Create amazing interior renders with MidJourney AI for the Interior Designer.

Design Ink Co
23 Sept 202310:05

TLDRThe video provides an in-depth guide on utilizing Midjourney AI for interior design rendering. The presenter shares their positive experience with the tool, noting its improved realism and lighting compared to previous versions. They emphasize the importance of crafting detailed prompts, starting from general to specific, and from most to least important details. The script offers a step-by-step approach to creating prompts, including setting the scene, camera angle, design style, room name, focal points, materials, colors, lighting, and aspect ratio. It also covers techniques to refine results, such as using vary buttons, backslash blend command, wildcards, stylizer, and negative prompting. The presenter encourages saving prompts for future reference and experimenting with AI to stay ahead in the field of design.


  • 🎨 **Use Midjourney for Interior Design**: The speaker has successfully integrated Midjourney AI into their interior design workflow, achieving realistic and usable images.
  • πŸ“ˆ **Improved Realism**: Midjourney 5.2 offers more realism with better lighting and resolved details compared to previous versions.
  • πŸ’‘ **AI in Inspiration and Ideation**: AI tools like Midjourney are particularly useful in the early stages of design for inspiration and ideation.
  • πŸ“ **Crafting Prompts**: Careful construction of prompts with specific descriptors is key to achieving desired results in Midjourney.
  • πŸ“Έ **Scene Description**: Start by describing the scene from general to specific, and from most to least important details.
  • πŸ“š **Knowledge of Design Terminology**: Familiarity with design terms can be beneficial, but basic terms are provided for beginners.
  • 🏠 **Setting the Scene**: Begin with an 'editorial style' prompt, which is common for interior design images in magazines.
  • πŸ“ **Camera Angle and Composition**: Describe the camera angle and composition, often wide-angle to show as much of the room as possible.
  • 🌈 **Design Style and Space**: Specify the overall design style and the name of the room to guide the AI in generating appropriate furniture and fixtures.
  • πŸ” **Materials and Colors**: Describe materials and colors in detail, using terms like 'warm grey' or 'battleship grey', and avoid RGB/hex codes.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ **Adding Details and Lighting**: Include specific details like store style, aesthetic, or designer, and lighting conditions like time of day or atmospheric effects.
  • πŸ–₯️ **Aspect Ratio for Different Uses**: Specify the aspect ratio for the intended use, such as 16:9 for websites or 9:16 for social media.
  • πŸ” **Experiment and Save Prompts**: Experiment with different prompts, save them for reference, and use a system like a Notion dashboard to organize them.
  • πŸ”„ **Techniques for Varied Images**: Use the 'vary' button, backslash blend command, wildcard, and stylizer to create a diverse range of images.
  • πŸ” **Learning from Images**: Use the backslash describe command to learn how to write prompts by uploading an image and getting descriptive feedback.
  • βš–οΈ **Emphasis and Negative Prompting**: Use double colons to emphasize certain words and negative prompting to remove unwanted details from the images.
  • 🌊 **Stay Ahead of the Wave**: Embrace AI technology like Midjourney as it will revolutionize how architecture and interior design images are produced.

Q & A

  • What is the main advantage of using Midjourney AI for interior design?

    -Midjourney AI allows for the creation of realistic and usable images in the interior design workflow, enhancing the inspiration and ideation phases of the design process.

  • How has Midjourney 5.2 improved over the previous version?

    -Midjourney 5.2 is more realistic, with resolved crazy details and improved lighting, making it better suited for professional use in interior design.

  • What is the importance of acknowledging the source when using Midjourney images?

    -Since the images generated by Midjourney are in a copyrighted grey area, it is important to always acknowledge the source to maintain ethical standards and avoid legal issues.

  • What is the recommended approach to crafting a Midjourney prompt for interior design?

    -The recommended approach is to describe the scene from the most general to the specific, starting with the overall design style and moving to the most important details, and then to the less important ones.

