I Watched Football In Britains Most DANGEROUS Town
TLDRيحتوي النص على ملخص لفيديو يصور مغامرة شخصية في ملعب كرة قدم في بلاكبول، شهيرة بارتفاع معدل الجرائم العنيدة في المملكة المتحدة. يتضمن النص تشويق للأحداث المرتقبة خلال الرحلة، من الرحلة إلى بلاكبول واستكشاف المكان و风尚ه، إلى الحضور على مباراة كرة قدم وتقييم الشعور بالخطر أو العنف如果真的在比赛中. يتضمن النص أيضًا مقاطع من الحوار والمواقف التي يمر بها الشخص، مثل تجربته في الإقامة والأكل والتفاعل مع المشاهدين واللاعبين. يشير النص إلى أن الأحداث لم تكن رهيبة كما كان متوقع، بل تحول إلى تجربة ممتعة ومليئة بالضحك، مما يعكس التنوع في الثقافة البريطانية وروح الرياضة.
- 🏴 Blackpool在英国暴力犯罪率最高的城镇中排名第一,每10,000居民中有769.41起暴力犯罪。
- 👀 主播和Ben计划前往Blackpool体验当地环境并观看足球比赛,探索该地是否真的如传闻般危险。
- 🚗 到达Blackpool后,他们对住宿和周围环境感到失望,但同时注意到犯罪统计仅包括暴力犯罪,不包括性犯罪。
- 🍟 他们尝试了当地的鱼和薯条,认为这是他们尝过最好的,猜测这可能是高犯罪率的一个原因。
- 🎢 他们在Blackpool的海滩和游乐园中并未直接目睹暴力行为,这与他们的预期不符。
- 🚨 他们在街头随机选择了一些活动,如玩街机游戏和购买标志性的Blackpool摇滚糖。
- 🏟️ 他们参加了Blackpool和Exeter的足球比赛,体验了英国足球文化,但并未感受到预期中的暴力。
- 😂 视频中包含了一些幽默元素,如主播被当地足球队的吉祥物颁发了“最暴力观看足球的地方”的证书。
- 📈 主播提到了他们的频道是关于足球的,并提到了他们在Twitter和Instagram上的直播活动。
- 👮♂️ 尽管Blackpool的犯罪率很高,但在他们的访问期间,并没有直接经历或见证任何暴力事件。
- 🎉 总的来说,这次Blackpool之旅被描述为一次有趣的体验,与预期的“危险之旅”大相径庭。
Q & A
القرية الأكثر خطرًا في بريطانيا، التي يُشير إليها في النص، هي التي تسجل أكبر عدد من الجرائم العنيدة لكل 10،000 سكان. ما هو اسم هذه القرية؟
-اسم القرية هي بلاكبول، حيث تم تسجيل 11،000 جريمة عنف في العام الماضي.
ما هي الأحداث الرئيسية التي يplan لإجراءها الشخص الناطق في النص؟
-الشخص الناطق يplan لزيارة بلاكبول لتجربة البيئة هناك ومشاهدة مباراة كرة القدم.
ماذا يشير النص إلى حول الأحداث العنيدة في بلاكبول؟
-النص يشير إلى أن الأحداث العنيدة في بلاكبول تعتبر من الأحداث الخطيرة، ولكن الشخص الناطق لم يشهد أي عنف في الأحداث الرياضية في المملكة المتحدة.
ما هي الأحداث المثيرة للضحك التي تم التحدث عنها في النص؟
-الأحداث المثيرة للضحك تشمل تناول وجبة الإفطار الغنية بالسعرات الغذائية، وتجربة الأحداث الرياضية، ورؤية الشخص الناطق يحاول التعرف على الثقافة الenglaise.
ما هي الأحداث غير المتوقعة التي حدثت أثناء الرحلة؟
-الأحداث غير المتوقعة تشمل تلقي الشخص التحدث شهادة من قبل تمثال الرياضة يشير إلى أن بلاكبول هي المكان الأكثر عنفًا لمشاهدة كرة القدم.
