We asked MKBHD about his 'devastating' reviews

Colin and Samir
16 Apr 202427:27

TLDRIn a recent interview, popular tech reviewer MKBHD (Marques Brownlee) discusses the weight of responsibility he feels before publishing a review, especially when it's negative. The conversation revolves around his review of the Humane AI pin, which he labeled as the 'worst product he's ever reviewed.' This has sparked a debate on whether such influential reviews can be detrimental to smaller companies. Brownlee defends his position, stating that he doesn't believe a single negative review can destroy a company unless the product is genuinely bad. He emphasizes the importance of honesty in reviews and the trust he has built with his audience. The discussion also touches on the impact of his partnership with Ridge, his process for ensuring review accuracy, and the challenges of titling and thumbnailing such content. Brownlee maintains that his duty is to his audience, and he will continue to provide his honest opinion on tech products regardless of potential backlash or access to events.


  • 📢 MKBHD (Marques Brownlee) is known for his influential tech reviews, which can significantly impact products and companies due to his large audience.
  • 🎥 Brownlee has been criticized for his negative reviews, with some arguing they can be devastating to smaller companies and their employees.
  • 🤔 He discusses the responsibility he feels when releasing reviews, acknowledging the potential impact but not necessarily feeling increased pressure for negative reviews.
  • 🚀 Brownlee is aware of his unique position in tech reviewing and the influence he holds, comparing his role to that of a taste-maker.
  • 🔍 He emphasizes the importance of honesty in reviews and believes that a multitude of voices in the tech space can balance his own influence.
  • 🤝 Brownlee mentions that personal relationships with company representatives do not affect his reviews, maintaining integrity and objectivity.
  • 📉 He agrees with the sentiment that bad products, not bad reviews, are what lead to the downfall of companies, as poor products will inevitably receive negative feedback.
  • 🛠️ The process of creating a review involves thorough testing, collaboration with a team, and a multi-step verification to ensure accuracy and fairness.
  • 🤔 Brownlee reflects on the trust his audience places in him and how a partnership with a company like Ridge could potentially affect this trust.
  • 🏆 He asserts that trust is paramount and any misstep in maintaining it would be evident to his audience, who rely on his honest assessments.
  • 📉 The discussion touches on the rapid pace of information dissemination in the digital age and how it can accelerate the life cycle, for better or worse, of a product or company.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern raised by some people regarding MKBHD's reviews?

    -The main concern raised is that MKBHD's reviews, particularly negative ones, could have a devastating impact on the companies and people working at those companies due to his significant influence.

  • How does MKBHD respond to the criticism that his reviews are too powerful and could potentially harm companies?

    -MKBHD acknowledges his influence but also notes that there are many voices in the tech review space, and it's unlikely that his individual opinion carries as much weight as some might think, especially when many others are reviewing the same product around the same time.

  • What does MKBHD think about the responsibility he has when releasing a review?

    -MKBHD feels an extra weight to the publish button every time he hits it, but he doesn't find it more stressful or weighty because of the potential impact. He believes in being honest about when things are good and when they're bad.

  • How does MKBHD approach reviewing a product that has been negatively received by others?

    -MKBHD maintains that he never thinks of a negative review as anything special. He focuses on being honest and fair, acknowledging that there are many smart people who worked hard on the product, and they likely know its shortcomings as well.

  • What is MKBHD's stance on the idea that he might be too powerful for his own good?

    -MKBHD believes it's possible that he has a significant level of influence, but he also thinks that the current landscape with many reviewers talking about tech products dilutes the impact of any single review.

  • How does MKBHD ensure the accuracy of his reviews?

    -MKBHD and his team go through a pre-production and post-production vetting process. They use a template to ensure all aspects are covered, and everyone involved in the testing process reviews the video for factual accuracy and completeness.

  • What is the impact of MKBHD's partnership with Ridge on his reviews?

