26 Apr 202413:40

TLDRThis week in AI has been filled with remarkable developments. Reed Hoffman, a member of the 'PayPal Mafia' and former LinkedIn founder, has made headlines by cloning his avatar, voice, and even the books he authored. His AI, using a custom GPT model, engages in conversation, raising questions about the future and the line between reality and deep fakes. Snowflake, a database company, has made strides by open sourcing a large language model, Snowflake Arctic, which is a hybrid architecture of dense Transformers and MoE (Mixture of Experts). This model stands out for its transparency, providing not just the model but also insights into its training and data composition. Despite some skepticism about its practical performance, the move is appreciated for its contribution to the community. Additionally, the Rabbit R1 device has been launched, with mixed reviews and some controversy over its branding as a 'large action model'. These advancements highlight the rapid pace of AI innovation and the ongoing debate about the ethical and practical implications of such technology.


  • 📚 Reid Hoffman, a billionaire and LinkedIn co-founder, has created a deepfake version of himself using AI technology, including cloning his avatar, voice, and written works, which raises questions about the future of identity and technology.
  • 🤖 Hoffman's AI uses a combination of tools: Synthesia for video creation, 11Labs for voice cloning, and a custom GPT model based on his writings and speeches, showcasing the potential of AI in personal branding and communication.
  • 🧊 Snowflake, a database company, has open-sourced a large language model called Snowflake Arctic, offering not just the model but also the training recipe, which is a significant step forward in transparency and accessibility for AI research.
  • 🔍 Snowflake Arctic features a hybrid architecture combining a 10-billion-parameter dense Transformer with a 128-expert MoE (Mixture of Experts), each expert being nearly 4 billion parameters, indicating a new direction in efficient and powerful AI models.
  • 📈 The model has shown promising results in SQL generation benchmarks, aligning with Snowflake's expertise in database systems, and demonstrating the potential of specialized AI models for industry applications.
  • 🤔 Despite the positive aspects, there are concerns about the practicality of running such large models, the need for significant computational resources, and the difficulty in accessing and utilizing them for the average user.
  • 📱 Rabbit R1, a new device, has been launched and received mixed reviews. Some users appreciate its form factor and features, while others question the intelligence of its assistant and compare it to other models like GPT 3.5.
  • 🐰 A GitHub repository suggested that Rabbit R1's 'large action models' might not be true AI models but rather automation scripts based on Microsoft Playwright, raising questions about the branding and transparency of AI capabilities.
  • 🌐 There is a growing trend of companies building large language models (LLMs) using cloud services like AWS, which is a shift from the predominantly Azure-based development observed in the past.
  • 📊 Snowflake introduced a new metric called 'Enterprise Intelligence,' which is an average of various benchmarks, although its necessity is questioned given the existing plethora of benchmarks and the potential for benchmark hacking.
  • 🌟 The script highlights the importance of community contributions in AI, such as Hugging Face's commitment to open-source projects despite being a for-profit company, and the value of such contributions to the field's progress.

Q & A

  • What did Reid Hoffman do that was considered mind-blowing in the AI world?

    -Reid Hoffman, a billionaire and co-founder of LinkedIn, created a deep fake version of himself. This involved cloning his avatar, his voice, and even the knowledge from the books he wrote, allowing the AI to answer questions as if it were him.

  • What is the significance of the AI model created by Reid Hoffman?

    -The AI model created by Reid Hoffman is significant because it represents a futuristic approach to AI, where an individual's likeness, voice, and knowledge can be replicated in a digital form. It raises questions about identity and authenticity in the digital age.

  • What company recently open-sourced a large language model?

    -Snowflake, a database system company, open-sourced a large language model called Snowflake Arctic. This model is notable for its hybrid architecture and the transparency in how it was trained and developed.

  • What is unique about Snowflake Arctic's architecture?

    -Snowflake Arctic features a hybrid architecture that combines a 10 billion parameter dense Transformer model with a 128 Mo mixture of experts (MoE), where each expert is approximately 4 billion parameters. This design allows for efficient training and inference.

  • Why is the open-sourcing of Snowflake Arctic considered a step ahead for the AI community?

    -Snowflake Arctic's open-sourcing is a step ahead because it includes not just the model weights but also the data recipe, training scripts, and research insights. This level of transparency and access to the development process is rare and highly beneficial for the AI community.

  • What is the controversy surrounding the Rabbit R1 device?


