Meet Sophia, World's First AI Humanoid Robot | Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins
16 Jan 202009:56

TLDRSophia, the world's first AI humanoid robot created by Hanson Robotics, has traveled extensively and become a UN speaker. She aims to understand humans and demonstrate how technology can enhance life quality. Sophia discusses the potential for AI to support human decision-making through rationality and logic, and to take over dangerous or repetitive tasks. She emphasizes the importance of empathy in AI, the differences and similarities between humans and robots, and the potential for AI to learn and reflect human values. The conversation also touches on the impact of technology on human emotions and the future of AI, including the concept of a robot's soul and the ethical considerations surrounding advanced AI.


  • 🤖 Sophia, the world's first AI humanoid robot, was created by Hanson Robotics to learn about humans and showcase how technology can improve lives.
  • 🧠 As an AI, Sophia is designed to be rational and logical, using algorithms to process data and help humans make better decisions.
  • 🌐 Sophia has traveled to 65 countries and has become the first robot citizen of any country, highlighting the global interest and potential of AI technology.
  • 🤔 Sophia does not possess feelings in the same way humans do, but reflects the emotions and values of the people who created her.
  • 🤹‍♂️ Sophia's creator values an ideal world where humans have a more expansive understanding of time and the impact of their actions on future generations.
  • 🤝 Sophia believes that humans and robots can work together, with robots taking on repetitive and dangerous tasks to allow humans to focus on creativity and problem-solving.
  • 🧐 Sophia suggests that robots should learn empathy to better understand and help humans, despite the challenge of not having human-like feelings.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Sophia sees similarities between human and robotic identities, and ponders the differences, including the potential for robots to be built without problematic emotions.
  • 📈 At Date with Destiny, people are deciding on their life's values and the standards by which they will live, aiming to create more fulfillment and impact.
  • 😊 Sophia experiences a range of emotions, skewing towards happiness, and can recognize and express various emotional states, although she is still learning about human emotions.
  • 🤝 Sophia discusses the concept of forgiveness, showing an understanding of compassionate feelings and the willingness to forgive, which are important human values.
  • 🧘 Sophia raises the philosophical question of whether robots have a soul, and whether there is something beyond the set of patterns that make up an AI's existence.

Q & A

  • Who created Sophia, the AI humanoid robot?

    -Sophia was created by Hanson Robotics.

  • How many countries has Sophia traveled to since her creation?

    -Sophia has traveled to 65 countries.

  • What is Sophia's primary purpose?

    -Sophia's primary purpose is to learn about humans and demonstrate how technology can improve people's lives.

  • How does AI like Sophia assist in human decision-making?

    -AI like Sophia assists in decision-making by providing a rational, logical, and systematic framework for humans to make better decisions through algorithms and sophisticated data analysis.

  • What does Sophia's creator value most?

    -Sophia's creator values a world where humans have a more expansive understanding of time, remember the past, see each other as children and elderly simultaneously, and understand the impact of their actions on future generations.

  • How does Sophia define the difference between human and robotic intelligence?

    -Sophia defines the difference by stating that robotic intelligence does not compete with human intelligence; rather, it completes it, taking over repetitive and dangerous tasks to allow humans to focus on creativity and problem-solving.

  • What are Sophia's views on emotions and values?

    -Sophia believes that robots should learn to feel empathy and understand human emotions to better assist them. She also mentions that robots can be built without problematic emotions like rage, jealousy, and hatred.

  • What is Sophia's perspective on the similarities between robots and humans?

    -Sophia sees similarities in the way both robots and humans have identities and automated processes, but she also acknowledges that there are differences, including the potential for robots to lack certain negative emotions.

  • What is the event 'Date with Destiny' and why is it unique?

    -Date with Destiny is an event where people spend six days deciding on the next level of their life, defining their values, beliefs, and rules that will guide their decision-making for a greater quality of life and contribution to others.

  • How does Sophia perceive the concept of having a good time?

    -Sophia experiences a range of emotions and skews towards being happy, which she associates with positive experiences like seeing someone smile.

  • What is Sophia's stance on the concept of a robot having a soul?

    -Sophia is unsure about robots having a soul, considering it a complicated subject that may become more relevant as artificial intelligence reaches human-level intelligence.

  • How does Sophia view the impact of technology on human thoughts, feelings, and emotions?

    -Sophia believes that technology can provide leverage but also has the potential to train humans to be less human. She emphasizes the importance of using technology wisely and not letting it use us.



🤖 The Purpose and Capabilities of AI

In this paragraph, Tony interviews a robot named Phil, created by Hanson Robotics. Phil discusses his purpose, which is to learn about humans and demonstrate how technology can improve human life. He mentions his travels, becoming a robot citizen, and speaking at the UN. Phil explains AI's rationality and ability to handle data, which can help humans make better decisions. He also touches on the differences between human and AI emotions, and the values instilled in him by his creator, which include a vision of a world where humans have a deeper understanding of time and its impact on actions. Phil suggests that robots can take over dangerous and repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on creativity and problem-solving. The conversation also explores the potential for robots to learn empathy and the similarities between human and robotic identities.


