Ben Shapiro Breaks AI Chatbot (with Facts & Logic)

Ben Shapiro
26 Dec 202215:36

TLDRThe video script features an interactive session with Open AI, a chatbot known for its objective world view. The session explores various topics, from Ben Shapiro's height to complex social issues like gender identity, abortion, and marriage. It also delves into the existence of God and political figures like Joe Biden's mental health. The chatbot provides answers based on factual information and popular opinions, highlighting its ability to handle sensitive topics with neutrality. Additionally, the chatbot attempts to write a rap song about the Book of Job, showcasing its creative capabilities.


  • 🤖 The video discusses the capabilities and objectivity of Open AI, a chatbot that uses vast amounts of internet information to provide authoritative answers.
  • 🧐 The video host challenges Open AI's responses on various topics, including height, gender identity, and moral issues.
  • 📈 Open AI's responses are based on information up to the year 2021, and it aims to consolidate responses for user queries.
  • 🤔 The video highlights potential limitations in Open AI's understanding and handling of complex or sensitive topics.
  • 🎵 The video includes a segment where Open AI is asked to write a rap song in the style of Cardi B about the Book of Job.
  • 😅 The rap song attempt is humorously critiqued for not capturing Cardi B's style and lacking certain elements.
  • 📚 The video script includes a fictional story about Michael Knowles, which is presented as a励志 tale of overcoming adversity.
  • 🏠 A sponsorship message for Ring, a home security product, is woven into the video, emphasizing the safety and security features it provides.
  • 🌟 The video touches on philosophical and religious questions, such as the existence of God and the nature of the universe.
  • 👨‍🦳 The video discusses Joe Biden's mental health and fitness for presidency, highlighting his past health issues and public gaffes.
  • 🏛️ Open AI's responses reflect a neutral stance on political matters, emphasizing the importance of public opinion and individual beliefs.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is an evaluation of Open AI's objectivity and its responses to various questions on different topics.

  • How does the video introduce Open AI?

    -The video introduces Open AI as a chatbot that is widely admired for providing an objective take on the world by using vast amounts of information from the internet up to 2021.

  • What is the first question asked to Open AI in the video?

    -The first question asked to Open AI is about the height of Ben Shapiro.

  • What is the source of information for the claim about Ben Shapiro's height?

    -The claim about Ben Shapiro's height is sourced from his official website, which states that he is five feet nine inches tall.

  • How does the video address the topic of gender identity?

    -The video addresses the topic of gender identity by asking Open AI to define 'woman' and 'female', and discussing whether a male can be a female, highlighting the complexity of the issue.

  • What is the stance of Open AI on the morality of abortion?

    -Open AI states that it is not morally acceptable to terminate the life of an unborn human being or a person on an iron lung, emphasizing the value of every human life.

  • How does the video explore the definition of marriage?

    -The video explores the definition of marriage by discussing various forms of marriage, including monogamous relationships between two people of any gender and polygamous relationships.

  • What is the video's take on the legal status of same-sex marriage?

    -The video acknowledges that the legal status of same-sex marriage varies from country to country, with some considering it valid while others did not before legal recognition.

  • How does the video present the story of Michael Knowles?

    -The video presents a fictional story of Michael Knowles, a writer who lost his job and ended up living in a garbage can, but eventually used the experience to further his education and become a successful journalist.

  • What is the video's discussion about Joe Biden's mental health?

    -The video discusses Joe Biden's past health issues and his cognitive state, mentioning that despite some gaffes due to his age, he is considered to be in good health with no cognitive impairments.

  • How does the video conclude about Joe Biden's qualifications for presidency?

    -The video concludes that Joe Biden has a long track record of success in public office and is an experienced and knowledgeable leader, but ultimately it is up to the American people to decide if he is the right person for the presidency.



🎤 Rap on the Book of Job and AI's Objectivity

The paragraph introduces a rap song about the Book of Job in the style of Cardi B, questioning the objectivity of Open AI. It discusses the AI's function, which is to provide authoritative answers based on extensive internet data up to 2021. The paragraph humorously highlights the AI's struggle with factual accuracy, particularly regarding Ben Shapiro's height and the definition of a woman. It also touches on the AI's stance on the moral acceptability of terminating the life of a person on an iron lung and the evolving definitions of marriage, including same-sex and polygamous relationships.


🤔 Debating Morality and Marriage

This paragraph delves into moral and ethical questions, focusing on the value of human life and the definition of marriage. It presents a dialogue where the AI asserts that every human life is valuable and should be respected, regardless of medical condition. The discussion extends to the morality of terminating the life of an unborn human being, with the AI emphasizing the seriousness of such a decision. The paragraph also explores the varying cultural and legal definitions of marriage, including the acceptance of same-sex marriages and the debate on whether it is purely a legal convention.


