"Humiliating For The Royal Family!" Piers Morgan Demands Release Of Unedited Kate Middleton Photo
TLDRThe transcript discusses the controversy surrounding a manipulated family photo of the Princess of Wales, released for British Mother's Day. The photo, apparently taken by Prince William, sparked conspiracy theories due to noticeable editing errors. The Royal Family's handling of the situation, including Kate Middleton's admission to editing the photo and the lack of transparency about her health and the photo's actual timing, has fueled public speculation and damaged the monarchy's trustworthiness. The discussion also touches on the broader challenges facing the royal family and the importance of public trust in the institution.
- πΈ The release of a family photo of the Princess of Wales was intended to dispel rumors and conspiracy theories surrounding her health and personal life.
- π« Major global picture agencies decided to delete the photo from their systems after concerns arose that the image had been manipulated at the source.
- π Observers noticed several irregularities in the photo, such as an empty space where Princess Charlotte's sleeve should be and a jagged gap behind Prince Louis' legs.
- π₯ The Duchess of Cambridge has been out of the public eye since Christmas Day, with a recent hospitalization for serious abdominal surgery and a recovery period expected to last until mid-April.
- π€ The lack of details from the royal family about her condition and recovery has led to widespread speculation and conspiracy theories in the media and among the public.
- πΈ The Duchess admitted to editing the photograph herself, apologizing for any confusion caused and wishing everyone a happy Mother's Day.
- π Questions remain about the timing and authenticity of the photo, with the public questioning why a heavily edited image was used instead of a more recent, unaltered one.
- π The incident has highlighted the challenges the royal family faces in maintaining transparency and trust with the public in the age of social media.
- π The situation has been described as a 'humbling and humiliating episode' for the royal family, coming at a time when they are already under significant stress and scrutiny.
- π€ The conversation included various perspectives, with some panelists expressing concern for the monarchy's future and others focusing on the importance of public accountability for the royal family.
Q & A
What was the initial purpose of the family photo released for British Mother's Day?
-The initial purpose of the family photo released for British Mother's Day was to counter the conspiracy theories and negative speculations surrounding the Princess of Wales and to show her in good health and spirits.
What happened with the family photo that was released for Mother's Day?
-The family photo was initially well-received, but later it was discovered to have been manipulated, leading to major global picture agencies deleting it entirely from their systems.
What were some of the noticeable manipulations in the family photo?
-There were several noticeable manipulations in the photo, including an empty space where Princess Charlotte's sleeve should be, Charlotte's hair ending abruptly on her left shoulder, an oddly pointed corner of her skirt, a clear break and jaggy gap in the background behind Prince Louis' legs, and a total of 16 basic rudimentary errors.
How has the public's perception of the royal family been affected by the photo manipulation?
-The photo manipulation has fueled more speculation and conspiracy theories, damaging the public's trust in the royal family and leading to a sense of unease about the transparency and honesty of the monarchy.
What has been the official response from the royal family regarding the photo manipulation?
-Princess Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, admitted to editing the photograph herself, apologizing for any confusion caused and stating that it was a mistake made while experimenting with photo editing.
What are some of the conspiracy theories that have arisen in the absence of clear information about the Princess of Wales' health?
-Conspiracy theories range from her having a Brazilian butt lift, to her supposedly being replaced by a wax figure, or even running away to live a van life. These theories have been fueled by the lack of official information and the manipulated photo.
What is the significance of the timing of this photo manipulation scandal for the royal family?
-The timing is significant as the royal family is already under stress and scrutiny due to various issues, including King Charles' cancer diagnosis and the behavior of other members of the family, making this scandal a particularly humbling and humiliating episode for them.
Why do some believe that the royal family should release the original photograph?
-The belief is that releasing the original photograph would clear up any confusion and conspiracy theories, and it would demonstrate transparency and honesty to the public, which is seen as essential for maintaining trust in the monarchy.
What is the general consensus among the panelists regarding the handling of the photo manipulation scandal by the royal family?
-The panelists generally agree that the handling of the scandal has been poor and that it has added to the existing pressures on the royal family. They also express concern about the potential long-term effects on the public's trust in the monarchy.
