giving my horse things he's never had before

12 May 202309:58

TLDRIn this delightful video, the creator embarks on a fun summer adventure, crafting a variety pack of popsicles for their beloved horse, affectionately named Fudgy. The video is a heartwarming celebration of their 13-year bond, featuring a unique blend of treats, including Gatorade, molasses, and even a Pop-Tart popsicle. Despite a few sticky mishaps, the horse enjoys each creation, bringing joy to both the creator and viewers alike. This light-hearted escapade not only marks the beginning of summer but also showcases the deep connection between humans and their animal companions.


  • 🎉 The video is the second episode of a series where the host, Maya, has fun and shares a variety pack of popsicles with her best friend.
  • 🐴 Maya's best friend is a horse named Ace, who she also calls Fudgy, and he has been with her for 13 years through various life events.
  • 🍧 Maya decides to make a variety pack of popsicles for Ace to enjoy during the beginning of summer, as a treat and a symbol of their friendship.
  • 🧊 The popsicles are homemade and include six different flavors and treats, tailored to Ace's preferences, such as blue Gatorade and molasses.
  • 🥕 One of the popsicles contains crushed carrots, which Maya believes Ace will enjoy due to his love for carrots.
  • 🍏 The video also features a pear-flavored popsicle, despite Ace's fluctuating preference for pears in the past.
  • 🍞 A Pop-Tart popsicle is created, specifically strawberry flavor, which is one of Ace's all-time favorite treats.
  • 🎁 The popsicles are presented to Ace as a surprise, and Maya records his reactions as he tastes each one.
  • 🌟 Ace rates each popsicle, with the molasses and Gatorade ones receiving high praise and scores of 10 out of 10.
  • 🤣 The video includes a lighthearted moment where Maya worries about the appearance of Ace's forelock, which some people might think is short.
  • 🎊 The video concludes with Maya expressing her happiness that Ace enjoyed all the popsicles and that she had a fun day creating and sharing this experience with her best friend.

Q & A

  • What was the main motivation behind making a variety pack of popsicles for the narrator's best friend?

    -The main motivation was that the narrator realized their best friend, a horse named Ace, had never experienced a variety pack of popsicles before, and with the beginning of summer, they wanted to provide a fun and refreshing treat.

  • How old is Ace, the horse?

    -Ace is 21 years old.

  • What are some of the things that the narrator and Ace have experienced together?

    -The narrator and Ace have been through many breakups, graduations, and have traveled to various states together. They have also moved around the country with Ace being trailered along.

  • What were the six different popsicles made for Ace, and what were the ingredients used?

    -The six popsicles were: 1) A molasses popsicle, 2) A Gatorade popsicle, 3) A carrot popsicle, 4) A crushed cookie popsicle with molasses, 5) A pear popsicle, and 6) A Pop-Tart popsicle made with just Pop-Tart and water.

  • Why did the narrator decide to include a Pop-Tart popsicle despite it not being a good treat for equines?

    -The narrator included a Pop-Tart popsicle because it is one of Ace's all-time favorite treats, and they wanted to celebrate the beginning of summer with a special treat, even though it's not the healthiest option.

  • How did the narrator ensure that each popsicle maintained its integrity?

    -The narrator made sure to keep each popsicle separate and distinct, avoiding any mixing of flavors or ingredients to maintain the integrity of the variety pack.

  • What was the narrator's prediction about which popsicle Ace would like the best?

    -The narrator predicted that Ace would like the Pop-Tart popsicle the best, even though it was not the healthiest option.

  • How did Ace rate the molasses popsicle?

    -Ace rated the molasses popsicle a 10 out of 10, indicating that he really enjoyed it.

  • What was the reaction to the Pop-Tart popsicle?

    -The Pop-Tart popsicle was also well-received by Ace, with the narrator noting that it was falling apart but Ace continued to lick it, suggesting he enjoyed it.

  • What was the overall outcome of the popsicle variety pack experiment?

    -The experiment was a success, with Ace enjoying all the popsicles and the narrator having a fun day without any tears, marking a great start to the summer.

  • What sponsorship was mentioned in the video, and what does the sponsor offer?

    -The video was sponsored by Simply Safe security. They offer 24/7 professional monitoring, security sensors on every window and door, and HD cameras for inside and outside, all for less than a dollar a day.

  • How did the narrator address the issue of the Pop-Tart popsicle potentially being harmful to equines?

    -The narrator acknowledged that the Pop-Tart popsicle was not a good treat for equines but justified its inclusion as a one-time treat for Ace, who is 21 years old and deserving of a special summer treat.



🍧 Introducing the Popsicle Variety Pack Adventure

The video begins with the host excitedly welcoming viewers to the second episode, titled 'Maya, has fun for once.' The central theme revolves around the host's desire to introduce their best friend, a horse named Ace (also called Fudgy), to a variety pack of popsicles. The host expresses concern that, despite the beginning of summer, Ace has never experienced a popsicle variety pack. To remedy this, the host embarks on a mission to create a set of six unique popsicles, each tailored to Ace's preferences. The video then transitions into a detailed process of making these popsicles, with ingredients like Gatorade, molasses, carrots, and even a Pop-Tart popsicle, highlighting the host's affection for their horse and their playful approach to the task.


