Trump Arrives for Criminal Trial and LOSES BIG Right Away

15 Apr 202414:07

TLDRThe criminal trial against Donald Trump for falsifying business records to interfere with the 2016 election has begun. Trump arrived at the Manhattan courtroom looking unwell and claimed persecution. He lost key motions, including one to recuse Justice Bashan and another to prevent evidence of a catch-and-kill scheme with the National Enquirer from being admitted. A subpoena to the Department of Justice intended to delay the trial backfired, revealing damaging information about efforts to suppress the Access Hollywood tape and other misconduct. The trial is document-driven, focusing on whether Trump's actions constitute fraud.


  • 📢 The criminal trial against Donald Trump for falsification of business records related to the 2016 election has commenced.
  • 🏛️ Trump arrived at the Manhattan courtroom looking unwell and panicked, repeating claims of persecution and unfair treatment.
  • 📉 Trump Media's stock plummeted 15% as news of Trump's arrival at the courtroom spread.
  • 🚫 Trump lost key motions, including the attempt to recuse Justice Bashan and to prevent evidence of his 'catch and kill' deal with the National Enquirer from being presented.
  • 💥 The Department of Justice subpoena, intended by Trump to delay the trial, backfired, revealing damaging information including emails and text messages about the Access Hollywood tapes and strategies to prevent negative stories from emerging.
  • 🎥 Justice Maran ruled that the Access Hollywood tape will not be played in court due to its inflammatory nature, but discussions about it are allowed.
  • 🤰 The jury selection process will consider the personal circumstances of potential jurors, their ability to be fair and impartial, and will involve a detailed questionnaire.
  • 🔎 The prosecution is allowed to discuss the deal between AMI, National Enquirer, and Trump, but certain details, like Melania's pregnancy, may be deemed prejudicial.
  • 🔄 Both the prosecution and defense can exercise challenges to remove jurors they deem unfit, as long as reasons are non-discriminatory.
  • 📢 The trial proceedings are expected to be highly document-driven, focusing on whether the business records were falsified and the nature of the payments made.

Q & A

  • What is the main subject of the criminal trial against Donald Trump?

    -The main subject of the criminal trial is Donald Trump's alleged falsification of business records to interfere with the 2016 election.

  • How did Trump Media's stock perform as Donald Trump arrived at the Manhattan courtroom?

    -Trump Media's stock was tanking, it was down 15% as Donald Trump arrived at the Manhattan courtroom.

  • How did Donald Trump appear when he arrived at the courtroom?

    -Donald Trump arrived looking very unwell and panicked.

  • What was the outcome of the motions heard on the first day of the trial?

    -Donald Trump lost the motion to recuse Justice Bashan, a motion to prevent information about his catch and kill deal with the National Inquirer from coming in, and his subpoena to the Department of Justice backfired, resulting in harmful information being revealed.

  • What was the nature of the catch and kill scheme between Donald Trump, the National Inquirer, and AMI?

    -The catch and kill scheme involved purchasing stories from individuals who had relationships with or negative stories about Donald Trump, then killing the stories by not publishing them while owning the rights, and threatening to sue if the stories were made public.

  • What was the Access Hollywood tape controversy mentioned in the script?

    -The Access Hollywood tape controversy refers to a recording where Donald Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, which the Trump campaign sought to suppress by paying off individuals like Stormy Daniels.

  • What was Justice Maran's stance on the recusal attempt by Donald Trump?

    -Justice Maran found the recusal attempt to be frivolous and attenuated, swiftly denying it and stating that it's the judge's responsibility to deny recusal when not merited to prevent gaming of the system.

  • What was the court's decision regarding the Access Hollywood tape during the trial?

    -Justice Maran decided that the prejudicial aspect of the Access Hollywood tape would outweigh its probative value and thus would not allow it to be played in court, although the prosecution could still discuss it.

  • How will the jury selection process work in this trial?

    -The process involves first assessing juror availability and personal circumstances, followed by a questionnaire with over 40 specific questions. Jurors who indicate they cannot be fair and impartial will be removed, and both sides will have the opportunity to challenge jurors further, as long as the reasons are non-discriminatory.

