100 OVR ✅ I Finally Did it after Opening 1000 Packs - FC MOBILE
TLDRفي الحلقة النهائية من سلسلة Ro 200 OVR، يسعى الفريق للوصول إلى تصنيف 100 OVR. الفريق حاليًا عند تصنيف 99 ويحتاج لترقية جميع اللاعبين إلى المستوى الرابع وأحدهم إلى المستوى الخامس. يخطط لتغيير التشكيلة وإضافة كريستيانو رونالدو ونيمار، ولكن التكلفة العالية تتطلب فتح العديد من الحزم للحصول على العملات. رغم المخاطر والمحاولات الفاشلة لترقية اللاعبين، ينجح أخيرًا في الوصول إلى تصنيف 100 OVR بعد ترقيات كبيرة ومخاطر عالية. يختتم الفيديو بمباراة حماسية يحقق فيها الفوز بفضل فريقه المحسن.
- 😀 يحتوي النص على تصريف لسلسلة من أجزاء من لعبة السلة الإلكترونية التي تهدف إلى الوصول إلى إجمالي OVR 100.
- 😎 في الحلقة السابقة، وصلت الفريق إلى OVR 99، وهناك حاجة لترتيب اللاعبين على المستوى 4 وواحد على المستوى 5 لتحقيق OVR 100.
- 🤔 يخطط اللاعب لتغيير تشكيلة الفريق إلى 424 ويرغب في إحضار كريستيانو رونالدو ونيمار، لكن يجد أن التكلفة مكلفة جدًا.
- 💰 يمتلك اللاعب 700،000 عملات ولكن يحتاج إلى ما يقرب من مليار عملات، ويأمل في استغلال 620،000 جوهرة لشراء اللاعبين المطلوبين.
- 📦 يفتح اللاعب قنوات بقيمة 620،000 نقاط FC ويتأمل في الحصول على عملات كافية لتحسين OVR.
- 🚀 يحاول اللاعب حظًا في فتح الأكواد الثمينة، لكن يفشل في الحصول على أي رمز.
- 💰 مع تلقي بعض اللاعبين ذوي التقييم العالي، يتمكن اللاعب من تجميع كميات كبيرة من العملات.
- 😓 يواجه اللاعب فشلًا في محاولة ترقية بطاقات اللاعبين التي تحاول ببيعها، مما يتسبب في خسارة كبيرة من العملات.
- 🛒 يقرر اللاعب شراء نيمار برتبة 4 بتكلفة 251 مليون عملات، لكن يجد أن التكلفة أصبحت أكبر مما كان يتوقع.
- 📈 يستخدم اللاعب موقعًا يدعى 'Renders' لتحليل اللاعبين وقارنهم ومعرفة أوقات تحديث السوق.
- 🏆 يحقق اللاعب OVR 100 بعد عدة محاولات مكلفة وخطرة، ويلعب مبارة من المباريات الرأسية مع فريقه الجديد.
- 🎮 يشعر اللاعب بعد أن وصل OVR 100 بأن فريقه قوي جدًا، لكن يجد أنه يعجز عن التحكم في سرعة اللاعبين.
Q & A
ما هي السلسلة التي يتحدث عنها القناة في هذا الحلقة؟
-السلسلة التي يتحدث عنها القناة هي Ro 200 OVR series.
ماذا يعني OVR في سياق السلسلة؟
-OVR تعني Overall Rating، وهو التقييم الإجمالي لفريق اللاعب في لعبة الفوتبول.
ما هي الهدف النهائي للقناة في هذه السلسلة؟
-الهدف النهائي هو الوصول إلى 100 OVR.
ماذا يفترض أن يفعل القناة لجعل اللاعبين يصلوا إلى المرتبة الرابعة والخامس؟
-القناة يفترض أن يرفع اللاعبين إلى المرتبة الرابعة والخامس لتحقيق OVR 100.
لماذا لم يتمكن القناة من شراء كريستيانو رونالدو ونيمار في البداية؟
-لم يتمكن القناة من شراء كريستيانو رونالدو ونيمار لأن تكلفة الشراء كانت تجاوز 1 مليار عملة، بينما كان لديه فقط 700،000 عملة.