  • Why is knowledge of design terminology helpful when writing a Midjourney prompt?

    -Knowledge of design terminology helps in crafting more precise and effective prompts, allowing the AI to generate images that closely match the desired design vision.

  • How does the camera angle affect the composition of the generated image?

    -The camera angle, often described as wide angle in interior design, affects the composition by determining how much of the room is visible, with wider angles showing more of the space.

  • What is the significance of describing the room's name in a Midjourney prompt?

    -Describing the room's name helps Midjourney to include appropriate furniture and fixtures typical for that specific room type in the generated image.

  • How does specifying the materials and colors in a prompt influence the generated image?

    -Specifying materials and colors helps the AI to generate images with a more accurate representation of the desired design elements, enhancing the realism and applicability of the generated images.

  • What is the role of the aspect ratio in determining the size of the generated image?

    -The aspect ratio determines the dimensions of the generated image, allowing users to tailor the output for specific uses, such as for websites or social media.

  • How can one refine their Midjourney prompts over time?

    -By saving and referencing past prompts and results, users can develop a better understanding of their style and learn how to prompt Midjourney more effectively to achieve their desired outcomes.

  • What are some techniques to vary the images generated by Midjourney?

    -Techniques include using the vary buttons, backslash blend command, wildcard with the chaos command, stylizer command, and negative prompting to remove unwanted details.

  • Why is it important to keep up with AI tools like Midjourney in the field of design?

    -AI tools like Midjourney are set to revolutionize the production of architectural and interior design images, making it crucial for designers to stay current with these technologies to remain competitive and efficient in their work.



🎨 Interior Design with Midjourney AI

The speaker discusses their positive experience using Midjourney 5.2 for interior design, highlighting its improved realism and lighting. They emphasize the tool's utility in the inspiration and ideation phases of design work. The speaker advises on crafting prompts with specific descriptors for architecture and interior design, starting from general to specific details. They also caution about the copyright status of generated images and suggest acknowledging sources. The process involves setting the scene, camera angle, design style, space, focal point, materials, color, and lighting. The use of aspect ratio and various AI techniques like vary buttons, backslash blend command, wildcard, stylizer, and negative prompting are also covered. The speaker shares their method of saving prompts in a Notion dashboard for future reference and style development.


πŸ“ˆ Advanced Techniques and Experimentation with Midjourney

This paragraph delves into advanced techniques for refining images generated by Midjourney. It talks about the importance of aspect ratio for different applications like websites and social media. The speaker shares their practice of saving and organizing prompts in a Notion dashboard, which aids in developing a personal style and quick results. They also discuss various methods to diversify images, such as using vary buttons, backslash blend command for combining elements from different sources, wildcard for adding variation, stylizer for artistic effects, and negative prompting to remove unwanted details. The paragraph also touches on the use of double colons to emphasize certain words in prompts. The speaker expresses their preference for Midjourney over other AI programs like DALL E and Stable Diffusion due to the superior results and concludes by encouraging continuous learning and experimentation with AI tools, anticipating their transformative impact on architecture and interior design.



πŸ’‘MidJourney AI

MidJourney AI is a sophisticated tool used for generating images that can be integrated into the workflow of interior design. In the video, it is described as having improved realism and lighting compared to its previous versions, making it a valuable asset for designers in the inspiration and ideation phases of their work.

πŸ’‘Interior Design

Interior Design refers to the art and science of creating functional and aesthetically pleasing indoor spaces. The video script emphasizes how MidJourney AI can be applied to enhance this process, particularly by generating realistic images that can be used for inspiration or client presentations.


In the context of AI image generation, prompts are descriptive phrases or commands that guide the AI to create a specific type of image. The video discusses crafting prompts by describing the scene from general to specific, and from most to least important details, which is crucial for achieving desired results with MidJourney AI.


