Huge Squad Upgrade! +2 OVR Upgrade after spending 100M coins
TLDRفي هذا النص المقدم، يُناقش اللاعب التغييرات التي يرغب في إجراؤها على فريقه في لعبة الفوتبول لزيادة التقييم العام للفريق إلى 94 OVR. يبدأ باستبدال لاييف بستان بجا كانيلو، وي看重 في تطور إحصائياته وزيادة مستوى اللاعب. ويتابع بشراء باولو مالديني ل替換 لوشيو، ويقارن بين إحصائياتهم. ويضيف علاوة على ذلك، يغير حارس الgoalkeeper إلى عlick oblock، وي看重 في تحسين إحصائياته. وينتهي بشراء كدب ل替換 ستيفن جارارد، وي看重 في تحسين التقييم العام للفريق. ويتم التركيز على تحسين التقييم العام للفريق وتجربة الأداء في المباراة النهائية، مع التركيز على اللاعبين الجدد وأداءهم في المباراة.
- 😀 القناة تتحدث عن تحسين فريق اللعب في لعبة الجوال.
- 🤔 يرغب القناة في رفع معدل OVR للفريق ليصل إلى 94.
- 🔄 يبدأ القناة باستبدال لاي باك اليسرى 'Stan' بلاعب 'Ja Canelo' لتحسين الأداء.
- 📊 يوضح القناة أن Ja Canelo لديه إحصائيات جيدة وأنه يمكن ترقيته لتحسين OVR للفريق.
- 💪 يجري القناة تدريبات للاعب Canelo لزيادة مستوياته وتحسين إحصائياته.
- 🛒 ي購入 القناة لاعبًا جديدًا 'Paulo Maldini' ل替換 'Lucio' كجزء من خطة تحسين OVR.
- 📈 يوضح القناة أن Maldini يمتلك إحصائيات تفوق Lucio في بعض الجوانب، لكن القرار يعتمد على التقييم العام.
- 🚫 ي購入 القناة حافظًا جديدًا 'Oblock' ل替換 'Onana' لزيادة التقييم.
- 💡 يفكر القناة في إضافة 'KDB' كلاعب في مركز الميدان لتحسين التقييم.
- 💸 يوضح القناة أن التغييرات المبدئية تكلف ملايين العملات في الألعاب الرقمية.
- 🎮 يختتم القناة بلعب مباراة مع فريق آخر ومشاهدة أداء التغييرات التي أجراها.
Q & A
What is the speaker's goal for the team?
-The speaker's goal is to make the team more perfect and try to take it to 94 OVR.
Who is the speaker considering replacing in the team?
-The speaker is considering replacing the left P Stan with Ja Canelo.
Why does the speaker want to replace the left P Stan with Ja Canelo?
-The speaker wants to replace the left P Stan with Ja Canelo because they believe Canelo is more versatile and has better stats, except for physical, which they plan to fix by ranking him up and training him.
What are the stats of Ja Canelo that make him a good fit for the team?
-Ja Canelo has 85 Pace, 74 Shooting, 85 Passing, 83 Dribbling, and 80 Defending, which are all green stats, except for physical.
How does the speaker plan to improve Ja Canelo's physical stats?
-The speaker plans to improve Ja Canelo's physical stats by ranking him up to at least level one and training him up to level 10.
What is the speaker's next plan for the team?
-The speaker's next plan is to replace the Lucio card with Paulo Maldini, a higher rated Center back.
Why does the speaker want to replace Lucio with Maldini?
-The speaker wants to replace Lucio with Maldini to achieve a higher OVR, as Maldini is rated higher and has better stats in almost all areas except Pace and Passing.
How does the speaker's new team look after the changes?
-After the changes, the team has improved significantly, with better stats in Defense, Dribbling, Passing, and Pace, and the overall OVR has been increased to 93.
What is the speaker's final goal for the team?
-The speaker's final goal for the team is to achieve 94 OVR.
How much did the speaker spend on the team upgrades?
-The speaker spent approximately 100 million coins on the team upgrades, including Onana, Maldini, Canelo, KDB, Zidan, and Snider.
What is the speaker's strategy for achieving 94 OVR?
-The speaker's strategy includes replacing lower-rated cards with higher-rated ones, training and ranking up the new players, and ensuring the team has a balanced attack and defense.