What are the implications of the photo manipulation scandal for the future of the monarchy?
-The scandal is seen as indicative of a worrying time for the monarchy, with some panelists suggesting that it could potentially hasten the end of the monarchy or at least highlight the need for greater transparency and accountability within the institution.
How has the situation with the Princess of Wales' health and the photo manipulation affected public perception of the royal family's health and well-being?
-The situation has led to increased concern and speculation about the health and well-being of the royal family, particularly as it comes at a time when the monarchy is already facing challenges due to other members' health issues and scandals.
πΈ Controversy Over Edited Royal Photo
The paragraph discusses the controversy surrounding a family photo of the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, which was released for Mother's Day. Initially, the photo was seen as a positive image, countering conspiracy theories about her health. However, it was later revealed that the photo had been manipulated, causing major global picture agencies to delete it from their systems. The manipulation included noticeable errors, such as an empty space where Princess Charlotte's sleeve should be and a break in the background. The revelation led to increased speculation and criticism, especially considering Kate's absence from official events since Christmas Day and her recent hospitalization. The Royal family's lack of transparency about her condition added to the public's suspicion.
π€ Public Relations Misstep and Trust in Monarchy
This paragraph delves into the public relations misstep by the Royal family regarding the edited photo. It highlights the criticism that Kate Middleton received for falling on her sword and claiming responsibility for the photo manipulation, while Prince William was credited for the photo. The discussion includes the impact on public trust in the monarchy, especially in the era of deepfakes and social media. The panelists express their concerns about the monarchy's image and the need for transparency, suggesting that the Royal family should release the original photograph and provide full details about Kate's health and the photo's timing.
π The Royal Family's Current Crisis and Accountability
The conversation in this paragraph focuses on the larger existential crisis facing the Royal family, with specific attention to the recent handling of the photo manipulation scandal. The panelists discuss the role of the media and the public's right to information, given that the monarchy is publicly funded. They debate the level of accountability the Royal family should have, with some arguing that they should be held to a higher standard due to public funding. The discussion also touches on the potential damage to the monarchy's reputation and the importance of trust in public figures.
π The Monarchy's Struggles and Public Perception
This paragraph addresses the challenges facing the monarchy, including health issues affecting key members, such as King Charles' cancer and Kate Middleton's undisclosed condition. The panelists discuss the impact of these health concerns on the public's perception of the monarchy and the potential for increased scrutiny and criticism. They also touch on the importance of the monarchy's role in providing a unifying and uplifting presence, and the current perceived failure to meet these expectations. The conversation includes speculation about the future of the monarchy and the potential for these recent events to hasten its end.
π Kate Middleton's Role and the Monarchy's Future
The focus of this paragraph is on Kate Middleton's significance to the Royal family and the implications of her health issues and recent photo scandal. The panelists express concern for her well-being and the potential impact on her role within the monarchy. They discuss the tension between the public's desire for transparency and the Royal family's need for privacy, and the resulting effect on public perception. The conversation also includes speculation about Kate's feelings towards her position and the monarchy as a whole, and the potential for these recent events to influence the monarchy's stability and future.
π‘Conspiracy Theories
π‘Photo Manipulation
π‘Public Trust
π‘Health Concerns
π‘Social Media
π‘Public Relations
Conspiracy theories about the Princess of Wales have dominated conversations about the Royals for weeks.
A family photo was released to mark British Mother's Day, aiming to dispel rumors about Kate's health.
Major global picture agencies announced they would delete the family photo from their systems due to concerns of manipulation.
There were 16 basic rudimentary errors found in the photo, including a glaring empty space where Princess Charlotte's sleeve should be.
Kate has not been seen at an official event since Christmas Day and was hospitalized in January for serious abdominal surgery.
The public has been given very scant details about Kate's recovery, leading to inevitable conspiracies.
The Princess of Wales admitted to editing the photograph herself, apologizing for any confusion caused.
Questions remain about whether the photo was recent and if it was a composite image.
The royal family is currently under much stress and pressure, with the incident adding to a humbling and humiliating episode.
The monarchy may have learned a lesson about honesty and control in the age of social media.
The late Queen Elizabeth's mantra of 'never complain, never explain' is contrasted with the current situation.