Copyright in the video refers to the legal rights that creators have over their work. It is mentioned that images generated by MidJourney are in a 'grey area' concerning copyright, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging sources when using such images for inspiration or client presentations.

πŸ’‘Editorial Style

Editorial style images are those typically found in magazines, characterized by a professional and curated look. The video suggests starting with 'editorial style' as a prompt to guide MidJourney AI towards generating images that resemble high-quality, magazine-style interior design visuals.

πŸ’‘Camera Angle

The camera angle is the position from which a photograph or a rendering is taken, which influences the composition of the image. The video highlights the importance of specifying the camera angle, such as wide-angle, to capture the desired view of the interior space.

πŸ’‘Design Style

Design style refers to the aesthetic characteristics and trends that define a particular era or culture in design. Words like 'modern,' 'vintage,' 'eclectic,' and 'neoclassical' are used in the video to describe the overall design style of the space, which helps MidJourney AI to generate images that align with the desired aesthetic.

πŸ’‘Focal Point

A focal point in interior design is an element that draws the eye and defines the center of interest in a space. The video mentions deciding on a focal point, such as a fireplace or a chandelier, to highlight a specific feature within the generated image.


Materials in the context of interior design refer to the substances used to construct or decorate a space. The video suggests describing materials to guide MidJourney AI in creating images that include the desired textures and finishes, such as specifying 'dominant materials' for a realistic representation.


Color is a fundamental aspect of interior design that affects the mood and atmosphere of a space. The video discusses the importance of describing colors in detail since MidJourney AI does not recognize RGB or hex codes, using terms like 'warm grey' or 'battleship grey' to convey the intended color scheme.

πŸ’‘Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio is the proportional relationship between the width and the height of an image. In the video, it is mentioned as a crucial detail for determining the size of the generated image, with different ratios suggested for use on websites (16:9) versus social media (9:16).


Midjourney 5.2 is more realistic than previous versions with improved lighting and resolved details.

AI tools like Midjourney are valuable in the inspiration and ideation phases of interior design work.

Crafting prompts with specific descriptors is key to achieving desired results with Midjourney.

Images generated by Midjourney are in a copyright grey area, so it's important to acknowledge sources.

Describing the scene from general to specific and important to less important details is a recommended approach.

Knowledge of design terminology is useful, but provided terms can assist those without a background.

Starting with 'editorial style' as a prompt sets the scene for typical magazine-style interior design images.

Changing the medium can generate non-photorealistic images, such as pen and ink drawings or watercolors.

Describing the camera angle and composition is crucial, with wide-angle lenses being common for showing entire rooms.

Including words that describe the overall design style, like 'modern' or 'vintage', helps set the scene's tone.

Specifying the room's name informs the type of furniture and fixtures to include.

Deciding on a focal point, such as a fireplace or a sofa, can help highlight a feature of interest.

Describing materials and colors in detail is essential as Midjourney does not recognize RGB or hex codes.

Adding details about a specific store style, aesthetic, or designer can enhance the prompt's power.

Specifying lighting conditions, such as time of day or atmospheric effects, can greatly affect the image's mood.

Describing the view outside windows, especially if the setting is important, can add context to the interior.

Adding the aspect ratio at the end of the prompt determines the size of the generated image.

Saving and referencing prompts can help refine your style and improve results over time.

Using techniques like the vary button, backslash blend command, and wildcard can help vary and perfect images.

The stylizer command can create more artistic images, though they may be less connected to the original prompt.

Learning to write effective prompts can be aided by uploading an image and using the backslash describe command.

Placing more emphasis on certain words in a prompt can be done using the double colon followed by a number.

Negative prompting allows for the removal of unwanted details from the generated images.

These techniques can also be applied to other image-based AI programs like DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.

Midjourney is favored for its superior results in generating images for architecture and interior design.

A Notion Midjourney template is available for organizing and storing prompts and images.

Experimentation with AI tools like Midjourney is crucial for staying ahead in the field of design.