Judge TERRIFIES TRUMP in Criminal Trial with THIS MOVE

9 Apr 202423:56

TLDRThe transcript outlines the jury selection process for the trial of Donald Trump in New York County, highlighting the unique aspects of this case due to its high-profile nature. It details the jury questionnaire, the instructions given by Judge Juan Maran, and the steps for excusing jurors, anonymous jury procedures, and the handling of potential biases. The importance of jury selection in determining the outcome of the trial is emphasized, providing insight into the legal proceedings surrounding the former president.


  • 📜 The jury questionnaire for the trial of Donald Trump in New York State has been released, detailing the process and instructions Judge Juan Maran will use for jury selection.
  • 🏛️ The trial is significant as it is the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president, with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree related to the 2016 presidential election.
  • 📰 In New York State Court, unlike federal courts, both the prosecution and defense are allowed to question potential jurors during the voir dire process.
  • ⏰ The judge provides instructions to the jury, explaining the trial process, the role of the jury, and the legal principles that will govern the trial, including the presumption of innocence.
  • 🎯 The jury selection process includes general questions from the judge followed by questioning from both the prosecution and defense, with challenges for cause and peremptory challenges.
  • 🚫 The judge emphasizes that jurors must not be biased or prejudiced and must base their decision solely on the evidence presented in court.
  • 📝 The 42-question jury questionnaire covers a range of topics including personal background, employment, media consumption, and potential biases related to the case and the parties involved.
  • 🎭 The trial will use an anonymous jury to protect juror identities, with the judge ordering that juror addresses and names be kept confidential.
  • 🤝 The judge's instructions to the jurors include a reminder that they should not infer any danger or bias from the use of an anonymous jury.
  • 📆 The trial is expected to last several weeks, with accommodations made for jurors observing religious holidays such as Passover.
  • 🔍 The thorough jury selection process and detailed questionnaire aim to ensure a fair and impartial jury that can focus on the evidence and deliver a just verdict.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the jury selection process in the trial of Donald Trump?

    -The jury selection process is crucial in any trial, including that of Donald Trump, as it determines the impartiality and fairness of the jurors. This process ensures that the selected jurors can evaluate the case without bias, prejudice, or preconceived notions, which is vital for a fair trial outcome.

  • How does the jury selection process work in New York State Court?

    -In New York State Court, both the judge and the parties involved in the case are allowed to question potential jurors. The process starts with the judge asking general questions, followed by the prosecution and defense taking turns to ask their questions. The goal is to assess the potential jurors' ability to be fair and impartial.

  • What are the two types of challenges used during the jury selection?

    -The two types of challenges are 'for cause' challenge and 'peremptory' challenge. 'For cause' challenges are used when a potential juror is deemed ineligible to serve due to specific reasons, such as not meeting the qualifications or expressing an inability to be impartial. 'Peremptory' challenges allow each side to exclude jurors without needing to provide a specific reason, although it cannot be due to bias.

  • What is the role of the judge in the jury selection process?

    -The judge plays a significant role in the jury selection process by providing instructions to potential jurors, asking general questions, and determining the scope of the questioning process. The judge also ensures that the process is conducted fairly and in accordance with the law.

  • What is the purpose of the jury questionnaire in the trial of Donald Trump?

    -The jury questionnaire is used to gather information about the potential jurors' backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. It helps the parties involved to identify any biases or connections that may affect a juror's ability to serve impartially in the case.

  • How does the judge address the issue of public scrutiny and the high-profile nature of the Donald Trump trial in the jury selection process?

    -The judge has ordered an anonymous jury to protect the jurors' identities and privacy due to the high-profile nature of the case and the potential risks associated with public scrutiny. This measure helps ensure that the jurors can focus on the evidence and make a fair decision without fear of reprisals or undue influence.

  • What are some of the topics covered in the 42-question jury questionnaire?

    -The questionnaire covers a wide range of topics including the juror's neighborhood, employment, education, family status, hobbies, media consumption, experiences with the legal system, political and religious beliefs, health conditions, and their connections to the case or the parties involved.

  • How does the judge ensure that the jury selection process is not influenced by the defendant's decision not to testify?

    -The judge instructs the potential jurors that the defendant has the absolute right not to testify and that no negative inference should be drawn against the defendant for choosing not to testify. This instruction helps to ensure that the jury selection process is not biased by the defendant's decision regarding testimony.

