The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Writing with AI in 2024

The Nerdy Novelist
8 Jan 202422:20

TLDRIn this comprehensive guide, Jason Hamilton shares insights on using AI for writing fiction and non-fiction. He clarifies misconceptions about AI as a productivity tool rather than a replacement for human creativity. Hamilton discusses various AI models and writing tools like Pseudorite, Novel Crafter, and Future Fiction Academy, emphasizing their role in assisting authors through different stages of the writing process. He also addresses concerns about the legality and quality control of AI-assisted writing, encouraging authors to maintain a high standard for their work.


  • πŸ“ AI, specifically generative AI, is a tool for writers that predicts the next word based on a given prompt.
  • πŸ” The process of writing with AI is known as Prompt Engineering, which involves using AI to assist in various stages of book writing.
  • πŸ“š AI can aid in brainstorming, outlining, character creation, and world-building, among other aspects of the writing process.
  • πŸ€– AI is not a replacement for human creativity but acts as a productivity partner, helping authors focus on more creative tasks.
  • 🚫 There are no major penalties from tech companies like Amazon for using AI in writing, but authors are responsible for the quality of their books.
  • πŸ› οΈ Different AI writing tools utilize various models, each with its strengths and weaknesses, suited for specific writing tasks.
  • πŸ“ˆ The choice of AI model depends on the task at hand, with some models being better for natural language while others may be cheaper or uncensored.
  • πŸ“± User-friendly AI writing tools like Pseudorite and Novel Crafter streamline the writing process for fiction authors.
  • 🎨 AI art tools like Dolly 3 and Midjourney can complement AI writing tools, providing visual elements for storytelling.
  • πŸ“Š Starting small and expanding ideas through outlines and chapter beats is a recommended process for using AI in book creation.
  • πŸ’‘ AI can help overcome writer's block and mental challenges, making the writing process more accessible and enjoyable.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to provide a comprehensive guide for beginners on using AI for writing various types of content, including fiction and non-fiction.

  • Who is the speaker of the video?

    -The speaker of the video is Jason Hamilton, a novelist and an expert in the field of writing and self-publishing books.

  • What does the term 'generative AI' refer to in the context of the video?

    -In the context of the video, 'generative AI' refers to AI that auto-predicts the next word based on the prompt given to it, essentially generating content based on user input.

  • What is 'Prompt Engineering' in the world of book writing?

    -Prompt Engineering is the process of crafting effective prompts for AI to generate desired writing results, which is a crucial part of using AI in book writing.

  • How does Jason Hamilton use AI in his own writing process?

    -Jason Hamilton uses AI for the first draft of his writing, finding it helpful in overcoming the difficulty of getting the first draft down, and then fleshes it out from there.

  • What misconception does Jason address about AI in writing?

    -Jason addresses the misconception that AI can do all the work for the writer. He emphasizes that AI is a productivity partner and does not take the humanity out of the writing process.

  • What are the potential concerns authors might have about using AI in their writing?

    -Authors might be concerned about getting into trouble with platforms like Amazon or Google for using AI, or about the quality of their work if they rely too heavily on AI-generated content.

  • What is the difference between AI models and AI writing tools?

    -AI models are large language models trained on massive amounts of data, usually created by big companies. AI writing tools, on the other hand, utilize these models and format them in specific ways for certain audiences or purposes.

  • What are some AI writing tools mentioned in the video?

    -Some AI writing tools mentioned in the video include Pseudorite, Novel Crafter, and the Future Fiction Academy's Rexy.

  • What are the advantages of using open-source AI models?

    -Open-source AI models are cheaper to run and uncensored, allowing for the creation of content that might not be suitable for safe for work requirements.

  • How does Jason suggest using AI in the writing process?

    -Jason suggests starting small and working up, using AI to help with various stages of the writing process such as brainstorming, outlining, and drafting, but always ensuring the quality and alignment with the author's vision.



πŸ“š Introduction to AI in Writing

The speaker, Jason Hamilton, introduces himself as an experienced author and discusses his journey with AI in writing. He explains the concept of generative AI, emphasizing its role as a predictive tool based on user prompts. Hamilton shares his experiences with AI, highlighting its impact on the writing process, including brainstorming, outlining, character creation, and world-building. He dispels the myth that AI replaces the human author, positioning it as a productivity partner instead. The video aims to provide an overview of AI's role in writing, addressing common concerns about using AI in publishing and the importance of maintaining book quality.


πŸ€– Understanding AI Models and Writing Tools

This paragraph delves into the distinction between AI models and writing tools. It explains that models, like GPT 3.5 and GPT 4, are created by major companies and trained on vast datasets. In contrast, AI writing tools adapt these models for specific audiences, such as fiction authors. The speaker discusses various models, including those from OpenAI, Anthropic, and third-party platforms like OpenRoulette, which offer access to multiple models. The advantages of open-source models, such as cost-effectiveness and lack of censorship, are highlighted. The paragraph also touches on the selection of appropriate models based on the writing task, with a focus on creative writing and the ability to handle different content types.


πŸ“– Fiction Writing Tools and Their Features

The speaker presents an overview of AI writing tools tailored for fiction authors, including Pseudorite, Novel Crafter, and the Future Fiction Academy's Rexy. Each tool is briefly described, highlighting their user-friendliness, pricing, and unique features. Pseudorite is noted for its community plugins and one-click chapter generation, while Novel Crafter offers pay-as-you-go access to various models through OpenRoulette. Rexy is positioned as an advanced, comprehensive tool for serious writers. The speaker also recommends using ChatGPT or Claude directly for their interfaces and additional features, such as image generation. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of selecting the right tool based on individual needs and writing styles.