ما هي الخطة الرئيسية للقناة لجمع الاموال لشراء اللاعبين؟
-القناة ي打算 فتح 620،000 جوهرة لجمع الاموال اللازمة لشراء اللاعبين.
ماذا تعني FC في سياق القناة؟
-FC تعني Football Club، لكن في سياق القناة، قد يشير إلى نقاط اللعب أو العملات في لعبة الفوتبول.
لماذا يشعر القناة بالحيرة عندما يظهر باك الأساسية؟
-القناة يشعر بالحيرة لأنه يتوقع أن يحصل على لاعبين بتقييم 90+، لكن حتى الآن لم يحصل على لاعبين بتقييم هذا الدرجة.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لعدد اللاعبين الذي تم فتحهم؟
-القناة حصل على لاعبين بقيمة 15 مليون عملة و20 بصمة منافسة حمراء.
ما هي الإستراتيجية التي يستخدمها القناة لزيادة OVR لفريقه؟
-القناة يستخدم استراتيجية فتح باقات اللاعبين وشراء اللاعبين بتقييم عالٍ، ومحاولة ترقية اللاعبين لزيادة OVR.
لماذا يختار القناة تغيير تشكيلة الفريق إلى 424؟
-القناة يختار تغيير تشكيلة الفريق إلى 424 ل容納 كريستيانو رونالدو ونيمار ضمن الفريق.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لعدد اللاعبين التي تم ترقيةها؟
-القناة ينجح في ترقية لاعبين مثل نيمار وثياغو سيلفا لزيادة OVR للفريق.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لفريق القناة بعد الوصول إلى OVR 100؟
-القناة ينجح في الوصول إلى OVR 100 وloses 212 مليون عملة في عملية الشراء والتطور.
😎朝向100 OVR的终极挑战
在这段视频中,玩家介绍了他的团队在达到99 OVR后的目标,即通过将所有球员升级到4级,一名球员升级到5级来达到100 OVR。他计划改变阵型为424,并希望引入Cristiano Ronaldo和Neymar,但很快意识到资金不足。他有620,000宝石,打算用来开启FC点数包,希望获得足够的硬币来完成100 OVR的升级。他展示了620,000 FC点数包的亮点,而不是所有包,以避免观众感到无聊。他还提到了包中图标的可用性,希望这次能开出一些昂贵的图标。
🎉成功升级至100 OVR的惊险之旅
在第二段中,玩家成功购买了Neymar,尽管价格比预期的高。他将Neymar放入队伍,替换了Raheem Sterling,并训练Neymar达到了98+25的评级。玩家还比较了Neymar和Winnie Júnior的卡片,指出尽管价格差异很大,但统计数据上的差异并不显著。随后,他决定升级Thiago Silva,尽管风险很大,但最终成功,使团队达到了100 OVR。他还提到了一个有用的网站,renders.doapp,该网站提供市场刷新时间、球员统计数据和比较功能,并宣传了他们的高级会员优惠。
🏆100 OVR团队的首场比赛和胜利
最后一段讲述了玩家用他的新100 OVR团队进行的首场比赛。他注意到游戏更新后,快速球员感觉更快了。比赛开始时,Pushers为团队进了第一个球,但对手很快扳平了比分。在下半场,团队进了更多球,包括一个精彩的团队进球和Pushka的帽子戏法。最终,玩家的团队赢得了比赛,他展示了团队成员的统计数据,并表达了对团队表现的满意。视频以鼓励观众订阅频道并观看视频结束。
💡Cristiano Ronaldo و Neymar
💡Star Pass
💡Skill Points
Introduction to the finale of Ro 200 OVR series with a goal to reach 100 OVR.
Current team status at 99 OVR, three ranks away from 100 OVR.
Strategy to change formation to 424 and add Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar to the team.
Financial constraints with only 700,000 coins and the need for almost 1 billion coins to afford Ronaldo and Neymar.
Plan to open 620,000 gems to get enough coins for the 100 OVR upgrade.
Opening of FC points packs with highlights instead of showing all packs to avoid boredom.
Packing 4 million coins and several P-rated players but no 90+ rated player yet.
Packing 63 million coins and a significant number of players.
Excitement over packing a 9.8 million coins player and 2 million coins from Donan M.