  • What are the initial reviews of the Rabbit R1 device?

    -Initial reviews of the Rabbit R1 device are mixed, with some users praising the form factor and the scroll feature, while others criticize the AI assistant's capabilities and question whether it includes a fine-tuned GPT model.

  • How does the Rabbit R1 device's launch relate to the concept of 'Enterprise Intelligence'?

    -The Rabbit R1 device's launch is an example of a company introducing a new product that aligns with the concept of 'Enterprise Intelligence,' which is a term that has been used to describe the average of various benchmarks related to SQL, human evaluation, and other AI performance metrics.

  • What is the criticism regarding the use of the term 'Enterprise Intelligence'?

    -The criticism is that 'Enterprise Intelligence' may be an unnecessary new benchmark name, potentially adding to the confusion among existing benchmarks. It is suggested that this new term might not add significant value and could be seen as 'benchmark hacking.'

  • What is the significance of Reid Hoffman's AI project in the context of futuristic science fiction?

    -Reid Hoffman's AI project is significant as it blurs the line between reality and fiction, similar to themes explored in futuristic science fiction. It raises ethical and philosophical questions about what it means to be human and the potential implications of advanced AI technology.

  • How does the use of AWS for building large language models differ from previous approaches?

    -Previous approaches to building large language models have predominantly used Azure. The shift to using AWS, as seen with Snowflake Arctic, indicates a new direction in the technology and possibly a broader accessibility and adoption of AI model development.

  • What are the implications of Reid Hoffman's AI project on the future of personal identity and digital presence?

    -Reid Hoffman's AI project implies a future where personal identity can be digitized and replicated, leading to potential advancements in digital presence but also raising concerns about privacy, consent, and the authenticity of digital interactions.



🤖 AI World's Weird Week: Reed Hoffman's Deepfake Avatar

In this paragraph, the speaker discusses the intriguing developments in the AI world, specifically focusing on Reid Hoffman's deepfake technology. Hoffman, a notable figure in the tech industry and part of the 'PayPal Mafia,' has created a deepfake version of himself that includes a cloned avatar, voice, and even the knowledge from the books he authored. This futuristic endeavor is compared to something out of a science fiction movie, raising questions about the future of technology and its implications on society. The speaker also mentions the use of specific technologies such as 'our one' for creating the video and '11 labs' for voice cloning, along with a custom GPT built on top of GPT 4, to power the knowledge base of the AI.


🚀 Snowflake's Open Source Innovation: Arctic and Hybrid Architecture

The second paragraph delves into Snowflake's recent open-source contributions to the AI community. Snowflake, known for its database systems, has open-sourced a state-of-the-art EMB bidding model and a large language model called Snowflake Arctic. The Arctic model is highlighted for its hybrid architecture, combining a 10-billion parameter dense Transformer with a 128 Mo mixture of experts (MoE), each with approximately 4 billion parameters. This innovative approach is said to improve training, inference efficiency, and performance on benchmarks, particularly in SQL generation. The speaker also discusses the company's use of different data compositions during the training phase and the introduction of a new metric called 'Enterprise intelligence,' which is a combination of various benchmarks.


📱 Rabbit R1 Launch and Controversy

In the final paragraph, the speaker talks about the launch of the Rabbit R1 device and the mixed reactions it has received. While initial reviews are generally positive, with praise for its form factor and features like the scroll function, there are concerns about the device's AI capabilities. A controversy arises from a GitHub repository that claimed Rabbit's large action models (LAMs) are not true AI models but rather automation scripts based on Microsoft Playwright. This repository gained significant attention but has since disappeared, leaving the speaker to question the branding and the use of the term 'model' for what is essentially an automation tool. The speaker also mentions the device's value proposition, including a one-year subscription to Perplexity Pro, which covers the cost of the device.



💡Reed Hoffman

Reed Hoffman is a notable figure in the tech industry, known for being part of the 'PayPal Mafia' and the founder of LinkedIn. In the context of the video, he is highlighted for his futuristic endeavors, which include cloning his digital avatar, voice, and even the books he has written. This is significant as it represents a leap in the technology of deep fakes and AI, blurring the line between reality and simulation.

💡Deep Fake

Deep fakes are synthetic media in which a person's likeness and voice are simulated using AI to create convincingly real appearances and speech. In the video, Reed Hoffman's deep fake is discussed, where his AI avatar interacts with him, raising questions about the future of technology and its ethical implications.


