This is so Fun! The Midjourney Random Style Generator

Atomic Gains
1 May 202409:50

TLDRIn the video, the host explores the new random style generator feature in Midjourney, a tool that can significantly enhance one's creative arsenal by providing a plethora of visual possibilities. The host demonstrates how to use the random parameter with a simple prompt, such as a portrait of a dog, and explains how to generate multiple results from one prompt using the repeat parameter. The video showcases a variety of unique styles generated by Midjourney, from realistic to painterly and psychedelic, encouraging viewers to create a library of styles for future reference. The host also guides viewers on how to use the describe tool to understand and replicate the styles they like, and how to use an image as a style reference for new prompts. The video concludes with an experiment using multiple parameters in one prompt to generate diverse stylized results, emphasizing the potential of the random generator to inspire and expand one's artistic horizons.


  • 🎨 **Random Style Generator Introduction**: Midjourney has introduced a new random style generator that can provide a wide range of visual styles for images.
  • 📈 **Creating Unique Styles**: By using 'random' after the style reference (sref) parameter, users can generate completely random styles, offering surprises and unique looks.
  • ➕ **Multiple Results from One Prompt**: Adding 'Das-Repeat' followed by a number allows for the generation of multiple results from a single prompt, saving time and effort.
  • 🔍 **Exploring New Styles**: The random generator is used to discover new styles that users might not have considered, expanding creative possibilities.
  • 📚 **Building a Style Library**: Users can create a library of styles for future reference by keeping track of the styles they have used and liked.
  • 🔗 **Using Style References**: A specific style can be reused with different images by upscaling a preferred image and using it as a style reference for new prompts.
  • 🌐 **Consistent Experience Across Platforms**: The random style generator works similarly on both the Midjourney Discord and the Midjourney Alpha website.
  • 🔬 **Describing Generated Styles**: The 'SL describe' tool helps users understand the style of an image by providing descriptive terms and artist names for future use.
  • 📎 **Customizing Prompts with Descriptive Terms**: Descriptive terms from the 'SL describe' tool can be added to prompts to refine and customize the style of generated images.
  • 🤖 **Combining Multiple Parameters**: Experimenting with various parameters like 'Sr random', 'style weights', 'character weight', 'styliz', and 'chaos' can lead to diverse and creative results.
  • 🔥 **Impressive Results**: The random generator produces a variety of styles that are not only visually appealing but also inspire further exploration and creativity.
  • 📋 **Archiving and Referencing Styles**: Users can archive and reference the styles they like for future use, making it easier to recreate or build upon those styles.

Q & A

  • What is the new feature introduced by Midjourney?

    -Midjourney has introduced a new random style generator that allows users to create completely random styles for their images.

  • How does the random style generator work?

    -The random style generator works by using the 'random' parameter after the 'sref' (style reference) in the prompt. This creates a unique and unpredictable style for the image.

  • What is the purpose of using the 'Das-Repeat' parameter?

    -The 'Das-Repeat' parameter is used to generate multiple results from a single prompt by repeating the prompt a specified number of times.

  • How can you upscale a style you like for future use?

    -You can upscale a style by using the 'srf' parameter followed by the link to the image you want to use as a style reference in your new prompts.

  • What tool can help identify the style of an image?

    -The 'SL describe' tool in Midjourney can analyze an image and provide descriptions, including the artist's name, to help identify the style.

  • How does the describe tool work on the Midjourney Alpha website?

    -On the Midjourney Alpha website, you click on the plus icon to access the images you've downloaded. Selecting an image provides descriptors and artist styles that can be added to your prompt.

  • What is the role of 'style weights' in the Midjourney prompt?

    -Style weights, ranging from 0 to 1000, determine the influence of the style reference on the generated image. A higher number increases the style's impact, while a lower number reduces it.

  • What does the 'character weight' parameter control?

    -The 'character weight' parameter, ranging from 0 to 100, controls how much the character in the image will retain its original appearance. A higher weight keeps the character more consistent, while a lower weight allows for more variation.

  • How can you add creativity to the generated image?

    -You can add creativity to the generated image by using the 'styliz' parameter in your prompt, which encourages more creative and unique results.

  • What is the effect of the 'chaos' parameter?

    -The 'chaos' parameter introduces randomness to the generation process, making each individual image more distinct from one another.

  • How can you save and reference styles you like for later use?

    -You can save and reference styles you like by using the Midjourney archive, which allows you to store and later access the styles for future prompts.

  • What is the main benefit of using the random style generator?

    -The main benefit of using the random style generator is that it opens up a wide range of visual possibilities, helping users discover and learn about different styles that they may not have considered otherwise.



🎨 Exploring Mid Journey's Random Style Generator

The video introduces a new feature in Mid Journey called the random style generator. The host explains how it can be a powerful tool for unlocking new visual opportunities. They demonstrate its use by starting with a simple prompt—a portrait of a dog—and adding 'random' after the style reference (sref) to generate a completely random style. The result is a unique, realistic style with backlighting. The host shares a tip for generating multiple results from one prompt by using the dash repeat parameter. They also showcase various styles created by Mid Journey and discuss creating a library of styles for future use. The video then illustrates how to apply a preferred style to a different image, emphasizing the potential for creative exploration.


