The Situation in Europe (May 2024)

Survival Lilly
10 May 202417:12

TLDRLily provides a comprehensive update on the current situation in Europe, focusing on the economic and social challenges faced by Austria and Germany. She discusses the alarming rise in inflation, with food prices in Austria increasing by 177% and in Germany by 23%, leading to a shift towards cheaper, less healthy food options and a new term 'nutritional poor' for those struggling to afford quality food. The high cost of living, including energy prices and taxes, is exacerbating the issue, with many people unable to save money by the end of the month. Lily also touches on the strained Austrian health system, with long waiting times for appointments and a shift towards private healthcare. Additionally, she addresses the limitations of solar energy on a large scale, as seen in Germany, and the political debate over Austria's neutrality and potential military involvement. The summary concludes with Lily's personal approach to these issues, emphasizing the importance of health and organic food, and her concerns about the ongoing war in Ukraine and its impact on European countries.


  • 🍟 Inflation in Austria has led to a significant increase in the cost of food, with french fries in restaurants costing five times more.
  • 📈 Food prices in Austria have risen by 177%, while in Germany, the increase is 23%, indicating a substantial impact on consumers.
  • 🍫 The cost of chocolate is expected to increase by 30%, highlighting the severity of inflation beyond the general 4% rate.
  • 🌱 Lily, the speaker, is a home gardener who has been growing her own food since 2018, which has saved her family approximately €2,000 per year.
  • 💰 High energy prices and taxes, including a high value-added tax on supermarket items, are putting financial strain on Austrians.
  • 📉 The Austrian health system is under pressure, with long waiting times for specialist appointments, leading to a two-tier healthcare system.
  • 💊 There is a shortage of antibiotics for children in Austria, which has been an ongoing issue for several years with no apparent resolution.
  • ☀️ Large-scale solar power in Germany has faced challenges, such as a sandstorm from the Sahara that reduced solar energy production to 50% of capacity.
  • 🇦🇹 Austria maintains a stance of neutrality, although there are domestic political debates about its importance and potential reconsideration.
  • 🇩🇪 Germany is considering the reinstatement of compulsory military service, and there are concerns about the potential for involvement in the war in Ukraine.
  • 🕊️ The speaker expresses concern over the war in Ukraine and Russia, emphasizing the preciousness of life and the senselessness of war.

Q & A

  • What is the current inflation situation in Austria as described in the transcript?

    -The inflation situation in Austria is quite severe, with prices for food rising by 177%, making everyday items like french fries five times more expensive when purchased in a restaurant. This has led to a significant increase in the cost of living.

  • How does the speaker feel about the increase in food prices and its impact on people's health?

    -The speaker is concerned about the rise in food prices, noting that it is leading people to consume more fast food, which is often less healthy and of lower quality. They express worry for the poor who might not be able to afford healthy food options.

  • What personal action has the speaker taken to mitigate the effects of inflation?

    -The speaker has become a home gardener, growing their own food such as tomatoes, lettuce, zucchinis, cucumbers, and carrots. This has allowed them to save approximately €2,000 that they would have otherwise spent on purchasing these items.

  • What are the tax implications for someone earning a salary over 3,000 in Austria?

    -In Austria, high earners face significant tax burdens. For instance, if someone earns over 3,000 euros, the actual cost to their employer is around 60,000 euros due to taxes and social welfare contributions.

  • How does the value added tax (VAT) affect the cost of goods in Austria?

    -The VAT in Austria is quite high, with a standard rate of 20% on most items, including electronics like phones. For food, the VAT is 10%. These taxes add a substantial amount to the cost of goods.

  • What is the term used to describe Austrians who are struggling to afford good quality food?

    -The term used is 'nutritionally poor,' which refers to the 1.1 million Austrians who either cannot afford enough food or are forced to purchase lower quality food.

  • How has the Austrian health system changed over time according to the transcript?

    -The Austrian health system, once highly regarded, is now at a breaking point. Appointments with specialized doctors can take months to secure, leading to a two-class medical system where those who can afford it turn to private healthcare.

  • Why is the Austrian government criticized for its handling of the antibiotic shortage?

    -The government is criticized for not taking sufficient action to address the antibiotic shortage, despite being aware of the issue for several years. The speaker suggests that the government should invest in building medicinal plants within Austria.

  • What are the limitations of large-scale solar power as discussed in the transcript?

