Unitree's NEW AI AGENT Humanoid ROBOT BEATS Boston DYNAMICS! (Unitree G1 Robot)

13 May 202414:16

TLDRUnitree has unveiled their latest humanoid robot, the Unitree G1, which is garnering attention for its remarkable flexibility, dexterity, and overall capabilities. The robot's design resembles Boston Dynamics' new Spot robot, indicating a rapid evolution in robotics. The G1 is priced at $116,000, making it more affordable than other humanoid robots with similar functionalities. The robot's movement is exceptionally flexible, with an innovative hollow joint wiring that allows for more efficient and compact movements. Its stability is impressive, demonstrated by its ability to withstand impacts without falling. The G1 can reach speeds of up to 3.3 m/s, showcasing its agility. The robot also employs imitation and reinforcement learning, enabling it to perform tasks learned in simulation autonomously. It has dexterous hands capable of manipulating objects, such as opening a Coke can and crushing walnuts. The G1 represents a significant step forward in robotics, with potential applications in research and various use cases. The robot is set to ship in approximately five months, and its impact on the field of robotics is eagerly anticipated.


  • 🤖 Unitree has released a new humanoid robot, the Unitree G1, showcasing impressive flexibility and dexterity.
  • 🚀 The Unitree G1 is a game-changing robot with remarkable capabilities at an affordable price point of $116,000.
  • 🔄 The robot's design resembles Boston Dynamics' new Spot robot and Atlas robot, indicating rapid evolution in the field.
  • 💰 The price of the Unitree G1 is significantly lower than other humanoid robots with similar capabilities, making it more accessible for research and development.
  • 🏃 The robot demonstrated extraordinary movement ability, including high speed and complex maneuvers, reaching speeds of up to 3.3 m/s.
  • 🔌 The G1 features hollow joint wiring, allowing for more efficient and compact movements without external wiring.
  • 📍 The robot's stability was tested with physical impacts, showing it can withstand punches and maintain balance, suggesting potential for use in hazardous environments.
  • 🤹‍♂️ Unitree G1 is capable of performing tasks learned through simulation, indicating the use of imitation and reinforcement learning techniques.
  • 👐 The robot's hands are highly dexterous, able to manipulate objects such as opening a Coke can and crushing walnuts.
  • 🔍 An x-ray view of the G1 was shown, revealing the intricate actuator system that enables its complex movements.
  • 📈 The advancements in Unitree's robots, including the G1, suggest a significant shift in the robotics industry, with China emerging as a major player in the field.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the humanoid robot released by Unitree?

    -The name of the humanoid robot released by Unitree is Unitree G1.

  • What is surprising about the Unitree G1 robot?

    -The Unitree G1 robot is surprising in terms of its flexibility, dexterity, and overall capability.

  • How does the Unitree G1 robot compare to Boston Dynamics' robots in terms of movement ability?

    -The Unitree G1 robot demonstrates extraordinary flexibility and movement ability, rivaling the recently unveiled Boston Dynamics robots.

  • What is the price of the Unitree G1 robot?

    -The Unitree G1 robot is priced at $116,000, which is cheaper than any other humanoid robot with similar capabilities.

  • How does the internal wiring, or 'Hollow joint wiring', of the Unitree G1 contribute to its performance?

    -The 'Hollow joint wiring' allows the wiring to be inside the robot, enabling more efficient movements and a more compact design.

  • What does the stability of the Unitree G1 robot when taking impacts indicate about its potential uses?

    -The stability of the Unitree G1 when taking impacts suggests that it can work in hazardous environments and is suitable for tasks that require robustness and resilience.

  • How does the Unitree G1 robot's speed compare to the previous world record set by Unitree?

    -The Unitree G1 robot can reach speeds of up to 3.3 m/second, which is not a new world record, but still demonstrates impressive speed for a humanoid robot.

  • What is the significance of the Unitree G1 robot being able to perform tasks learned in simulation?

    -The ability to perform tasks learned in simulation indicates that the Unitree G1 robot uses imitation and reinforcement learning, which is a significant step towards more autonomous and adaptable robots.

  • What are the capabilities of the Unitree G1 robot's hands?

    -The Unitree G1 robot's hands are capable of manipulation, allowing it to perform tasks such as grabbing and crushing objects, which is a significant improvement over previous models.

  • What is the 'unified large model' mentioned in the script?

    -The 'unified large model' likely refers to a comprehensive system or framework that enables the robot to perform tasks autonomously, although specific details are not provided in the script.

  • How has the price of Unitree's humanoid robots changed recently?

    -The price of Unitree's humanoid robots has significantly decreased, with the G1 starting at $116,000, down from a previous price point of $150,000, making it more accessible for research and development.

  • What is the potential impact of the decreased price on the field of robotics research?

    -The decreased price could lead to more widespread adoption of these robots in research, allowing for greater advancements in the field as more institutions can afford to invest in such technology.



🤖 Introduction to Unitree G1 Humanoid Robot

Unitree has launched their humanoid robot, the G1, showcasing remarkable flexibility, dexterity, and capabilities in its recent trailer. This release closely follows the unveiling of a similar robot by Boston Dynamics, suggesting rapid advancements by Unitree, unexpected by many. The G1, priced at $116,000, offers significant value, demonstrating enhanced movement abilities and internal wiring that supports a compact design ideal for various applications. The video highlights these capabilities, suggesting that Unitree is rapidly evolving and competing strongly in the robotics field.


