The Surprising TRUTH about Prompts in Midjourney

Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
19 Jan 202315:51

TLDRThis video delves into the intricacies of prompt syntax in Midjourney, exploring whether variations like punctuation, text order, and text weight influence the resulting images. Through detailed experiments, it reveals that longer prompts aren't necessarily more effective, and the positioning of text elements and the use of punctuation like commas and periods don't substantially alter outcomes. The video emphasizes the importance of text weights in prompts, showing how they can significantly shift focus within images. Additionally, it addresses myths about the predictability of using seeds in generating consistent results, ultimately demonstrating how to optimize prompt structuring for desired outcomes in Midjourney.


  • 📝 **Prompt Length**: Short and long prompts can both be effective, depending on the desired outcome. More words don't necessarily mean better results.
  • 🔍 **Mid-Journey Understanding**: Mid-Journey seems to understand the general concept of a prompt regardless of the specific words used at the beginning or end.
  • 🧩 **Image Variation**: Adding more details to a prompt can change the interpretation and outcome of the generated image, sometimes diluting the importance of other elements.
  • 🔄 **Order of Words**: The order in which words are placed in a prompt does not significantly affect the final image, contrary to some beliefs.
  • ✅ **Punctuation and Grammar**: Mid-Journey does not pay much attention to punctuation or grammar; the core concept is understood regardless.
  • 🔑 **Quotation Marks**: There might be a slight difference when using quotation marks, possibly indicating a special focus or interpretation by the system.
  • 🚫 **Spaces and Structure**: Removing spaces or mixing up word order does not drastically change the outcome, indicating that Mid-Journey recognizes the overall concept rather than specific word placement.
  • ⚖️ **Text Weights**: Using text weights can significantly influence the generated image, emphasizing certain aspects of the prompt over others.
  • ⚠️ **Extreme Weights**: Be cautious with extreme text weights as they can render other parts of the prompt less significant or even irrelevant.
  • 🎲 **Re-rolling with Seeds**: Using the same seed with a prompt ensures consistency in image generation. However, re-rolling introduces randomness and changes the underlying seed.
  • 📈 **Consistency with Seeds**: The seed parameter is crucial for maintaining consistency. Any change in the prompt, even a single letter, can lead to a different outcome.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the transcript is the secret language of prompts in mid-journey, focusing on prompt syntax and how it affects the generated images.

  • What are the different types of prompts mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions short prompts, long prompts, and extremely detailed prompts, as well as the use of punctuation and grammar within prompts.

  • How does the order of words in a prompt affect the generated image?

    -The order of words in a prompt does not significantly affect the generated image. The transcript demonstrates that changing the order of words results in similar images.

  • What is the role of punctuation in prompt syntax?

    -Punctuation, such as commas, periods, slashes, and brackets, is mostly irrelevant in prompt syntax. The transcript shows that the generated images are similar regardless of the punctuation used.

  • How does the use of quotation marks in a prompt affect the generated image?

    -The use of quotation marks may slightly affect the focus on certain elements of the generated image, such as the head decoration or jewelry, but it does not fundamentally change the interpretation of the prompt.

  • What is the impact of spaces in a prompt on the generated image?

    -Spaces in a prompt are less important than generally accepted. The transcript shows that removing all spaces and creating one long word still results in a similar image.

  • How do text weights in a prompt influence the generated image?

    -Text weights can significantly influence the generated image by emphasizing certain segments of the prompt over others. Using extreme text weights can make other segments of the prompt almost meaningless.

  • What is the purpose of the seed parameter in prompts?

    -The seed parameter is used to maintain consistency in the generated images. Using the same seed with the same prompt will produce the same image across different generations.

  • Why are re-rolled images with the same seed different from the original?

    -When the reroll button is used, it replaces the original seed with a random one, even if the displayed seed number remains the same. This results in a completely different image.

  • What is the significance of the double colon in multi-prompts?

    -The double colon is used to separate multiple segments in a prompt, and it has a significant impact on the generated image, allowing for more control over the interpretation of each segment.

  • How should one adjust text weights in a prompt to maintain balance?

    -When increasing the weight of certain segments in a prompt, it's important to also adjust the other weights to ensure they don't become insignificant, maintaining a balanced contribution to the overall image.

  • What is the recommendation for using commas in structuring prompts?

    -While punctuation is mostly irrelevant, it is still good practice to use commas to structure prompts in a conveniently readable format for better understanding and readability.



🤔 Prompt Syntax and Image Generation

The paragraph discusses the impact of prompt syntax on image generation using a hypothetical AI system called 'mid-journey.' It explores whether the structure of a prompt, such as the use of commas, brackets, quotation marks, and dashes, affects the output. The speaker also addresses the importance of prompt length and the role of punctuation in conveying the intended concept. The paragraph includes an apology for the speaker's voice quality due to recent illness and presents a series of image comparisons to illustrate the discussion points.


🔍 The Role of Grammar and Punctuation

This section of the script investigates whether the AI system 'mid-journey' understands grammar and punctuation. It compares prompts with different punctuation marks, including commas, periods, slashes, and brackets, to those without any punctuation. The speaker also examines the effect of changing the order of words in a prompt and removing spaces altogether. The findings suggest that punctuation and the order of words are less critical than previously thought, with the AI still interpreting the prompts in a similar manner.


