Apollos NEW HUMANOID Robot DEMO STUNS Everyone! (Apptronik Upgrade!)

3 Apr 202422:55

TLDRThe transcript introduces Apollo, a humanoid robot developed by ABTronic, capable of multimodal understanding and impressive mimicry of movie scenes. The CEO, Jeff Cardinus, envisions a future where affordable humanoid robots become as common as smartphones, aiming to revolutionize industries like healthcare and supply chain management. He emphasizes the potential of AI to create an abundant future, while acknowledging the challenges of economic disruption and the need for thoughtful integration of robotics into society.


  • 🤖 Introduction to Apollo, a humanoid robot developed by ABTRONIC, a company focused on robotics for various industries.
  • 🎥 Apollo's demonstration showcased its multimodal understanding and ability to imitate famous movie scenes, highlighting its human-like features.
  • 🌟 The CEO of ABTRONIC, Jeff Cardinus, envisions a future where humanoid robots are as common as smartphones, aiming for a price point of under $50,000.
  • 🚀 ABTRONIC was inspired by Apple's integration of technology and humanity, aiming to create products that make people excited and hopeful about the future.
  • 📈 The company has faced skepticism but persevered, iterating through numerous designs to reach the current version of Apollo.
  • 🤖💡 Apollo's potential applications include the supply chain and healthcare, with the goal of taking over the most undesirable parts of jobs to elevate human workers.
  • 🏥 In healthcare, Apollo could assist as a personal healthcare companion, improving patient care and support.
  • 🏭 For the supply chain, Apollo aims to address challenges and labor shortages, increasing efficiency and productivity.
  • 💡 The discussion on AI and robotics addresses societal fears and the potential for AI to create abundance for all if managed correctly.
  • 🌐 The future of robotics is compared to the early days of the personal computer revolution, suggesting a shift from specialized to general-purpose platforms.
  • 🚀 The ambition for Apollo is to transition from a high-cost prototype to an affordable, mass-produced robot that can enter everyday life.

Q & A

  • What is the primary focus of the company abtronic?

    -Abtonic is primarily focused on developing humanoid robotics for a variety of industries.

  • What was showcased in the impressive demo by abtronic?

    -The demo showcased the capabilities of the Apollo robot, highlighting its multimodal understanding and ability to speak.

  • How does the Apollo robot mimic human behavior?

    -The Apollo robot mimics human behavior by imitating famous movie scenes and characters from popular culture, demonstrating its adaptability and human-like mannerisms.

  • What is the significance of the robot's human-like appearance?

    -The human-like appearance of the robot makes it more relatable and less intimidating, potentially influencing how people perceive humanoid robots and the companies that develop them.

  • What is the target price point for the Apollo robot?

    -The target price point for the Apollo robot is sub $50,000, comparable to the price of a car.

  • What is the CEO's vision for the future of humanoid robots?

    -The CEO, Jeff Cardinus, envisions a future where everyone will have a humanoid robot, similar to how people have phones today, and believes there will be a Cambrian explosion of robots in the future.

  • How does the CEO compare the development of robotics to the personal computer revolution?

    -The CEO compares the development of robotics to the early days of the personal computer revolution, suggesting a shift from specialized, infrastructure-heavy machines to more versatile, general-purpose platforms.

  • What was the initial industry advice against abtronic's venture into humanoid robots?

    -The initial advice from others was to not pursue humanoid robots as it was believed to be a 50-year endeavor, and instead to get a 'real job'.

  • What is the significance of the Apollo robot's potential role in healthcare?

    -The significance lies in the robot's ability to take over the worst parts of jobs, potentially elevating human workers to do new types of work, addressing issues like labor shortages and improving overall efficiency in healthcare.

  • How does the CEO address fears about AI and job displacement?

    -The CEO acknowledges the fears but suggests that if AI and humanoid robots are deployed correctly and managed effectively, they could provide abundance for everyone and shift the economy in a positive way.

  • What is the ultimate goal for the Apollo robot?

    -The ultimate goal for the Apollo robot is to start in the supply chain and eventually be integrated into industries such as healthcare, performing tasks that are undesirable or challenging for humans.



🤖 Introduction to Apollo the Robot and its Capabilities

The video begins with an introduction to Apollo, a humanoid robot developed by a company focused on creating robotics for various industries. The presenter expresses amazement at a recent demonstration showcasing the robot's abilities. Apollo is shown imitating famous movie scenes, highlighting its multimodal understanding and human-like features. The presenter emphasizes the robot's lifelike movements and the potential impact on public perception of humanoid robots.


🚀 Future of Humanoid Robotics and CEO's Vision

The CEO of the company, Jeff Cardinus, shares his vision for the future of humanoid robots. He predicts that everyone will have a humanoid robot in the future, much like how everyone has a phone today. He compares the potential of robots to the personal computer revolution, aiming for a robot in every home at an affordable price point. Cardinus also discusses the importance of technology connecting with humanity and the rapid advancement of AI, suggesting that we may be approaching a technological singularity.


🌟 Acceleration of Technological Advancements

The presenter discusses the rapid pace of technological advancements, particularly in robotics. Despite initial skepticism about the feasibility of humanoid robots, the company has made significant progress in a short time. The presenter draws parallels with the early days of the computer revolution, suggesting a shift from specialized industrial robots to more versatile, general-purpose platforms. The impact of AI and affordable components is highlighted, indicating a potential future where robots become as ubiquitous as computers.