👊 Stability and Durability Features of G1

The G1 robot's stability is tested by impacts such as punches, showcasing its ability to remain stable under force. This feature is crucial for operating in hazardous environments where stability is key. Unlike many humanoid robots that might require external support to remain upright, the G1 maintains stability autonomously, a significant improvement noted from previous Unitree models. The robot's ability to handle physical interactions without toppling over marks a major milestone in humanoid robotics, combining internal wiring advancements with physical resilience.


🔧 Advanced Capabilities and Research Potential of G1

The G1 robot exemplifies advanced technological integration, such as performing tasks learned in simulations, showcasing its use of imitation and reinforcement learning. It's capable of precise and subtle movements, adding to its stability and functionality. Priced lower than previous models, the G1 is positioned as a more accessible platform for researchers, particularly in academia, where funding can be a challenge. The robot's speed and manipulative capabilities, including handling objects like walnuts, further underscore its advanced design and utility for a wide range of tasks.



💡Unitree G1 Robot

The Unitree G1 Robot is a new humanoid AI Avatar developed by Unitree. It is highlighted for its surprising flexibility, dexterity, and overall capabilities. The robot is a significant leap in technology, showcasing the company's rapid evolution in the field of robotics. In the video, it is compared to Boston Dynamics' robots, particularly the Atlas, and is noted for its movement abilities and stability.


Flexibility, in the context of the Unitree G1 Robot, refers to the robot's ability to move with a range of motion that is close to or exceeds human capabilities. This is crucial for tasks that require a delicate touch or complex movements. The video emphasizes the G1's extraordinary flexibility as a key feature, showcasing its ability to swivel and move its legs in ways that are beyond traditional humanoid robots.


Dexterity is the ability to perform precise movements, especially with the hands. The Unitree G1 Robot is noted for its dexterity, which allows it to manipulate objects effectively. This is showcased when the robot is seen grabbing and smashing a walnut, indicating the precision and strength of its movements.

💡Price Point

The price point of the Unitree G1 Robot is mentioned as a significant factor, with the robot being priced at $116,000, which is considered cheaper than other humanoid robots with similar capabilities. This affordability is seen as a potential game-changer, making advanced robotics technology more accessible to researchers and developers.

💡Movement Ability

The movement ability of the Unitree G1 Robot is a focal point in the video. It is described as 'extremely and extraordinarily flexible,' highlighting the robot's ability to move quickly and efficiently. The robot's speed, reaching up to 3.3 meters per second, is also noted, which, while not breaking the world record, is still an impressive feat for a humanoid robot.


Stability in the context of the Unitree G1 Robot refers to its ability to maintain balance and posture despite external forces, such as impacts or punches. The video demonstrates the robot's stability by showing it being physically struck and remaining upright, which is a significant achievement for a two-legged robot and indicates its potential for use in hazardous environments.

💡Hollow Joint Wiring

Hollow joint wiring is a technical feature of the Unitree G1 Robot that allows the wiring to be内置 (built into) the robot itself. This design enables more efficient movements and a more compact form, which is beneficial for storage and other practical reasons. It is an example of the advanced engineering that contributes to the robot's flexibility and dexterity.

💡Imitation and Reinforcement Learning

Imitation and reinforcement learning are AI techniques used to train the Unitree G1 Robot. The video describes how the robot learns certain actions through simulation and then applies those actions in the real world. This approach is significant as it allows the robot to perform complex tasks autonomously, showcasing the integration of AI with robotics.


Manipulators, or robotic hands, are a feature of the Unitree G1 Robot that enable it to grasp and manipulate objects. The video shows the robot performing tasks such as opening a Coke can and soldering, which are complex actions that require precise control. The presence of manipulators makes the robot more versatile and capable of performing a wider range of tasks.

💡Unifo LM (Unified Large Model)

The Unifo LM, or Unified Large Model, is mentioned in the video as a component of the Unitree G1 Robot's capabilities, although not much detail is provided. It is suggested that this model allows the robot to perform tasks autonomously, indicating a high level of integration between the robot's hardware and software.

💡Robot Race

The term 'robot race' is used in the video to describe the competitive landscape of robotics development. It suggests that there is a global competition among companies and countries to advance robotics technology. The Unitree G1 Robot is presented as a significant milestone in this race, particularly highlighting the advancements made by Chinese companies like Unitree.


Unitree has released a new humanoid robot, the Unitree G1, showcasing impressive flexibility and dexterity.

The Unitree G1 is considered a gamechanger in the robotics industry.

The robot's design resembles Boston Dynamics' new Spot robot and Atlas robot.

The Unitree G1 demonstrates remarkable movement ability and flexibility.

The robot features hollow joint wiring, allowing for more efficient and compact movements.

Unitree G1 is priced at $116,000, making it more affordable than other humanoid robots with similar capabilities.

The robot's stability is showcased through its ability to take impacts without falling over.

Unitree G1 can perform tasks learned in simulation, indicating the use of imitation and reinforcement learning.

The robot's hands are capable of delicate manipulation, such as grabbing and smashing a walnut.

The G1 can open a Coke can, demonstrating its ability for complex actions.

Unitree's robot can perform precise movements, such as soldering, thanks to its advanced actuator system.

The price of the Unitree G1 has significantly decreased from its initial pricing, making it more accessible for research.

Researchers have been exploring the Unitree H1 platform for advanced robotics capabilities, like parkour on rough terrain.

The Unitree G1 is set to ship in around 5 months, generating excitement for its potential research applications.

The robot's design allows for a high degree of freedom, surpassing human movement capabilities.

Unitree's advancements highlight China's significant role and progress in the global robotics race.

The G1's actuator system is revealed in an X-ray view, showcasing the complexity of its internal mechanics.