‘He blew it’: Trump defends hush money payments on Day 2 of trial

16 Apr 202408:56

TLDRDuring the second day of the trial, Trump defended hush money payments, with his defense team arguing that he was paying legal fees to a lawyer. The jury selection process revealed mixed sentiments, with one juror expressing fascination with Trump. The prosecution and defense exercised their peremptory challenges cautiously, each side seeking an anchor jury. The judge warned against juror intimidation, a significant moment considering Trump's potential contempt of court charges. The defense's strategy seems to rely on Trump's version of events being presented outside the courtroom daily.


  • 📢 The title suggests that Trump is on trial and defends hush money payments during the second day.
  • 🧐 An NBC legal analyst and co-author of 'The Trump Indictments' is discussing the trial and juror dynamics.
  • 👨‍⚖️ A juror, referred to as 'Juror Number Four,' expresses fascination and mystery towards Donald Trump, impacting the trial atmosphere.
  • 🤝 The prosecution and defense engage in a strategic process of jury selection, each side using preemptory challenges.
  • 🔥 The jury selection process is described as 'the flop method,' which limits the information available to both sides about potential jurors.
  • 🎯 Both the prosecution and defense aim to find an 'anchor jury' that will strongly support their case.
  • 🚨 The judge accuses Trump of potential juror intimidation, highlighting the tense courtroom environment.
  • 💬 Trump's defense strategy is to claim that the payments made were for legal fees to a lawyer, which they will emphasize outside the courtroom.
  • 🤔 There is skepticism about Trump's consistency in his defense narrative, as he shifts between taking responsibility and blaming his accountant.
  • 📌 The importance of the remaining preemptory challenges is highlighted, as both sides only have a few left and must be strategic.
  • 🔍 The prosecution's use of previous statements made by Trump and his team outside of the courtroom as potential admissions and evidence is discussed.

Q & A

  • What is the title of the news article or segment?

    -'He blew it': Trump defends hush money payments on Day 2 of trial

  • Who is the NBC legal analyst and co-author of the book 'The Trump Indictments'?

    -The transcript does not provide the name of the NBC legal analyst and co-author of 'The Trump Indictments'.

  • What did Juror Number Four say about Donald Trump?

    -Juror Number Four expressed that he finds Donald Trump fascinating and mysterious, noting how Trump can influence people's emotions just by walking into a room.

  • What was Todd Blanche's attempt during the pre-trial hearings?

    -Todd Blanche tried to elicit opinions about Trump from the jurors during the pre-trial hearings, but the judge stated that their opinions were immaterial.

  • How many pre-emptory challenges have been used by each side in the jury selection process?

    -Each side has used more than half of their pre-emptory challenges, with six out of ten used by both the prosecution and the defense.

  • What is the 'Flop Method' in jury selection?

    -The 'Flop Method' is a term used to describe a jury selection process that provides the least amount of information to both sides. It is also known as the 'Strike Method'.

  • What did the judge accuse Trump of during the trial?

    -The judge almost accused Trump of juror intimidation, specifically when a juror was called back in to answer for a social media post and Trump was audibly uttering something and gesturing towards the juror.

  • What is the defense strategy regarding the payments made by Trump?

    -The defense strategy is to argue that the payments were simply Trump paying his lawyer, and that the checks were categorized as legal fees without Trump's direct involvement.

  • Why is it significant that Trump's team used a peremptory challenge on a particular juror?

    -Using a peremptory challenge indicates that the Trump team felt strongly that this juror could be unfavorable to their case, highlighting the strategic importance of jury selection.

  • What is the potential legal consequence for Trump related to his behavior in the courtroom?

    -Trump is facing a potential contempt of court charge, with a hearing scheduled for the following week where he has been commanded to show up.

  • How did Trump's public defense of the payments differ from what might be said in court?

    -Trump publicly stated that he was paying his lawyer and that the accountant categorized the payments as legal fees. However, in court, his defense team might emphasize that Trump was not directly involved in categorizing the payments.

  • Why are statements made by Rudy Giuliani outside of the courtroom considered admissible?

    -Statements made by Giuliani outside of the courtroom are considered admissions and are admissible as evidence because they are seen as out-of-court statements related to the case.



📚 Jury Selection and Public Opinion

The first paragraph discusses the process of jury selection in the context of the Trump indictments, highlighting a juror's fascination with Donald Trump and the strategic use of preemptory challenges by both the prosecution and defense. It delves into the dynamics of the courtroom, the judge's impartiality, and the potential impact of jurors' opinions on the trial's outcome. The discussion also touches on the 'Flop Method' versus the 'Strike Method' for jury selection, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. The paragraph concludes with an analysis of how the remaining number of challenges might affect the speed and direction of the trial.