  • What is the significance of the judge's instructions regarding the observance of Passover during the trial?

    -The judge's instructions regarding Passover observance ensure that potential jurors who observe the holiday are not unfairly disadvantaged or excluded from serving. It demonstrates the court's commitment to accommodating the religious practices of jurors and maintaining a fair and inclusive selection process.

  • How does the judge address concerns about bias or prejudice in the jury selection process?

    -The judge addresses concerns about bias or prejudice by asking direct questions in the questionnaire and during the questioning process. The judge also emphasizes that jurors must base their decisions solely on the evidence presented in court and not on any outside influences, stereotypes, or preconceived notions.

  • What is the role of the legal team in the jury selection process?

    -The legal team plays a critical role in the jury selection process by actively participating in the questioning, taking notes, and identifying potential biases or connections that may affect a juror's impartiality. They use both the answers to the questions and their observations to make strategic decisions about challenges and the final selection of jurors.



📝 Jury Selection Process and Instructions

This paragraph outlines the process of jury selection, also known as voir dire, in the context of the trial of Donald Trump. It explains how individuals receive a jury summons, the purpose of the questionnaire, and the criteria for determining impartiality. The paragraph also highlights the unique aspects of this case due to its high-profile nature and the parties involved. Furthermore, it describes the role of the judge and the parties in questioning potential jurors in New York State Courts, contrasting it with federal courts. The explanation includes details on challenges for cause and peremptory challenges, emphasizing the importance of selecting a fair and impartial jury.


💌 Judge's Letter on Jury Selection Specifics

The second paragraph focuses on a letter from Judge Juan Maran to the council representing both the prosecution and defense. The letter addresses three main issues: excusing jurors who identify as unable to serve, instructions for using an anonymous jury, and the scope of voir dire. The judge provides a summary of the allegations against Donald Trump, emphasizing the connection to election interference. The paragraph also details the judge's approach to informing jurors about the trial process, their rights, and the expectations for jury service, including the observance of Passover. The judge's instructions are designed to ensure a fair trial without prejudice, taking into account the high-profile nature of the case and the potential impact on jurors.


🎤 Juror Excusal and Anonymous Jury Instructions

This paragraph delves into the specifics of juror excusal and the implementation of an anonymous jury in the trial. It describes the process for jurors to self-identify and request excusal based on their inability to be impartial. The judge's decision to streamline this process due to the case's unique circumstances is highlighted. The paragraph also outlines the judge's instructions regarding the anonymous nature of the jury, aimed at protecting juror identities and ensuring a fair trial. The importance of not drawing inferences from the anonymity and the need for a joint proposal for a neutral explanation are discussed. The paragraph underscores the balance the judge must strike to maintain fairness while also ensuring juror safety and privacy.


📝 Detailed Jury Questionnaire

The fourth paragraph provides an in-depth look at the 42-question questionnaire that jurors are asked to answer as part of the selection process. The questions cover a wide range of topics, from personal background and experiences to media consumption and potential biases. The purpose of these questions is to assess each juror's ability to be fair and impartial. The paragraph emphasizes the structured format of the questionnaire, with jurors answering questions aloud in sequence without revealing their identities. It also touches on the strategic importance of note-taking for lawyers during this process, as it can influence challenges for cause and the selection of jurors.


🔍 Assessing Juror Bias and Fairness

The final paragraph continues the discussion on the jury selection process, focusing on the assessment of potential juror bias and the assurance of fairness. It details the types of questions asked to gauge jurors' opinions about Donald Trump, their knowledge of the case, and their ability to set aside any preconceived notions. The paragraph highlights the importance of jurors' promises to refrain from discussing the case, not hold Trump's potential silence against him, and base their verdict solely on the evidence presented in court. The thoroughness of the questionnaire and the attention to detail in evaluating jurors underscore the critical role of the jury in determining the outcome of the trial.



💡jury questionnaire

A jury questionnaire is a set of questions used in the legal process to assess the suitability of potential jurors for a particular case. In the context of the video, it is a critical tool for determining whether prospective jurors can be fair and impartial in the trial of Donald Trump. The questionnaire helps to identify any biases or preconceived notions that might affect a juror's decision-making ability.