🔍 Using the Describe Tool and Multiple Parameters

The host guides viewers on how to use the describe tool in Mid Journey to better understand and categorize the styles generated. They show how to use this tool on both the Discord and Mid Journey Alpha websites, explaining that it provides useful information such as artist styles and descriptors that can be used in future prompts. The video then covers how to use an image as a style reference on the Mid Journey Alpha website by uploading an image and using the paper clip icon to add it as a parameter. The host also discusses using multiple parameters in one prompt, such as character weight and style weights, to control the influence of the style and character reference on the final image. They demonstrate this by generating five different stylized results for a character portrait, showing how the random generator can yield diverse and unexpected styles, which can be archived for future reference.



💡Random Style Generator

A tool within the Midjourney software that creates a completely random visual style for an image. It is likened to a lottery, providing a surprise element to the style applied to the user's prompts. In the video, it is used to explore a variety of styles that the user might not have considered otherwise, thus expanding their creative possibilities.

💡Style Reference (sref)

A parameter used in conjunction with the random style generator to apply a specific style to an image. It is used by typing 'sref' followed by a space and then the word 'random' or a link to an image. This keyword is central to the video's demonstration of how to use the random style generator to find and apply unique styles to images.

💡Repeat Parameter (Dash repeat)

A feature that allows users to generate multiple results from a single prompt without having to rewrite the prompt multiple times. It is used by adding 'Dash repeat' followed by the number of times the user wants the prompt to be repeated. This tool is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the random style generator to produce a range of different styles.

💡Midjourney Alpha

A platform or version of the Midjourney software where users can experiment with and generate different styles for their images. The video demonstrates how the random style generator works on this platform, showing that it functions similarly to the Discord version of the software.

💡Describe Tool

A utility within Midjourney that provides descriptive information about the style of an image. It helps users understand the characteristics of a generated style and can be used to inform future prompts. In the video, the describe tool is used to identify the style of an image and to provide artist names and descriptors that can be used in subsequent image generations.

💡Character Weight

A parameter that determines how much a generated image will adhere to the original character reference. At a character weight of 100, the character retains its original look, while at 0, the character's face remains the same but other aspects like clothing and hairstyle can vary. This keyword is used in the video to show how to create different versions of a character while maintaining consistency in the facial features.

💡Style Weight

A parameter that influences the impact of the style reference on the generated image. A higher style weight number means the style will have a greater influence, while a lower number reduces the style's impact. In the video, the presenter experiments with different style weights to show how it affects the final image's style.

💡Styliz Parameter

A creative control that adds more artistic flair to the generated image. It is used to introduce more creativity into the style application process. The video demonstrates how the styliz parameter can contribute to the uniqueness of the generated images.

💡Chaos Value

A parameter that introduces variability into the individual images generated from a single prompt. A higher chaos value results in more distinct differences between the generated images. The video uses a chaos value of 40 to ensure that multiple generations of the same prompt yield a diverse set of styles.

💡Mid Journey Archive

A feature of the Midjourney software that allows users to save and reference styles they like for future use. It serves as a personal library of styles that can be revisited and applied to new prompts. The video emphasizes the utility of the archive in preserving preferred styles for continued creative exploration.


A communication platform where the Midjourney software is also accessible. The video references using the random style generator on Discord, indicating that the software's features are not limited to a single platform and can be used across different interfaces.


Midjourney has released a new random style generator that can provide a variety of visual styles for images.

Using the random parameter with a simple prompt like a portrait of a dog can yield surprising and unique styles.

Adding 'Dash repeat' after the prompt allows for the generation of multiple results from a single prompt.

The random style generator is designed to help users discover a style they like for future use.

Midjourney's latest styles include a range from blue color tones with a painterly style to psychedelic art with swirls and patterns.

Creating a library of different styles for future reference is a useful technique when using the random generator.

An upscaled image of a dog on a mountain with a specific style reference can produce a unique look suitable for children's books.

The Midjourney Alpha website works similarly to the Discord version, offering a random style generation feature.

The 'SL describe' tool on the Discord website provides descriptive information about the style of an image.

On the Midjourney Alpha website, the describe tool offers subject outlines and descriptors that can be added to prompts.

Using an image as a style reference in the Midjourney Alpha website involves uploading the image and clicking the paperclip icon.

Experimenting with multiple parameters in one prompt can lead to diverse and creative results.

Style weights and character weights allow for control over how much the generated image references a particular style or character.

The 'styliz' parameter adds more creativity to the image, while a 'chaos' value introduces more variation between individual images.

Using 'D- repeat' can generate multiple stylized results from a single prompt, showcasing a wide range of styles.

The random generator on Midjourney opens up many possibilities and encourages learning about different styles.

The Midjourney archive allows users to save and reference styles they like for later use.

The video encourages viewers to explore and share their discovered styles with the community.