🚨 Allegations of Juror Intimidation and Defense Strategy

The second paragraph focuses on an incident during the jury selection where the judge accused Trump of potential juror intimidation, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a fair and unbiased trial process. It also discusses the defense's strategy, which involves arguing that Trump was merely paying a lawyer and was unaware of the specifics of the legal fees involved. The paragraph highlights the defense's challenge in keeping a consistent narrative and the prosecution's potential to use any inconsistencies against them. Additionally, it mentions the admissibility of statements made by Trump and his legal team outside the courtroom, which could play a significant role in the trial.




Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States and a central figure in the video's narrative. He is mentioned in the context of hush money payments and his reactions during the trial. His defense strategy is also discussed, highlighting his claim that the payments were legal fees to a lawyer.

💡hush money payments

Hush money payments refer to the alleged illegal payments made to keep individuals quiet, often used in legal and political contexts to suppress information that could be damaging. In this video, these payments are a significant part of the trial's focus, with Trump defending their legitimacy.


A trial is a legal process in which evidence is presented and a verdict is given by an impartial judge or jury. In the context of this video, the trial involves Trump and his defense team arguing against allegations related to hush money payments.

💡NBC legal analyst

An NBC legal analyst is an expert commentator on legal matters who provides insights and analysis for the NBC network. In the video, the analyst is discussing the trial's proceedings, the jury selection process, and the potential impact of Trump's behavior on the trial's outcome.


Indictments are formal charges brought against a person accused of a crime. In this video, 'The Trump Indictments' refers to a book that discusses the historic charging documents against Trump, indicating the serious legal implications of the case.


A juror is a person serving on a jury, which is a group responsible for deciding issues of fact in a court case. The video discusses the selection of jurors and the impact of their personal opinions about Trump on the trial's proceedings.

💡preemptory challenges

Preemptive challenges are used in jury selection to excuse a potential juror without giving a reason. In the video, it is mentioned that both sides have used more than half of their preemptory challenges, indicating a strategic process of selecting jurors who may be favorable to their case.

💡anchor jury

An anchor jury refers to a group of jurors who are strongly committed to one side of a case, potentially influencing other jurors to follow their lead. In the context of the video, both the prosecution and defense are looking for jurors who could serve as anchors to strengthen their position.


Intimidation involves threatening or coercing someone to influence their actions or decisions, often in a legal context, to affect the outcome of a trial. The video describes a moment where the judge accuses Trump of potentially intimidating a juror, emphasizing the importance of a fair and unbiased trial process.


Cross-examination is the process in a trial where the opposing counsel questions a witness to test the credibility and consistency of their testimony. In the video, it is suggested that Trump's defense lawyers will use cross-examination to reinforce his claim that the hush money payments were legitimate legal fees.


Admissions are statements made by a party that can be used against them in a legal proceeding. In the video, it is discussed that Trump's inconsistent statements about the hush money payments could be considered admissions, potentially affecting the case's outcome.


Trump defends hush money payments during the trial, suggesting he was merely paying a lawyer.

A juror expresses fascination with Donald Trump, noting his impact on people when he enters a room.

Prosecutors and defense both used more than half of their preemptory challenges, indicating strategic jury selection.

The method of jury selection used, known as the 'Flop Method,' limits the amount of information available to both sides.

Both sides are looking for an 'anchor jury,' someone strongly in favor of their case.

The judge accused Trump of potential juror intimidation, emphasizing the importance of an impartial jury.

A hearing is scheduled for contempt of court regarding Trump's behavior towards a juror.

Trump's defense strategy includes arguing that payments were legitimate legal fees.

Trump's inconsistent statements outside the courtroom may be used against him in the trial.

The prosecution and defense are focusing on the next set of jurors to form the final group of 12.

The unpredictability of the 'Flop Method' adds a layer of strategy to the selection process.

Trump's defense may try to elicit juror opinions on Trump during the trial.

The judge's strict stance on juror intimidation sets a clear tone for the trial proceedings.

The use of preemptory challenges reflects the high stakes and the need to shape the jury to one's advantage.

The potential vulnerability of both sides due to limited remaining challenges is a significant strategic consideration.

Trump's defense may argue that any payments made were simply for legal services rendered.

The prosecution's exercise of six challenges suggests a strong strategy against certain jurors.

The trial's dynamics are influenced by the jurors' potential biases and the strategies used to manage them.