Concerns about the state of the monarchy are raised, with the family seeming unhealthy, unhappy, and angry.
The importance of trust in the media's relationship with the royal family is emphasized.
The potential impact on the monarchy's future is discussed, with speculation about its longevity.
The situation is compared to a psychological thriller, with growing concern about what's really happening with Kate.
The royal family's need for good health and a willingness to do their job is highlighted.
The potential for the monarchy to hasten its end due to recent events is considered.
The importance of transparency and releasing the original photograph is suggested to clear up speculation.
The role of the monarchy in rising above politics is discussed, with concerns about the current murky situation.
The impact of the royal family's personal issues on their public image and the perception of the monarchy is considered.
The conversation concludes with a call for the royal family to address the situation and restore public trust.
lurry conspiracies and wild speculation
about the Princess of Wales have
dominated conversation about the Royals
for many weeks well this beaming family
photo released to Mark the British
Mother's Day on Sunday was supposed to
end all that and for most of yesterday
afternoon it worked the picture of
smiling Kate kills the Absurd conspiracy
theory said the daily maale I'm Smiles
better Kate's joyous Mother's Day photo
made a front page splash of the Metro
the front page of Express say Kate
thanks donation for his support with
charming photo that proves she's on the
menend but just as these newspapers were
rolling off the presses last night a
bombshell development Myriad major
Global picture agencies announced they
taken the unprecedented decision to kill
the picture deleting it entirely from
their systems over concerns it had been
manipulated at source and on closer
inspection well there couldn't be much
doubt about that there's a glaring empty
space where princess Charlotte's sleev
should be Charlotte's hair seems to end
abruptly on her left shoulder the corner
of her skirt is is oddly pointed in the
background behind Prince Lou legs the
white step is a clear break and a jaggy
gap where there should be a straight
line and the list goes on and on there
are 16 basic rudimentary errors in total
That's not including question marks of
whether the leaves on the trees so this
part of the photo is actually months old
the photo apparently taken by the Prince
of Wales himself last week has very
clearly been manipulated and manipulated
pretty badly now Katherine hasn't been
seen at an official event since
Christmas Day she was hospitalized in
January for serious abdominal surgery
requir her to be in hospital two weeks
and we were told she'd then be away from
public duties until after Easter which
is the middle of April we still don't
know what her condition actually is or
what the surgery was for or how sick or
otherwise she really is and the Royals
have provided very scant details about
her recovery that's fine it's a private
matter for them but conspiracies have
inevitably filled the vacuum in this
world of social media world watch was
speculating about everything from her
health to the state of her marriage and
all this Photograph has successfully
done rather than D the Flames of Gossip
is inflamed them it's become the
gasoline well today the Princess of
Wales took the rap writing on Instagram
that she' edited the photograph herself
saying like many amateur photographs I
do photographers I do occasionally
experiment with editing I wanted to
express my apologies for any confusion
that the family photograph we shared
yesterday caused I hope everyone
celebrating had a very happy mother day
okay but it's really what she didn't say
rather than what she did say was she
well enough to pose for that picture was
it a new picture actually if it was a
composite picture how much of that is
actually from last week when we were
told in briefings from the palace that
Prince William took that image and why
didn't they realize that of the many
many unitive family pictures the public
hasn't seen any of those could have done
the trick without being heavily edited
and ceding suspicion will they now
release the original photograph and tell
us exactly when it was taken well
they're saying they won't and that's the
kind of thing that you haven't got to be
a conspiracy theorist for to think is a
bit weird this has been a humbling and
humiliating episode with the royal
family at the worst possible time for a
family that's been under so much stress
and pressure recently and of course they
made much of the transparency over the
king's cancer diagnosis although again
we don't know what cancer it is it's a
painful lesson for the monarchy perhaps
about honesty control in this new age of
social media and the only way out of the
corner they painted themselves is to
tell the full story and release the
original photograph I think they owe
that now to the public well for more I'm
joined by the Royal historian and author
Tessa Dunlop the Republican and YouTuber
Alex OK Conor and the author and daily
male columnist Morin kigan from across
the pond in the United States turn to
you moring first of all a Daily Mail
like every paper uh early on very uh