Packing a great player, Bastoni, and 15 million coins along with 20 red Rivals tokens.
Spending 200,000 gems and accumulating 9 million coins.
Risk-taking attempt to rank up Vincent Company and Caros Alberto cards for a chance to afford Ronaldo and Neymar.
Failure in ranking up attempts resulting in a loss of 220 million coins.
Decision to replace Sterling with Neymar at rank four due to financial constraints.
Unexpected higher price for Neymar and the impact on the wallet.
Training Neymar and comparing his stats with Winnie Júnior, highlighting the value for money.
Attempting to rank up Thiago Silva to the maximum level with a 90% success chance.
Successfully reaching 100 OVR with a team worth 3.34 billion coins.
Playing a head-to-head match with the new team and experiencing the fast-paced gameplay.
Winning the head-to-head match and the satisfaction with the team's performance.
Promotion of a website called 'renders doapp' for player stats and market refresh times.
yo gang what's going on so welcome to
the finale of Ro 200 OVR series
hopefully in today's episode we're going
to reach 100 OVR this was how my team
was looking like from the previous
episode so we reached 99 OVR I'm just
three ranks away from 100 overr all I
got to do is have all the players at
rank four and one player at rank five
and that's it we are done so my plan is
to change to 424 formation and then I
want to bring in Cristiano Ronaldo and
also Neymar it's not possible I can't
afford both of them look at Neymar rank
four it's 266 million and Ronaldo rank
five it's 700 million so I need almost 1
billion coins but I only got 700,000
coins but no problem guys because we've
got 620,000 gems which I'm going to be
opening so I'm going to be showing all
the highlights guys if I show you all
the packs it's going to get boring so
I'm just going to be showing you the
highlights of the 620,000 FC points
packs and hopefully we get enough coins
for the 100 OV upgrade to be successful
so let's go guys guys the the strangest
thing is you know it shows icons are
also available in this pack so last time
when I opened 300,000 FC points worth of
packs I haven't packed a single icon
which is strange to be honest hopefully
we packed some expensive icons as well
here we go base pack and all right so
that's a work out Belgium goalkeeper nah
nah n no I had enough of this St guys I
always pack re merens we got 4 million
coins though that's decent and a lot of
P guys and that's it we are yet to see a
90 plus rated player hopefully we pack a
few of them by the end of the pack
opening guys here we go another walk out
France Cate no that's not even Cate I
thought that's rabio but nope it's 87
rated wrong year is going for oh we pack
6335 million coins so that's decent
let's go to the next 12,500 gems here we
go come on EA Sports all right the packs
open England this is galag no it's
tamori yeah that's nice we'll take it
we'll take it obviously 9 .8 million
coins something around that so we'll
take it we also got Donan m 2 million
coins so that's decent come on and it's
a freaking walk out guys let's go Italy
send it back manini or I mean bastoni
yeah sorry it's Baston guys so that's a
great one I'll take it that's a
beautiful pull so 15 million coins is
worth and 20 red Rivals tokens so that's
a nice pack and the next 10 packs are
here here we go come
on all right 5. 4 million coins so
that's not not bad and all we got is
883s and Below we move on 200,000 gems
spent so far guys uh let's have a look
at the coins later and we got 9 million
coins let's go that's not at all bad and
the next 12,5 gems are here so Brazil
CDM Fernando never mind I don't even
know why I got excited when I saw the
Brazil flag guys for no reason I got
excited we got 5.4 to5 million coins and
that's it the next 12,5 FC points please
I want to P pack some mashianos England
right wing n that's uh oh rashford not
bad rashford is decent guys he's going
for 2.55 million coins we got D Lorenzo
we' got 5.5 million coins so 10 million
coins worth players packed in that one
that's a win pack let's move on and I
haven't packed a single machano what is
this Belgium again right wi oh Jeremy
doku guys and 5.3 million coins nice
that's nice so come on an icon an icon
nah but yeah we got 5 million coins
which is decent let's go 12,500 FC
points come on EA ah 6 million coins
that's nice we will take that any day so
guys I have sold all the players that I
got from those Chim packs and now we are
up to 922 million coins so guys I'm
going to be taking a risk I've been
trying to sell this Vincent company card
and also this caros Alberto card for a
while I I was trying to sell them but I
couldn't sell them I'm going to be
taking a huge risk now so I'm going to
be try ranking them up because if any
one of them is successful then I can
afford to get both Ronaldo and Neymar
but with rank four I'm really hoping
that at least one among these two are
