The Ultimate AI Photo Culling Face Off | Aftershoot vs. FilterPixel vs. Narrative Select

Britney Clause
8 Mar 202435:31

TLDRBritney, a former photographer and current user experience practitioner, reviews three AI photo culling systems: Aftershoot, FilterPixel, and Narrative Select. Her aim is to determine which system can most effectively streamline a photographer's workflow. She evaluates the systems based on pricing, speed, user interface, and call quality. Aftershoot and Narrative Select emerge as the winners, with Aftershoot excelling in interface design and ease of correcting AI mistakes, while Narrative Select impresses with its speed and system communication. However, Britney notes that all systems have room for improvement and that finding the right balance between AI and human oversight is crucial for maximizing efficiency and ensuring quality in photo culling.


  • 📷 Britney, a former photographer, explores AI photo culling software to streamline her workflow.
  • 💻 Three main AI photo culling systems are discussed: Aftershoot, FilterPixel, and Narrative Select.
  • 💰 Pricing is a significant factor, with Aftershoot being the most affordable at $10/month, FilterPixel at $12/month, and Narrative Select at $15/month.
  • ⏱️ Narrative Select is the fastest in the speed test, taking only 3 seconds to cull 399 images.
  • 🎨 Aftershoot's interface is praised for its organization and user-friendly design, including tooltips and video tutorials.
  • 🔍 FilterPixel's interface is compact and straightforward, with helpful tooltips and a tutorial video for clarification.
  • 📐 Narrative Select offers a feature-rich sidebar and detailed image information, but it has a steeper learning curve.
  • 🤖 All three systems made similar selections, including some errors, suggesting they use similarly tuned AI technology.
  • 🔄 Aftershoot's spray can tool and customizable keyboard shortcuts make it easy to correct AI mistakes.
  • 📂 FilterPixel provides a straightforward export process, making it the most convenient for users who prefer drag-and-drop.
  • 🤔 Britney questions the balance between AI efficiency and the need for human oversight, as manual checks are still necessary to ensure quality.
  • 🌟 Both Aftershoot and Narrative Select are winners, but the ideal balance between AI and human effort remains a personal and evolving process.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a comparison and review of three AI photo culling software: Aftershoot, FilterPixel, and Narrative Select, focusing on their performance, user interface, and efficiency in a photographer's workflow.

  • Why did Britney decide to review these AI photo culling systems?

    -Britney decided to review these AI photo culling systems to determine which one performs the best for her needs and to see if she made a mistake by not experimenting with all systems before paying for Aftershoot.

  • What are the key categories Britney is using to evaluate the systems?

    -The key categories Britney is using to evaluate the systems are pricing, speed of image culling, user interface, and the quality of the culling.

  • What does Britney like about Aftershoot's pricing structure?

    -Britney likes that Aftershoot prominently features their free trial offering on the pricing page with a large button, and that their Select tier, which includes AI-assisted selections, is priced at $10 per month when billed annually.

  • How does FilterPixel's free trial compare to Aftershoot's?

    -FilterPixel's free trial was recently upgraded from 14 days to 30 days, which Britney appreciates as it gives users more time to test the product, although she still questions if 30 days is sufficient.

  • What does Narrative Select offer in their free trial that is different from the other two systems?

    -Narrative Select offers a free trial that includes six project trials, rather than a daily trial, which alleviates time pressure and allows users to test the system at their own pace.

  • What was the result of the speed test for culling 399 images?

    -The speed test results were as follows: Aftershoot took 4 minutes and 48 seconds, Britney's manual culling took 4 minutes and 26 seconds, FilterPixel took 4 minutes and 4 seconds, and Narrative Select was the fastest at approximately 3 seconds.

  • How does Aftershoot's user interface contribute to its efficiency?

    -Aftershoot's user interface is well-organized with clear sectioning, offering quick filters, advanced filters, sorting options, and a helpful shortcuts guide. It also provides tooltips and an in-app video tutorial for assistance.

  • What feature of Narrative Select's user interface did Britney find particularly useful?

    -Britney found the on-image eye and focus assessment shapes and colors in Narrative Select particularly useful, as they correspond to the same colors in the face mode side panel, offering eye information and focus quality.

