The Weird & Wonderful: How To Stand Out At Bike Festivals With Ben Cathro

21 Apr 202413:27

TLDRIn this engaging video, Ben Cathro explores the art of standing out at bike festivals. Jet-lagged but enthusiastic, he's on a quest to find the most eye-catching bikes and the individuals who make them shine. From a uniquely modified B Cruiser with a rubber duck and the ability to perform stunts, to a high-tech e-bike with drone motors and innovative braking, Cathro is amazed by the ingenuity and creativity on display. He also discusses the craftsmanship behind a four-bar suspension bike and the importance of the rider's skill. The video is a testament to the passion and innovation within the biking community, inspiring viewers to think outside the box and create something truly unique to stand out in a crowd.


  • 🚴‍♂️ The main goal at bike festivals is to stand out and attract attention to one's bike and gear.
  • 🏍️ Ben Cathro, despite being jet-lagged, is eager to observe who is doing the best job at standing out at the festival.
  • 🤣 A bike named the 'B Cruiser' with a rubber duck in the front and the ability to do bar and wheel spins is a standout example of a bike that caught attention.
  • 🛠️ There's a significant focus on innovation, such as homemade e-bikes with unique motor configurations and regenerative braking systems.
  • 🔋 The importance of battery capacity is highlighted, with one e-bike example drawing 50-60 amps, which is higher than the capacity of most e-bike batteries.
  • 🏆 A track stand challenge is mentioned, where a participant won with a standout bicycle, emphasizing the competitive and fun aspects of the festival.
  • ☕ Specialized is known for its coffee and is a popular spot for both caffeination and bike enthusiasts.
  • 🚵‍♂️ The discussion of a high-tech bike with a four-bar suspension platform and a linkage-driven shock highlights the advanced engineering in bike design.
  • 🤔 The use of carbon tubing and 3D-printed lugs in bike construction is noted, with a mention of the controversy surrounding the durability of such designs.
  • 🎁 The script suggests that to stand out at a festival, one could give away free items or create memorable experiences for attendees.
  • 🎉 Creativity and uniqueness are encouraged for those looking to stand out, with a call for more bizarre and creative approaches in the future.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the bike festival discussed in the transcript?

    -The main theme is standing out, with participants trying to attract attention to themselves and their bikes.

  • Who is the speaker in the transcript and where is he from?

    -The speaker is Ben Cathro, and he is from Scotland.

  • What is the name of the bike that Ben Cathro found and started riding around?

    -The bike is called the B Cruiser.

  • What unique feature does the B Cruiser have in the front?

    -The B Cruiser has a rubber duck in the front.

  • What is the special aspect of the homemade ebike that Ben Cathro discusses?

    -The special aspect is that the motors not only make the bike go but also regenerate to charge the battery packs. It has a unique braking system that combines electronic and mechanical braking for maximum regeneration.

  • What is the significance of the three motors, throttles, and brakes on the homemade ebike?

    -The three motors, throttles, and brakes allow for individual control and tuning of each wheel, providing enhanced performance and handling.

  • What is the score out of 30 that Ben Cathro gives to the homemade ebike's performance?

    -Ben Cathro gives the homemade ebike a score of 27 out of 30.

  • What is the unique feature of the Specialized bike that Isaac is asked about?

    -The unique feature is a four bar suspension platform with a linkage-driven shock, allowing for custom tuning of the progression and shock response.

  • What manufacturing process is mentioned for creating the bike parts?

    -A 3D printed joint like the lugs with carbon tubing is mentioned, which allows for quick iteration and testing of different setups.

  • What does Ben Cathro suggest for standing out at the bike festival next year?

    -Ben Cathro suggests doing something creative, bizarre, or giving away free stuff to attract attention and make people happy.

  • What is the score out of 30 that the track stand challenge winner receives for their performance?

    -The track stand challenge winner receives a score of 69 out of 69.

  • What is the final advice given by Ben Cathro regarding standing out at the bike festival?

    -The final advice is to create memorable experiences, be creative, and possibly give away big stuff to make people happy and stand out.



😀 Unique Bikes and Standing Out

The first paragraph introduces the theme of standing out at a bike event. It describes the narrator's jet lag and the atmosphere where everyone is trying to grab attention. The narrator expresses a desire to see who is doing the best job of standing out. A man named Master stands out by riding a bike he found, called the B Cruiser, which has a rubber duck in the front and allows him to perform stunts. There's also a discussion about the importance of standing out and the narrator's attempt to learn how to ride a bike, which ends up being a bit challenging and humorous.