ecstatically happy to see Kate looking
so happy herself and so healthy that was
certainly my reaction but I remember
where I was last night watching the the
news when suddenly bang up popped this
fact that all these major agencies from
Reuters to AP to gy were all killing the
image completely because of uh issues
with the veracity of the image at source
in other words the people who took the
picture well we know William took it and
that Kate now edited it uh what do you
make of this I mean how how big a deceit
is it for the public and how damaging to
the public trust in the royal
family well it's quite unprecedented PE
as you noted that Global multiple Global
News agencies would unanimously kill
this image and say we cannot run it
because it's clearly a fake and it's so
strange it makes you really question who
is advising William and Kate as to their
public relations and going forward with
Kate's recovery this is a completely
self-inflicted wound they did not have
to issue this photo they did not as you
said have to issue any photo but if they
felt it was necessary it could have been
one taken at any time in the past year
yeah this image of Kate this morning
that we saw in the United States of Kate
with William in the back of a car but
her head turned away from
cameras indicates a sort of defiance
that she's now being trotted out to
prove how well she's doing but she does
not want to play along it makes one
wonder why Kate was the one who had to
fall on her sword and say she
manipulated the photo when Prince
William was given the photo credit
Kate Middleton has a ton of Goodwill on
both sides of the pond I don't think
anybody feels she owes the public any
explanation as to her health but when
the palace starts playing fast and loose
with the facts when they start playing
around with imagery meant to prove her
health in an era of deep existential
fear about deep fakes and AI you're
going to lose some trust and it really
just throws into relief how much Queen
masterfully engendered that trust and
took care of that trust and this new
Slimline monarchy that we're seeing with
two of its most important charismatic
figures down seems to be cracking under
the strain yeah it does um Tessa I mean
the late great Queen her great Mantra
was always never complain never explain
rarely be heard speaking in public to do
your duty and the public will respect
you and and she was the most popular
public figure on the planet when she
died um I've got a I've got a horrible
feeling this picture was not taken last
week now I might be wrong and I hope I
am wrong because the implications if I'm
right are that they have really spun a
deliberate lie on the public to protect
the public or to hide from the public
not protect to protect themselves but
hide from the public the reality of how
she looks and how she may be now I don't
I don't know that I just have a gut
feeling if you compare the paparazzi
picture taken last week that TMZ ran in
America with the picture that was
released yesterday it is light and shade
in terms of one person looking pretty
unwell and the other person
looking a Bastion of good bursting
Vitality in health what do you make of
this I think there are several issues
one there the immediate media Feeding
Frenzy and the clumsy inevitably and the
clumsy way in which even you can't blame
the media I don't I don't blame the
media and the clumsy way the palace has
handled this current crisis and the
second is a is a larger existential
crisis for their all family so let's go
to the the first one uh what's happened
and and the Very dubious response from
Kensington Palace this morning with Kate
their vulnerable unwell player being the
one put forward to take the flak a
photograph she clearly didn't take
because she was in it and yet she was
the one editing it the story didn't even
stack up at that point well I on that on
that point it was just jump in there she
has in recent years taken almost all the
pictures right of her with the kids and
willing with the kids whatever and you
know she's done that to remove the media
who to do that that's about control
right it's about control so there is a
long track record in recent years of her
taking the pictures and presumably
editing we remember the Christmas C
picture at Christmas I mean Louis you
know his hands all over the place and so
on clearly not the first time she had
editing issues so on that point it's
quite possible that that he took it and
she edit it I found it quite unlikely I
mean just as someone who's got children
and to the first thing that struck me I
didn't hone in right closely on knees
and elbows but I did think wow Future
King and budding photographer I mean
have you ever managed to take such a
brilliant amateur photography with all
four absolutely as they should be it was
an extraordinarily accomplished effort
by William if indeed he took it that s
immediately Peak my interest but okay
even if Kate was the one to edit it
clearly the Gaff arguably wasn't hers it
had to go through filters at the palace
it was in Williams name why was she the
one put up to take the flag do you know
why because the palace knows full well
we are much less likely to come down
hard on Kate than we are on William or
indeed the suits yeah she's a softer
Target and that's what they're hoping