ما هي الأحداث التي تشير إلى أن الشخص التحدث يشعر بالقلق أو الخوف؟
-الشخص التحدث يشير إلى أنه يشعر بالقلق والخوف بعد مشاهدات الأحداث العنيدة والأحداث الخطيرةة في بلاكبول.
ماذا يشير النص إلى حول الأحداث الرياضية في بلاكبول؟
-النص يشير إلى أن الأحداث الرياضية في بلاكبول قد تكون مثيرة، ولكنها ليست دائمًا مليئًا بالعنف، كما يتوقع.
ما هي الأحداث التي تشير إلى أن الشخص التحدث يحاول التعرف على الثقافة الenglaise؟
-الأحداث التي تشير إلى ذلك تشمل تناول وجبة الإفطار التقليدية، وتجربة الأحداث الرياضية، وشراء السكر الصلب التقليدي.
ما هي الأحداث التي تشير إلى أن الشخص التحدث يحاول التعرف على الأحداث الاجتماعية في بلاكبول؟
-الأحداث الاجتماعية التي يحاول الشخص التحدث التعرف عليها تشمل الأحداث العنيدة، والأحداث الرياضية، والأحداث الثقافية مثل تناول الوجبات التقليدية والتسوق في الأشياء التقليدية.
ماذا يشير النص إلى حول الأحداث الأمنية في بلاكبول؟
-النص يشير إلى أن الأحداث الأمنية في بلاكبول قد تكون مثيرة، ولكنها ليست دائمًا مليئًا بالعنف، كما يتوقع الشخص التحدث.
ما هي الأحداث التي تشير إلى أن الشخص التحدث يحاول التعرف على الحياة اليومية في بلاكبول؟
-الأحداث التي تشير إلى أن الشخص التحدث يحاول التعرف على الحياة اليومية في بلاكبول تشمل التنقل في المدينة، تناول الوجبات التقليدية، ومشاهدة الأحداث الرياضية.
🏴☠️ Blackpool's Violent Reputation and Football Match 🏴☠️
The video script introduces a visit to Blackpool, known as Britain's most violent town, with the highest number of violent crimes per 10,000 residents. The narrator and Ben plan to explore the town and attend a football match to experience its reputed danger firsthand. They discuss their expectations of potential violence, which contrasts with their previous experiences at UK football matches. The paragraph ends with them settling in for the night, anticipating the next day's events.
🤔 A Seaside Resort with a Violent Pastime 🤔
The second paragraph details the initial impressions of Blackpool as a seaside resort, which seems at odds with its violent reputation. The narrator and Ben discuss the town's former nickname as the UK's Las Vegas and share mixed reviews from past visits. They engage in typical seaside activities like eating fish and chips and visiting an arcade, while also looking out for signs of crime. The paragraph humorously highlights the lack of witnessed violence and the enjoyment of local food, despite its high calorie content.
🎟️ A Football Match and Cultural Experience in Blackpool 🎟️
In this paragraph, the focus shifts to the football match and the cultural experience surrounding it. The narrator thanks a video sponsor, Whatnot, where he sells football shirts. They discuss the anticipation of the match's outcome and the excitement of being in the away end with the fans. There's a mention of freebies received, such as a badge and a hot drink, adding to the positive experience. The paragraph also includes interactions with the local mascot and fans, creating a light-hearted and engaging atmosphere.
⚽️ The Football Match Experience and Fan Dynamics ⚽️
This paragraph delves into the football match experience, highlighting the passion and commitment of the fans. The narrator observes the fans' reactions to the game's events, including missed opportunities and goals. There's a sense of camaraderie and humor among the supporters, with light-hearted banter and commentary on the game. The paragraph captures the essence of English football culture, with its unique blend of excitement, disappointment, and camaraderie.