  • What was the impact of the 11th Hour subpoena to the Department of Justice on the trial?

    -Far from being helpful to Donald Trump, the 11th Hour subpoena inadvertently led to the revelation of more damaging documents, emails, and text messages that further implicated Trump and his associates in attempts to cover up the Access Hollywood tape and other misconduct.



📢 Donald Trump's Criminal Trial and Courtroom Arrival

The script opens with a discussion on the criminal trial against Donald Trump for falsifying business records to interfere with the 2016 election. It describes Trump's arrival at the Manhattan courtroom, his appearance and demeanor, and his routine of claiming persecution. The summary also covers the motions heard that day, including Trump's failed attempts to recuse Justice Bashan and prevent evidence regarding his catch and kill deal with the National Enquirer from being admitted. The revelation that Trump's subpoena to the Department of Justice, intended to delay the trial, backfired by uncovering damaging information, including text messages about the Access Hollywood tapes and the catch and kill scheme, is highlighted. The segment ends with a brief mention of the public's reaction to the trial and Trump's claims of political persecution.


🌬️ Fume: The Innovative Solution for Breaking Bad Habits

This paragraph introduces a product called Fume, an award-winning flavored air device designed to help people break bad habits. Fume offers flavored air as an alternative to vaping, providing a natural and healthier option without harmful chemicals. The device features an adjustable airflow dial and is designed to be fidget-friendly, aiding in de-stressing and anxiety reduction. The script promotes Fume's sleek design, balance, and the enjoyment derived from using it. A special offer for listeners of the show is mentioned, with a 10% discount available by using the code 'Midas' on the Fume website. The product is marketed as a way to start the year off right by forming good habits.


🔍 Court Proceedings and Jury Selection

The summary of the third paragraph focuses on the court proceedings in the trial against Donald Trump. It details the rejected motions, including Trump's attempt to recuse Justice Maran, based on claims about the judge's daughter, which were deemed frivolous. The paragraph also discusses the prosecution's ability to discuss the deal between the parent company of the National Enquirer, AMI, and Trump's involvement in the catch and kill scheme. The judge's decision to not allow the playing of the Access Hollywood tape but permitting discussion of it is highlighted. The summary concludes with an overview of the jury selection process, emphasizing the importance of impartiality and fairness. The jurors are to fill out a detailed questionnaire, and both sides have the opportunity to challenge potential jurors based on non-discriminatory reasons. The segment ends with a commitment to keep the audience updated on the trial's progress.



💡Criminal Trial

A criminal trial is a legal proceeding in which a person or entity is accused of committing a crime and a determination is made regarding their guilt or innocence. In the context of the video, the criminal trial refers to the court proceedings against Donald Trump for his alleged falsification of business records to interfere with the 2016 election, highlighting the serious nature of the charges and the formal process to determine the outcome.

💡Falsification of Business Records

Falsification of business records refers to the act of intentionally altering, misrepresenting, or providing false information in official business documents. This is considered a white-collar crime and can lead to legal consequences. In the video, this term is associated with the charges against Donald Trump, who is accused of altering records to influence the 2016 election, emphasizing the gravity of the accusations and the legal implications.

💡Manhattan District Attorney

The Manhattan District Attorney is the chief prosecutor for the borough of Manhattan in New York City, responsible for enforcing the law and representing the public interest in criminal trials. In the video, the Manhattan District Attorney's office is prosecuting the case against Donald Trump, indicating their role in pursuing justice and upholding the law.

💡Trump Media

Trump Media refers to a new company associated with Donald Trump, which is mentioned in the context of its stock performance. The company's stock is described as 'tanking,' suggesting a significant drop in value, likely due to the ongoing criminal trial and its potential impact on investor confidence and public perception.

💡Catch and Kill

The term 'catch and kill' in the context of journalism refers to a practice where a media outlet acquires a story or information with the intention of suppressing it rather than publishing it. In the video, it is alleged that Donald Trump was involved in a catch and kill scheme with the National Enquirer to purchase and then bury stories that could potentially harm his reputation or political aspirations, emphasizing the underhanded tactics used to manage public image and avoid negative press.


