Unaligned #14 Hume ai

Unaligned: AI with Robert Scoble
1 Apr 202431:26

TLDRAlan Cowen, CEO and founder of Hume, discusses the launch of their empathic voice interface, an AI technology that understands and responds to human emotions. The interface can be integrated into applications, offering a more natural and intuitive interaction. Alan highlights the technology's potential in improving customer service, personal assistance, and mental health support, emphasizing its ability to learn from human behavior and adapt accordingly. The conversation also touches on the technology's pricing model, its potential applications in various industries, and the future of human-AI interaction.


  • 🚀 Alan Cowen, CEO and founder of Hume, introduces an empathic AI lab focused on optimizing AI for human well-being.
  • 🌐 Hume has released a new empathic voice interface that can be integrated into any application, aiming to understand human emotions better.
  • 🎤 The empathic voice interface is a multimodal tool that goes beyond traditional voice assistants like Siri and Alexa by picking up on vocal modulations and producing its own.
  • 🤝 The technology can enhance customer service by analyzing calls to understand customer emotions and improve agent training.
  • 📊 Hume's AI can work in tandem with other models like OpenAI's Whisper, using APIs to generate more complex responses and improve interactions.
  • 🧠 The empathic AI model integrates transcription, tone of voice detection, and language understanding to generate contextually appropriate responses.
  • 💡 The system can be used to assist in high-stress situations like 911 calls, providing faster and more accurate assistance based on the caller's emotional state.
  • 🌟 Hume's technology has potential applications in various industries, including healthcare, customer support, and even law enforcement through body cams.
  • 📈 The business model is usage-based, making it accessible for developers to integrate the empathic voice interface into their applications with affordable pricing.
  • 🔍 Hume's empathic AI can learn from continuous human feedback, improving its understanding and response to user emotions and preferences over time.
  • 🌐 The future of AI interfaces may shift towards voice as the primary mode of interaction, offering a more natural and efficient way for humans to engage with technology.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of Hume, the empathic AI lab?

    -Hume is focused on optimizing AI for human well-being by developing an empathic voice interface that can be integrated into any application, enabling it to understand and respond to human emotions effectively.

  • What does an empathic voice interface mean?

    -An empathic voice interface refers to a system, similar to Siri or Alexa, that not only transcribes speech into text but also picks up on vocal modulations and emotional cues in the user's voice. It can also produce vocal modulations of its own, enhancing the interaction experience.

  • How does Hume's empathic voice interface differ from existing voice interfaces?

    -Hume's empathic voice interface differs by its ability to understand and interpret the emotional context behind the user's voice, including vocal modulations and subtle emotional cues, which traditional voice interfaces like Siri or Alexa do not typically process.

  • What is AI Top Tools, and how does it relate to the AI industry?

    -AI Top Tools is a comprehensive resource that breaks down AI products by use case, such as productivity, media, chatbots, and customer service. It helps companies find the right AI tools for their specific needs, staying up-to-date with the latest offerings in the industry.

  • What is Alan Cowen's vision for AI serving human preferences?

    -Alan Cowen envisions a future where AI can serve human preferences without explicit instructions, being able to predict and respond to needs proactively. This includes tasks like bringing coffee in the morning or cleaning the house based on the AI's understanding of the user's preferences and reactions.

  • How does Hume's technology aid in customer support organizations?

    -Hume's technology can analyze customer calls to assess emotions and satisfaction levels without human intervention. This enables organizations to train their models and agents more effectively, leading to better customer interactions and support experiences.

  • What kind of emotions can Hume's system detect?

    -Hume's system can detect a wide range of emotions, including anger, contempt, love, amusement, positive surprise, negative surprise, awe, interest, confusion, boredom, and more. It identifies these emotions through patterns of voice modulation and other vocal cues.

  • How does Hume's API work with call recordings?

    -Hume's batch API can analyze thousands of call recordings to understand the emotional context of the interactions. This data can be used to fine-tune models and predict the outcomes of calls, helping to improve customer service and agent performance.

  • What are the potential applications of Hume's technology in healthcare?

    -Hume's technology can work with clinical research labs to study symptoms of depression and other mental health issues by analyzing voice and facial expressions. It can also assist in 911 systems to quickly understand the context of calls and ensure appropriate care is dispatched.

