Meet the Press NOW — May 9

Meet The Press NOW | NBC News NOW
9 May 202449:40

TLDRIn a tense development, President Biden has issued an ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, warning of a potential cutoff of U.S. weapons if Israel proceeds with a full-scale assault on southern Gaza. This comes amidst a backdrop of strained relations and a pause in cease-fire talks in Cairo. The Biden administration is also facing criticism for its new plans to tighten the asylum process for migrants, which could lead to a wider crackdown on illegal crossings at the southern border. Additionally, Stormy Daniels' testimony in the Donald Trump hush money trial continues to make headlines, with her alleging a sexual encounter with the former president and detailing the controversy surrounding the hush money payments. Meanwhile, the Florida sugar industry's influence on political campaigns and its impact on local air quality are under scrutiny, with some residents describing the effects of sugarcane field burning as 'black snow.'


  • ⚠️ President Biden has issued an ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, threatening to cut off U.S. weapons to Israel if a full-scale assault on Southern Gaza is launched.
  • 🔄 Tensions between the U.S. and Israel are high, with the U.S. showing reluctance to supply more weapons to Israel during the ongoing conflict.
  • 📢 Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to Biden's warnings, indicating that Israel is prepared to stand alone in the conflict if necessary.
  • 😤 Republican lawmakers are accusing President Biden of going back on his commitment to Israel and politicizing U.S. military assistance.
  • 🤝 Cease-fire negotiations in Cairo are currently paused, with disagreements over the Israeli military offensive into Rafah being a major hurdle.
  • 🛡 The U.S. has temporarily paused weapon deliveries to Israel and has conditioned future aid, emphasizing the U.S.'s stance on the conflict.
  • 🚨 The Israeli government is defiant, with Netanyahu signaling that a large-scale invasion of Rafah is still intended despite U.S. warnings.
  • 🏛️ The White House is defending Biden's remarks and actions, stating that the pause on weapon deliveries is part of long-standing policy.
  • 🌎 International correspondents and former Israeli ambassadors discuss the potential impact of the U.S.'s position on the conflict and the future of U.S.-Israel relations.
  • 🆕 The Biden administration is proposing new rules to tighten the asylum-seeking process for some migrants ahead of a potential crackdown on illegal crossings at the southern border.

Q & A

  • What was the ultimatum given by President Biden to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?

    -President Biden threatened to cut off U.S. weapons to Israel if the IDF launches a full-scale assault on Southern Gaza.

  • How did President Biden acknowledge the impact of U.S. supplied bombs in an interview with CNN?

    -President Biden acknowledged that U.S. bombs supplied to Israel have killed Palestinian civilians and threatened to withhold future offensive weapons should Israel proceed with its assault on Rafah.

  • What was Prime Minister Netanyahu's response to President Biden's warnings?

    -Prime Minister Netanyahu responded by saying that if Israel has to stand alone, it will, without directly naming President Biden.

  • How did Republican lawmakers react to President Biden's decision to potentially withhold weapons from Israel?

    -Republican lawmakers accused President Biden of reneging on his ironclad commitment to Israel and politicizing U.S. military assistance.

  • What is one of the major sticking points in the cease-fire negotiations in Cairo?

    -One of the major sticking points is the Israeli military offensive into Rafah, which remains one of the hurdles standing in the way of a cease-fire deal.

  • What is the proposed new rule by the Biden administration regarding asylum for certain migrants?

    -The new rule would accelerate the process for certain migrants to be barred from asylum after crossing the border, allowing CBP officers to bar entry for people who don't qualify earlier in the process.

  • How did Congresswoman Nanette Barragán respond to the proposed asylum rule?

    -She stated that they haven't seen the details yet and would like to have time to look at and study it. She expressed concern about the impact and the group size it would affect, emphasizing the need to not turn away innocent people.

  • What is the stance of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on the issue of immigration reform?

    -The Congressional Hispanic Caucus sent a list of proposed executive actions to the President, urging him to take these actions. They are pushing for pathways to lawful status for undocumented immigrants and protections for the spouses of citizens.

  • What was the outcome of the motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson from his post?

    -The motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson was tabled without much of a fight, with just 21 members, including 11 Republicans, voting to move forward on the resolution, marking a major defeat for Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  • What is the Florida sugar industry's contribution to the U.S. economy and employment?