    -Large-scale solar power is not always reliable enough to provide for an entire country's needs. Factors such as sandstorms from the Sahara can significantly reduce the efficiency of solar panels, as they can cover and obstruct the panels, reducing energy production.

  • What is the current stance on neutrality in Austria, and how does it differ between political affiliations?

    -Austria is officially neutral, but there is a divide in opinions. The left-leaning parties and newspapers are seen as undermining this neutrality, suggesting that it's not important and that Austria should join NATO. In contrast, the right-leaning parties wish to maintain this neutrality and stay out of conflicts like the war in Ukraine.

  • What concerns does the speaker express about Germany's potential involvement in the war in Ukraine?

    -The speaker is concerned about reports suggesting that Germany may be considering compulsory military service and preparing a list of all people fit to fight a potential war against Russia, not just men, which could indicate an inclusive approach that might even extend to those who identify as women but are physically capable of fighting.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on war, particularly in the context of the conflict in Ukraine and Russia?

    -The speaker strongly opposes war, describing it as 'crap' and a 'meat grinder' without purpose. They express sadness for the soldiers dying in the conflict and emphasize the preciousness of life.



🍟 Inflation and Food Prices in Austria and Germany

Lily discusses the alarming inflation rates in Austria and Germany, particularly focusing on the skyrocketing prices of food items like french fries, which have increased fivefold in restaurants. She highlights a statistic indicating a 177% rise in food prices in Austria and a 23% rise in Germany, with chocolate expected to become 30% more expensive. The speaker expresses concern over the prognosis of further increases in the coming years, which could lead to people being unable to afford sufficient or healthy food, potentially resorting to cheaper, less nutritious options. Lily shares her personal experience as a home gardener, which has allowed her to save approximately €2,000 by growing her own food. She also touches on high energy prices, taxes on income and value-added tax, and the impact of these financial burdens on the quality of life and health of Austrians.


🏥 The Struggling Austrian Health System and Nutritional Poverty

The video segment covers the challenges faced by the Austrian health system, which is under significant strain. Lily mentions that it can take months to secure an appointment with a specialized doctor, leading to a de facto two-tier medical system where those who can afford it turn to private healthcare. She also discusses the issue of nutritional poverty, noting that 1.1 million Austrians are struggling to afford quality food or are forced to skip meals. The impact of this is not only financial but also leads to health problems and increased crime rates. Lily emphasizes the importance of health over material possessions and her commitment to buying organic, GMO-free food, despite the higher cost.


☀️ Limitations of Solar Energy on a Large Scale

Lily talks about her views on solar energy, appreciating it for small-scale and off-grid applications but expressing skepticism about its reliability for powering an entire country. She references an article about large solar systems in Germany that were only able to produce 50% of their potential electricity output due to a sandstorm. This event led to the activation of reserve power plants, highlighting the intermittency issues with solar energy. She also mentions the challenges of integrating solar energy into the grid and the current saturation of the market for solar contracts in Austria.


🤔 Austria's Neutrality and Germany's Military Service

The final paragraph addresses political and military topics. Lily expresses her concerns about Austria's neutrality being questioned, with some advocating for joining NATO. She also discusses the Austrian compulsory military service and the trend of young men choosing social welfare service over the army. More worryingly, she shares information about Germany considering the reinstatement of compulsory military service, possibly in preparation for involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. She mentions a German magazine article suggesting that the military is preparing a list of all individuals fit to fight, not just men, which could imply an inclusive approach to conscription. Lily concludes with a plea for peace, expressing sadness over the loss of life due to war and labeling war as 'silly and stupid.'




Inflation refers to the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and subsequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling. In the video, it is mentioned as a significant issue in Austria, with examples such as the cost of french fries in restaurants increasing fivefold, and a 177% rise in food prices. It is a central theme as it directly impacts the cost of living and the financial strain on citizens.

💡Home Gardening

Home gardening is the practice of growing vegetables, fruits, and other crops in one's own yard or residence. Lily, the speaker, mentions being a home gardener and producing food like tomatoes, lettuce, zucchinis, and cucumbers. This is relevant as it serves as a personal solution to the rising food costs and inflation, allowing her to save money and have control over the quality of the food she consumes.

💡Value Added Tax (VAT)

Value Added Tax is a type of indirect tax levied on products and services at each stage of the supply chain where value is added. In the context of the video, VAT in Austria is highlighted as being particularly high, with a 20% rate on items like phones and 10% on food. This tax contributes to the overall financial burden on consumers and is part of the broader discussion on the high cost of living.