😀 تحسين فريق اللعب الإلكتروني
يبدأ النص بشخص يتحدث عن فريقه في لعبة الفوتبول الإلكترونية، ويرغب في تحسينه لجعل التقييم العام (OVR) يصل إلى 94. يطرح على الجمهور التغيير الأول الذي هو استبدال لايبر بجانب اليسار 'Stan' بلاعب 'ja Canelo'، حيث يرى Canelo م认为是 أكثر متنوعًا في اللاعبين الحاليين. يذكر أن Canelo لديه تقييمات خضراء في جميع الإحصاءات باستثناء الجسدية التي يمكن تحسينها من خلال تصاعده وتدريبه. بعد تصاعد Canelo وتدريبه، يظهر تطور في إحصائياته، ويضيف أن Canelo سيلعب دورًا كبيرًا في الدفاع الخارجي مع اللاعبين الآخرين في الفريق. ويتحدث عن استبدال لايبر الثاني 'Lucio' بلاعب Paulo Maldini لزيادة التقييم العام، مع أن Maldini يمتلك تقييمات ممتازة في جميع الجوانب باستثناء الجسدية التي هي أفضل في Lucio. وينتهي النص بمناقشة تغيير الحارس النهائي 'Onana' ببطاقة تصاعدية مع تقييمات جيدة، مع التأكيد على أن الطول لم يلعب دورًا كبيرًا في أداء الحارسين هذه اللموسم.
😀 استبدال اللاعبين وتحقيق التقييم العام المطلوب
يتابع النص بمناقشة استبدال لايبر في midfield 'Gerard' بلاعب 'kdb' لزيادة التقييم العام، مع التأكيد على أن kdb سيلعب دورًا في midfield بالرغم من ضعفه في الدفاع. يذكر أن kdb سيكلف 25.5 مليون عملة في اللعبة، ويتم استبداله بعد الشراء بنجاح. ويtalk about training kdb لزيادة إحصائياته، ويتحقق من التأثير السلبي لـ Gerard على التقييم العام. ويتحدث عن استبدال لايبر CAM 'Snider' بلاعب 'zidan'، حيث يرى zidan أفضل خيارًا لزيادة التقييم العام، مع التأكيد على تقييماته الشاملة وقدرة الدفاع القوية. ويتم استبدال Snider بzidan وتدريبه لزيادة التقييم العام إلى 94 OVR. وينتهي النص بمناقشة عنصر اللاعبين الاحتياطيين وتأثيرهم على التقييم العام، مع التأكيد على أن التغييرات النهائية لديهم لم تؤثر سلبًا على التقييم العام.
😀 استعراض مباراة اللعب الإلكترونية وأداء الفريق
في النص الأخير، يtalk about مشاهدته لمباراة في لعبة الفوتبول الإلكترونية مع فريق آخر، ويقارن بين فريقه وفريق الخصم. يذكر أن الخصم لديه خطجومًا ودفاعًا قويين، لكن midfield متوسطًا. ويذكر أن فريقه يبدو جميلًا وملؤه بلاعبين المتميزين. ويtalk about هدفين لفريقه من قِبَل لاعبين 'R9' و'kdb'، مع التأكيد على أن الهدفين كانوا مذهلة. ويذكر عن تحركات الدفاع والخصم، مع التأكيد على أن الخصم فاز بهدف جميل. وينتهي النص بذكر أن الخصم قطع الاتصال، مما أدى إلى انتهاء المباراه وفوز فريقه.
💡لاعب متنوع
💡بطاقة اللاعب
💡ال替換 النهائي
Team upgrade to achieve 94 OVR
Replacing left back Stan with versatile player Canelo
Canelo's stats and potential improvement through training
Ranking up Canelo to improve team OVR
Training Canelo to level 10 to enhance his stats
Replacing Lucio with Maldini for a higher rated center back
Purchase of Paulo Maldini for 20.6 million coins
Comparison of Lucio and Maldini's stats
Decision to replace Onana with a higher rated goalkeeper
Acquiring a 90 rated goalkeeper and ranking him up to level 5
Replacing Gerard with KDB for a playmaker in the midfield
Expensive purchase of KDB for 25.5 million coins
Training KDB to improve his stats and team OVR
Considering CAM options and choosing Zidan for the team
Zidan's purchase and training to enhance his card's value
Achieving 94 OVR with the final team composition
Adding substitutes to the team for strategic gameplay
Selling Snider card to recover some coins
Total expenditure of 100 million coins for the squad upgrade
Playing a head-to-head match to test the new team's performance
this is how our team is looking like I
know it's already perfect but I want to
make it more perfect guys so I want to
make a few changes and upgrade this team
and try to take it to 94 OVR so yeah
let's get started so the first change I
want to do is uh change this left P Stan
is good but I'm not just liking him that
much guys so I think he needs to be
replaced and I found the right guy for
this job it's none other than one of the
most versatile players right now and
it's ja Canelo he's a 8th rated player I
know he's not more than estan but I
think is going to do much better job
look at his stats guys he's got all
Green stats except the physical which we
can fix it by ranking him up and also by
training him up so I think uh he might
be the right guy for this job so he's
got 85 Pace 74 shooting 85 passing 83
dribbling and 80 defending and not just
that guys I'm also even going to try
ranking him up to at least level one you
know so I think that's going to be
helpful for a team OVR as well rank up
level one or the green rank up is
successful now we've got more skill
points so I'll get back to the skill
points later but first I want to you
know train him up to at least level 10
or something like that so yeah let's go
and train him guys ja cancelo to level
10 training it's done so let's have a
look at his stats now he's got better
physical good defending very good
defending actually 89 defense 93
dribbling 92 passing 94 Pace 4 and a
half star stamina as well he's got the
four star weak fo and four star skill
moves and he's got great stamina of
course outside foot shot long shot taker
flare early cross at rates but the only
downside of this card is probably he
might always be in the attack but I
think that's fine because the rest of
the Defenders we have are good yeah 89
rated cancelo enters the team and also
let's use his skill points guys I'm
