AI music is getting good!! Udio vs. Suno
- 🎓 视频作者拥有数字音频技术学士学位,但后来转向视频制作,尽管如此,他在视频中仍然大量使用音频技能。
- 🎵 作者对AI音乐持怀疑态度,但最近在社交媒体上听到一些AI创作的音乐后,对其印象有所改观。
- 🤖 作者想要测试两个AI音乐服务:udio和sunno,以比较它们生成的音乐质量。
- 📝 在使用这些服务时,用户可以输入提示,系统会根据提示生成音乐,还可以选择手动模式以更精确地控制生成过程。
- 🕹️ 作者选择了他曾经非常着迷的芯片音乐(chip tune)风格,并以此为主题生成了关于变老和怀念8位游戏的歌曲。
- 🎶 通过AI生成的音乐,作者发现有些曲目非常出色,而有些则不尽如人意。
- 📈 sunno服务当前需要订阅,提供一定的免费额度,之后则需要付费购买积分。
- 📱 作者尝试了不同的主题和风格,包括关于厌倦观看互联网上低俗梗(dank memes)的舞曲流行音乐。
- 🎙️ 作者还尝试为他的YouTube频道创建主题曲,使用了hip-hop rap风格,并比较了两个服务生成的结果。
- 🚀 AI音乐生成技术给作者留下了深刻印象,他认为这项技术可以用于为AI动画和电影制作音乐。
- 📢 作者鼓励观众如果知道有其他类似或更好的AI音乐服务,应该告诉他,因为他很难跟上AI领域的所有新发展。
- 🙏 视频最后,作者感谢那些向他推荐新工具和资源的人们,并邀请观众分享他们的想法。
Q & A
-作者通过为AI音乐服务提供主题和音乐风格,生成了几首歌曲。他尝试了不同的主题,如关于变老和怀念8位游戏的chip tune风格音乐,以及关于厌倦观看网络迷因的舞曲流行风格。
-是的,作者尝试使用AI音乐服务为他的YouTube频道'enigmatic e'创建一首主题曲,该频道主要提供AI教程和视觉效果。他选择了嘻哈说唱风格进行尝试。
🎵 AI音乐创作体验分享
🎶 AI音乐服务的比较与测试
作者首先使用AI音乐服务udio,选择了芯片音乐风格,并以“变老和怀念8位游戏”为主题创作了一首歌曲。他详细描述了创作过程,包括自动和手动模式的选择,以及对生成音乐的反馈。接着,作者尝试了sunno服务,并对其生成的音乐进行了比较。他发现sunno的音乐质量参差不齐,但有些作品非常出色。此外,作者还尝试了不同的主题和风格,如关于厌倦观看互联网上“dank memes”的舞曲流行风格,并对结果进行了评价。
🚀 AI音乐创作的潜力与未来
💡Hip-Hop Rap
展示了如何使用chip tune风格创作关于怀念8位游戏的歌曲。
oh I'm
tired I have a bachelor's degree in
digital audio technology and I think my
instructors would be quite disappointed
with me today enigmatic e today man
we're going to be talking about AI Music
Man like it's been kind of crazy lately
I haven't really talked about this
because I've always felt like the music
hasn't been that good when it comes to
AI but lately I've been listening to
some stuff on social media and I'm like
oh man this is actually kind of good uh
so I want to test out these two services
that I've been hearing a lot about is
udio and sunno and then we're just going
to test them out compare them let's see
which one gives us more impressive music
as I said in the intro I did study for
audio I took several classes on music
theory and actually production and that
was kind of the path I was going to take
I was going to go into music uh and
sound design or something related to
audio and I ended up pivoting to video I
use a lot audio skills still in my video
stuff so it wasn't a complete waste so
but I know for a fact my instructors
hate AI with a passion so if they ever
watch this video they're going to be
really upset with me but uh yeah here we
are today so from what I understand you
create an account it's free at the
moment it seems like uh says beta so I'm
assuming it's they just want people to
sign up and know about the program maybe
at some point they're going to start
charging right so I believe you put in a
prompt it shows you a few examples of
Styles it has a manual mode and like it
says here manual mode allows you to
directly prompt the model without any
prompt rewriting by default our system
rewrites your prompts to improve the
average output quality if you are
seeking specific sounds and want to
interact directly with the model
interface we recommend using a manual
mode so basically what it's saying is it
will look at your prompt and rewrite it
so if you put manual mode then it won't
rewrite it for you but I'm going to let
it rewrite it automatically because I
don't want to have to think of like
precisely what I want this to say you
can also put your own lyrics in here
uh instrumental but I'm just going to
keep it very basic right so let me think
of a topic um a genre of music a few
years ago I was really obsessed over
chip tune music and if you're not
familiar with that style it's basically
like 8 bit like Nintendo sounding music
but uh more modernized so let's start
with that okay how about we write uh a
song about getting old and missing 8bit
games and then I'm going to put chip
tune style and then I'm going to press
create all right so they gave us two
tracks Let's test each one of
uhoh through my mind the memories grew
on my heart Nostalgia see through
oh that's
sick oh that that was actually not too
bad I loved how the lyrics really really
made sense like the chip Tune Drop that
you hear it's it's it was really fun uh
I guess you can extend it here um or
remix it uh I'm going to extend that one
I actually really like that all right so
this is the other track that it gave
me scroll through the screen going back
remin hit the power button let's start
the BL oh my God that's so
cool but
wait's well that wasn't chip tune but
the singer reminded me of an old song I
think it was called Love Shack uh the
guy that sings on there it kind of
reminded me of that all right so let's
actually try uh sunno let's actually
type in the exact same thing in sunno
and see what we get there is a
subscription right now for sunno they
give you 50 credits for free but then
after that you would have to pay for the
Pearl plan which is 2,500 credits
monthly or or every time you pay I guess
and then $24 per month for like way more
credits 10,000 credits so so this is the
results it gave me for the theme of
