GPT-4o Is Here – 5 Ways Your Prompts Need To Change
TLDR视频脚本介绍了Shad GPT的升级版GPT 40,它在指令遵循方面有显著提升,允许用户更具体地构建提示。提出了五个关键调整建议:1) 提高提示的具体性;2) 使用多步骤提示;3) 鼓励批判性思维;4) 请求不同的观点;5) 利用长对话。GPT 40能够记住长达10万字的上下文,这使得它在处理复杂任务和进行长对话时更加出色。视频强调了正确提示的重要性,并提供了如何更有效地与GPT 40交互的方法。
- 🚀 GPT 40 进行了重大升级,现在可以免费访问,并且具有更强的指令遵循能力。
- 🔍 为了充分利用 GPT 40,需要对提示方式进行五项调整,从最简单的开始逐步到最重要的。
- 📝 提升提示的特定性是首要调整,GPT 40 在遵循指令方面有显著提升,允许更具体的提示和提供更多上下文。
- 🛠️ 使用自定义指令可以增强 GPT 40 的功能,这在 GPT 4 升级后变得更加强大。
- 🔑 利用多步骤提示可以提高 GPT 40 的效率,这在 GPT 3.5 中往往不可行,但 GPT 40 可以更好地执行复杂任务的多个步骤。
- 🤔 鼓励 GPT 40 进行批判性思考,它的逻辑和推理能力有了巨大飞跃,这得益于更广泛的数据集训练。
- 💡 通过添加“让我们一步一步思考”这样的提示,可以显著提高 GPT 40 的响应质量。
- 🌐 请求 GPT 40 提供不同的观点,它在更广泛的数据集上训练,可以提供更多样化的视角。
- 🎨 GPT 40 能够连接不同领域的知识,产生创造性的想法,如使用天气数据预测冰淇淋销量或监测太阳耀斑来做空电信公司。
- 🗣️ 充分利用 GPT 40 的长对话能力,它有近 100,000 词的上下文窗口,并且在整个窗口中都能很好地记住内容。
- 📚 现在可以进行长对话,可以粘贴整本书的内容并提问,或者进行数百次来回对话而不会忘记之前的信息。
Q & A
GPT 40 相较于之前的版本有哪些显著的提升?
-GPT 40 在指令遵循、逻辑推理能力、数据集的广度以及对话的连续性方面都有显著的提升。它能够更好地理解世界,执行复杂任务,并进行多步骤的提示。
为什么在使用 GPT 40 时需要提高提示的特定性?
-GPT 40 在指令遵循方面有很大提升,因此提高提示的特定性可以让它更准确地理解并执行用户的指令。
什么是自定义指令,它们在 GPT 40 中如何变得更加强大?
-自定义指令是用户为 GPT 定制的特定任务或行为的指令。在 GPT 40 中,由于其增强的指令遵循能力,自定义指令变得更加强大和有效。
-多步骤提示可以帮助 GPT 40 分解复杂任务,使其能够更可靠地按顺序执行每个步骤,从而提高回答的准确性。
为什么鼓励 GPT 40 进行批判性思考?
-GPT 40 在逻辑和推理能力上有显著提升,鼓励它进行批判性思考可以让它提供更深入、更准确的回答。
如何通过提示来提高 GPT 40 的回答质量?
-可以通过添加 '让我们一步一步地思考' 这样的提示来提高 GPT 40 的回答质量,这可以促使它提供更详细的思考过程。
GPT 40 如何利用其更广泛的数据集来提供不同的视角?
-GPT 40 训练于更广泛的数据集,包括图像、音频和视频,这使得它能够从不同的角度分析问题,并提供多样化的观点。
GPT 40 的创造力表现在哪些方面?
-GPT 40 能够将不同领域的知识联系起来,创造出新颖的解决方案,例如在股票交易机器人的指标设计中使用天气数据或监测太阳耀斑。
GPT 40 的对话上下文窗口有多大,这有什么好处?
-GPT 40 的对话上下文窗口几乎有 100,000 个词,这意味着它可以记住大量的信息,并且在长时间的对话中保持信息的连贯性。
如何有效利用 GPT 40 的长对话上下文窗口?
-可以通过粘贴大量文本或进行长时间的对话来利用 GPT 40 的长对话上下文窗口,这使得它可以在对话中保持对早期信息的记忆,提供更连贯的回答。
为什么说提示是与 GPT 40 交互的关键?