going to be successful so this is a 30%
chance a very big risk if you ask me but
you know sometimes you got to take risks
in life and here we go come on come on
ah come on please please be a success n
that's a failure guys that's like 100
million coins wasted I can't do anything
you know I'm I'm just out of options now
so that's the reason why I had to try
these things winon company now I feel
bad guys if even this one fails I'm
going to feel very bad and I don't even
know what to say so two failures that's
like 220 million coins are on that loss
and also the bad part is the market in
this market it's almost impossible to
sell those uh players so I just took the
risk instead and the RIS didn't pay out
for me so the first thing I'm going to
do is I'm going to be changing uh the
left wing which is Sterling I'm going to
be getting Neymar there that's for sure
I have made my mind clear about that let
me just go and get Neymar but I'm just
going to get his four rank version I'm I
can't afford the five rank version so
expensive and it's going for 251 million
coins so let's go rest in peace to my
wallet guys this game hasn't been pocket
friendly for me so far here we go Neymar
Junior purchase has been successful
let's go claim him did I purchase himim
for 278 million coins no freaking way I
thought he is available for 251 I don't
know why EA always chooses the highest
price instead of the lowest price
anyways let's go and put in Neymar in
that position and Raheem Sterling has to
go guys he's a great card but he's weak
foot it's costing me a lot of gains let
me just train Neymar I already have a
few ranked up versions so I'm just going
to use it uh instead so here we go
Neymar to 98 + 25 let's have a quick
look at his stats we've got four skill
points and of course you know where I'm
going to use that to dexterity now he's
going to be lightning quick yeah 130
plus Pace 132 dribbling 116 shooting 10
10 passing and 75 physical and also I've
got another Brazilian left finger oh
Winnie junor versus Neymar actually not
at all bad guys Winnie junor is
relatively a much cheaper card but look
at the stats wise not really a huge
difference maximum plus 10 stats
difference I think that's not bad guys
considering the price of Winnie Jor and
I think we are two ranks away from
reaching 100 overr guys it's going to be
very hard only solution I think I think
I got a change Thiago Silva we can't
sell him anyways so what I'm going to do
is I'm going to try ranking him up to
the maximum level or something like that
let me just uh think about an
alternative in the meantime I would like
to talk about this amazing website which
I use every day it's called renders
doapp so in this website you can find
the players Market refresh time that you
can also find the stats You Can level
the them up and upgrade them up and see
the stats and also you can compare up to
six players guys so very easy to use and
not just that right now they have 50%
off on their premium membership on their
website so if you get this premium
membership you can get an adree
experience you can support your favorite
content creator and also you get access
to the monthly Q&A session guys also you
get an exclusive Founders batch we are
planning to get more features on the
website so for the future premium
features as well you can access to it so
what are you waiting for guys make sure
to become the premium member of lenders
to app the link is in the description
and also in the pin comment section
below so guys let's just get the red
ranked up Thiago Silva and try to
upgrade him to Max OVR I'm just going to
get try to uh you know upgrade him to
the five ranks so yeah let's first get
him here we go the purchase has been
successful guys now let's go and place
him in the team so yeah I'm just going
to replace this Thiago Silva with the
latest one he goes into the center back
position of course Thiago Silva is here
guys uh and I got to try ranking him and
the purple one it's only 50% probability
guys I'm not sure if I should try this
or or get another theago Sila from the
market I think I'm going to try it I'm
very tempted guys I'm going to do one
thing I'm going to go get the star pass
uh because then I get a Masano if I put
in a Masano the probability is going to
go to 60% and then I'll get a a green
rank or a red rank or a blue rank Thiago
Silva yeah I think I'm going to do I'm
going to do that guys I'm going to get
the star pass and I'll be back I am back
guys and the purchase of Star Pass has
been successful so yeah now we get one
mashiro that we can use for the rankup
and we got mashiro Phil for and as well
we've got more FC points now I think
it's time to try guys I'm actually still
nervous guys I think I should probably
get yeah I'm just going to get the blue
one guys come on let's not risk it it's
a big risk already so let me just get uh
the red one or the blue one the green