  • How does Hume's technology address issues of racial bias in law enforcement?

    -By providing feedback to both the officer and the individual, Hume's technology can help address racial bias in law enforcement interactions. It can detect vocal and facial cues that indicate distress or the need for specific protocols, promoting more equitable and appropriate responses.

  • What is the business model for Hume's empathic voice interface?

    -Hume's business model is usage-based, with minimal costs for developer time to integrate the technology. The pricing is reasonable, charging between 10 to 20 cents per minute of audio processed when the application is in production.



🤖 Introduction to Empathic AI and Hume

Alan Cowen, CEO and founder of Hume, introduces the company as an empathic AI lab focused on optimizing AI for human well-being. He discusses the release of their new empathic voice interface, which can be integrated into applications. The interface goes beyond traditional voice interfaces by understanding emotional content in the user's voice and producing its own vocal modulations. Alan emphasizes the importance of empathy in AI interfaces and how it can enhance user experiences without needing explicit instructions.


💬 Empathic AI in Customer Service

The conversation turns to the application of empathic AI in customer service, where the technology can analyze calls to determine customer emotions and satisfaction levels. This capability can help train customer service agents and improve models without relying on human ratings. The potential for using Hume's API to analyze thousands of call recordings is also discussed, highlighting its ability to predict call outcomes and assist service agents in deescalating situations.


🌟 Expanding Empathic AI Capabilities

The discussion expands to include the potential for Hume's empathic AI to detect mental health issues, such as depression, by analyzing voice and facial expressions. The technology is being used in clinical research to predict treatment outcomes and can facilitate faster access to healthcare professionals. The conversation also touches on the use of empathic AI in emergency response systems, like 911 calls, to better understand and prioritize the caller's needs.


🚔 Empathic AI in Law Enforcement and Beyond

The potential for empathic AI to assist law enforcement, such as through body cameras, is explored. The technology could help officers interact more effectively with the public by identifying mental states and suggesting appropriate protocols. The conversation also considers the broader implications of using empathic AI in frontline roles and how it could improve interactions and decision-making processes.


🧠 Behind the Scenes: How Empathic AI Works

Alan explains the technical aspects of Hume's empathic AI, which integrates transcription and tone of voice detection into a large language model. This model not only understands language but also vocal modulations, allowing it to generate responses and call external APIs when necessary. The system also includes a custom text-to-speech model that can produce responses in the appropriate emotional tone.


💰 Business Model and Future of Empathic AI

The business model for Hume's empathic AI is discussed, which is based on usage rather than developer time. The cost is affordable, with a range of 10 to 20 cents per minute of audio processed. Alan envisions a future where empathic AI becomes a natural interface for a wide range of applications, from toys to augmented reality glasses, enabling more efficient and nuanced human-AI interactions.


🌐 Enhancing Transcription and Expanding Use Cases

The conversation concludes with a discussion on how Hume's empathic AI can enhance transcription accuracy by incorporating visual cues from facial expressions and video. The potential for real-time translation and improved interaction in noisy environments is also highlighted, showcasing the technology's adaptability and wide-ranging applications in various future scenarios.




Empathy in the context of the video refers to the ability of AI to understand and respond to human emotions. It is a core concept of the empathic voice interface developed by Hume, which aims to optimize AI for human well-being by detecting emotions such as happiness or anger in a user's voice and adapting the AI's response accordingly. This is illustrated in the script where Alan Cowen discusses the importance of empathy in AI interfaces and how it can improve interactions between humans and AI.

💡AI Lab

An AI Lab, as mentioned in the script, is a research and development facility focused on creating and improving artificial intelligence technologies. In this case, Hume is described as an empathic AI lab, indicating that its primary goal is to develop AI systems that are capable of understanding and responding to human emotions. The lab's work is centered around the integration of emotional intelligence into AI applications to enhance user experience and satisfaction.

💡Voice Interface

A voice interface refers to a system that allows users to interact with a computer or device using voice commands. In the context of the video, the empathic voice interface developed by Hume goes beyond traditional voice interfaces by incorporating emotional understanding. This means it can interpret not just the words spoken by the user but also the emotional tone behind them, allowing for a more intuitive and human-like interaction.


