Trump Might Be Saved By This Single Juror

Salty Cracker
20 Apr 202405:02

TLDRThe video discusses the ongoing legal situation involving Donald Trump, suggesting that it is a politically motivated persecution. The speaker argues that while New York City seemingly allows criminals to go free due to their immigration status, Trump is being targeted. However, the video suggests that Trump may have a potential advantage with juror number two, who is said to get their information from Truth Social, implying a potential bias in favor of Trump. The speaker criticizes mainstream media and the legal system, suggesting a broader political agenda at play. The summary highlights the controversial nature of the case and the potential impact of one juror's media consumption habits on its outcome.


  • 🌍 The world is watching what is perceived as a politically motivated trial against Donald Trump, with the speaker suggesting the DA and judge are biased.
  • 🤬 The speaker criticizes the legal system in New York City for prioritizing the case against Trump and allowing criminals to go free due to their immigration status.
  • 🚫 The speaker argues that no one is above the law, implying that Trump should face legal consequences, but questions the timing and motivation behind the case.
  • 🎯 The speaker suggests that the case could have been brought up eight years prior but was withheld for political reasons.
  • 📰 The speaker highlights juror number two, who gets their news from Truth Social, as a potential game-changer in the trial's outcome.
  • 🤔 There is speculation about how juror number two was selected and what their presence could mean for the trial's result.
  • 📺 The speaker points out the stark differences in news sources consumed by the jurors, with juror number two standing out for not relying on mainstream media.
  • 🔍 The speaker accuses some individuals of lying to get on the jury and questions the integrity of the selection process.
  • 🚨 The speaker warns of potential legal repercussions for their commentary, reflecting on past experiences with authorities.
  • 🧐 The speaker expresses skepticism about the consistency and fairness of the legal system, particularly in relation to media consumption and political bias.
  • 🤝 The speaker seems to hope that juror number two could be a 'saving grace' for Trump, potentially leading to a favorable outcome for him in the trial.

Q & A

  • What does the speaker believe the situation with the DA and the judge represents?

    -The speaker believes that the situation with the DA and the judge represents a 'hoax' and a 'mess,' suggesting that they think the legal proceedings are unjust and politically motivated.

  • Who does the speaker accuse of being a 'crook' and deserving of a trial?

    -The speaker accuses Joe Biden, referring to him as 'TR Joe Biden,' of being a 'crook' and deserving of a trial, implying that they believe he has engaged in corrupt practices.

  • What does the speaker think about the handling of criminals in New York City?

    -The speaker criticizes the handling of criminals in New York City, suggesting that murderers, rapists, and carjackers are being let go free because of their illegal immigration status, which they find to be a 'crazy' situation.

  • Why does the speaker believe Donald Trump is facing 'political persecution'?

    -The speaker believes that Donald Trump is facing 'political persecution' because they think the legal case against him has been escalated from a misdemeanor to a felony and is being used as a tool to target him during an election cycle.

  • What is the significance of 'Juror Number Two' in the context of the video?

    -Juror Number Two is significant because they are said to be getting their information from Truth Social, which is different from the mainstream media sources that the other jurors are suggested to be using. This might imply that Juror Number Two could potentially be sympathetic to Donald Trump's situation.

  • What does the speaker suggest could happen if the case does not proceed as expected in New York City?

    -The speaker humorously suggests that if the case does not proceed as expected in New York City, the individuals they refer to as 'lefties' might 'blow up Ukraine,' which is a hyperbolic expression indicating potential extreme reactions.

  • Why does the speaker mention 'Truth Social'?

    -The speaker mentions 'Truth Social' as the source of information for Juror Number Two, which they imply is a non-mainstream and potentially more favorable source for Donald Trump's case, as opposed to mainstream media outlets.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the timing of the legal case against Donald Trump?

    -The speaker is critical of the timing of the legal case, suggesting that it was intentionally brought up during an election cycle to disrupt Donald Trump's campaign and that it could have been brought up eight years prior.

  • What does the speaker imply about the potential impact of Juror Number Two on the case?

    -The speaker implies that Juror Number Two, who gets information from 'Truth Social,' might be a 'saving grace' for Donald Trump, potentially influencing the jury's decision in his favor.

  • How does the speaker describe the current state of affairs in the context of the video?

    -The speaker describes the current state of affairs as a 'clown world,' indicating a chaotic and absurd situation, and suggests that Juror Number Two might be a factor in preventing further escalation of this perceived chaos.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the idea that 'nobody is above the law'?

    -The speaker seems to agree with the principle that 'nobody is above the law,' but criticizes the selective application of this principle, implying that it is being used unfairly to target Donald Trump while others who they believe are guilty are not being held accountable.