    -MKBHD clarifies that Ridge does not make products in any categories that he reviews, so it does not influence his reviews. He also states that even if Ridge made a bad product, he would be honest about it, as trust with his audience is paramount.

  • How does MKBHD feel about the title 'The worst product I've ever reviewed' for his Humane AI pin review?

    -MKBHD found it challenging to title the review, but he felt that the title accurately represented the content of the video. He believes that the product was bad, and his review reflects that.

  • What is the general sentiment towards MKBHD's review of the Humane AI pin?

    -The general sentiment is mixed. While some criticize MKBHD for potentially causing harm to the startup with his review, others, including representatives from Humane, appreciate the feedback and see it as an opportunity to learn and improve.

  • How does the public discourse around MKBHD's reviews affect his approach to reviewing?

    -MKBHD remains committed to providing honest and fair reviews. He is aware of the power his reviews can have but maintains that his responsibility is to his audience, and he will continue to deliver his opinions on tech products regardless of the potential backlash.

  • What does MKBHD think about the role of negative reviews in the tech industry?

    -MKBHD believes that bad products will inevitably receive bad reviews, and it's not the reviews that tank companies but the products themselves. He sees negative reviews as a way to amplify and accelerate the truth about a product's shortcomings.

  • How does MKBHD handle the pressure of being a prominent tech reviewer with significant influence?

    -MKBHD handles the pressure by staying true to his principles of honesty and fairness. He is aware of his influence but does not let it change the way he reviews products. He also believes in the importance of having a variety of voices in the tech review space.



🤔 Influence and Responsibility of Tech Reviews

The first paragraph discusses the weight of responsibility a tech reviewer like MKBHD feels before publishing a review, especially a negative one. It highlights the potential impact on companies and employees, and the criticism Marquez received for his negative review of the Humane AI pin, which he called the worst product he's ever reviewed. The conversation also touches on the influence a single review can have and whether Marquez's power as a reviewer is too significant in shaping public opinion and potentially affecting stock prices.


📉 The Impact of Reviews on Stock Prices and Company Reputation

In the second paragraph, the discussion continues on the influence of reviews, particularly negative ones, on stock prices and company reputations. It is suggested that while a bad review can amplify a product's issues, it is ultimately the product's quality that leads to a company's downfall, not the reviews alone. The paragraph also addresses the idea that with many voices reviewing the same product, the impact of a single review may be less significant than believed.


📝 The Review Process and Maintaining Integrity

The third paragraph delves into the meticulous process behind creating a tech review. It outlines the pre-production and post-production steps taken to ensure accuracy and due diligence. The paragraph also explores the implications of Marquez's partnership with Ridge and how it might affect audience trust, emphasizing that trust is paramount for a reviewer's credibility.


🎯 The Challenge of Titling and the Nuance of Critique

The fourth paragraph focuses on the difficulty of titling a review, especially when the product is severely flawed. It discusses the challenge of capturing the essence of a negative review without oversimplifying or misrepresenting the content. The paragraph also highlights the mixed reactions to the title of Marquez's Humane AI pin review and the ethical considerations behind such a definitive statement.


💭 The Role of the Tech Reviewer and the Power of Influence

In the fifth paragraph, the conversation shifts to the role of the tech reviewer and the power they wield. It contemplates whether Marquez's influence is a responsibility or a burden, especially when his reviews can significantly affect a product's success. The paragraph also considers the dynamic between reviewers and tech companies, and the importance of maintaining honesty and integrity despite potential backlash or loss of access to events.


🚀 The Importance of Ambition and the Risks of Innovation

The sixth paragraph reflects on the ambition behind innovative tech products and the risks they pose. It acknowledges that while innovation is essential, it can also lead to products that don't meet expectations. The paragraph discusses the consensus among reviewers regarding the Humane AI pin's shortcomings and the importance of presenting an honest critique, even when it might contribute to a product's or company's struggles.