📈 Economic and Social Impact of AI and Robotics

The CEO talks about the economic and social impact of AI and robotics. He acknowledges the fear and resistance to change that often accompanies technological advancements. He compares the current situation to past technological revolutions, such as the introduction of trains and computers, which initially faced skepticism but eventually became indispensable. The CEO emphasizes the importance of managing the transition to ensure that the benefits of AI and robotics are widely distributed and that policies are in place to mitigate potential negative effects.


🏥 Apollo's Role in Healthcare and Supply Chain

The CEO discusses Apollo's potential roles in healthcare and supply chain management. He envisions Apollo being used to automate the more challenging parts of jobs, thereby elevating humans to perform new types of work. The CEO emphasizes the importance of designing robots with intention, considering how they will interact with humans and their roles in society. He also mentions the company's focus on making Apollo affordable and accessible, with the goal of transforming industries and improving lives.



💡Humanoid Robotics

Humanoid robotics refers to the design and creation of robots that resemble the human form in appearance and function. In the video, the Apollo robot is a prime example of humanoid robotics, showcasing its ability to perform tasks and interact in a way that mirrors human behavior. The development of such robots is aimed at integrating them into various industries and aspects of daily life, potentially revolutionizing the way we live and work.

💡Multimodal Understanding

Multimodal understanding is the ability of a machine or robot to process and comprehend multiple forms of input or communication, such as speech, visuals, and gestures. In the context of the video, the Apollo robot demonstrates this capability by engaging in a conversation and responding to medical queries, indicating its advanced level of interaction with humans.

💡AI Systems

AI Systems, or Artificial Intelligence Systems, are computational frameworks that enable machines to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. In the video, the Apollo robot's capabilities are attributed to the advanced AI systems that power its functions, allowing it to perform complex tasks and interact with humans in a more natural and intuitive manner.

💡Future of Robotics

The future of robotics refers to the anticipated advancements and applications of robotic technology in the coming years. This includes the development of more sophisticated humanoid robots, the integration of robots into various industries, and the potential impact of robots on the economy and society. The video discusses the potential for a 'Cambrian explosion of robots' in the future, suggesting a rapid diversification and proliferation of robotic technologies.

💡Personal Healthcare Companion

A personal healthcare companion is a device or robot designed to assist individuals with their health and medical needs. These companions can provide reminders for medication, monitor health metrics, or offer immediate assistance in case of emergencies. In the video, the Apollo robot is portrayed as a personal healthcare companion, capable of assessing a person's physical condition and providing appropriate medical advice.

💡Economic Impact

The economic impact of robotics refers to the influence that robots and AI systems have on the economy, including job displacement, increased productivity, and changes in consumer behavior. In the video, there is a discussion about the potential for humanoid robots to take over certain jobs, thereby altering the labor market and necessitating the creation of new types of work.

💡Technological Singularity

Technological singularity is a hypothetical point in the future at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, leading to unforeseeable changes to human civilization. Often associated with the development of artificial superintelligence, the singularity raises questions about the future role of humans in a world where machines surpass human intelligence. The video touches on the idea that we may be moving into an era where AI and robotics could lead to significant societal shifts.

💡Public Perception

Public perception refers to the collective opinion or viewpoint of the general public towards a particular issue, entity, or technology. In the context of the video, the design and presentation of the Apollo robot are discussed in terms of how they might influence public acceptance and interaction with humanoid robots, highlighting the importance of appearance and behavior in shaping public perception.

💡Economies of Scale

Economies of scale refer to the cost advantages that businesses obtain due to expansion. As the scale of production increases, the cost per unit of output decreases, leading to lower average costs. In the video, the company's goal to reduce the price of the Apollo robot from the cost of a luxury item to that of a car is an example of aiming to achieve economies of scale, making the technology more accessible and affordable for the general public.

💡Supply Chain

The supply chain is the network of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from the supplier to the customer. In the context of the video, the Apollo robot is envisioned to start in the supply chain, suggesting its potential use in improving efficiency, reducing costs, and addressing labor shortages in various industries.


Healthcare refers to the provision of medical services and care to individuals, including the maintenance or improvement of their health. In the video, the Apollo robot is discussed as having potential applications in healthcare, where it could assist in tasks such as patient care, medical diagnosis, and support for healthcare professionals.


Apollo the robot is a humanoid robotics development by ABTRONIC, aimed at various industries.

ABTRONIC recently showcased a demo of the Apollo robot, highlighting its multimodal understanding and speaking capabilities.

Apollo's demo included imitating famous movie scenes, showing its adaptability and human-like characteristics.

The robot's human-like features, such as mouth movement and expressiveness, enhance its appeal and interaction with people.

CEO Jeff Cardinus envisions a future where everyone will have a humanoid robot, similar to how people have phones today.

The target price for Apollo is sub $50,000, making it accessible to a wider market.

Cardinus compares the future of robotics to the personal computer revolution, predicting a Cambrian explosion of robots.

The company's goal is to transition from industrial robots to more versatile, general-purpose platforms.

Affordable components and advancements in AI have made it possible to create more generalized and affordable robots.

Cardinus discusses the fear and resistance to new technologies, such as trains, planes, and computers in the past.

The potential of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) integrated into humanoid robots could significantly change the world.

The Valkyrie robot, developed by NASA, was expensive and aimed at reducing costs to make robots accessible.

ABTRONIC has iterated through multiple versions of robots and components to reach the current Apollo model.

Apollo is intended to work in the supply chain and healthcare, taking on the less desirable parts of jobs to elevate human work.

The company emphasizes thoughtful design and communication with robots, considering their future roles in society.

Cardinus highlights the importance of managing the deployment of AI and humanoid robots to ensure a beneficial future for all.

The Apollo robot is seen as a starting point, with the company and technology expected to grow and evolve over time.