🏟️ Post-Match Reflections and Departure 🏟️
The final paragraph reflects on the day's events, questioning the trend of managers going up to the home end and expressing dissatisfaction with it. The narrator shares their experiences of previous matches that ended on a sour note and interacts with the fans, who are in good spirits despite the match's outcome. The paragraph concludes with the narrator and Ben leaving the stadium, with a call to action for viewers to subscribe for more football content and away days, ending the video on a positive note.
💡Football match
💡Away days
💡Crime rate
💡Chip shops
💡Seaside resort
💡Fan base
The video discusses visiting Blackpool, known as Britain's most dangerous town, with a high rate of violent crimes per 10,000 residents.
The YouTubers aim to explore Blackpool and attend a football match to see if the town's violent reputation extends to its football scene.
They mention that despite the town's reputation, they have not personally witnessed much violence at UK football matches.
Upon arrival, they express surprise at the lack of immediate danger and underwhelming first impressions of Blackpool.
The video captures a humorous interaction with a hotel that surprisingly doesn't have a booking for them.
The narrators discuss the high crime statistics of Blackpool, with a focus on violent crimes, not sexual crimes.
They humorously add their own experiences to the crime statistics, although in a non-violent context.
Despite the town's reputation, they find the beach to be quite ordinary and not indicative of the crime rates.
The video includes a segment where they attempt to find a famous Blackpool stick of rock as part of their cultural experience.
They express amazement at the quality of fish and chips in Blackpool, suggesting it might be a contributing factor to the crime rate humorously.
The video captures a light-hearted and unexpected interaction with a local mascot, which contrasts with the town's violent reputation.
The football match they attend does not live up to the expectations of violence, and they instead enjoy the game and the company of the fans.
They comment on the camaraderie and humor among the football fans, which is a pleasant surprise.
The video ends with them reflecting on their experience, noting that the town and the football match were not as dangerous as anticipated.
They highlight the importance of not judging a place solely on its reputation and the value of experiencing it firsthand.
The video includes a promotional segment for 'whatnot', a platform for buying and selling football shirts, which is presented as a sponsor.
today we're watching a football match in
Britain's most dangerous
Town danger violence fear the three
words you think of first when you see me
absolutely lethal deadly will strike fit
into anyone who dares to cross me so
it's only fitting that we visit a
football match in Britain's most violent
town this is done on violent crimes per
10,000 residents and the winner of this
is Blackpool with
769.41 th000 residents with having
11,000 violent crimes last year alone 11
F myself and Ben are going to travel
down to Blackpool to soak up what it's
like as a place and then also take in a
football match there whether it's
actually dangerous to be there whether
the violence carries over to the
football scene as well we've never
actually witnessed much violence in the
UK at any football match in truth so
maybe today will be different welcome to
a away days and bring on the
violence what's going on here Alice I
need to fill up do my tire pressures
guess what they didn't tell about
YouTubers we actually have to put in a
lot of hard graph
are you going for um the FIFA
YouTuber oh he wears another
potential oh that's the victory Maps
this tless this is the left we've got to
take but show the left B next to the B
Hotel surpris you haven't booked Us in
there no woman allowed in that all right
I'm putting four beams on this is the
most has been to Blackpool a couple of
times and said to me just camera then
this is the most D in danger ever felt
anyone me and Ben have walked the
streets of Buenos SS I have said I will
never return there here we are all of
Bloomfield oh my God where have I booked
us I'm actually not sure what I've done
with it a that's quite
nice underwhelming you notice obviously
that so many crimes here a year um need
to add on your one more crime that oh so
it only violent crimes not sexual so
yours doesn't count
I called you basically
enough I tell you what this is nice no
sign of violence now let's get some
sleep tomorrow the violence begins bring
Blackpool morning you know um violent
crime stuff sounded like there's a
violent crime being committed in the