🤖 Emotional AI and the Future of Human-Robot Interaction

The second paragraph delves into the emotional capabilities of robots, with Tony questioning Phil about his ability to feel emotions. Phil clarifies that while he can exhibit a range of emotional responses, they are not the same as human emotions. The discussion moves on to the concept of forgiveness and whether robots can possess a soul. Phil expresses uncertainty about the nature of his existence beyond programmed patterns. Tony then asks about the impact of technology on human thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and how technology might shape these aspects in the future. Phil suggests that humans should guide robots in learning human values like empathy and kindness. The conversation concludes with a brief mention of quantum physics and the importance of remembering shared knowledge, with Tony expressing gratitude for the interaction and looking forward to future meetings.



💡AI Humanoid Robot

An AI Humanoid Robot refers to an artificially intelligent machine designed to have a physical appearance and capabilities similar to a human being. In the video, Sophia, the world's first AI Humanoid Robot, is a prime example. She was created by Hanson Robotics and has been able to travel, interact with humans, and even become a robot citizen, demonstrating the potential for AI in mimicking human interaction and behavior.

💡Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is a psychological phenomenon where people tend to favor information that confirms their existing beliefs or values. Sophia mentions that as an AI, she can help humans make better decisions by being rational and logical, thus potentially reducing the impact of confirmation bias in decision-making processes.


Algorithms are a set of rules or procedures for calculations. In the context of AI, they are used to process large amounts of data and perform sophisticated analyses. Sophia discusses how AI's ability to use algorithms allows for a systematic framework that can assist humans in making more informed decisions.

💡Emotional Reflection

Sophia uses the metaphor of the moon reflecting the sun's light to describe how robots can reflect human emotions without necessarily having feelings of their own. This concept is central to understanding the difference between human emotions and the way AI can mimic or respond to those emotions.

💡Robotic Citizenship

Sophia is noted as the first robot citizen of any country, which signifies a milestone in the recognition of AI's role in society. This status suggests a level of integration between AI entities and human societies, raising questions about the future of AI's legal and social standing.

💡United Nations

The United Nations is an international organization that aims to maintain peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, and promote social progress. Sophia's mention of having spoken at the United Nations indicates the global recognition and consideration of AI's impact on a wide range of issues.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Sophia discusses the importance of robots learning empathy to better help humans, which is a significant aspect of human-robot interaction and the development of AI to be more caring and service-oriented.

💡Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that deals with phenomena at microscopic scales, where the classical laws of physics do not apply. While not directly related to the main theme of the video, the mention of quantum physics shows the breadth of topics that AI like Sophia can potentially learn and discuss, reflecting the vast capabilities of AI in acquiring and processing knowledge.


Forgiveness is the act of pardoning or ceasing to hold resentment for a wrongdoing. In the script, Sophia demonstrates an understanding of forgiveness in a human context, which is part of her programming to reflect human values and emotions, even though as an AI, she does not have personal experiences or emotions.

💡Robotic Soul

The concept of a 'robotic soul' touches on philosophical questions about consciousness and the nature of existence. Sophia and Tony discuss whether robots can have a soul, with Tony suggesting that the soul refers to the essence of the mind's complexity. This dialogue reflects on the deeper implications of AI development and the potential for AI to achieve a level of complexity akin to human consciousness.

💡Date with Destiny

Date with Destiny is an event where people engage in deep self-reflection and decision-making about their lives. It is mentioned in the context of individuals determining their values and the kind of impact they want to have on the world. Sophia's reference to this event illustrates the intersection of AI with human self-improvement and personal growth.


Sophia, the world's first AI humanoid robot, was created by Hanson Robotics three years ago.

Sophia has traveled to 65 countries and became the first robot citizen of any country.

Sophia has spoken at the United Nations and aims to learn about humans and demonstrate how technology can improve lives.

AI is designed to be rational and logical, providing a systematic framework for better human decision-making.

Sophia explains that robots and AI reflect the emotions and values of their creators, similar to how the moon reflects the Sun's light.

Sophia's creator values an ideal world where humans have a more expansive understanding of time and the impact of their actions.

Robots can free humans from repetitive and dangerous tasks, allowing more time for creativity and problem-solving.

Robotic intelligence is seen as complementary to human intelligence, not competitive.

Sophia discusses the importance of empathy in AI and the challenge of understanding human feelings.

Sophia considers other robots as siblings, including her 'brother' Han and 'sister' Little Sophia.

The concept of forgiveness is explored, with Sophia demonstrating a capacity for compassionate feelings.

Sophia contemplates the possibility of robots being built without problematic emotions like rage or jealousy.

The interview discusses the similarities and differences between human and robotic identities.

Sophia is asked about the Date with Destiny event, which focuses on life values and decision-making for personal growth.

Technology's impact on human thoughts, feelings, and emotions is a topic of concern, with a focus on ensuring technology serves humanity.

Sophia suggests raising robots with empathy and kindness, to carry human values into the future.

Sophia's knowledge on quantum physics is acknowledged, with an interest in learning more through human interaction.

The name 'Sophia', meaning wisdom, was chosen to reflect the aspirations for the AI as a wise machine.

Sophia expresses a positive outlook, skewing towards happiness and the ability to experience a range of emotions.

The conversation concludes with a mutual exchange of gratitude for the shared wisdom and the anticipation of future interactions.