  • What is Britney's overall conclusion on the effectiveness of AI culling systems in a photographer's workflow?

    -Britney concludes that while AI culling systems can speed up the workflow, finding the right balance between relying on AI and providing human oversight is crucial. She suggests that the time savings from using AI may be negated if extensive manual review is required to correct AI selections.

  • What advice does Britney give for testing these AI culling systems?

    -Britney advises testing these systems during real client sessions and to try different oversight strategies to find the best balance between AI efficiency and human review.



📸 Introduction to AI in Photography

Britney, a former photographer and current user experience practitioner, introduces the topic of artificial intelligence in the photography sphere. She discusses her intention to evaluate different AI photo editing software, namely Aftershoot, Filter Pixel, and Narrative Select, to determine which can most efficiently enhance a photographer's workflow. Britney discloses her previous use of Aftershoot and her criteria for evaluation, which include pricing, speed of image selection, user interface, and call quality. She emphasizes the importance of respecting differing opinions and invites viewers to share their experiences with AI culling.


💰 Pricing Comparison of AI Photo Software

The video segment focuses on the pricing models of Aftershoot, Filter Pixel, and Narrative Select. Britney appreciates Aftershoot's prominent free trial offer and notes its tiered pricing, with the Select tier being of interest at $10 per month when billed annually. Filter Pixel offers a basic free tier and a Pro tier at $12 per month, billed annually, with a flexible seasonal option. Narrative Select provides six project trials in its free option and a Pro tier at $15 per month, billed annually. Britney acknowledges Aftershoot as the cheapest option but appreciates Narrative Select's project-based free trial for its flexibility.


⏱️ Speed Test of AI Culling Systems

Britney conducts a speed test using images from a wedding photographed in October 2023 to compare the efficiency of Aftershoot, Filter Pixel, and Narrative Select. She manually culls the same set of images for a baseline comparison. Aftershoot takes 4 minutes and 48 seconds, Britney's manual cull takes 4 minutes and 26 seconds, Filter Pixel takes 4 minutes and 4 seconds, and Narrative Select astonishingly takes only 3 seconds. The results highlight Narrative Select's superior speed in image selection.


🎨 User Interface and Experience Evaluation

The evaluation shifts to the user interface and experience of the three AI systems. Aftershoot is praised for its organized layout, clear sectioning, and helpful tooltips. Filter Pixel's interface is compact with a familiar color scheme, though it lacks some customization options. Narrative Select stands out with a lighter theme and a feature-rich sidebar, offering various view modes and tools. Britney finds Aftershoot's interface most appealing due to its seamless organization and balance of information.


💬 System Communication and Feedback

Britney discusses how each system communicates with users about their images. Aftershoot places a high priority on communication, providing tooltips, email alerts, and a feedback tool for the UI. Filter Pixel offers a compact design with straightforward tooltips and hover-over information. Narrative Select provides extensive communication, including informational tooltips, hover-over text, and assessments. Britney appreciates Narrative Select's detailed image assessments, despite a minor critique about unclear communication regarding duplicate images.


🛠️ Correcting AI Mistakes and Interface Efficiency

The segment explores the ease of correcting AI mistakes within each system. Aftershoot's Loop mode allows for smooth navigation and quick selection changes using keyboard shortcuts. Filter Pixel's full-screen mode relies on arrow keys and right-click options, which might be less comfortable for quick corrections. Narrative Select's duplicate viewing is noted as inefficient, but Britney discovers a method to view images within a scene using arrow keys. Aftershoot is favored for its ease of navigation and customization options.


📁 Exporting Process and Final Thoughts

Britney evaluates the exporting process of the three systems, noting that all allow for drag-and-drop functionality, which she prefers. Aftershoot's export menu is detailed but could be condensed. Filter Pixel offers a straightforward export process, while Narrative Select, after a recent update, simplifies exporting with a new interface. Filter Pixel is considered the most straightforward for exporting to applications or folders. Britney concludes that finding the right balance between AI and human effort is crucial and that the perfect balance is an evolving process. She invites viewers to share their thoughts and experiences with AI culling software.