going to try increasing his physical so
I think defending is increasing with
this I I don't want any increase in the
defense yeah I think I'm just going to
go with the defending skill point so
let's just use it on defending skill
point and here we go these are the
updated stats 92 defense is very good
for a left pack guys I think it's going
to be an amazing left pack we just have
to make sure he doesn't attack a lot and
the next card I want to replace is
probably this Lucio card I mean don't
get me wrong guys Lucio card is amazing
but I want a 90 plus rated Center pack
in a team and you know one player rings
in my mind that's none other than
Maldini guys so let's go and get Paulo
Maldini the highest rated Center back in
this game so he 20.6 million coins so
let's go and get him that's going to be
a huge addition to our team so yeah I'm
excited to try Malini guys here we go
the purchase of Paulo Maldini is
successful so it's time to replace one
of the best center backs in this game
which is Lucio with another best center
back in this game all right so this is
actually quite interesting I thought
Malini is better in almost all the stats
but I'm wrong so they both have TI stats
I mean the same stats in Pace and
passing Malini is only better in
defending and the physical Lucio is wow
Lucio is way superior but you know for
the sake of the rating I want to reach
94 over here for that I'm just replacing
Lucio with Maldini and here we go
Maldini oh and we reached 93 overall
with the help of Maldini guys so I told
told you so that's the reason I made
this change I'm so sad to replace him
but you know Malini is also good enough
and the next change I want to do is it's
probably changing the goalkeeper even
for this don't get me wrong Onana is a
very good card to be honest but I wanted
higher rating card and we've got the
right fit for it 90 rated card and also
his stats are very good to be honest and
also I've heard that height doesn't
really matter in this season because
goalkeepers perform according to the
stats not based on the height so I think
he's going to do just fine despite being
not not the his Keepers I think he's
going to be good enough just upgrade him
as well and also he's got the long
thrower trade which is a bonus yeah I'm
going to rank him up I mean level him up
to level five so here we go the 92 rated
oblock with five levels these are his
updated stats so 93 diving 94
positioning 9 handling 86 kicking 95
reflexes and 84 physical so looks like a
perfect card for us all right the next
change I wanted to do is I want to
change my Midfield guys Gerard is a
Wonderful Card don't get me wrong about
that as well look at this he's he's the
rud H at gang but but still I want uh a
nice playmaker in the center mid
position so I mean you know someone like
kdb so I'm I have kdb in my mind guys
I'm probably going to get kdb I know
it's very expensive but still you know
kdb is kdb guys so I'm going to use him
uh he's not the best defensively but
still I think he's going to do well in
the Midfield position all right guys so
the next change I want to do is getting
in a new cerid portion it's for the sake
of the rating Gerard is a very good card
but I want to reach 94 over OVR but for
that you need high rated cards so yeah I
think kdb is right fit for us so 25.5
million coins for him so let's go and
try to purchase him for the price so
yeah kdb is going to enter a club and
here we go guys kdb purchase is
successful 93 rated sentiment card is
coming to our team so it's time to
replace Steven Gerard he's a great card
but you know for the sake of the rating
I have to make a few sacrifices for the
team and as you can see except passing
rest all stat Gerard is better of course
but still for the sake of rating we need
kdb in the team no we still haven't
reach 94 over here I thought that's
going to take us to 94 but unfortunately
we couldn't make it yet let's just train
kdb to level five I think that's going
to make his stats much better yeah kdb
to 115 and now he's got 77 Pace 92
shooting 99 passing 90 dribbling and
decent defending now 66 is fine and 75
physical yeah this is how the team is
looking like so far the team is looking
good but still we need a few more
changes few more higher rated players in
this team in order to achieve 94 and I
think that can be achieved by replacing
Snider with a 92 or 93 rated card but
let's have a look at the cam options we
have in the market right now and there
is zidan there's Shelton there's ziko
and also there's rme I think I'm I'm
just going to go with zidan guys I mean
that's a no-brainer uh if you use zidan
I think the rating is going to be
boosted by a lot and also his stats are
not bad either he's got well all rounded
stats even defending is very good 7 to2
defending is actually quite amazing for
a cam guys so I think zidan is the right
man for this job and here we go zidan
purchase is SU sucessful I think this is
a final purchase of a team and this
should help us reach uh 94 obr and also
I have to sell a snader I got him for 5