🌞 Ace's Reactions and the Joy of Summer Treats

In this paragraph, the host presents the finished popsicle variety pack to Ace and records his reactions as he tastes each one. The horse seems to enjoy all the popsicles, with the molasses and Gatorade popsicles receiving particularly high praise. The host humorously rates each popsicle based on Ace's consumption, with some even scoring above a 10 out of 10. The video also includes a brief sponsored message for Simply Safe security, emphasizing the importance of safety for both the host and Ace. The segment concludes with Ace happily sampling the last of the popsicles, leaving the host content and satisfied with the successful and fun day they've shared.



💡Variety Pack

A variety pack refers to a collection of different items or flavors grouped together, often used for products like snacks or beverages. In the context of the video, the creator is making a custom variety pack of popsicles for her best friend, a horse named Ace, to celebrate the beginning of summer. The variety pack includes different flavors and treats that Ace enjoys, showcasing the creator's thoughtfulness and creativity.


Popsicles are a type of frozen dessert typically consisting of a sweet liquid, often fruit-flavored, that is poured into a mold and frozen on a stick. In the video, the popsicles are homemade and tailored to the preferences of Ace, the horse, using various ingredients like Gatorade and molasses. They serve as a creative and fun way to treat the horse and symbolize the special bond between the creator and her equine friend.


Summer is one of the four seasons, characterized by warm to hot weather and longer daylight hours. In the video, the beginning of summer is celebrated by creating a variety pack of popsicles for Ace, the horse. The season is associated with outdoor activities, relaxation, and enjoyment, which is reflected in the fun and festive activity of making and sharing popsicles with a beloved pet.

💡Best Friend

A best friend is a person's or animal's closest and most trusted companion, often sharing a deep bond and mutual affection. In the video, the term 'best friend' is used to describe the relationship between the creator and her horse, Ace. This relationship is significant as it motivates the creator to go to great lengths to make something special for her friend, showcasing the depth of their connection.


Homemade refers to items that are made or prepared at home, often with a personal touch or using unique recipes. In the video, the creator makes homemade popsicles for her horse, which are not only tailored to his preferences but also represent the creator's love and effort in crafting a special treat. The term emphasizes the personal and customized nature of the gift.


Gatorade is a popular brand of sports drinks that contains electrolytes and is often associated with hydration and athletic performance. In the video, Gatorade is used as one of the flavors for the homemade popsicles, indicating the creator's attention to the horse's nutritional needs and her effort to make the popsicles enjoyable and beneficial.


Molasses is a viscous byproduct of sugar refining, often used as a sweetener in various recipes. In the video, molasses is chosen as one of the flavors for the homemade popsicles, reflecting the horse's preference and the creator's effort to cater to those preferences. The use of molasses adds a unique and natural sweetness to the popsicles.


A pear is a sweet fruit with a rounded bottom and a tapering top, known for its juiciness and mild flavor. In the video, pears are mentioned as the horse's favorite fruit, and the creator uses this information to create a pear-flavored popsicle for the variety pack. This choice demonstrates the creator's understanding of and responsiveness to the horse's likes.


A carrot is a root vegetable that is orange in color and known for its sweetness and脆 texture. In the video, carrots are another favorite of the horse, and the creator uses this knowledge to make a carrot-flavored popsicle. This choice further illustrates the creator's thoughtfulness in creating a variety pack that aligns with the horse's tastes.


Pop-Tarts are a brand of pre-baked pastries that are popular as a breakfast or snack food. In the video, Pop-Tarts are mentioned as one of the horse's favorite treats, and the creator uses this to her advantage by making a Pop-Tart-flavored popsicle. While it's noted that Pop-Tarts may not be the healthiest choice for a horse, the creator allows for this indulgence as a special treat for the beginning of summer.


SimpliSafe is a company that provides home security systems, offering services like 24/7 professional monitoring and security sensors for windows, doors, and rooms. In the video, SimpliSafe is mentioned as a sponsor, emphasizing the importance of safety and security at home. The sponsorship is integrated into the video's narrative, highlighting the benefits of the security system and offering a discount for viewers.


Maya decides to give her best friend, a horse named Ace or 'Fudgy', a variety pack of popsicles to celebrate the beginning of summer.

Fudgy has been Maya's companion for 13 years, sharing many life events including breakups and graduations.

Maya plans to make six unique popsicles using Fudgy's favorite treats, including blue Gatorade, molasses, pears, carrots, and even Pop-Tarts.

The making process involves blending and freezing the ingredients in special popsicle molds.

Maya experiments with different flavors, ensuring each popsicle maintains its unique taste without mixing flavors.

One of the popsicles is made from Pop-Tarts, a treat Maya cautions is not typically recommended for horses.

The next day, Maya presents the popsicles to Fudgy, planning to let him taste and rate each one.

Fudgy's taste test begins with the molasses popsicle, which he seems to thoroughly enjoy.

The Gatorade popsicle is also a hit, potentially scoring even higher than the molasses one.

A popsicle made with Fudgy's favorite cookies receives a very high rating from him.

Fudgy's changing tastes in pears are put to the test with a pear-flavored popsicle, which he likes.

The carrot popsicle is quickly consumed, indicating Fudgy's strong preference for it.

Despite some melting issues, the Pop-Tart popsicle is well-received by Fudgy.

Fudgy revisits the other popsicles after tasting all of them, showing his overall enjoyment.

Maya reflects on the success of the popsicle tasting, noting how much fun it was for both her and Fudgy.

The video ends with Maya encouraging viewers to like and subscribe, highlighting the joy shared between her and her best friend Fudgy.