getting old and missing eight big games
in in the style of Chip tune so let's
let's check it out in the day when I was
young dreaming of
Adventures Under the Sun a heroes in a
land running and jumping troll troller
in my
hand oh the hours been lost in those
games saving the princess seeking
fortune f every J
game I it said that n and The Game Boy
Advance it actually mentions consoles
that's that's wild man
that to me was very impressive I felt
like there was a little bit more style
to the singing it does sound still kind
of robotic I mean I think you can tell
that it's not a real singer but still it
was it was actually really cool this
one okay so that one just sounds
horrible it sounds really bad you can't
even tell what's being sung uh that one
is a fail for sure but this one was
actually really cool let's let's put um
a song about getting sick of watching
dank memes on the internet I I I don't
think it's going to know what to do with
this to be honest but let's just test it
out make it very like dance pop so I'm
going to go ahead and copy that I'm
going to put it in here as well all
right so let's test this one outre
much too
too with the scrolling and the clicking
like my brain's just slowly sinking I
could be I should be living right
now cuz me my screen it
feels it said too much to too much dank
memes oh my God that was that was
actually really good I I have to extend
this one man I have to extend it U but
for now let's let's test out the second
yeah click away click
away TI
oh my God that was that was actually
really good too this is where we're at
man so let's try it with zuno let's see
what it came up
withing endless lost in a digital dream
can't escape this virtual overow it's
extrem that's
good this pixelated
machine every like and r never ending
race all these fion light and # my space
I'm sick of
watching starting to lose their taste I
want to dance to
a feel the
Embrace I'm
disconnect find my
what the
hell I don't know if this was already
like this has been a thing for a while
and this been it's been this quality for
a long time already this is my first
time really just interacting with it and
oh my God this is like so so good like I
would legit listen to this like in my
headphones I would be listening to this
just Vive into this so this time I'm
going to see if it can create like a
theme song for my channel my YouTube
channel my channel is enigmatic e and I
do AI tutorials and visual effects let's
do it in hip-hop rap style let's see
what it does with that and I'm just
going to copy this so while that's
creating it there I'm going to come over
here and create another one here so
sunno generates the song like in a
minute udio it takes about a minute and
a half or 2 minutes something like that
takes a little bit longer but sunu gives
you a longer track too gives you like
almost like a full track so let's try uh
udio first enigmatic waves okay flip the
SCP talk bits and bites comrade Al
falling uh ah that one's not that was
like really bad maybe that was just a a
bad generation let's try the
cipher enigmatic e on the screen uh AI
tips on that YouTube gleam uh visual
tricks So Fresh So Clean uh sub and like
join the dream dream team drop a comment
chat it up uh enigmatic E Yeah fill your
cup uh H that Bell don't shy away uh
drate that one that one was a little bit
better but I just feel like the flow is
just it's not a good flow I think maybe
it's the style of it's doing like too
much of like old school hip hop all
right well let's check out
zuno effects that's key go on the
journey let me be your guide you ready
for the robs we about to collide step my
land where the magic takes place I show
you how to code and create visual grace
de learning algorithms to mind blowing
tricks I'll make the jaw drop with every
single clip the master
click the master of the v machine
teaching a
like you never seen
sub let the ready to learn let's make
hiop man that was amazing that was
actually really good I I love that one
that that was so sick it's a little bit
of a mixed bag right some of it's really
really good and some of it's really bad
but still very very impressive so now we
can create music for our AI animations
and make movies make episodes without
any issues if there's something else
like this or even better than this out
there definitely let me know there
sometimes there's so much coming out
with AI that I can't keep track of
everything so I do appreciate when
people contact me and tell me hey check
out this thing check out that thing AI
warper is the one who told me about this
he told me you should check this out and
thank you to him for recommending this
to me definitely let me know your
thoughts all right everyone thank you so
much for watching like always take care
and I'll talk to you guys later peace
disconnect find
my control
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