for for us to back off a it yeah maybe I
mean Alex look you're not a massive fan
of the monarchy by any means you're an
anti-monarchist from a PR perspective
though what do you make of this
disastrous and amusing I must say it's
good to see you again P congratulations
on becoming a YouTuber thank you it's
it's a lifelong aspiration it is nice to
speak to you as I like it on YouTube you
just take more time we can have a debate
here and just chew the fat until we run
out of steam P You're so old it couldn't
have been a lifetime aspiration because
there was no YouTube there was no
YouTube was a young man I like the new
format perhaps uh unlike Prince Andrew's
former pal I might actually manage to
get to the end of my sentence this time
we'll see I don't know it's nice by the
way to hear you also calling for
accountability from the royal family
that's something that I suppose I'm not
used to when sat in this room well hang
on I do think they should always be held
accountable the taxpayer in this country
pays for the royal family I just think
there's a deal there where the Royals
put in the duty I think they're entitled
to the Palaces and the trimmings and
everything else if they put the duty in
and I do believe that the net some Zero
Effect of the Royals they wash their
face by bringing you more money than
they cost so that's my position on them
right you and I have debated that but I
don't think that they should never be
unaccountable I certainly don't believe
in that they're not elected officials
but absolutely they're accountable to
the British public and my issue with
this story is it goes to the heart of
trust how are they accountable to the
British public if not by well by people
like the media actually by us and that's
where I think Alex has a point you have
dropped the ball a little bit recently
because you've been focused on ha of
monito and actually Focus which means
that I mean if that means that the roal
family is about as accountable as any
other form of celebrity I mean every
celebrity is accountable to the media um
except that they they are publicly
funded yeah I suppose for that reason
they should probably have a level of
higher accountability that we can't
argue the royal family don't get
accountability they're the most
scrutinized family in the world we seem
to agree on the point of accountability
I suppose we disagree on the mechanism
and the extent uh the reason I say this
is amusing is because uh for for one
thing this seems to me something of a of
a non-story I mean every single photo
that ever goes out and I'm not
exaggerating here unless it's your
friend on Facebook or something every
photo that ever goes out is manipulated
in some way usually that might you're
missing you're missing the point of the
story which is that they gave they
released this to the context of this no
it's very straightforward they they
release this to all the major news
agencies who all have the exact same
cardinal rule they will only put out
they're all neutral they're not
delicately partisan at all they will
only put out images if they are genuine
images and they were clearly led to
believe by the palace these are genuine
images hence the embarrassment for
everybody when it when they discover
pretty quickly from probably from the
internet from social media people
pointing out well hang on look at Miss
hand look at Miss cardigan look at Miss
whatever they all realized this picture
had been edited they just weren't sure
how much now like I say the really
damaging thing for this may still be to
come if it turns out that picture was
not taken last week and they said that
to the media to spin a lie about this
this is how Kate now looks that's a
question of trust that's of course an
important thing to point out but I would
say that if there uh so whatever edits
have been done here and it is blatantly
obvious it's it's almost comical how bad
some of these cuts are we don't know
what it is but I would say that if
there's anybody harboring conspiratorial
Notions that this is some Grand concept
to try to deceive the press and the
British people into thinking something
is the case that it's not you don't
think they might have taken a little bit
more care than to allow such egregious
mistakes to fall through the CR I don't
think they thought about it that
carefully that's the problem If This
Were if this was seriously an attempt by
Kensington Palace to paint a a knowingly
false image of of the royal family I
reckon you know what I reckon I don't
think they they you think that they
would have allowed for a start you think
they would have allowed and William
themselves think advis and secondly you
don't think somebody would would would
look over this before it goes out I have
a big issue however if however well now
you say hold on but finish like you say
we have the opportunity here to expand
the conversations and hopefully get to
the end of a a sentence Maybe make it at
the end of a full stop it'll be nice
it'll be novel again something that I
haven't experienced yet in this if you
spent more time saying I got so close I
just want to I just want if you spend
more time making your point than telling
me you can't make you've equated this to
every other person fiddling about on
Facebook if that's the case why don't
