Daily Renegade website and a limited-time discount on yearly memberships, highlighting the exclusive content and features available to members. Lastly, he shares an update on his son Nathan's health and appeals for donations to help with the medical costs of post-cancer treatment.


Pharisees: Oral Torah and prophecy cessation
Sadducees: Disbelief in afterlife and angels
Essenes: Holders of Dead Sea Scrolls, belief in ongoing prophecy
Different Jewish Sects
Solar calendar used from Genesis to Revelation
Contrast with Pharisees and Sadducees' lunar calendar
Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar
Historical and Theological Context
Creation/Chaos Age: Until Abraham's call
Torah Age: Until 75 AD
Age of Grace/Church Age: 75 AD to 2075 AD
Millennial Reign: 2075 to 3075 AD
Ages as per Dead Sea Scrolls
Rapture timing: Speculation on its occurrence
Tribulation: Starts with covenant confirmation, not necessarily post-Rapture
Key Eschatological Events
Timeline and Eschatology
Possible early Rapture and delayed Tribulation
Comparison with Noah and Lot's pre-destruction rescue
Rapture and Tribulation
Early fulfillment of prophecies and transitional period
Temple and system transition: Precedents and construction time
Millennial Reign Preparation
Speculative Theories and Interpretations
Transition to Prophecy Watchers and collaboration with notable figures
Amicable departure from IGBY Ministries
Josh Peck's career moves
Seeking residence in Oklahoma
Selling house in Decar, Illinois
Family and Housing
Website revamp and member engagement
Exclusive content and community features
Daily Renegade and its offerings
Son's cancer remission and ongoing treatment
Fundraising for medical expenses
Personal health and community support
Personal and Professional Updates
Analysis of Josh Peck's Discussion on the Rapture and Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar



The Rapture refers to the belief in certain Christian eschatological theories that at the Second Coming of Christ, there will be a 'snatching away' of the faithful from the Earth. In the video, it is discussed in relation to the timeline of end times events and the Dead Sea Scrolls calendar, with the question of when it will occur based on interpretations of biblical prophecy.

💡Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of Jewish texts that were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves at the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea. They include the earliest known surviving copies of works later included in the Hebrew Bible and are significant for understanding early Judaism and the origins of Christianity. In the video, the speaker discusses how the calendar mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls fits with biblical chronology and prophecy.

💡Millennial Reign

The Millennial Reign is a future period of a thousand years, during which Jesus Christ is believed by some Christians to reign physically, visibly, and directly on Earth. The video discusses this concept in the context of the ages as described in the Dead Sea Scrolls and speculates on the timing of when this period might begin.


The Tribulation is a term used in Christian eschatology to describe a period of time of great distress and hardship that is believed to precede the Second Coming of Christ. In the video, the speaker discusses the timing of the Rapture in relation to the start of the Tribulation, citing biblical passages to support different theories.


In the context of the video, 'Ages' refers to the distinct periods or epochs described in the Dead Sea Scrolls and some interpretations of biblical prophecy. The speaker outlines four ages: the Age of Creation, the Torah Age, the Age of Grace (or the Church Age), and the Millennial Reign, which are said to last for varying lengths of time and represent different stages in God's plan for humanity.


Prophecy in the video refers to the predictions or foretelling of future events, particularly those related to the end times, as found in the Bible and interpreted by various religious groups. The speaker discusses how prophecies are understood and applied to the current times and the timeline of events leading up to the Second Coming of Christ.


The term 'Calendar' in the video is used to discuss the different systems of timekeeping mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible. The speaker compares the solar calendar of the Essenes, as described in the scrolls, with the lunar calendar used by other Jewish sects at the time, and how this relates to the timing of biblical events and prophecies.


In the video, 'Jubilee' refers to a period of 50 years, which is significant in Jewish tradition and is also used in the context of the Dead Sea Scrolls' timeline. The speaker mentions the final Jubilee of the Age of Torah and how it relates to the timing of Jesus' crucifixion and the potential timing of the Rapture and Second Coming in the final Jubilee of the Age of Grace.


The Antichrist is a figure in Christian eschatology who is associated with evil and is opposed to God and Jesus Christ. In the video, the speaker mentions the Antichrist in the context of the Tribulation and the events that are believed to occur during that time, as part of the discussion on the sequence of end times events.


The Book of Ezekiel in the Bible is referenced in the video as providing detailed descriptions of the future Millennial Reign, including a vision of a new temple and city. The speaker uses this as a basis for speculating on how the transition to the Millennial Reign might occur and the potential tasks involved in preparing for it.

💡Prophecy Watchers

Prophecy Watchers is mentioned in the video as the organization where the speaker has accepted a position. It is implied to be a group or platform focused on the study and discussion of biblical prophecy, which aligns with the video's focus on end times events and interpretations of the Bible.


The discussion revolves around the interpretation of the Rapture within the context of the Dead Sea Scroll calendar, which suggests the end of the current age in 2075.

The millennial Reign according to the calendar is understood to begin in 2075, raising questions about the timing of the Rapture and the seven-year tribulation period.

The three main schools of thought during Jesus' time included the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Aines, each with their unique interpretations of the Old Testament.

The Aines believed in the continuation of prophecy and adhered to a solar calendar, which they claimed was the original calendar given by God to Adam.

The Dead Sea Scroll calendar aligns with the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and the concept of a 7,000-year creation period is based on a calendar week.

The Aines divided the 7,000-year period into four ages, with the first three lasting 2,000 years each and the final age, the millennial Reign, being a 1,000-year Sabbath rest.

The current age, known as the age of Grace or the church age, began in 75 AD and is predicted to end in 2075 AD according to the calendar.

The Rapture is not the event that initiates the tribulation; instead, the tribulation begins with the confirmation of a covenant with many, referring to Israel.

There could be a period between the Rapture and the start of the tribulation, possibly spanning years or even decades.

The speaker hypothesizes that the Rapture could occur in 2025, with the tribulation beginning shortly after and Jesus returning in 2032, marking 2,000 years after his crucifixion.

The concept of ages in the Asene understanding and the Dead Sea Scroll interpretation suggests that the official start of an age may follow a period of preparation.

The speaker draws a parallel to a birthday party preparation, suggesting that the Rapture, tribulation, and return of Jesus could happen early in the final Jubilee, followed by a period of cleanup and adjustment.

The Book of Ezekiel provides detailed descriptions of how things will function during the Millennium, indicating a literal construction of a new temple and city.

The transition from the age of Grace to the millennial Reign may involve a period of adjustment and education for the world, similar to the end of the Torah age.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared for the Rapture, which could happen at any time, and encourages looking up as redemption draws near.

The speaker shares personal updates, including a new position at Prophecy Watchers and a move to Oklahoma, as well as the continuation of his son's health journey.

The new daily Renegade site will be activated, offering full videos and exclusive content not available on YouTube due to censorship concerns.

A 20% off sale on yearly memberships of daily Renegade is announced, providing access to full videos and early access content.