πŸ› οΈ The Process of Creating a Book with AI

The speaker outlines the general process of creating a book using AI tools, advocating for a gradual approach that starts with a small idea and expands through various stages of development. This includes moving from a synopsis to an outline, then to chapter beats, and finally to full chapters. The speaker refers to this method as the 'fractal technique,' drawing parallels with the pre-AI 'snowflake technique.' The paragraph emphasizes that AI is not a replacement for the author's creativity but a tool to assist in each step of the writing process. The speaker shares personal experiences with overcoming writer's block and burnout through the use of AI, positioning it as a valuable asset for mental and creative support in writing.


πŸ€” Should You Use AI to Write Your Books?

In the concluding paragraph, the speaker reflects on the question of whether one should use AI for writing books. The answer is a resounding 'yes,' with the caveat that quality must not be compromised. AI is not a shortcut to producing subpar work but a tool to aid authors, especially in overcoming mental barriers like writer's block. The speaker shares personal benefits of using AI, such as easing the burden of the blank page and reducing the impact of burnout. The paragraph ends with a call to action, inviting viewers to join a membership community for more information and support in using AI for writing, acknowledging that AI's role in writing is transformative and should be explored further.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) in this context refers to generative AI, which is a tool that predicts the next word based on the user's input. It is used as a productivity partner in the writing process, assisting with various tasks such as brainstorming, outlining, and drafting. The video discusses how AI can be integrated into the writing process to enhance productivity and overcome challenges like writer's block.

πŸ’‘Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering is the process of crafting effective prompts for AI to generate desired outputs. It involves fine-tuning the input to the AI system to ensure it produces high-quality and relevant text. This concept is crucial in the video as it explains how authors can guide AI to assist in their writing tasks.

πŸ’‘First Draft

The first draft refers to the initial version of a written work before any revisions or edits are made. In the context of the video, AI is particularly helpful in getting the first draft down, making the process of starting and completing the initial write-up more manageable for authors.

πŸ’‘Productivity Partner

A productivity partner in the context of the video refers to AI being seen as an assistant that aids in speeding up the writing process. It does not replace the human author but rather supports them in areas where they might need help, such as drafting or brainstorming, allowing the author to focus on more creative aspects.

πŸ’‘Platform Policies

Platform policies refer to the rules and guidelines set by tech companies like Amazon and Google regarding the use of AI in writing and publishing. The video clarifies that these platforms are supportive of AI and do not penalize authors for using AI-generated content, provided the content meets quality standards.


In the context of AI writing, models refer to specific language models that are trained on large datasets to generate text. These models, such as GPT 3.5 and GPT 4, are created by major companies and can be utilized by various AI writing tools to produce different types of content.

πŸ’‘AI Writing Tools

AI writing tools are applications or platforms that use AI models to assist in the writing process. These tools are designed to streamline and enhance different aspects of writing, such as generating ideas, outlines, or even full chapters. They cater to specific audiences, like fiction authors, and offer unique features to improve the writing experience.

πŸ’‘Open Source Models

Open source models are AI language models that are publicly available and can be used without restrictions. They offer advantages such as lower costs and the ability to write uncensored content, which may not be possible with models from major companies that have content restrictions.

πŸ’‘Fractal Technique

The fractal technique, as described in the video, is a novel-creating process that starts with a small idea and expands it through various stages, including a synopsis, outline, chapter beats, and finally into a full chapter. It is a structured approach to writing that can be facilitated by AI.

πŸ’‘Writer's Block

Writer's block is a common term used to describe the inability to produce new written work or the feeling of being mentally stuck when trying to write. The video highlights how AI can help overcome writer's block by reducing the pressure of starting from scratch and providing inspiration for writing.

πŸ’‘Content Quality

Content quality refers to the standard and value of the written work. In the context of the video, it is emphasized that while AI can assist in the writing process, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the quality of the book lies with the author. AI is a tool and does not replace the need for human oversight and revision.


Jason Hamilton, an experienced novelist and author, shares his insights on using AI for writing fiction and non-fiction.

AI, specifically generative AI, is defined as a tool that auto-predicts the next word based on the user's prompt.

Prompt Engineering is the process of getting the desired results from AI by refining the prompts given to it.

The primary goal of using AI in book writing is to assist in the creation of a book, whether in part or in whole.

AI is best utilized as a productivity partner, aiding in various stages of the writing process without removing the author's creativity.

Major tech companies are investing in AI, and there are no current bans or penalties for using AI in writing on platforms like Amazon.

The responsibility for the quality of the book using AI lies with the author, emphasizing the importance of validation and alignment with the author's vision.

AI writing tools differ from models; tools utilize models and format them for specific audiences or purposes.

OpenAI and Anthropic are known for creating large language models (LLMs), while open-source models offer affordability and lack of censorship.

Pseudorite is a user-friendly AI tool for beginners, allowing the generation of synopses, characters, and outlines from a brain dump of ideas.

Novel Crafter, connected to Open Router, offers a pay-as-you-go model and access to various AI models for fiction writing.

Future Fiction Academy's Rexy is a more advanced, expensive tool marketed as the Adobe Photoshop of AI fiction writing.

ChatGPT and CLA Anthropic Claud Pro are recommended as additional tools for their chat interface and diverse capabilities.

The process of creating a book with AI involves starting small, expanding ideas, and developing them into a full manuscript.

AI can help combat writer's block and mental challenges associated with writing, making it easier to overcome the barrier of beginning.

Jason Hamilton offers a membership with more information and a community focused on writing with AI, though currently closed for enrollment.