Udio AI Terms Of Service Exposed: Do You Legally Own AI Music?

Top Music Attorney
26 Apr 202441:02

TLDRThis video delves into the legal complexities of AI-generated music, specifically examining the terms of service of the AI music platform Udio. A music attorney explores whether creators can legally own and copyright the music they produce using AI, highlighting that human authorship is required for copyright protection under current laws. The discussion includes the implications of Udio's policy on input and output content, the potential for generating non-unique outputs, and the broader impact on the music industry and copyrights. The attorney emphasizes the necessity for clear guidelines and potential regulatory actions as AI continues to reshape the music creation landscape.


  • 🤖 The AI learning process raises questions about originality and legal ownership of AI-generated music, which is a significant concern in the music industry.
  • 📜 U.S. Copyright law requires human authorship for protection, and the Copyright Office won't register works made by AI, affecting the legal status of AI-generated music.
  • 🚫 Udio's Terms of Service indicate that users grant the platform rights to use their input content and output, which may include sound recordings and compositions, for improving the service.
  • 💾 Users are allowed to download, use, and sell the music they generate with Udio for both personal and commercial purposes, as long as they follow the terms and conditions.
  • 📝 Users must give credit to Udio when publicly using music generated by the platform, and Udio has the right to repost and promote user-generated content.
  • 🔄 The platform's output may not be unique due to the nature of AI and machine learning, which could lead to the generation of the same or similar music for different users.
  • 🇺🇸 Udio's Terms of Service are governed by the state of New York, despite the company being registered in Delaware, which could have implications for legal disputes.
  • ⚖️ There is a potential ethical dilemma regarding the use of AI in music creation, as it may impact the jobs of musicians, producers, and other industry professionals.
  • 🌐 The widespread accessibility of AI music generation tools could lead to market saturation and a devaluation of music, changing the landscape of the music industry.
  • 📲 The ease of using AI for music creation could empower individuals to produce and distribute music independently, emphasizing the importance of direct-to-consumer channels.
  • ⏰ Udio provides users with a 30-day window to opt out of arbitration provisions in their Terms of Service, which is a point in favor of user empowerment and choice.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern regarding AI-generated music and legal ownership?

    -The main concern is whether humans legally own the music they create using AI, and if they have copyright protection over it.

  • What did the U.S. Copyright Office state regarding AI and copyright registration?

    -The U.S. Copyright Office stated that human authorship is required for copyright protection and they will refuse to register any works, including music, made by AI.

  • What is the significance of the 'original work of authorship' in copyright law?

    -An 'original work of authorship' is significant because it assumes that the work is made by a human, which is a requirement for copyright protection under U.S. law.

  • What are the terms of service for Udio's platform?

    -Udio's terms of service allow users to create music using AI, but the platform retains rights to use the input and output content to improve its services. Users can use the generated music for personal and commercial purposes, but they must give credit to Udio.

  • What are the potential legal implications of using AI-generated music in commercial projects?

    -There could be legal implications if the AI-generated music is used without proper disclosure or if it infringes on existing copyrights. Additionally, the user may not have the full rights to enforce the copyright or sell the music due to the AI's involvement in its creation.

  • How does Udio's platform handle user content that is uploaded?

    -Udio's platform allows users to upload their content, and in return, the company does not claim ownership of the user's content. However, users grant Udio the right to reproduce, transmit, publish, display, and modify the content to operate, improve, and promote the services.

  • What is the potential impact of AI-generated music on the music industry?

    -AI-generated music could saturate the market, making it harder for human-made music to stand out. It may also affect jobs related to music creation, such as session musicians, sound engineers, and songwriters, as AI could replace human effort in these areas.

  • What are the limitations of liability stated in Udio's terms of service?

    -Udio's terms of service include a limitation of liability that caps the total amount a user can recover from Udio at $100 or the amount paid for the services in the past six months, which is typically not enough to cover legal fees.

  • How does Udio address the potential for multiple users to generate the same song?

    -Udio acknowledges in their terms of service that due to the nature of AI and machine learning, the output may not be unique and the same or similar output may be generated for a third party.

  • What is the importance of disclosing AI involvement when filing for a copyright?

    -When filing for a copyright, it is important to disclose any portion of the work made by AI. Failure to do so could lead to the revocation of the copyright registration by the U.S. Copyright Office.

  • What are the ethical considerations when using AI in music creation?

    -Ethical considerations include the potential loss of human creativity, the impact on human jobs in the music industry, and the use of AI to mimic or copy human-made music, which could be seen as exploiting human artists' work.



🤔 AI and Copyright Ownership Concerns

The paragraph discusses the complexities surrounding AI-generated content and copyright law. It raises questions about the originality of AI creations and the legal ownership of such works. The speaker, a music attorney, addresses the audience's concerns about using AI platforms like 'udio' for music creation, emphasizing the importance of understanding the terms of service and copyright implications. The U.S. Copyright Office's stance that human authorship is required for copyright protection is highlighted, meaning works generated by AI may not be eligible for registration. The paragraph also touches on the potential future capabilities of AI platforms and the need for legal protection when releasing music made with AI.


📜 'udio' Terms of Service and Content Ownership

This section delves into the terms of service for the 'udio' platform, focusing on the ownership and use rights of content created within the platform. The speaker points out that users grant 'udio' rights to use their input content to improve the platform's services. It is clarified that while 'udio' can use the generated output, the creators retain rights to use their AI-generated music for personal and commercial purposes. However, users are required to give credit to the platform when using the generated music, and there's a stipulation regarding the potential for others to download and recreate songs made on the platform. The paragraph also mentions the platform's proprietary rights and the restrictions on reverse engineering the platform.