🤔 Innovative E-Bike Technology

The second paragraph delves into the technical aspects of a unique e-bike. The narrator encounters a homemade e-bike with an innovative design that uses drone motors and a special braking system. The bike has no disc brakes and utilizes motor braking, with a clever setup that maximizes regenerative braking. The bike also features a potentiometer to adjust the load on the middle motor. The narrator rides the bike and is impressed by its performance and the ingenuity of the design.


🏆 Bike Design and Competition

The third paragraph discusses the importance of bike design in competition, mentioning a World Cup win by Jordan Williams. It highlights the excitement around new technology and the desire to see what's inside a mysterious box at the event. The narrator expresses frustration with the lack of information and a desire to see the contents for themselves. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on the competitive nature of the event and the various strategies exhibitors use to stand out, such as giving away free items or showcasing unique products.



💡Stand Out

The term 'stand out' refers to the act of being noticeable or distinct from others, often in a way that draws attention. In the context of the video, it is about how individuals and their bikes can distinguish themselves at a bike festival. The video discusses various ways people are trying to stand out, such as through unique bikes, stunts, or even the use of technology.

💡Bike Festivals

Bike festivals are events where enthusiasts gather to celebrate bicycles and cycling culture. They often include competitions, exhibitions, and socializing. In the video, the focus is on how to make a memorable impression at such an event, highlighting the importance of creativity and uniqueness.

💡B Cruiser

The 'B Cruiser' is a bike mentioned in the script that has been left overnight and is used to stand out at the festival. It is characterized by a rubber duck in the front and the ability to perform stunts like bar spins and wheel spins. It serves as an example of how an unconventional bike can attract attention and stand out in a crowd.

💡Bar Spins

A 'bar spin' is a type of bicycle stunt where the rider rotates the bike around the handlebars while maintaining balance. It is a skill often showcased by bikers to stand out and impress others. In the video, the ability to perform bar spins is mentioned as one of the ways the B Cruiser bike stands out.


Ebikes, or electric bicycles, are bikes equipped with an electric motor that can be used for propulsion. The video features a discussion about homemade ebikes with innovative designs and functionalities. These ebikes stand out due to their unique motor configurations and regenerative braking systems.

💡Regenerative Braking

Regenerative braking is a system where the kinetic energy normally lost during braking is recovered and stored. In the context of the video, it is used in the context of an ebike, where the braking system is designed to recharge the battery packs, showcasing ingenuity in bike design.

💡Four Bar Suspension

A 'four bar suspension' is a type of bicycle suspension system that uses four interconnected bars to control the movement of the rear wheel. It is highlighted in the video as a unique design feature that allows for custom tuning of the bike's performance, contributing to its ability to stand out.

💡Track Stand Challenge

The 'track stand challenge' is a competition where participants must balance their bike stationary on a track without moving. The video mentions a kid who won this challenge, emphasizing the skill and control required to stand out in such events.


Specialized is a well-known bicycle manufacturer that is mentioned in the video. The brand is associated with quality and innovation, and their presence at the festival contributes to the overall atmosphere of showcasing what stands out in the cycling world.

💡Live Valve Shocks

Live Valve shocks are a type of suspension system that automatically adjust to the terrain, providing optimal performance. In the video, they are mentioned as a notable feature of a bike that helps it stand out due to its advanced technology.


Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new. The video emphasizes the importance of creativity in standing out at bike festivals, encouraging participants to think outside the box and come up with unique and innovative ways to attract attention.


Ben Cathro from Scotland discusses the importance of standing out at bike festivals.

Discovering who stands out the best by attracting the most attention.

Master a wind Master shares his unique approach to standing out by using a found bike, the B Cruiser.

The B Cruiser features a rubber duck in the front and allows for bar spins and wheel spins.

Ben Cathro humorously advises to return the B Cruiser to its rightful owner.

A focus on the creativity of bike design and the desire to stand out at festivals.

An impressive homemade ebike with drone motors and a unique braking system.

The ebike's motor braking system allows for maximum regenerative braking.

A detailed look at the innovative design of a four bar suspension platform on a bike.

The use of a linkage driven shock for custom tuning the bike's suspension.

Carbon tubing and lugged joints in bike construction for quick iteration and testing.

The significance of rider skill in addition to bike technology, as illustrated by Jordan Williams' World Cup win.

A unique bike stand that turns heads with its innovative design and live valve shocks.

Ben Cathro's personal experience of trying to learn new bike techniques and the challenges faced.

The importance of giving away free items or offering significant discounts to attract attention at a bike festival.

A call to action for future participants to be more creative and do something bizarre to stand out.

The impact of memorable experiences and creating happiness through giveaways at events.