A subpoena is a legal document that requires a person to attend a court hearing, produce evidence, or both. In the video, it is mentioned that Donald Trump's subpoena to the Department of Justice was an attempt to delay the trial and potentially uncover information that could be used to his advantage. However, it backfired as the information revealed was damaging to his case, showing how legal strategies can have unintended consequences.

💡Access Hollywood Tape

The Access Hollywood tape is a reference to a 2005 recording in which Donald Trump made lewd comments about women, which surfaced during the 2016 election campaign. The tape became a significant controversy and is mentioned in the video as part of the evidence related to the alleged hush money payments and the catch and kill scheme, illustrating the potential impact of past indiscretions on political and legal outcomes.

💡Justice Bashan

Justice Bashan refers to the judge presiding over the criminal trial against Donald Trump. The video mentions a motion to recuse Justice Bashan, which is a request for the judge to voluntarily step down from the case due to perceived bias or a conflict of interest. The motion was denied, indicating that the court found no valid reason to believe that Justice Bashan could not be impartial.

💡Felony Counts

Felony counts refer to the specific charges of a serious crime that are brought against an individual. In the video, it is mentioned that Donald Trump has been charged with 34 separate felony counts, which are serious crimes that could lead to significant prison time if he is found guilty. This emphasizes the severity of the legal situation and the potential consequences for Trump.

💡Hush Money Payments

Hush money payments are financial transactions made to individuals to encourage them to keep quiet about potentially damaging information. In the video, it is suggested that Donald Trump made hush money payments to an adult film actress to prevent a story about their alleged affair from becoming public, particularly during his wife's pregnancy. This is part of the broader narrative of alleged illegal activities and attempts to suppress negative information.

💡Political Persecution

Political persecution refers to the unfair treatment or targeting of an individual or group based on their political beliefs or affiliations. In the video, Donald Trump claims that the criminal trial against him is an example of political persecution, arguing that the case is baseless and brought about by opponents to harm him. This reflects his perspective on the legal proceedings and his attempts to frame the case as politically motivated rather than based on the merits of the allegations.


The criminal trial against Donald Trump for falsification of business records to interfere with the 2016 election has officially begun.

Donald Trump arrived at the Manhattan courtroom looking unwell and panicked.

Trump's new company, Trump Media, experienced a significant stock drop of 15% following his arrival at the courtroom.

Donald Trump lost key motions, including the motion to recuse Justice Bashan and to prevent information about his catch and kill deal with the National Enquirer from being presented in court.

Trump's subpoena to the Department of Justice, intended to delay the trial, backfired as it led to the discovery of damaging information, including emails and text messages from his inner circle discussing the Access Hollywood tapes and attempts to cover up misconduct.

The trial is unique in American legal history, with legal scholars calling it nonsense and asserting it should never have been brought.

Trump's defense argues that the case is an assault on America and a form of political persecution without precedent.

The prosecution's case is based on 34 separate felony counts related to fraudulent business record entries, each potentially carrying multiple years of prison time.

Justice Maran rejected Trump's attempt to recuse her, citing no conflict of interest and emphasizing the responsibility of a judge to deny recusal in such cases.

The prosecution is allowed to discuss the deal between AMI, the National Enquirer, and Trump without presenting the Access Hollywood tape itself, as its prejudicial value outweighs its probative value.

Discussion of Melania's pregnancy during the hush money payment is considered potentially prejudicial and may not be central to the case's focus on fraudulent business records.

The trial is highly document-driven, emphasizing the importance of examining the specifics of financial transactions and records.

The jury selection process involves a hybrid approach, considering juror availability and personal circumstances before assessing fairness and impartiality.

Jurors are given a questionnaire with over 40 specific questions to determine their suitability for the trial.

Both the prosecution and defense have the opportunity to challenge jurors, provided the reasons are non-discriminatory.

The trial is expected to provide updates throughout the day, with coverage available on the Mest Touch Network.

The outcome of the trial could potentially lead to Trump's imprisonment rather than a return to the White House.