In the context of the video, sponsorship refers to the financial or other forms of support provided by a company to another entity, often for promotional purposes. Here, AI Top Tools is mentioned as the first official sponsor of the podcast, indicating a partnership where AI Top Tools supports the podcast in exchange for recognition and promotion. This is a common practice in media and events, where sponsors help to cover costs and in return, receive exposure to the audience.


Multimodal refers to systems that use multiple modes or methods of communication or interaction. In the video, the term is used to describe the empathic voice interface's ability to understand not just voice but also facial expressions, making it a more comprehensive and nuanced system. This multimodal approach allows the AI to better interpret and respond to a user's emotional state, providing a more natural and effective interaction.

💡Customer Support

Customer support refers to the assistance provided to customers in managing their interactions with a company's products or services. In the context of the video, the empathic voice interface developed by Hume can be used to analyze customer support calls, understanding the emotional state of the callers and predicting the success of the interactions. This can help improve customer satisfaction and train support agents more effectively.


API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In the video, Hume's API is discussed as a means for developers to integrate the empathic voice interface into their applications. This integration allows for the enhancement of existing applications with Hume's emotional understanding capabilities, leading to more intuitive and responsive user experiences.

💡Human-AI Interaction

Human-AI Interaction refers to the ways in which humans communicate with and use artificial intelligence systems. The video emphasizes the importance of making these interactions as natural and intuitive as possible. Hume's empathic voice interface aims to achieve this by understanding and responding to human emotions, making AI systems feel more like interacting with a human than a machine.

💡Emotion Detection

Emotion detection is the process of identifying and understanding human emotions through various cues, such as vocal tone, facial expressions, and language use. In the video, Hume's technology is centered around emotion detection, allowing the AI to pick up on subtle vocal modulations that indicate a person's emotional state. This enables the AI to interact in a more empathetic and human-like manner.

💡Mental Health

Mental health refers to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. In the context of the video, Hume's empathic voice interface is discussed as having potential applications in mental health, such as working with clinical research labs to study symptoms of depression and how they manifest in voices and facial expressions. The technology could help in identifying when individuals may need mental health support or in tracking treatment progress.


Real-time refers to the ability of a system to process and respond to input immediately as it occurs. In the video, the empathic voice interface's real-time capabilities are highlighted as crucial for providing immediate and contextually relevant responses to users. This is important for creating seamless and natural interactions between humans and AI, where the AI can adapt its responses based on the user's changing emotional state.


Alan Cowen, CEO and founder of Hume, introduces a new empathic AI lab dedicated to optimizing AI for human well-being.

Hume's new product is an empathic voice interface that can integrate into any application, understanding human emotions through vocal modulations.

The empathic voice interface is multimodal, understanding human conversation better and producing vocal modulations of its own.

Alan Cowen envisions a future where AI serves human preferences without explicit instructions, improving interactions in homes, factories, and stores.

Hume's AI can analyze call recordings to understand customer emotions and improve customer service models.

Hume's technology can work in tandem with other AI models like OpenAI's Whisper, providing a complementary tool for developers.

The empathic voice interface can discern a wide range of human emotions, including subtle differences like anger, contempt, love, amusement, and confusion.

Hume collaborates with clinical research labs to study symptoms of depression in voices and facial expressions, aiding in mental health treatment.

The technology can be applied in emergency services like 911 calls, understanding the context of distress to facilitate better responses.

Hume is developing a multimodal system that includes facial expression recognition to enhance voice understanding and response accuracy.

The system can be used in body cams for police, helping officers interact better with the public and make informed decisions in high-stress situations.

Hume's empathic AI can learn from human behavior and feedback, continuously improving its understanding and responses in real-world applications.

The empathic AI can be integrated into devices that are always listening, providing real-time assistance and support without the need for constant manual input.

The business model is usage-based, making it affordable for developers to integrate the empathic voice interface into their applications.

Hume's technology has the potential to reduce error rates in voice recognition, even in noisy or chaotic environments.

The empathic AI can assist in language translation in real-time, providing subtitles or spoken translations during conversations.