    -The Florida sugar industry is responsible for producing roughly half of the nation's cane sugar, employing over 90,000 people with an estimated economic impact of over $4 billion on the economy.

  • What is the controversy surrounding the sugar industry's farming practices in Florida?

    -The controversy revolves around practices like pre-harvest burning, which some residents describe as 'black snow' pouring down, affecting air quality. Despite campaigns against such practices, the industry has significant political influence, both at the state and local levels.



📰 Tensions Rise: U.S.-Israel Relations and Gaza Conflict

The first paragraph discusses the escalating tensions between the U.S. and Israel due to President Biden's threats to cut off weapons to Israel if a full-scale assault on Southern Gaza is launched. It highlights the critical point in the war and the Biden administration's plans to tighten the asylum process for migrants, potentially leading to a crackdown on illegal crossings at the southern border. Additionally, it covers the ongoing legal proceedings involving Stormy Daniels and her testimony about her alleged encounter with the former president.


🛡️ U.S. Weapon Shipments to Israel: Conditional Support and Political Fallout

This section delves into the specifics of President Biden's warnings to Israel regarding the continuation of weapon supplies. It outlines the U.S. acknowledgment of civilian casualties caused by U.S.-supplied bombs and the potential withholding of future weapons should Israel proceed with an assault on Rafah. The response from Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Israeli ambassador to the U.N., and the criticism from Republican lawmakers accusing President Biden of going back on his commitment to Israel are also covered. The paragraph concludes with the status of cease-fire negotiations in Cairo and the role of CIA Director Bill Burns.


🤝 U.S. Mediation and Israeli Defiance in Hamas Negotiations

The third paragraph focuses on the U.S.'s role in mediating the conflict between Hamas and Israel. It discusses the challenges faced by the Biden administration in reacting to the situation and the potential impact on the deal between Hamas and Israel. The paragraph also highlights the Israeli leadership's defiance and their intent to proceed with operations in Rafah, despite international pressure. The discussion includes the views of a former Israeli ambassador to the U.N. on the Israeli government's reaction to President Biden's comments and the broader implications for the region.


🚨 New Asylum Rule and Executive Actions on Immigration

This section covers the Biden administration's proposed changes to the asylum process for certain migrants and the planned approach to bring parts of the failed bipartisan border bill up for a vote. It discusses the low approval ratings for President Biden's handling of the border and the Democrats' shift in strategy on immigration ahead of the November election. The paragraph also includes insights from a reporter on the potential outcomes and legal challenges of these proposed changes.


🏛️ Congressional Dynamics: Immigration Reform and Executive Action

The focus of this paragraph is on the interaction between Congress and the White House regarding immigration reform. It includes a discussion with Congresswoman Nanette Barragán on the proposed asylum rule, the need for executive actions on immigration, and the importance of engaging with Latino voters. The conversation touches on the potential compromises on immigration reform, the Biden campaign's outreach to the Latino community, and the congresswoman's perspective on the administration's efforts.


📈 Legal Proceedings: Stormy Daniels' Testimony and Political Implications

The sixth paragraph provides an overview of the legal proceedings involving Stormy Daniels and her testimony about her alleged relationship with Donald Trump. It includes details of her two-day testimony, the questioning by Trump's legal team, and the defense's attempt to challenge her credibility. The paragraph also covers the comments made by Senator Rick Scott regarding the judge's daughter and the legal recourse available for such statements, as well as the motion filed by Trump's lawyer regarding the gag order.


🏢 Political Maneuvering: Attempt to Vacate Speaker Mike Johnson

This section discusses the failed attempt to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson from his post, led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. It includes reactions from various members of Congress, the strategic implications of the move, and the potential impact on the Republican party's unity. The paragraph also features commentary from political reporter Julia Manchester, former Democratic Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy, and Republican strategist Matt Gorman on the broader political landscape and the future of the Republican party.


🌾 Big Sugar Influence: Florida's Sugar Industry and Environmental Concerns

The final paragraph highlights the influence of Florida's sugar industry on political campaigns and its impact on the environment and local communities. It discusses the practices of the sugar industry, such as pre-harvest burning, and the effects on air quality. The paragraph also covers the lobbying efforts of the sugar industry, the passing of the Right to Farm Act, and the perspectives of farmers and residents who rely on the industry. The documentary 'Bittersweet' is mentioned as a source for further exploration of these issues.