room next to us last
night someone was in pain or ecstasy
they did they kept saying they didn't
want it to stop so maybe B you will look
realistic I look at this plate of food
and can see why Americans and other
countries get confused as to why we'd
eat it but also your breakfast have
22,000 calories in them so really one
one look at that for a
view this is BR that is actually the
best way we can describe a view of BR by
the way let's go out and attack
Blackpool not in that way we might be
attacked in Blackpool based on the
statistics there's some famous beaches
out there Miami the beaches of the
small this beach appears to just be C
people laughed at the co- Choice who's
warm now this
guy let's do this thing I'm going to
walk backwards and reel off some stats
there are
769.41 th000 people which makes it 76.9
7 violent crimes for a th000 people or
7.96 7 for 100 people so there's a 7% %
chance or round up to 8% chance we see a
violent crime committed today we won't
we don't even see another human good to
see [ __ ] farage's policies on show
here Ben that's a violent crime You'
just been attacked by an XEL bully
that's ridiculous already attacked does
feel like that's maybe contributing to
some of the statistics after the roller
coaster tracks not on I was sing the
intro for this video we've never
experienced violence of football ever uh
just in like we've never been in a fight
never been in a fight maybe tell this
the let's get free ticked
off it's 9:00 a.m. and the chippies
open what's going on
there where is he
going oh don't what are you doing also
by the way once again this is a football
channel like poting at it go on
Cristiano Ronaldo whenever he
SCS you don't have to say the the did
that ruin it did that ruin the joke did
it just a police
car nor that it's only violent crimes
there's a family Pub if even the
8-year-olds are getting on it absolute
chaos my favorite of the combination ice
cream and cigarettes and pharmaceuticals
go on
W thought we were go black pool not
Paris so intrigued by they've got
meatloaf next to Ariana Grande there is
if King Charles does meet and greets
Blackpool thank you they ever run out of
um sausages for the chip shops just
chopped one of the fingers off bab is
everything okay barely touched you Ben
rock yeah I'm all for it is there must
be oh that's Billy they did have one
named after me after all oh
you doesn't need call me a TT it's 9:00
a.m. what is going on all right so
admittedly we were sort of thinking we'
see a little bit more in terms of
violence it just seems to be quite just
a seaside resort but Ben is just off to
go and kick that police car to get some
content and that is what that's what you
should be paid it is go and do it then
I'll give you a tener ten I was going to
say fire so obviously Blackpool used to
be known as the UK's Las Vegas and to be
fair like in the summer I imagine it's
really lovely to come here and we're not
here to be like Oh Black pool's bad
we're just here to see if it is violent
we are in the most violent town in the
UK to watch a football match so see what
it's like in the UK this is a mirror art
I call it some other quotes from it mom
and dad took me as a kid and it was
amazing a playground of fun and
entertainment I went back a couple of
years ago it was a depressing toll I
lived in black boy when I was younger
and it's so aesthetically so dead the
promad is a mess of buildings of no
identity you'll be lucky to find a
squirrel so if we don't find a crime
today we'll find a squirrel I don't
really know what to I've never been to
Blackpool before this is sort of to me
it's like me and you go to a random
place in Europe I'm just experiencing
somewh new for the first time let's go
get some donuts let's play on an arcade
let's get fish and chips let's go in the
away end today that's where the most
violence tends to happen just have a
shoot shoot you class at getting
tickets do you see much violence in
Black poit
all not really a donut yeah got cheers
to Britain's most violent Town
cheers what just eating there it's sugar
oil I've gone back for f that we
actually might have seen a crime here
something to do with that BMW we did
just literally I didn't record it which
is really poor for me cuz it's the one
thing that happened someone's just
driving on the pavement past us back
there spoons Point men let's do it
cheers right we quite frankly have to do
this officially Britain's best fishing
chips all right so that's that is pretty
cool that our menu is a is a little
newspaper how do I say sausage and chips
what do I mean how do I say I'm in
England okay whatever happens to this
video from here on out this is glorious
this is going to be absolutely biblical
that looks phenomenal oh my I can't you