📈 Text Weights and Multi-Prompts

The paragraph delves into the concept of text weights and multi-prompts in the context of the AI image generation system. It explains how using double colons and assigning weights to different segments of a prompt can significantly influence the generated images. The speaker demonstrates how increasing the weight of certain prompt segments can emphasize those aspects in the output image, potentially to the detriment of other segments if their weights are not adjusted accordingly. The paragraph also clarifies the use of the seed parameter for consistency in image generation and cautions against using the reroll button if a specific seed is desired.


📚 Practical Tips for Prompt Crafting

The final paragraph offers practical advice based on the insights gained from the previous discussions. It emphasizes the limited importance of punctuation and word order in prompts, the significance of using text weights judiciously, and the necessity of understanding the seed parameter for consistent results. The speaker encourages viewers to learn from these findings to refine their approach to prompt crafting and to watch additional videos for more in-depth guidance on using text weights and mastering the AI system.



💡Prompt Syntax

Prompt syntax refers to the structure and arrangement of words and phrases within a prompt, which is a set of instructions given to a text-generating AI like Midjourney. In the video, it is discussed how different ways of writing prompts can affect the AI's output. For example, using commas, brackets, and quotation marks may lead to slight variations in the generated images, but the core concept remains interpreted similarly.


Midjourney is an AI-based image generation tool that interprets prompts to create visual outputs. The video explores how Midjourney processes different types of prompts and the impact of prompt syntax on the generated images. It is central to understanding the video's theme of how to effectively communicate with AI to achieve desired results.


A seed in the context of Midjourney is a parameter that, when used, ensures the consistency of the generated image across different generations. The video explains that using the same seed with an unchanged prompt will always yield the same image, emphasizing the importance of precision in prompt formulation.

💡Text Weights

Text weights are a feature in Midjourney that allows users to assign different levels of importance to various segments of a prompt. By adjusting text weights, users can emphasize certain aspects of the prompt over others, significantly influencing the final image generated by the AI. The video demonstrates how extreme text weights can dilute the importance of other segments in a prompt.


Re-rolling in Midjourney is the process of generating a new image from the same prompt without changing the seed. The video clarifies that re-rolling introduces a random element, effectively disregarding the set seed, and leads to different outcomes each time it is used, contrasting with the consistent results from using a specific seed.


Punctuation in the context of the video refers to the use of various symbols like commas, periods, and brackets within a prompt. It is explored whether punctuation affects the AI's interpretation and the resulting image. The video concludes that while punctuation doesn't significantly alter the AI's understanding, it can slightly influence the output.


Grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of sentences in a language. The video investigates whether Midjourney's image generation is influenced by grammatical correctness and sentence structure within a prompt. It is found that grammar has minimal impact on the AI's interpretation.

💡Short Prompts vs Long Prompts

The video discusses the difference between short and long prompts in terms of their effectiveness in generating images with Midjourney. It is shown that neither is inherently better; rather, the choice depends on the level of detail and creativity desired in the final image.


Multi-prompts are a way of structuring a prompt with multiple segments, often separated by a double colon, to give different parts of the prompt different levels of importance. The video explains how multi-prompts can be used to control the focus of the generated image, with a caution that extreme weighting can overshadow other elements.


Consistency in the video refers to the reliability of the output when using the same prompt and seed in Midjourney. It is emphasized that consistency is crucial for accurate and predictable results, and any change in the prompt, no matter how minor, can lead to a different image.

💡Creative Images

Creative images are the unique and imaginative visual outputs generated by Midjourney in response to a prompt. The video discusses how the use of different prompt syntaxes can lead to a range of creative images, from simple to highly detailed, showcasing the potential of AI in artistic creation.


The importance of prompt syntax in generating images with Midjourney is explored, dispelling myths and providing insights into how the system interprets prompts.

Short vs. long prompts: It depends on the desired outcome, with some creative images resulting from just a few words.

Adding terms like 'Bavaria' and 'Barbarian' to a prompt influences the style of the generated image, particularly in the armor worn by the character.

Introducing more details into a prompt can change the interpretation significantly, potentially diluting other elements.

The order of words in a prompt does not significantly affect the final image, contrary to some claims.

Midjourney does not seem to prioritize words based on their position in the prompt, whether at the beginning or end.

Punctuation such as commas, periods, slashes, and brackets has little impact on how the prompt is interpreted by Midjourney.

Quotation marks may have a slightly different effect on the generated image, possibly focusing more on certain elements.

Grammar and sentence structure are not crucial for Midjourney's interpretation of prompts.

The use of spaces in a prompt is less important than generally accepted, with the system still recognizing the intended segments.

Text weights and multi-prompts can significantly alter the generated image, emphasizing certain aspects over others.

Extreme text weights can render other segments of the prompt almost meaningless, so careful adjustment is necessary.

Using the same seed with Midjourney ensures consistency in image generation, regardless of when the command is issued.

The reroll button in Midjourney replaces the seed with a random number, leading to different results each time.

Consistency in prompts and understanding the impact of the seed parameter is crucial for achieving desired outcomes in Midjourney.

The video provides practical advice on structuring prompts effectively and understanding the functionality of Midjourney's features.

Learning to use text weights can give users more control over their prompts and the resulting images.