million coins each I mean the to even
rank him up I have to get another car so
I think I can sell him for 9 million
coins or something here we go zidan is
replacing Snider Snider is a very good
card if you look at the stats yeah as
you can see dribbling passing shooting
Pace everything Snider is better but we
have to rank up zidan as well first
let's I mean we can't rank him up
because it's very expensive but for now
I'm just going to train him so training
does the trick I guess I think he's
going to be a much better card if you
train him up so let's do it I'm going to
train him to level five and here we go
so that increases the pace by plus 4 86
Pace 94 shooting 98 passing 94 dribbling
73 defense and 81 physical wow that
looks like a rock solid cam card I mean
imagine if he's ranked up guys it's
going to be an insane card and we also
achieved 94 obr of course oh still
Snider is much better but I don't think
the difference is huge now zidan stays
guys you know we need zidan for the 94
overr and yeah successfully we got 94
overr let's just put in a few more
substitutes we need substitutes guys
especially for head to it because a few
of the players like Ronaldo gets tired
in the first after the first half and
let's put Ronaldo in the substitute will
that no we're still at 940 that's
amazing Neymar also gets tired after the
first half guys so we have to put Robert
Perez in the left fing for sure oh and
we are still at 94 over that's a good
news and also let's get yungman on and
we still stay at 94 over that's amazing
guys can we get any more substitutes
let's see I'll try to get kza but no kza
is going to get us rating down to 93 but
I think these three substitutes are
enough because Ronaldo is going to
replace Ronaldo and Perez is going to
replace Neymar and Son can replace zidan
or Garin or even K I think he's going to
do just fine uh okay never mind he's
defending is bad so I don't think he's
going to fit in stimate portion but yeah
cam right wing left wing Striker I think
he's going to do well in those positions
so yeah this is our final Team guys so
let me just sell Snider card then we're
going to get back to 100 million balance
and I think I'm taking a loss on this
Snider card because I think I spent like
9 to 10 Millions coins in total to make
him a green ranked card sometimes losses
are part of this game so we have to sell
Snider we'll be getting 8 million coins
and here we go guys so 8 million coins
in the bank in the account and that's
going to take us to 100 million coins
back so today's episode is quite
expensive guys because I had to get oock
for 18.6 million cuin I I had to get Mal
for 20 million almost 40 million coins
spent and then cancelo he cost is 12
millions in total for the rankup
included so that's like 52 million coins
spent and then kdb is 25 million so
that's 78 million coins and zidan is
another 20 million so we spent almost
100 million coins for this squad upgrade
most expensive Squad upgrade so far this
season I mean of course there'll be more
expensive Squad upgrades in the future
when new event comes anyways we achieved
94 overr I'm very happy with that now
it's time to play head match and see how
this team performs now I know it's going
to perform well but let's see how we are
going to perform with this this team
here we go guys we found our opponent
and let's have a look at his team oh
he's got actually quite a good attack
good defense and just average Midfield
but still I think he's got a good team
overall I think he's got like a 88 or 87
over team on average and this is our
team it looks beautiful not going to lie
and let's have a look at his team okay
mbapp harand Ribery Krish kante impano I
mean he's actually got a solid team to
be honest come on come on come on R9 wow
that was a lovely run from r R9 guys
honestly good series of dribbles before
this goal it's so hard get the ball
taken from R9 guys wow what a finish I
and R9 long shots are unstoppable guys
look at that from R9 wow I love uh
seeing those power shots go in and a
nice goal all right all
right to be honest my opponent deserved
the goal there good dribbling by harand
he he totally bullied Maldini there and
he scored a lovely goal so yeah credits
him oh my God kdb look at that shot no
one stopping that and kdb finishes it
off in style we still keep the two two
goal lead Robert Perez all right Robert
Perez oh last minute tackle there oh
that's a red card for Fernando here and
also a penalty okay okay that's
nice I'm going to shoot that direction
only and Robert Perez impact substitute
ooh look at that beautiful celebration I
love those dance celebrations man and
the opponent is disconnecting Wow Let's
go I love to see that and that's game
over it was a beautiful game guys I
enjoyed the game a lot to be honest I
hope even you enjoyed this video and if
you did make sure to subscribe to my
channel for more amazing FC mobile
videos like this AR ready signing off
see you in the next one bye-bye guys
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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