run out superlative sport you really
just it is the best fishing is the best
chips I've ever had move me to Black
ho no no wonder the crime rate is so
high with the Cannabis candy floss and
popcorn the worst part is you just know
was like the worst 8-year-old you've
ever met in your life it's like thinking
he's cool walking around school with
that just scored a 90th minute winner
running off to the away end
why does this place exist just please
show the mug what that
thiss I got shed in
Black why is this
place and bongs and people say Britain
doesn't have culture hey oh would you
want some
prime no I want some crime we can't come
here and not get a stick of Rock Let's
get a stick of rock and then let's go
watch the football come on when they
said the rocking pory I didn't think
they meant why do I not get a bit of
rock the other one was imprinted is it
this one it's just a present is for
Barry how give me that give me them Good
Vibes yeah you might get it back
manifest anything does it have a taste
let's find
out soft and sad just like rock you know
what I've also realized we haven't had
bit when was the last football match me
and you went to where the actual part of
the day is really good was a football
it's been a while so today I'm hoping we
see a really funny interesting football
match we're in the exit end exter and a
relegation scrap need to win that's
quite funny going to be 300 exit fans
there today we're going to be in with
them what else want to
say tell me yeah if I did I thought it'd
be telepathic I also want to say a huge
thanks to this video sponsor whatnot
whatnot is wear sell my football shirts
on three times a month is the perfect
platform you want to buy football shirts
myself and dozens of football shirts
sellers on there you can also get
shipped internationally over there
wherever you are in the world I will
ship my shirts to you it's the only
place I sell football shirts I still get
hundreds of messages every month ask you
where I sell my football shirts I sell
them on whatnot it's free to sign up
using the link at the top of the
description and if you sign up using my
link you get £10 completely free you can
use that with myself you can use it with
any seller it comes up and check out any
of the sellers on there it's not just
football shirts they sell on there
there's sports cards there's memorabilia
there's even Handbags and designer
clothes in there as well now go over to
my profile and make sure as you can see
on screen to bookmark when my live shows
are you get notified when I go live as I
said I'm on live three times a month on
Twitter and Instagram outdate people as
well a huge thanks to them for just
sponsoring some of the content as well
and I'm working together with me for so
long now it's been really great to give
away2 200 every single stream completely
free no stre detach and I also answer
loads of questions as well so make sure
to come and join me three times a month
on whatnot let's get off to Blackpool
against exitor yeah
man are you all right so to get behind
the wheel after your certain rock yeah I
think um yeah sort of when you're a
veteran in that c of sort of rock scene
you know surprised they let me bu over
the counter here we are Bloomfield Road
New ground tick ex a need a win right so
either they win it's a amazing or they
losing their fan base as a breakdown
it's going to be phenomenal to be in
that aend for
us he so
irritated shout out to ex they given us
a free badge for The Club of our tickets
there you are and also shout out to
Blackpool they've given all the way fans
a free hot drink this is amazing
Hospitality come on violent free hot
drink what a place I'm moving to Black
what they didn't say what they we're not
going to say on camera but they said you
got to throw your drink over something
cheeky little new tick Ben Bloomfield
Road that brings your total am I allowed
to announce your toal yeah I've done 66
of the 92 sorry I've just broke your
announcement there I have the feeling
Ben I don't know why I've just got a gut
feeling this is going to be an all time
away day and I hope it is cuz the
content recently has not been great
respect from a fellow
mascot is this your way of saying you
know do you know what a
legendar Bluefield bear is in away day
fan that's class listening to ex fans
predict the game predicting they could
lose by four or five there was a 70 TW
around in there 70 floating around from
M John actually a host of an ex City
Podcast with David Earl and another
third host don't know who that is I
think it really could go way we could
either like play really well and hold
out for like a nil nil or
lose are you the BBC's payroll was like
we might win we might not you know