Reviews are evaluations or critiques of products, services, or pieces of work, such as movies or books. In the context of the video, MKBHD discusses the weight and responsibility he feels when releasing reviews, particularly negative ones, and their potential impact on companies and their stock prices.


An influencer is an individual who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. MKBHD is considered an influencer in the tech community, and his reviews can sway public opinion and potentially affect a product's success.

💡Humane AI Pin

The Humane AI Pin is a product reviewed by MKBHD, which he labeled as the worst product he's ever reviewed. The product's failure and the criticism it received highlight the challenges startups face when their products do not meet expectations or consumer needs.

💡Stock Prices

Stock prices refer to the current market value of a single share of a company's stock. In the video, there's a discussion about how influential reviews can affect stock prices, as seen with the example of Fisker's stock price dropping after a negative review.

💡Content Creator

A content creator is someone who produces various forms of content, such as videos, articles, or posts, for distribution on various platforms. MKBHD, as a content creator, has a significant following and his reviews are part of the content he produces.


Trust is a crucial aspect of the relationship between a content creator and their audience. MKBHD emphasizes the importance of maintaining trust by providing honest reviews. If trust is broken, the audience may stop believing in the authenticity of the reviews.

💡Negative Reviews

Negative reviews are assessments that highlight the shortcomings or failures of a product. MKBHD discusses the difference in the impact of negative reviews versus positive ones, and the responsibility he feels when publishing them.

💡Product Testing

Product testing involves using and evaluating a product to determine its quality and performance before releasing a review. MKBHD's process includes thorough testing and collaboration with his team to ensure the accuracy and fairness of his reviews.


Ridge is a company that MKBHD has a partnership with. The discussion in the video touches on the potential conflict of interest that could arise if a reviewer is affiliated with a company that produces products in the same category as those they review.

💡Fisker Ocean

The Fisker Ocean is an electric vehicle that was previously reviewed by MKBHD, and his negative review was mentioned in the context of discussing the power of reviews and their impact on companies.


Clickbait refers to sensational or misleading titles and thumbnails designed to attract clicks and views. The conversation in the video addresses accusations of clickbait in the title of MKBHD's review of the Humane AI Pin.


MKBHD (Marquez Brownlee) discusses the weight of responsibility he feels before releasing a review, acknowledging the impact it could have on companies and their employees.

Brownlee is known for his influential tech reviews, which some argue can single-handedly sway market opinions and even stock prices.

Despite criticisms, Marquez maintains that negative reviews are a necessary part of honest tech evaluation and are not the sole reason companies fail.

He emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between a critic and a reviewer, noting that his role is to provide an informed opinion to his audience.

Marquez addresses the criticism that his reviews are overly negative, stating that he aims to be fair and balanced in his assessments.

The discussion touches on the changing landscape of tech reviewing, with the rise of social media and the democratization of opinions.

Brownlee talks about his meticulous process of reviewing products, involving pre-production and post-production checks for accuracy and completeness.

He explains the challenges of titling and thumbnail creation for reviews, especially when the product is significantly flawed.

Marquez defends his approach to reviewing, stating that his loyalty is to his audience and the truth, not to the companies he may review.

The conversation explores the ethical considerations of tech reviewing, particularly when the reviewer has a personal relationship with individuals at the company.

Brownlee reflects on the potential consequences of his reviews, including the impact on startups and the broader tech industry.

He acknowledges the power of his influence but also recognizes the collective voice of many reviewers in shaping public opinion.

Marquez discusses his partnership with Ridge and how it does not affect his reviewing process or the trust he has built with his audience.

The interviewees debate the responsibility of tech reviewers in the age of instant information and social media, where reviews can quickly make or break a product's reputation.

Brownlee's review of the Humane AI pin is highlighted as an example of his commitment to honesty, despite potential backlash.

The discussion concludes with a reflection on the role of tech reviewers in the current media environment and the expectations placed on them by their audience.