💡Nutritional Poor

The term 'nutritional poor' refers to individuals or groups who lack the resources to purchase or consume a balanced diet, often leading to malnutrition. In the video, it is stated that 1.1 million Austrians are nutritionally poor, unable to afford good quality food, which is a direct consequence of the high inflation and cost of living. This keyword underscores the social impact of economic conditions on health and well-being.

💡Health System

A health system encompasses all organizations, people, and actions whose primary purpose is to promote, restore, or maintain health. The Austrian health system is discussed as being at a breaking point, with long wait times for specialist appointments, leading to a two-tier system where those who can afford it turn to private healthcare. This keyword is significant as it reflects on the state of public services and the challenges faced by citizens in accessing adequate medical care.

💡Solar Energy

Solar energy is the energy derived from the sun through solar radiation and used for various purposes, including electricity generation. The video discusses solar energy within the context of its limitations on a large scale, particularly in Germany where sandstorms from the Sahara can reduce solar panel efficiency. It also touches on the challenges of relying solely on solar power for a country's energy needs due to its intermittent nature.


Neutrality in an international relations context refers to a stance of not supporting or participating in a war or conflict between other nations. Austria's neutrality is mentioned, with a debate between different political factions on its importance. The keyword is significant as it reflects the country's historical and current stance on military involvement and its potential implications for national security and international relations.

💡Compulsory Military Service

Compulsory military service, also known as conscription, is the mandatory enlistment of individuals into a country's armed forces. The video discusses the potential reinstatement of compulsory military service in Germany, which is seen as a precursor to possible involvement in the war in Ukraine. This keyword is relevant as it indicates changing attitudes and policies towards military participation and readiness.

💡Off-grid Living

Off-grid living refers to a lifestyle designed to be self-sufficient, independent of public utilities such as the electrical grid, water supply, or sewage systems. Lily mentions building a power station in her garden shed to recharge her ebike with solar power, which is an example of off-grid living. This keyword is significant as it represents a personal response to environmental concerns and the desire for energy independence.


While the term 'antioxidants' is not explicitly mentioned in the transcript, the discussion about the shortage of antibiotics for children in Austria implies a broader concern about public health and the need for alternative treatments or preventive measures. Antioxidants, although not directly discussed, are relevant in the context of health and nutrition, potentially as a part of the solution to health challenges posed by limited access to medical treatments.


War is a state of armed conflict between different nations or states. The video discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Russia, expressing concern over the potential involvement of Germany and the escalation of the war. This keyword is central to the narrative as it highlights the geopolitical tensions and the human cost of conflict, as well as the desire for peace and neutrality.


Inflation in Austria has led to a significant increase in the cost of everyday items, such as french fries being five times more expensive in restaurants.

Food prices in Austria have risen by 177%, while in Germany they have increased by 23%.

Chocolate is expected to become 30% more expensive, indicating a higher rate of inflation than the 4% average.

An alarming prognosis suggests that food prices will continue to rise in the coming years.

The increase in food prices is leading to a shift towards cheaper, less healthy food options for many people.

Lily, the speaker, is a home gardener and has been growing her own food since 2018, saving her family around €2,000 annually.

Energy prices and taxes in Austria are high, with significant costs for salaries and value-added tax on supermarket items.

Austria's tax rate, including social welfare, averages at 43%, placing a heavy burden on citizens.

The term 'nutritional poor' has been coined to describe the 1.1 million Austrians struggling to afford quality food.

420,000 people in Austria are skipping meals or going without food for days due to financial constraints.

The Austrian health system is at a breaking point, with long wait times for specialist appointments.

A two-tier medical system is emerging in Austria, with private healthcare becoming more common due to public system delays.

Austrians are increasingly opting for private healthcare to avoid months-long waits for treatment.

There is a shortage of antibiotics for children in Austria, a problem that has persisted for several years.

Solar energy on a large scale is not as reliable as needed to power an entire country, as demonstrated by a sandstorm in Germany.

Austrian neutrality is being questioned, with divisions between those who want to maintain it and those who favor joining NATO.

Germany is considering the reinstatement of compulsory military service, potentially in preparation for involvement in the Ukraine conflict.

The German Army is reportedly compiling a list of all individuals fit to fight a potential war, not just men, indicating a broader conscription effort.

The ongoing war in Ukraine and Russia is causing significant loss of life and is described as purposeless and tragic.