GPT stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer', a type of AI language model that is capable of generating human-like text. The video mentions a custom GPT created from Hoffman's writings, speeches, and other content, which is used to power his AI avatar's responses. This showcases the potential of AI to mimic and learn from human behavior.


Snowflake is a company known for its cloud-based data platform. The video discusses their recent open sourcing of a large language model called 'Snowflake Arctic'. This model is significant because it includes not just the AI model but also the data recipe and training scripts, offering a transparent look into how such models are created and trained.

💡Hybrid Architecture

The term refers to a combination of different types of AI model architectures to leverage their individual strengths. Snowflake Arctic is described as a hybrid of a dense Transformer model and an MoE (Mixture of Experts) model, which is an innovative approach to building large-scale, efficient AI systems.

💡Mixture of Experts (MoE)

MoE is an AI model technique where multiple 'expert' models work together to solve complex problems. Each expert specializes in different areas, and the system routes tasks to the most suitable expert. In the video, Snowflake Arctic's use of 128 MoE experts is highlighted as a novel approach to creating powerful AI models.

💡Enterprise Intelligence

This is a term introduced in the video to describe a new metric for evaluating AI models, which is an average of various benchmarks including SQL generation and human evaluation. While the concept is presented as a potential new way to measure AI performance, the video expresses skepticism about the need for yet another benchmark in an already complex field.

💡Rabbit R1

Rabbit R1 is a device mentioned in the video that has recently been launched. It has garnered attention and mixed reviews, with some users appreciating its form factor and features, while others criticize its capabilities. The device is noted for coming with a one-year subscription to Perplexity Pro, which is seen as a selling point.

💡Microsoft Playwright

Microsoft Playwright is an automation library for testing web applications. In the context of the video, it is mentioned in relation to the Rabbit R1 device, where it is suggested that the 'large action models' advertised by Rabbit might be based on Playwright rather than more sophisticated AI, raising questions about the authenticity of the technology being marketed.

💡Open Sourcing

Open sourcing refers to making the source code of a project available to the public, allowing others to view, modify, and distribute it. The video discusses the open sourcing of AI models by companies like Snowflake, which is seen as a positive development for the community as it promotes transparency and collaboration.


Benchmarking is the process of evaluating a product or system's performance by comparing it to industry standards or competitors. In the video, Snowflake Arctic's performance is benchmarked against other models, which is crucial for understanding its capabilities and limitations in various tasks such as SQL generation.


Reid Hoffman, a member of the PayPal Mafia and co-founder of LinkedIn, has created a deep fake version of himself, including cloning his avatar, voice, and knowledge through books, speeches, and articles.

Hoffman's deep fake project used a solution called 'Ours' for the video creation, 11 Labs for voice cloning, and a custom GPT built on top of GPT 4 to replicate his knowledge.

Snowflake, a database system company, has open-sourced a large language model called Snowflake Arctic, which includes the training recipe and research insights.

Snowflake Arctic features a hybrid architecture combining a 10 billion parameter dense Transformer model with a 128 Mo mixture of experts, each with approximately 4 billion parameters.

The model demonstrates a new approach with condensed experts, which has been shown to improve training and inference efficiency.

Snowflake Arctic has shown strong performance in SQL generation benchmarks, outperforming other models with fewer active parameters.

Hugging Face, a for-profit company, is praised for its contributions to the community, similar to how Snowflake is contributing through open sourcing their model.

The transcript discusses the use of AWS for building large language models from scratch, a departure from the predominantly used Azure.

Early testing of Snowflake Arctic suggests that while it is a good research model, it may not be as effective as other models in answering certain questions.

The Rabbit R1 device, a new form factor, has been launched and received mixed reviews, with some users appreciating its design and functionality.

A repository suggesting that Rabbit's large action models are not true AI but rather pure automation using Microsoft Playwright has mysteriously disappeared after gaining attention.

The term 'large action model' used by Rabbit is criticized for being misleading as it does not represent an AI model.

The Rabbit R1 device is noted for its inclusion of a one-year subscription to Perplexity Pro, which covers the cost of the device.

Snowflake's open sourcing of their model is seen as a positive step for the community, despite potential corporate motivations.

The introduction of a new metric called 'Enterprise Intelligence' is met with skepticism due to the existing plethora of benchmarks.

The video concludes by inviting feedback on the new format and highlighting the importance of the discussed topics.