🌐 Global Implications of AI in Music Creation

The speaker explores the global impact of AI on the music industry, noting the potential for market saturation with AI-generated music. They discuss the ease with which individuals can now create and distribute music, which could lead to a decrease in value for original music. The paragraph also contemplates the future of music creation, suggesting that AI may become a standard tool for musicians, similar to autotune or other audio effects. The speaker also brings up the potential ethical considerations and the need for artists to stay creative despite the advancements in AI technology.


📝 Legal and Practical Ramifications of AI-Generated Music

The paragraph discusses the legal and practical issues that arise from using AI to generate music. It emphasizes that for music created purely by AI, no copyright is held by the user, and they must disclose the AI's involvement when registering with the U.S. Copyright Office. The platform's terms of service are reviewed, highlighting the company's right to use user content to improve its AI and the user's permission to commercially exploit the AI-generated music. The paragraph also addresses the potential for others to generate identical songs and the importance of giving credit to the platform when using the generated music. The limitations of liability and the platform's safe harbor against copyright infringement claims are also covered.


🚀 Direct Consumer Engagement in the AI Music Era

In this part, the focus is on the opportunities and strategies for artists in the age of AI-generated music. The speaker suggests that it's an optimal time for artists to engage directly with their consumers, possibly emphasizing the human element in their music creation process. They caution about the long-term effects of incorporating AI-generated content into one's work, especially if the artist does not retain ownership of that content. The paragraph ends with an encouragement for artists to stay creative and leverage the direct-to-consumer model to highlight the authentic human touch in their music.



💡AI Music

AI Music refers to music that is composed or generated by artificial intelligence algorithms. In the video, the discussion revolves around the legal implications and ownership of music created by AI, particularly on the Udio platform. It raises questions about originality and copyright protection in the context of AI-generated content.

💡Copyright Law

Copyright law is a body of laws that grant authors and creators of various forms of media the rights to their work. In the video, it is mentioned that U.S. copyright law requires human authorship for protection, which complicates the ownership of AI-generated music. The script discusses how this may affect musicians who use AI platforms to create and sell music.

💡Udio Platform

Udio is an AI music creation platform that allows users to generate music by providing prompts or instructions to the AI. The video explores the terms of service of Udio, which include clauses about the ownership of the generated music and the rights granted to Udio to use the input and output content.

💡Terms of Service

Terms of Service are legal agreements between a service provider and its users that outline the rules and conditions for using the service. The video script provides an in-depth analysis of Udio's Terms of Service, particularly focusing on the sections that discuss user-generated content, ownership, and the rights users have over the music they create with AI.

💡Input Content

Input Content refers to the prompts or instructions given by a user to the AI on platforms like Udio, which then generates music based on these inputs. The video emphasizes that the platform's terms of service grant Udio rights to use this input content to improve its services.


Output, in the context of the video, refers to the music or content generated by the AI based on user input. The script discusses the rights associated with this output, including the ability for Udio to use, reproduce, and distribute it, as well as the user's rights to use the output for personal and commercial purposes.

💡Legal Protection

Legal protection, as discussed in the video, pertains to the rights and safeguards that musicians have over their work under the law. The script questions the extent of legal protection for AI-generated music, given that traditional copyright may not apply, and how musicians can stay legally protected when releasing such music.

💡AI Learning

AI Learning is the process by which AI systems improve their performance over time as they are exposed to more data. The video raises concerns about the source of AI learning, questioning whether AI's use of human-made music for learning raises copyright and ethical issues.

💡Music Attorney

A Music Attorney is a legal professional who specializes in the laws related to the music industry. In the video, the speaker, a music attorney, provides insights into the legal complexities surrounding AI-generated music and offers advice on how musicians can navigate these issues.


A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. The video mentions Udio's trademark registration, highlighting the company's efforts to protect its brand and intellectual property within the legal system.

💡Arbitration Clause

An Arbitration Clause is a legal agreement that requires parties to resolve disputes through arbitration rather than through the court system. The video script notes the presence of such a clause in Udio's Terms of Service and informs users of their right to opt out, which is significant for understanding the platform's dispute resolution process.


AI is learning from human-made content, raising questions about the originality and legal ownership of AI-generated music.

The U.S. Copyright Office currently excludes AI from copyright registration, stating human authorship is required for protection.

Udio's terms of service reveal that users grant the platform rights to use their input content to improve or train its services.

Users of the Udio platform may download and use others' output for personal and non-commercial purposes with consent.

Udio's terms state that the company does not claim ownership over user-generated content, including any output.

Users are allowed to use the music generated by Udio for both personal and commercial purposes.

Udio's platform may require obtaining certain license rights in user content to operate without legal violation.

Users are required to give credit to Udio when using the platform to create music, and Udio may repost user content.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act provides safe harbor for Udio against copyright claims, protecting the company from liability.

Udio's beta offerings are provided 'as is', with limitations on liability and a maximum payout of $100 in the event of a dispute.

The potential for AI-generated music to saturate the market may lead to a devaluation of original music and affect industry professionals.

AI-generated music could impact jobs in the music industry, as it may replace the need for session musicians, sound engineers, and songwriters.

Udio's terms of service allow for the possibility of other users generating the same or similar output, affecting the uniqueness of user creations.

The practical effect of not owning the copyright to AI-generated music could limit the long-term use and enforceability of such works.

Udio's platform may offer the ability to upload user music in the future, which could be used to train and improve the AI's capabilities.

The terms of service include an arbitration provision, but users have the option to opt out within 30 days of registering on the platform.

The ethical considerations of AI-generated music include the potential loss of human history and emotion in music creation.

AI can be viewed as a tool to enhance creativity, similar to autotune or sound effects, rather than a replacement for human artistry.

Direct consumer sales may become more important as artists seek to distinguish their human-created works from AI-generated content.