they just throw into the public domain
the original photograph oh look here
Charlotte is with the real sleeve and
here I am with my half zip I think I
know I fear the reason for that I'm not
trying to interrupt you I'm make a point
I Fe you don't start I Fe let Grandad
finish listen listen you you can talk
you just have to at some stage make a
point and finish and let me
respond oh is it time now that's fine
look you may be you it may be true it
may be true all I'm saying is that
whatever these edits are if if if this
has been edited as I suspect for a
relatively minor reason as some people
have suggested family photos are
difficult because children fidget and so
if they wanted to release the original
photo what would you be releasing you'd
be releasing an image of a royal child
looking not very professional and that
would get rid of all the Scandal and all
the conspiracy theories and we could all
move on to something El this is my
problem bringing back more in I mean
this is my big issue with this the whole
point of releasing this image was to
counter the negativity that came from
the TMZ Paparazzi picture where she
looked you know as as I would have
expected to look very drawn very tired
like somebody who've been through major
surgery and was recovering pretty slowly
um that picture of her in the car with
her mother we weren't allowed to show
people in this country country that
picture which is another weird
anacronismo All Over America they were
able to see our future Queen uh but we
weren't here in this country because of
the agreement between the media and the
palace that is why that trust is so
important because if the media has not
published that picture last week which
they didn't in this country because of a
level of trust with them in the palace
if they have now been deliberately
misled by the same Palace into thinking
this picture was taken last week and
shows the princess of Welles in in the
full flush of of revitalized good health
which it it looked like it was if that
turns out to be untrue that's a major
hemorrhaging not just of the contract of
trust between in the media and the
palace which as I say last week the
media held off in this country
publishing it but a massive breach of
the contract of trust with the British
people who pay for the royal family here
and are entitled to know that these kind
of pictures are are genuine and if
they're apparently taken last week
they're taken last
week I couldn't agree with you more
peers it's so strange this attempt this
flat-footed Amateur hour attempt to kill
all of these conspiracy theories that
are swirling around the internet they've
just fanned the
Flames that much harder the image that
we saw in America that ran on TMZ was a
very grainy photo and Kate looked as you
said she looked won she looked drawn she
did not look well but an image like that
was so grainy and strange you could have
any number of conspiracist say well that
doesn't even really look like Kate
that's a body double whatever but to not
be able for the palace to be unable to
come forward and say you know what we
did a little bit of trickery a little
bit of slide of hand here's the original
image makes everybody that much more
suspicious I was just talking to
somebody else who compared the photo of
Kate her facial expression the face
itself as looking almost exactly like
her British Vogue C saw that that it
seems to haveed for that if we're
talking about that level of Franken San
manipulation the palace is going to have
so much to answer for and rightly so I
agree and and look these are some of the
conspiracy theories they're all
obviously nonsense but this is what's
been happening in the last six weeks
that she's growing disastrous curtain
Bangs She got lost at the Willy Wonka
chocolate experience she's had a
Brazilian butt lift she's transitioning
one post read not a single Banky since
Kate Middleton disappeared coincidence
she's run away pulled the gong girl
she's living a nadic van life they've
replaced her with a wax figure her
sister pipper replaced her in that car
picture and so on and so on and so on
it's the new pool is dead and it's the
new pool is dead and the edit is so bad
that I mean they they they they say that
when the Beatles discovered this this
conspiracy about Paul being dead they
actually started to intentionally do
things that would trigger such
conspiracies because they found it funny
and with the editing this bad you might
think they've done the same thing but
the problem here is it's not funny Tessa
because the stakes for the royal family
right now and the monarchy have never
really been higher right I mean you look
at the slim di monarchy You've Got King
Charles who's got cancer in his mid-70s
always serious we don't know how serious
his condition is but they're obviously
very worried about him you've got
William now whose wife his future Queen
is also struck down by a mystery
condition which has led to all this Fe
speculation which they've now tossed
gasoline on um you've got Andrew
disgraced and thrown out you've got the
monteo duo I won't labor the point but
they're over in California trashing the
family and so on you put it all together
this is a family at where the the fabric
the foundation having lost Prince
Phillip lost the queen and lost the
queen mother recently in in recent years