💡Meet the Press NOW

Meet the Press NOW is a news program where current events and political topics are discussed. In the context of the video, it serves as the platform where various news stories are presented and analyzed, including the tensions between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu, the asylum process for migrants, and the legal case involving Stormy Daniels.


An ultimatum is a final demand or statement of terms, which the recipient is expected to accept or face negative consequences. In the video, President Biden gives an ultimatum to Israel threatening to cut off U.S. weapons if a full-scale assault on Southern Gaza is launched, which is a critical point in the ongoing conflict.

💡Asylum Seeking Process

The asylum seeking process refers to the legal procedures that individuals must go through to apply for asylum, which is a form of protection given to those who have been forced to flee their home country due to persecution or fear of violence. The video discusses the Biden administration's plans to tighten this process for some migrants, which is a significant immigration policy change.

💡Illegal Crossings

Illegal crossings refer to the act of entering a country without proper authorization, often across its borders. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as a concern for both Democrats and Republicans as they focus on immigration policy, particularly ahead of the election day.

💡Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels is an adult film actress who is involved in a legal case concerning her alleged affair with former President Donald Trump and the subsequent hush money scandal. Her testimony is a key part of the narrative in the video, highlighting the legal and political implications of her case.

💡Cease-fire Talks

Cease-fire talks are negotiations aimed at reaching an agreement to stop fighting in a conflict. In the video, these talks are mentioned in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where efforts to broker a peace deal are discussed.

💡Military Assistance

Military assistance refers to the support provided by one country to another, typically in the form of weapons, training, or financial aid, to enhance the latter's military capabilities. The video discusses the U.S. potentially withholding military assistance to Israel as a point of contention in U.S. foreign policy.


Hamas is a Palestinian political organization with a militant wing that has been involved in conflicts with Israel. The video discusses the role of Hamas in the conflict, particularly in relation to cease-fire talks and the potential impact of military operations on their position at the negotiating table.


Hostages are individuals who are held captive by another party, often in a conflict or as a bargaining chip. In the script, the release of hostages is a significant issue, with discussions on how military pressure can influence their release in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

💡Executive Action

Executive action refers to the steps taken by the President or other executive branch officials to implement or enforce laws without the involvement of the legislative branch. The video discusses the possibility of President Biden taking executive action on immigration issues, which is a significant political decision.

💡Gag Order

A gag order is a legal restraint that prevents certain information from being publicly disclosed. In the context of the video, it is mentioned in relation to the legal case involving Stormy Daniels, where there is a discussion about whether such an order should be enforced or modified.


President Biden has given an ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, threatening to cut off U.S. weapons to Israel if the IDF launches a full-scale assault on Southern Gaza.

The Biden administration is planning to tighten the asylum-seeking process for some migrants ahead of a potential wider crackdown on illegal crossings at the southern border.

Stormy Daniels returns to the hot seat, sparring over the accuracy and credibility of her graphic testimony detailing her alleged encounter with the former president and the hush money scandal.

Tensions between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu are nearing a fever pitch after new warnings that the U.S. won't hesitate to withhold more weapons to Israel.

President Biden acknowledges that U.S. bombs supplied to Israel have killed Palestinian civilians and threatens to withhold future offensive weapons.

Prime Minister Netanyahu responds to President Biden's comments, saying that if Israel has to stand alone, it will.

Republican lawmakers accuse President Biden of reneging on his ironclad commitment to Israel and politicizing U.S. military assistance.

The cease-fire negotiations in Cairo are now paused, with middle-level staffers working on some details while CIA Director Bill Burns heads back to the U.S. without a new cease-fire deal.

The Israeli military offensive into Rafah remains one of the hurdles standing in the way of a cease-fire deal.

The White House is defending President Biden's new remarks and the pause of weapon deliveries to Israel, also issuing a warning to condition future USAID to Israel.

The Biden administration is proposing a new rule on asylum that would accelerate the process for certain migrants to be barred from asylum after crossing the border.

Democrats are preparing to go on the offensive on immigration ahead of the November election, with the new rule aiming to speed up the process at the border.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus sent over a list of proposed executive actions to the president, urging him to take these actions.

There is concern that the rift between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu could derail cease-fire talks.

The former Israeli ambassador to the U.N. discusses the Israeli government's reaction to President Biden's comments and the seriousness of the warning issued.

The Florida sugar industry's powerful influence on political campaigns and its impact on air quality in the region is explored in the documentary 'Bittersweet'.