one is only 100 million and the green
one increases the probability by 20%
whereas uh the blue one it's going to
increase by 30% it's going to make it
90% guys yeah I'm going to get the uh
blue blue one guys let's not R too much
it's just 40 million coins difference
anyway so I'm just going to get the blue
one hopefully this better be successful
guys because we're going to be having a
90% chance after this and here we go
Thiago Silva the purchase has been
successful I've never been this nervous
before in my life or 50% 60 and 90% guys
if this fails I don't even know what to
do there's only 10% chance of failure
and thank god with this I'm sure we
reached 100 and let's go guys finally we
did it with loads of risk which fake of
course but yeah we reached there finally
let's just train theago Sil now it's
time guys I mean I think my heartbeat is
going to go a bit down now when I was
ranking up the Thiago Silva it was at
150 to 170 beats per minute of course
let me just use my players which I've
got to you know level him up to level 30
and here we go Thiago Silva to level 30
let's have a look at uh the player uh
skill points so we've got five skill
points I'm going to use it probably
physical wait where is he lacking behind
yeah physical let's put it on physical
so I'm going to go three on physical I'm
going to yeah increase the libero and
then I'm going to increase the defending
a bit as well and here we go so with
this look at the car looks Rock Solid
one or two Pace one or8 dribbling 129
defense 124 physical wow look at that uh
four and a half St stamina as well so
wow guys our team it looks wonderful 100
over are done it costed us everything
guys if we are down to 212 million coins
actually I was hoping to put Ronaldo in
the team but yeah we can't afford him
anymore let me just quickly show you the
stats of all the players now I've showed
the stats of Dona it didn't change from
last episode and then these are the
stats of caros Alberto Rock Solid and
we've got Hernandez I mean very good
stats we can't use decent with this team
members everyone are just spectacular
look at this card vinon company and
Thiago Silva in the center back F insane
cards and then look more Rich the only
card which I'm not completely satisfied
with and we've got Michael Bak so this
is this this is his card guys insane
card and finally we've got the cam ziko
very good card guys after upgrading his
this monster and the right M we've got
Mohammad Salah fantastic card no
complains at all with my attackers and
now we've got Neymar Junior in the left
wing finally we've got the striker fence
pushers this is our team 100 overa 3.34
billion coins worth to be honest I I
thought it's going to be 4 billion plus
worth but yeah we finally reached 100
over here guys now we're going to be
playing a head to-head match with this
beautiful team so let's go guys all
right guys so let's go and find an
head-to-head opponent and let's give a
best so we had a new update uh today
when I was recording the video the new
update just came out and the game play
might be a lot more different now you
can you can feel the PE Pace a bit more
compared to the previous update uh so
yeah let's go let's see how it feels and
we found an opponent who's got more
trophies than us but team rating wise we
are clear
guys come on
pushers and pushers scores the first
goal of the match that was easy that is
one of my signature goals guys that's
how I scor most of my goals open up fake
shot and then shoot got to be careful
now got to be very careful okay
yeah and B with the beautiful goal that
one I got to give credit to my opponent
for that accurate pass to P he never
misses from there we are Level now we
are level all right okay come on
Modric oh no nah that pass was too heavy
for Modric oh mbapp n
guys oh wincon comy last minute tackle
he saved us in the first half and my
initial thoughts the fast players feel
much faster now guys look at mbappe's
instant previously we have got lots of
PA in our team second half we got to
score some goals and get the win Michael
Bak gets the ball come on pass it to
ziko ziko back to puskas and pushers
wonderful goal let's go that was a well
worked goal guys let's go and score one
more goal and just be safe you know get
win and pushka gets a hatrick I guess so
Neymar with the nice run passes to
pushers and he never misses those
chances especially inside the box I
think my opponent's leaving guys I love
whenever I make my opponent quit I mean
yeah I know I got a good team but still
all right guys so that's the end of the
match we won it and also the team it's
so good guys I mean I'm unable to
control the fastness of this team but
yeah that's it finally we reached 100
over I hope you all have enjoyed this
video if you did make sure to subscribe
to my channel and also go watch this
video guys
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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