last 10 years you put it all together
these are big big big blows now it was
predictable the would be something of a
crisis post the late Queen she was so
extraordinary her own went on for so
long and all the kind of tinsel and the
hoar and the funeral of the coronation
are to distract from the difficulty of
any Royal transition but I don't think
any of the royal experts that I know
expected the chickens to come home to
roost as quickly as they have we have
Charles with an unnamed cancer that the
main player the king the other main
player the tinsel and fairy dust
individual who captivates us with her
Glamour and her smiles and her seeming
effortless Grace is also ill again
unnamed we don't know what the condition
is now one of the aspects the
extraordinary aspects of Philip and
Elizabeth was their health it is an
essential ingredient for monarchy and
the other one a willingness to do the
job and the at the moment our royal
family reflect the country they are
unhappy they are unhealthy and they are
angry and actually the two that aren't
William and Camila are the two most
reluctant you never really feel fair
play fair play to Camilla is that to
step up and do a lot of stuff she
wouldn't normally do in her mid-70s and
don't forget when had a few days break
everyone went nuts to her I was like
give the woman a break but but arguably
and this is where I do turn it on you
peers even though I I feel a bit War you
today um is is that the need to be seen
the late queen always said to be
believed I have to be seen but actually
we don't know how or where to draw the
line and the mechanis you know the worry
the thing that really worried me about
it all was when William didn't go to the
memorial service for the former king of
of Greece who was his Godfather and
close next door and a close friend and
he was literally next door and he pulled
out at the last minute from reading the
lesson at his Godfather's Memorial and
there's been no explanation no he popped
up at some event the next day or the day
after as if like nothing had happened
what happened then to make him missed
doing that for his Godfather so so
there's a lot going on know about so you
need good health and we know that they
don't have that right now you need to
want to do the job and I flag that up
once again we know the queen believed in
the divine power of she also believed in
The Show Must Go On Al you you would
clearly you you don't want the show to
go on do you actually think this what
we're going through now is going to
hasten the end of the monarchy it seems
like everything that the monarchy does
is hastening the end of the monarchy
it's a good day for me you might not
remember the last time we were on camera
together uh we shook hands on a bet for
Β£10 that the monarchy would be abolished
we didn't put a time scale on it but
what time skill would you put on perhaps
now we don't have to um would you put a
Time skill well it's difficult to
predict but I would certainly say that
within our lifetimes I would be
surprised if it was you're younger than
so whose lifetime you talking I can I
can speak to your estate I sit in the
middle why don't you go through me by
the way you need to put inflation on
that prob I don't think it'll happen in
my lifetime or your lifetime but I
certainly think at the moment that it's
looking quite perilous if you ask people
now in the street what they think of the
monarchy generally you get a majority of
people uh certainly older people saying
that they're in favor of it I would
imagine this is a bit like asking people
in 2012 what they think about the
European Union you go in the street you
ask them and they sort of go yeah sure
sounds great whatever it's only when it
becomes a serious National question and
the points start being raised on
mainstream television and mainstream
debate platforms that people begin to
realize hold on a second there isn't
much water here by the way the reason
that I think that this original photo
probably isn't being released is because
whatever editor has been done here
they're obviously concealing something
now I'm not conspiratorial about this
but even if it is just because you know
Prince George sneezed the reason they're
not going to want to release that is
because you have a picture in that case
which will do what I think uh all the
instance of the editing itself has done
which is Prov to people that despite I
mean the the the airbrushed photo is
something of a representation of
monarchy in general an attempt to
airbrush a family to make them look more
perfect they are in a modern world
they're unable cover up the
inevitable if only it was one of the
kids sneezing that was the problem for
why they don't want to release the
original it come back to Morin know it
could be it could yeah but Morin I think
the far more likely thing is that
they've airbrushed Kate in some way or
used an old picture whatever it may be
like I say I hope I really hope that's
not the case because that would mean the
palace is deliberately lied about when
this picture was taken and made people
think she's absolutely back to full
health when even from that picture today
in the car with William hiding her face
what's she hiding you know so there's a
lot of unanswered questions William
disappears just before his God his