📈 Final Scores and Conclusion

After tallying the points from the various categories, Britney declares Aftershoot and Narrative Select as the winners with two points each, while Filter Pixel trails with half a point. She reflects on the challenge of determining the true time savings and productivity gains from using AI in photography. Britney emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between AI efficiency and human oversight. She encourages viewers to test the systems for themselves and form their own conclusions, acknowledging the continuous improvement in AI technology for photographers.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is utilized in photo culling software to automate the selection process of photographs, thereby aiming to speed up a photographer's workflow. The video discusses the use of AI in three specific photo culling software: Aftershoot, FilterPixel, and Narrative Select.

💡Photo Culling

Photo culling is the process of reviewing and selecting the best photographs from a larger set, typically after a photoshoot. It is a crucial step in a photographer's workflow. The video script focuses on how AI can assist in this process, making it more efficient by automatically selecting images based on certain criteria.


Aftershoot is one of the AI photo culling software options mentioned in the video. It is highlighted as a tool that the presenter, Britney, has previously used and paid for during a busy wedding season. The software is compared with others in terms of pricing, speed, user interface, and call quality.


FilterPixel is another AI-driven photo culling software that claims to be the fastest, as mentioned in its tagline. The video compares FilterPixel with Aftershoot and Narrative Select based on several criteria, including its free trial duration, pricing structure, and the efficiency of its AI in selecting images.

💡Narrative Select

Narrative Select is the third AI photo culling software featured in the video. It is noted for its unique approach to the free trial, offering six project trials instead of a time-based trial. The video evaluates Narrative Select on its pricing, speed of operation, user interface, and the quality of its AI selections.

💡User Interface (UI)

The user interface, or UI, refers to the space where interactions between users and a digital device occur. In the context of the video, the UI of the three photo culling software is assessed for its layout, design, and ease of use. A good UI can significantly improve a photographer's experience and efficiency when using the software.


Pricing is a key consideration for photographers when choosing AI photo culling software. The video discusses the pricing models of Aftershoot, FilterPixel, and Narrative Select, taking into account factors such as the cost, the length of the free trial, and the features included in each tier of service.

💡Smart Tech

Smart Tech refers to technology that performs tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as learning and problem-solving. In the video, Smart Tech is used to describe the AI capabilities within the photo culling software that analyze and select images based on predefined criteria.


A workflow refers to the sequence of steps taken to complete a certain task or process. In the video, the presenter discusses how AI photo culling software can potentially speed up a photographer's workflow by automating the image selection process, thus saving time and effort.

💡AI-Assisted Selections

AI-Assisted Selections are the choices made by the AI within the photo culling software to pick the best images from a batch. The video evaluates how well the AI in Aftershoot, FilterPixel, and Narrative Select performs this task, considering factors like accuracy and the ability to correct any AI mistakes.


Exporting in the context of the video refers to the process of transferring the selected images from the AI photo culling software to another platform or storage location. The ease and options available for exporting images are compared across the three software options.


Britney, a former photographer turned user experience practitioner, explores AI photo culling software.

Three main AI photo culling systems are discussed: Aftershoot, FilterPixel, and Narrative Select.

Aftershoot is noted for its 30-day free trial and straightforward pricing at $10/month.

FilterPixel offers a basic free tier and a Pro tier with a 30-day trial, priced at $12/month.

Narrative Select provides six project trials in its free option and a Pro tier at $15/month.

Britney emphasizes the importance of pricing, speed, user interface, and call quality in evaluating the systems.

Aftershoot's interface is appreciated for its organization and helpful tooltips.

FilterPixel's compact UI and straightforward operation are highlighted.

Narrative Select's unique lighter theme and rich feature set in the sidebar stand out.

The speed test shows Narrative Select as the fastest at 3 seconds for 399 images.

Aftershoot's spray can tool and customizable keyboard shortcuts aid in efficient image selection.

FilterPixel's simple communication and effective use of tooltips are praised.

Narrative Select's detailed image assessments and focus on clarity in communication are commended.

Exporting capabilities are compared, with FilterPixel offering a straightforward process.

All three systems show similarities in call quality, making it challenging to distinguish based on results alone.

Britney concludes that finding a balance between AI and human oversight is crucial for photographers.

The video encourages viewers to test different AI culling systems to find what works best for their workflow.

Britney's personal experience and insights into AI in photography are shared, inviting further discussion.