💡jury selection

Jury selection, also known as voir dire, is the process by which a panel of potential jurors is examined to determine their fitness to serve on a jury in a specific case. It is a crucial part of the trial process because it ensures that the jury is composed of impartial individuals who can fairly evaluate the evidence and render a verdict. In the video, the unique aspects of the case, such as the high-profile nature and the parties involved, make the jury selection process particularly significant.

💡Judge Juan Maran

Judge Juan Maran is the presiding judge in the case mentioned in the video, where Donald Trump is the defendant. As the judge, Maran is responsible for overseeing the trial, ensuring that legal procedures are followed, and making decisions on matters such as the jury selection process and the admissibility of evidence. The judge's role is critical in maintaining the integrity of the judicial process.

💡anonymous jury

An anonymous jury is a panel of jurors whose identities are kept secret from the public, the media, and the parties involved in the case. This measure is often taken in high-profile cases to protect the jurors from outside influences and potential harm, ensuring that they can deliberate freely and without fear of reprisal. In the context of the video, an anonymous jury is ordered to safeguard the jurors' privacy and protect their identities.


Vere, or the jury selection process, is a legal term referring to the examination of potential jurors to determine their qualifications and suitability to serve on a jury. It involves questioning jurors to reveal any biases, prejudices, or other factors that might prevent them from being fair and impartial. In the video, Vere is discussed in the context of the unique challenges posed by the high-profile nature of the case and the need to ensure a fair and unbiased jury.

💡cause challenge

A cause challenge is a request to excuse a potential juror from serving in a trial based on specific, legitimate reasons that demonstrate the individual's inability to be fair and impartial. These reasons could include personal biases, preconceived opinions about the case, or a disqualifying relationship with a party involved in the case. In the video, cause challenges are discussed as an essential part of the jury selection process, allowing for the removal of jurors who cannot meet the requirement of impartiality.

💡peremptory challenge

A peremptory challenge is a type of challenge used during the jury selection process that allows each side in a trial to excuse a certain number of prospective jurors without providing a reason. This practice is designed to give both the prosecution and defense some degree of control over the composition of the jury, although it must not be based on race, gender, or other discriminatory factors. In the context of the video, peremptory challenges are limited in number and are used to select jurors that each side believes will be favorable to their case.

💡Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the former President of the United States and the defendant in the case discussed in the video. The video centers around the unique aspects of his trial, including the high level of public interest and the challenges associated with selecting an impartial jury for a former president. Trump's involvement in the case makes it a historically significant and highly scrutinized legal proceeding.

💡fair and impartial

The term 'fair and impartial' refers to the legal requirement that jurors must be unbiased and treat all parties in a case equally, without favoring one side over the other. This is a fundamental principle in the judicial system, ensuring that a trial is conducted justly and that the verdict is based solely on the evidence presented, rather than on personal beliefs or prejudices.

💡presumption of innocence

The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that places the burden of proof on the prosecution to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It is a cornerstone of the criminal justice system, ensuring that a defendant is considered not guilty until the prosecution proves otherwise. In the context of the video, this principle is highlighted as a key instruction that jurors will receive, emphasizing that Donald Trump, like any other defendant, is entitled to this legal protection.


The jury questionnaire for the trial of Donald Trump has been released.

This is the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president.

The trial is taking place in New York County, also known as Manhattan.

Judge Juan Maran is presiding over the case.

The jury selection process, or 'Vere', is designed to determine if potential jurors can be fair and impartial.

In New York State Court, both parties are allowed to question the jurors, unlike in federal courts.

The judge provides instructions to the jury and asks general questions before the parties begin their questioning.

Challenges for cause and peremptory challenges are part of the jury selection process.

The judge sent a letter to council outlining the process for jury selection in this case.

The charges against Donald Trump involve falsifying business records to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The judge emphasizes that this case is about election interference, not just hush money payments or falsifying records.

An anonymous jury has been ordered to protect the jurors' identities.

The jury questionnaire consists of 42 questions aimed at assessing the potential jurors' backgrounds and biases.

Questions about media consumption and political affiliations are included to gauge potential bias.

The judge instructs jurors not to draw any inference from the use of an anonymous jury.

The trial is expected to last several weeks with a specific schedule to be provided.

Potential witnesses and names that may be mentioned during the trial are disclosed to the prospective jurors.

Jurors are asked to assure they can be fair and impartial and not base their decision on bias or prejudice.

The judge's instructions underscore the importance of the jury's role in the trial.

The jury selection process is considered the most crucial part of any criminal case.