that's football they got the best
striker in the division probably and one
of the biggest budget Jordan roads oh
[ __ ] Jordan roads I just there's no
violence is there what stupid oh May me
in bluei a scrap it's weird for the
mascot to come in the away end why is he
number 53 I don't know I he's knocked
out this week
official oh my God that is amazing thank
you so that is so good thank
that's so you're meant to be doing a
video on how violent it is and you just
been given a certificate the most
violent place to watch football I've
been given a certificate by the mascot
oh that is so way days for that to
happen I love British culture CH who are
you at the child
mascot see you
outside I've just got a feeling Ben that
this is going to be really funny I can't
believe I've been given a certificate we
it's not it's maybe the least violent
I've ever felt a football game when
people ask wellis where did the blue cat
go you're not laughing at the black pool
ball boys are you they are bad car them
coats are blue Lads they are
bad what is going on
why I might become an exitor fan this is
good with
Ry come on then come on come
on there shers in the crowds the
violence is going to happen after
all look how ominous this guy in the
distance looks just there in between the
boxes and his little flat coat like an
undercover cup probably trying to
discover you can find some football cuz
there's none being played on the pitch
at the moment it's a corner appar only
one in 67 going in according to John
I love English football so much it's a
black p penalty and it was it
was he's going left he's going left
right I I'll let him know he's going
told I told
you apparently this is the ref that
looks like me Alfie could you overl an
image of every on screen people tweeting
him all the time I don't see it oh my
oh to have a shot on target my day is
made this has been so good what a fan
just watch this guy he's eaten the
entire inside of the pie first and then
he now going for the outside just got a
dry past got dry pastry instead now what
legend can see it coming a mile off
sorry John as an EXO fan but who started
who started applauding the goal did you
applaud the goal yeah Finish Well Hal
time I don't think ex had a shot sit
down that's
regr why going yes come on as it's like
a go you're
going it's all exellent
out what point does someone turn on us
we're being off and out by some
six-year-olds over there yeah I'd have
him look at him over there it's not a
touchdown mate it's the wrong spot it's
a wrong
spot it's a shot on target it's a sh
a we a we a we've had a shot we've had a
shot we've had a shot we've had a shot
that's you in pop world
sh just had gold and he's not shot I
just heard one of the fans say I'm going
to kill
myself you know when people say like the
worst part of a weekend of football is
the match itself I think our videos sort
of always prove that point the match
part is always the worst part of the
video although I might it punch in a
minute so maybe that would be the best
part his exit is adamant to get the
see that turn of pace that ball was
phenomenal what
that oh yes no what to
nowhere oh that's
player you know you are your own player
one of the match balls has gone into the
Brad into the black ball end and a GU he
just took it and put it under his coat
and he not been called a aner by
everyone other black B fans he's now
just took the ball and booted on the
pitch oh hang on a
minute oh hang on a minute surely not is
this the start there a free kick for
exitor John who watches ex every week he
just said to me this could go
in the keeper has a lot of his left side
free actually we have an amazing ENT of
the game he could do this
look how uninterested the Stewart is
he's looking at the
floor he's being moaned at by
him oh yanic wi is running down the
way Yanik Wich run down the wing for me
oh yanic
Oh I thought that genuinely thought that
was in that
no I want to be reason I want to reason
with this man and say you just they have
just played sick in the league
embarrassing embarassing why is with
this trend of managers all going up to
the home end Jo a yes yes yes now when
when did that become thing I don't like
it I don't like it look off
why I've been to see ex play twice and
both times it's ended very sour so you
guys are ponus and exitor fans yeah
that's very cool I se some of your
videos oh I appreciate that have a safe
journey back to
Deon are we going to be attack or not or
not you see it right Ben 5 Hour journey
home come
on get me
over was it dangerous no was it
hilarious at times I've been make sure
to subscribe more football sh content
and more away days CIA ciao bye
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