-提示是指导 GPT 40 理解和执行任务的关键,正确的提示可以显著提高 GPT 40 的性能和回答的质量。
🚀 GPT 40升级与提示技巧
Shad GPT 进行了重大升级,免费提供了对GPT 40的访问权限。GPT 40在指令遵循方面有显著改进,允许用户在提示中提供更多具体性,并提供更多上下文。使用自定义指令变得更加强大,这在之前的视频中有提到。GPT 40的增强指令遵循能力和推理能力,使得使用多步骤提示成为可能,这有助于将复杂任务分解为多个步骤,让模型能够按顺序执行,从而更可靠地回答问题。此外,GPT 40的逻辑和推理能力得到了提升,这得益于其在更广泛的数据集上的训练,包括图像、音频和视频。这使得模型能够更好地理解世界,并完成更多任务。鼓励模型进行批判性思考,通过添加“让我们一步步思考”这样的提示,可以显著改善回答质量。GPT 40还可以提供不同的观点,这得益于其在更广泛的数据集上的训练。最后,GPT 40拥有几乎100,000字的上下文窗口,这意味着它可以在长对话中记住更多的信息,这为进行长篇提示和长对话提供了可能性。
🎶 背景音乐
💡GPT 40
Shad GPT 40的发布带来了重大升级,提供免费访问。
GPT 40在指令跟随方面有显著提升,允许更具体的提示。
使用自定义指令可以更有效地利用GPT 40。
GPT 3.5无法处理多步骤提示,但GPT 40可以。
GPT 40增强的推理能力允许鼓励批判性思维。
GPT 40训练在更广泛的数据集上,包括图像、音频和视频。
GPT 40的逻辑和推理能力是其最大的飞跃之一。
GPT 40可以提供更多样化的观点。
GPT 40能够连接不同领域的概念,产生创意。
GPT 40可以提供非常规的指标,如利用天气数据预测冰淇淋销售。
GPT 40的上下文窗口从12,000字增加到100,000字。
GPT 40可以记住长达100,000字的上下文,并保持记忆质量。
现在可以进行长达数百次的来回对话,GPT 40不会忘记任何内容。
提示是与Chat GPT交互中最重要的部分。
Shad GPT just got a massive upgrade with
free access to GPT 40 and since it's
come out I've spent almost every waking
hour testing out prompts it turns out
that to take full advantage of GPT 40
you need to make five tweaks to how you
prompt let's start with the simplest and
work our way to the most important the
first tweak you need to make is to
increase your prompt specificity gp40 is
a massive Improvement in instruction
following this allows us to be a lot
more spefic specific in our prompts and
provide more context I've said it before
in many of my videos but being specific
is the most important part of prompting
and gbt 40 allows us to be a lot more
specific one application of this is
using custom instructions if you're not
already using custom instructions they
just became a lot more powerful with GPT
4 up for more info on custom
instructions check out level six I think
on my 10 levels of prompt engineering
this improved instruction following
leads us to our second tweet use
prompts with GPT 3.5 it just wasn't
possible to do this most of the time it
would get confused and lose track of
what you wanted to do or only do part of
what you asked but now with GPT 40's
enhanced instruction following and
enhanced reasoning this is often an
ideal way to prompt essentially you want
to break down complex tasks into
multiple steps that chat gbt can execute
sequentially this sort of prompting
allows chat gbt to focus on one thing at
a time and more reliably answer
difficult questions this really leads us
to the third tweak which is to encourage
critical thinking one of the biggest
leaps with gp4 o is its logic and
reasoning capability this comes from
being trained on a much broader data set
including imagery audio and video this
allows it to have a much better
understanding of our world and complete
a lot of tasks much better for us it's
long been known that asking a large
language model to explain its thoughts
improves the responses but this is
doubly so for GPT 40 because it's so
much better at telling you its thoughts
this sort of prompting is commonly
called Chain of Thought and the easiest
way to do it is to add into your prompt
let's think step by step the enhanced
reasoning and broader data set really
takes us to tweak 4 to request diverse
perspectives like I said before GPT 40
was trained on a much broader set of
data another way we can harness this is
by asking for different point of views
on a topic just for example if I was
looking at camera X and Camera y I
wouldn't just ask which camera is better
I would tell it to weigh the pros and
cons of each of them then make a final
decision at the end another aspect of
this is GPT 40 can connect Concepts from
very different domains resulting in a
lot of creativity one example of this is
I asked it to come up with some
indicators I could use when building a
stock trading bot but I wanted the
indicators to be very obscure and
something no other bot would be using it
came up with a lot of really interesting
things for instance looking at weather
data to gauge ice cream sales or
monitoring for solar flares to Short
telecommunications companies really cool
stuff so the last and I think most
important tweak we need to make is to
really utilize long
conversations GPT 3.5 has a 12,000w
context window meaning it can't remember
anything after 12,000 words and even
within those 12,000 words it gets really
bad at remembering after 3,000 or so GPT
40 on the other hand has almost 100,000
word context window
which in of itself is amazing but the
truly important part is that all across
those 100,000 words it remembers really
really well so how can we utilize this
long context window well there are two
ways we can do it
effectively first now we can have
massive massive prompts for instance you
could paste in the entire contents of a
book and start asking questions
about the other way is to have long back
and forth conversations previously you
might have noticed that after 10 or 12
back and forth messages Chad gbt would
start to forget what the earlier
messages were about now we can have
hundreds of back and forth messages and
it won't forget any of them I think
we're going to start seeing a lot more
people utilizing these long
conversations rather than constantly
starting a new chat for their prompts
and I've said it a million times before
but prompting is everything with chat
gbt so here's the video I mentioned
about prompting
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Introducing GPT-4o

GPT-4o - Full Breakdown + Bonus Details

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