Godfather's Memorial you now have this
um it's all it all adds up to me to a
pretty disconcerting picture how how are
Americans viewing this I've had an
amazing number of people text me or
email me from America um all saying
what's going on with Kate is she okay
you know what's happening with William
what's people are genuinely worried in
America oh it's a huge story in America
and it has been since the news broke
here that she had been hospitalized that
she had an operation and that she was
going to stay in hospital for at least
two weeks which I mean in America that
is unheard of you know that means you
are like in the IU they want you out of
the hospital as quickly as possible
you've major surgery here and within
hours you're back home so I mean I think
underneath all of this is a is a really
deep concern about Kate about how she's
really doing um again you know that
image this morning of her turning away
from the cameras you can read that one
of two ways or two ways you can read it
as someone who doesn't feel she looks
her best and is only ever seen as like
the picture of Health and Wellness or
someone who is defiant who already had
to fall on her sword claim blame for
that horrible public relations misfire
say it was her mistake and you know sort
of refused to play along with this dog
and pony show yeah um I just it it
really is such a mistake on their part
and this is only fueling speculation
that something is truly really really
wrong with Kate um I don't know how they
get out of it with each misstep it feels
like incredibly hitchcockian to me yeah
I feel like I'm watching you know a
psychological Thriller from the' 40s in
which a woman woman is deeply in Peril
and can't get out uh the problem is that
we we're all beginning to think
something's up really bad because of the
C candid way the palace has been
handling this Tessa we nearing the end
of our Pleasant time together compared
to some of our previous Wars on the
airwaves I bet you're longing for Harry
and Megan to fart just to take the focus
away I bet William is yeah yeah yeah I
bet he is like where's where's my Idiot
Brother when I need him um what's going
to happen happen here well I've got a
big concern regarding Kate anyone who's
been sick for a period of time you get
off the roundabout and then you look
back at that roundabout spinning around
and not spinning in the way you
particularly like the look of three inet
curtains or the you know silk ones they
have and you think I don't fancy that
what was I doing going round and round
on that roundabout glad handing smiling
at the cameras especially if you're the
future of the monarchy and feel that
pressure she is the lightning rod for
that family without cake they are pretty
much nothing a few also rants who look
like they're bit part players out of a
Hamlet production they need Kate and My
worry is that she doesn't feel she needs
us that perhaps she doesn't fancy the
gig in the way that she used to and I
would read in that back of the car seat
what do I know I'm not a pop
psychologist tension in the marriage
whose marriage wouldn't be feeling the
heat at the moment and let us not forget
what the role of monarchy is it's to
rise us up above our grubby politicians
and at the moment it all feels as murky
as our political Story the worst thing
is they're playing down to o Conor's
worst expectations that's that's quite
right I mean nothing about this is
surprising to me I mean you making me a
monarchist really passionately there's
something triggering about him well at
least there are some of you left I mean
it's it's it's maybe maybe you're right
maybe maybe Kate sort of doesn't like
this monarchy stuff anymore which your
wives of the
principal sometimes this is what happens
when you raise a family for a start
essentially uncontent uh to be monitored
and uh as you say accountable to the
public at least to the press for for
their entire lives the moment that they
say you know what something personal is
happening I want to take a step away
from public life which is what I've been
recommending that they do in this
totality for a while now uh suddenly the
mood shifts and I have to wonder why
that is and I think it's clear to me
that this is if not going to cause
anything like the end of the monarchy is
rather indicative of its certainly very
it's a worrying time of people me who
love the raw family I am genuinely
concerned about
what'ss uneasy to me ites I'm good for
my money but I'm worried about I'm
worried about what this all means and
what's really going on because I do know
one thing about little bit about the
media of PR over my 40 years in the game
which is if you got a big problem with
conspiracy theories what you don't do is
poor fuel on the fire which is exactly
what they've done uh Tessa good to see
you words I don't often use Alex nice to
see you I'd say so too can S A that and
Morin if you don't read Morin's
brilliant columns on dailymail.com you
are missing out they are some of the
sharpest waspish and most readable
columns in the whole of global media
how's that for a billing
Morin oh Piers I I do not measure up to
that but thank you I'll take it they're
great I love reading your stuff thank
you for joining me I appreciate it thank
you so much
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