OpenAI's NEW "AGI Robot" STUNS The ENITRE INDUSTRY (Figure 01 Breakthrough)

13 Mar 202419:49

TLDRThe video script showcases an impressive AI demo featuring a humanoid robot developed by OpenAI in partnership with Figure. The robot demonstrates advanced capabilities such as autonomous task completion, understanding and responding to natural language, and making decisions based on visual input. It handles objects, interprets speech, and communicates in a human-like manner, all in real-time without teleoperation. The robot's abilities, including its vision model and neural network, have been trained without human programming for specific interactions, indicating a significant leap in AI and robotics.


  • 🤖 The demo showcased a groundbreaking AI humanoid robot developed by OpenAI in partnership with Figure, demonstrating advanced capabilities in vision, speech, and task completion.
  • 🚀 The company Figure, despite being only 18 months old, has made significant progress, moving from nothing to creating a functioning humanoid robot with an end-to-end neural network.
  • 🎥 The demo was performed in real-time without speeding up, highlighting the robot's natural speed and ability to perform tasks seamlessly.
  • 📱 The robot operates autonomously, using a multimodal model trained by OpenAI that understands both images and text, without the need for teleoperation.
  • 🗣️ The AI system processes the entire history of the conversation, including past images, to generate language responses and decide on actions to fulfill commands.
  • 🍎 The robot showcased advanced reasoning by understanding the context of requests and selecting appropriate actions, such as handing an apple when told someone is hungry.
  • 🔄 The robot's movements are precise and smooth, with actions updated 200 times per second and joint forces updated 1000 times per second.
  • 🤲 The robot's manual manipulation skills are powered by a neural network visual motor Transformer policy, allowing it to handle and manipulate objects effectively.
  • 🧠 The system is designed with a separation of concerns, with high-level thinking models making plans and reflexive visual motor policies executing complex tasks.
  • 🌟 The impressive demo indicates a potential future where the robot could operate in dynamic environments, adjust policies in real-time, and interact more naturally with humans.
  • 🔮 The development and execution by OpenAI and Figure demonstrate the potential for this technology to revolutionize industries and mark a new era in robotics and AI.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is the demonstration and discussion of a new humanoid robot developed by OpenAI in partnership with Figure, highlighting its capabilities and technical aspects.

  • How old is the company Figure?

    -The company Figure is 18 months old, which is equivalent to 1 year and 6 months since its inception.

  • What is unique about the robot's behaviors in the demo?

    -The robot's behaviors are unique because they are learned and not teleoperated, meaning it operates autonomously without human control via a VR controller.

  • How does the robot process visual and speech information?

    -The robot processes visual and speech information by feeding images from its cameras and transcribing text from speech captured by onboard microphones to a large multimodal model trained by OpenAI. This model understands both images and text and uses the entire history of the conversation to come up with language responses.

  • What is the significance of the robot's ability to describe its surroundings using common sense reasoning?

    -The ability to describe its surroundings using common sense reasoning signifies that the robot can make educated guesses about what should happen next based on its observations. This level of understanding and decision-making is a key advancement in AI and robotics.

  • How often are the robot's actions updated?

    -The robot's actions are updated 200 times per second, and the forces at its joints are updated 1,000 times per second, allowing for smooth and precise movements.

  • What is the term used to describe the robot's high-level thinking?

    -The term used to describe the robot's high-level thinking is 'separations of concerns', which involves dividing a complex problem into smaller, more manageable parts.

  • How does the robot handle complex tasks with its hands?

    -The robot handles complex tasks with its hands using a neural network visual motor Transformer policy, which interprets visual information and decides which actions its hands and fingers should take.

  • What is the potential next step for the development of this robot?

    -The potential next step for the development of this robot could be improving its movement speed, particularly the speed of its legs, to match human walking speed and enable it to adapt to dynamic environments in real-time.

  • What is the significance of the robot's natural language processing capabilities?

    -The significance of the robot's natural language processing capabilities is that it allows the robot to perceive the environment, reason about it, and engage in real-time conversations with humans, making its interactions more human-like and efficient.

  • How does the robot's development impact the market for other robotics companies?

    -The robot's development could significantly impact the market for other robotics companies by setting a new standard for embodied AI systems with advanced reasoning capabilities. This could potentially lead to increased competition and innovation in the field.



🤖 Introduction to an Impressive AI Demo

The paragraph introduces a groundbreaking AI demonstration featuring a humanoid robot developed in partnership with OpenAI and Figure. The robot showcases its ability to understand and interact with its environment, complete tasks autonomously, and communicate using natural language. The presenter expresses their astonishment at the robot's capabilities and provides a brief overview of the technical aspects that make the demonstration possible, highlighting the robot's real-time processing and execution of tasks without human control.


🔍 Robot's Advanced Visual and Auditory Processing

This paragraph delves into the robot's advanced visual and auditory processing capabilities. The robot uses its camera to understand its surroundings and can reason about what is happening or what needs to be done next. It is highlighted that the robot's speech is coherent and human-like, indicating a significant advancement in text-to-speech technology. The paragraph also discusses the technical aspects of the robot's whole body controller, which allows it to move in a stable and controlled manner, and its high-speed actions and joint torques for smooth and precise movements.