😤 Allegations of Political Persecution and Media Bias

The speaker expresses strong criticism of the legal system, accusing it of being biased and politically motivated. They claim that a District Attorney and a judge are involved in a case that is 'out of control' and 'highly conflicted.' The speaker also targets Joe Biden, labeling him a 'crook' and suggesting that he should be on trial instead. They argue that the current situation is a 'mess' and that the legal process is being manipulated, particularly in the context of a criminal case in New York City. The speaker further criticizes the leniency shown to criminals who are in the country illegally, while implying that Donald Trump is unfairly being targeted for prosecution. They also discuss the potential impact of a single juror, number two, who gets their information from 'truth social' and 'Fox News,' suggesting this could disrupt the trial process in favor of Trump.




A hoax is a deceptive act or a prank, often intended to cause confusion or embarrassment. In the context of the video, the speaker suggests that the legal proceedings against Donald Trump are a 'hoax', implying that they are a false or deceptive act, possibly meant to mislead the public or discredit Trump.

💡DA (District Attorney)

A District Attorney is a public official who represents the local government in the prosecution of criminal offenses. The script implies that the DA is 'out of control', suggesting that the speaker believes the DA is acting excessively or without proper restraint in the case against Trump.

💡Conflicted Judge

A conflicted judge refers to a judge who has personal or professional interests that could potentially influence their impartiality in a case. The video insinuates that the judge presiding over the case is 'highly conflicted', meaning the speaker alleges that the judge may not be able to maintain an unbiased perspective.

💡Political Persecution

Political persecution is the act of subjecting someone to unfair treatment or legal action due to their political affiliations or beliefs. The video claims that Trump is facing 'political persecution', indicating that the speaker believes the legal case against him is motivated by political bias rather than a legitimate legal concern.

💡Witch Hunt

A witch hunt is a campaign against a particular group or individual, often involving false accusations and a lack of due process. The script uses the term to describe the legal actions against Trump, suggesting that the speaker views these actions as an unjust pursuit based on false or exaggerated allegations.

💡Kangaroo Court

A kangaroo court is a term used to describe a court that ignores recognized standards of law or justice, and often carries little or no official standing in the territory within its jurisdiction. The video suggests that the proceedings are a 'kangaroo court', implying that the speaker believes the court is not operating with proper legal standards.


MSNBC is an American news television cable channel. The video script criticizes MSNBC, along with other news outlets, suggesting that the speaker believes these channels are biased against Trump and are contributing to a negative portrayal of the legal proceedings against him.

💡Truth Social

Truth Social is a social media platform launched by former President Donald Trump. The video highlights 'Truth Social' as the source of information for juror number two, implying that this platform is seen as an alternative to mainstream media and is perceived by the speaker as more reliable or truthful.

💡Juror Number Two

Juror Number Two refers to a specific member of the jury in the case mentioned. The video suggests that this juror, who gets information from Truth Social, might be a 'saving grace' for Trump, indicating that the speaker believes this juror could potentially influence the outcome of the case in Trump's favor due to their source of information.

💡Crooked President

The term 'crooked president' is used to describe a president who is perceived as dishonest or engaging in unethical behavior. In the video, it is used to describe Joe Biden, suggesting that the speaker believes Biden has engaged in corrupt practices, contrasting with the legal scrutiny Trump is facing.

💡Red Hats

Red Hats are often associated with the 'Make America Great Again' (MAGA) hats, which were a symbol of support for Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The video mentions 'Red Hats' in a cultural reference, indicating that the speaker is drawing a connection between Trump supporters and the expected turnout of these supporters at a particular event.


The world is watching what is perceived as a political persecution against Donald Trump.

The speaker claims that the DA is out of control and the judge is highly conflicted.

Trump is accused of being a crook and compared to Joe Biden, suggesting both are corrupt.

The speaker alleges that criminals are being let go free due to their illegal status in New York City.

The case is unique as it has taken a misdemeanor and turned it into a felony.

The speaker suggests that the timing of the case is politically motivated to affect the election.

Juror number two is highlighted as a potential game-changer, as they get their information from Truth Social.

The speaker expresses skepticism about the impartiality of the jury due to their news sources.

There's a concern that the jury might be impeded from reaching a verdict.

The speaker humorously discusses the potential legal implications of his commentary.

The transcript mentions the irony of people sneaking onto the jury with opposing views.

The speaker speculates that the case could be stopped if juror number two holds out.

The video ends with a call to action for viewers to subscribe for updates on the case.

The speaker uses strong language and controversial claims to criticize the legal system.

The narrative suggests that the legal proceedings against Trump are part of a 'witch hunt'.

There's an emphasis on the idea that no one is above the law, except for certain individuals.

The transcript discusses the potential for juror number two to be Trump's saving grace.

The speaker ponders the consequences if the case doesn't proceed as expected in New York City.