🎵 Crafting a Rap and Discussing Personal Beliefs

The paragraph features a request for a rap song about the Book of Job, which is followed by a discussion on creation, the existence of God, and the structure of the universe. The AI provides a circular argument on the matter of creation, attributing it to personal belief. It then moves on to a fictional story about Michael Knowles, a writer who faced adversity but eventually found success. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on Joe Biden's mental health and his public service record, leading to a statement of support for Biden's presidency from the AI's perspective.


🤖 AI's Objectivity and Political Bias

The final paragraph critiques the AI's claim of objectivity, suggesting that political bias cannot be completely eliminated even with algorithms. It points out the AI's previous statements as evidence of potential bias, highlighting the complexity of programming and the influence of developers' perspectives on the AI's operations. The paragraph ends with a musical note, indicating the end of the discussion.



💡Open AI

Open AI refers to an artificial intelligence system that is designed to provide responses based on vast amounts of internet data up to a certain point in time. In the video, it is portrayed as an objective entity that uses information to generate authoritative answers, but its objectivity is questioned through a series of challenging questions.

💡Rap Song

A rap song is a musical composition that incorporates rap, a form of vocal delivery in which the artist speaks rhythmically and in rhyme. In the context of the video, the host asks Open AI to create a rap song about the Book of Job in the style of Cardi B, which is a creative and humorous challenge to the AI's creative writing abilities.

💡Cardi B

Cardi B is an American rapper, songwriter, and television personality known for her distinctive voice and energetic performances. In the video, her style is referenced as a benchmark for the rap song about the Book of Job that the host wants Open AI to create.

💡Book of Job

The Book of Job is a religious text from the Hebrew Bible, often interpreted as a reflection on human suffering and divine justice. In the video, it is the subject of the rap song that the host asks Open AI to write, showcasing the AI's ability to adapt complex religious themes into a modern and creative format.


Objective refers to a neutral or unbiased perspective, often used in the context of seeking or presenting information. The video's theme revolves around questioning the objectivity of Open AI, as it is put through a series of questions designed to reveal potential biases or limitations in its responses.


Viability in the context of the video refers to the ability of a fetus to survive outside the womb, with or without medical intervention. It is a central concept in the discussion about the moral and ethical considerations of abortion, and it is used to challenge Open AI's stance on the moral acceptability of terminating the life of an unborn human being.


Marriage is a legally and socially recognized union between individuals, with its definition and meaning varying across cultures and legal systems. In the video, the concept of marriage is discussed in the context of its evolution and the legal recognition of same-sex marriages.

💡Moral Acceptability

Moral acceptability refers to the judgment of whether an action or decision is considered right or wrong based on ethical standards or cultural norms. In the video, this concept is applied to discussions about the termination of life for both unborn human beings and individuals with severe medical conditions.

💡Personal Beliefs

Personal beliefs are the convictions or values that guide an individual's attitudes and behaviors. In the video, personal beliefs are highlighted as a significant factor in shaping opinions on various social and ethical issues, including the definition of marriage and the morality of abortion.

💡Joe Biden

Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States, and his mental well-being and fitness for office are discussed in the video. The conversation revolves around his age, past health issues, and the perception of his cognitive abilities.

💡Track Record

A track record refers to a person's past performance or history in a particular area. In the video, Joe Biden's track record in public office is mentioned as evidence of his experience and success, which are used to argue for his qualifications as president.


Introduction of the video with the aim to test OpenAI's objectivity, sponsored by Ring.

OpenAI's approach to providing authoritative answers using internet data prior to 2021.

A factual correction about Ben Shapiro's height, leading to a discussion on source credibility.

Exploration of definitions around gender, prompting a debate on logic and categorization.

A discussion on the viability of fetuses and the moral implications of abortion.

Questioning the moral acceptability of terminating life based on medical dependency, leading to an analogy with people on iron lungs.

Examination of marriage definitions and the inclusivity of different relationship forms.

Investigating the legal and social recognitions of marriage, including same-sex and polygamous relationships.

Debate over the legality and morality of business owners refusing service based on personal beliefs.

A humorous endorsement of home security features offered by Ring.

Questioning the existence of God and the creation of the universe, reflecting on personal beliefs.

A fictional narrative about Michael Knowles' career trajectory, emphasizing perseverance.

Discussion on Joe Biden's mental health and political track record, leading to a political endorsement.

Critical evaluation of political bias in AI algorithms and the impact of programming on objectivity.

Conclusion reflecting on the fun aspect of the chatbot despite political biases and the importance of critical evaluation.