🤔 Deep Dive into the Robot's Decision-Making Process

The paragraph focuses on the robot's decision-making process, which involves understanding conversation history and using common sense reasoning. The robot can describe its surroundings, make educated guesses about next actions based on visual information, and translate ambiguous requests into context-appropriate behaviors. It also explains how the robot can reflect on memory to answer questions correctly and carry out plans. The paragraph emphasizes the robot's ability to perform complex tasks with its hands by seeing and acting in a rapid and sophisticated manner, with different parts of its 'brain' focusing on various aspects of the task.


🚀 Speculations on Future Developments and Market Impact

The final paragraph discusses the presenter's speculations on the future developments of the robot and its potential market impact. The presenter notes the robot's impressive fluidity and human-like movements and predicts that future updates may focus on improving the robot's speed and mobility. The paragraph also highlights the rapid progress made by the company in a short span of time and suggests that they could potentially dominate the market with their advanced robotics technology. The presenter ponders the possibility of the robot being used in real-time dynamic environments and adapting its policies accordingly. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to share their thoughts on the demo and its implications for the future.



💡Humanoid Robot

A humanoid robot is an advanced type of robot that is designed to mimic human form and movements. In the video, the humanoid robot demonstrates the ability to interact with objects and perform tasks such as picking up an apple and placing dishes into a drying rack, showcasing its dexterity and understanding of its environment.

💡Vision Model

A vision model is a type of artificial intelligence system that processes visual information from cameras or other image sources to understand and interpret what it sees. In the context of the video, the robot's vision model allows it to identify objects, such as a red apple on a plate, and interact with them accordingly.

💡End-to-End Neural Network

An end-to-end neural network is a machine learning system where the input is directly related to the output through a series of layers or stages. This type of network is used in the robot to process information from its vision model and produce actions or responses. It enables the robot to learn and make decisions autonomously.

💡Autonomous Behavior

Autonomous behavior refers to the ability of a system or robot to operate without external control or human intervention. In the video, the robot's behaviors are learned and not teleoperated, meaning it acts independently based on its training and the information it processes from its environment.

💡Multimodal Model

A multimodal model is an AI system that can process and understand multiple types of inputs, such as images and text. In the video, the robot's multimodal model allows it to comprehend both visual information from its cameras and spoken language from its microphones, enabling it to carry out conversations and respond appropriately.

💡Common Sense Reasoning

Common sense reasoning is the ability to make judgments based on general knowledge and experience, rather than specific instructions. In the context of the video, the robot demonstrates common sense reasoning by making educated guesses about what should happen next based on its observations, such as inferring that dirty dishes should be placed in a drying rack.


Text-to-speech is a technology that converts written text into spoken words. In the video, the robot uses text-to-speech to communicate with humans by converting its reasoning into spoken language, allowing it to carry on conversations in a natural and human-like manner.

💡Whole Body Controller

A whole body controller is a system that coordinates the movements of all parts of a robot to ensure stability and balance. In the video, the robot's whole body controller allows it to move in a controlled and stable way, preventing it from toppling over or making unsafe movements during task execution.

💡Short-term Memory

Short-term memory refers to the ability to retain and process information for a brief period. In the context of the video, the robot's short-term memory allows it to reflect on past interactions and conversations, which aids in understanding and responding to questions or commands more effectively.

💡Manual Manipulation

Manual manipulation refers to the ability to physically handle and move objects using hands or other appendages. In the video, the robot's manual manipulation skills are showcased through its refined handling of objects like picking up an apple and moving dishes, which involves complex movements and coordination.

💡Common Sense

Common sense is the basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things, which is usually shared by nearly all people. In the context of the video, the robot's common sense is demonstrated by its ability to make reasonable inferences and decisions based on its observations and understanding of typical human activities.


The demo showcases a new humanoid robot developed in partnership between OpenAI and Figure, demonstrating impressive advancements in AI and robotics.

The robot's ability to understand and respond to natural language queries, such as providing food when asked to eat, shows its advanced language comprehension skills.

The robot's autonomous actions are learned, not teleoperated, indicating a high level of self-sufficiency and adaptability.

The robot's vision model uses an end-to-end neural network to process information from its cameras and make decisions based on the environment.

The AI system can understand both images and text, allowing it to respond appropriately to a variety of requests and commands.

The robot's movements are smooth and precise, with actions updated 200 times per second and joint torques updated 1000 times per second.

The robot exhibits common sense reasoning, such as inferring that dishes should be placed in a drying rack based on their appearance and location.

The AI has a powerful short-term memory, allowing it to reflect on past interactions and perform tasks like placing items in the correct locations.

The robot's whole body controller ensures stable and coordinated movements, preventing unsafe actions and maintaining balance.

The robot's manual manipulation skills are refined, showing the ability to handle and manipulate objects with dexterity.

The robot uses a neural network called Visual Moto Transformer policy to map pixels to actions, interpreting visual information for task execution.

The AI system's high-level thinking is divided into manageable parts, with different components focusing on various aspects of task execution.

The robot's rapid and sophisticated handling abilities are a result of separate parts of its 'brain' focusing on different task elements.

The robot's development and demonstration signify a significant leap in AI and robotics, potentially impacting various industries and job roles.

The robot's realistic and human-like movements, including handling trash and placing items, demonstrate a high level of dexterity and adaptability.

The company behind the robot, Figure, has made remarkable progress in just 18 months, indicating a rapid acceleration in AI and robotics technology.

The demo suggests potential future developments, such as improved walking speed and real-time policy updates in dynamic environments.

The robot's capabilities and the progress of its developers pose strong competition for other companies in the field, such as Tesla's Optimus.