Which Should You Choose? Stable Diffusion 1.5 or SDXL?

Playground AI
1 Dec 202307:16

TLDRThe video script discusses the differences between Stable Diffusion 1.5 and its XL variant. It highlights the native resolutions, with 1.5 being 512x512 and XL offering a higher 1024x1024. The XL model supports higher resolutions and is less prone to deformities at larger sizes. The script also compares the effectiveness of negative prompts and the use of filters, showing that Stable Diffusion XL produces better images at larger dimensions without extensive prompting. Additionally, the refiner model in XL enhances details, providing an advantage for detailed images, though it should be used cautiously to avoid messiness.


  • 🌟 Stable Diffusion 1.5 and SDXL are two versions available on the playground platform, with 1.5 being the older model.
  • 📸 SDXL has a higher native resolution of 1024x1024 compared to 1.5's 512x512, allowing for more detailed images.
  • 🚀 When using 1.5 beyond optimal sizes, there's a higher chance of image deformities, such as double heads or deformed limbs.
  • 🎨 SDXL can handle larger image sizes, like 1536x640, with less likelihood of such deformities.
  • 🔍 In the demonstration, using 1.5 with a simple prompt and 512x512 resolution yielded somewhat similar but not great results.
  • 👌 Increasing the resolution to 1024x768 with 1.5 resulted in more distorted images, highlighting the limitations of the model at larger sizes.
  • 💡 Using negative prompts with 1.5 can lead to more coherent and acceptable images, showing the model's dependency on precise instructions.
  • 🌈 The use of filters with 1.5 can significantly improve image coherency and aesthetics, even at larger dimensions.
  • ✨ SDXL offers a refiner model that enhances details, making it advantageous for images requiring intricate details.
  • 📝 Filters are easily identifiable in the platform by their labels, with different sets available for SDXL and 1.5.
  • 📈 For beginners, it's recommended to start with SDXL due to its easier prompting, but achieving great results with 1.5 can be very rewarding.

Q & A

  • What are the two versions of Stable Diffusion discussed in the script?

    -The two versions of Stable Diffusion discussed are Stable Diffusion 1.5 and Stable Diffusion XL.

  • What is the primary difference between Stable Diffusion 1.5 and XL in terms of native resolutions?

    -The native resolution of Stable Diffusion 1.5 is 512x512, while XL has a native resolution of 1024x1024, allowing for higher output resolutions.

  • What issues may arise when using Stable Diffusion 1.5 at resolutions beyond its optimal size?

    -When using Stable Diffusion 1.5 at resolutions beyond its optimal size, such as 1024x768, the output may be prone to deformities like double heads or other anomalies.

  • How does the quality of images produced by Stable Diffusion XL compare to those of 1.5 at higher resolutions?

    -Stable Diffusion XL generally produces better quality images at higher resolutions, with less likelihood of deformities and more favorable overall aesthetics.

  • What role do negative prompts play in improving the results of Stable Diffusion 1.5?

    -Negative prompts help refine the output of Stable Diffusion 1.5, resulting in more coherent images and better compositions, especially when used in conjunction with filters.

  • What is the purpose of the refiner model in Stable Diffusion XL?

    -The refiner model in Stable Diffusion XL helps enhance details in the generated images, making intricate aspects more defined and detailed.

  • How can users identify which filters belong to Stable Diffusion XL or 1.5 in the filter menu?

    -In the filter menu, labels indicate which filters belong to Stable Diffusion XL or 1.5. When none is selected by default, the available filters for the selected model will be displayed.

  • What is the advantage of using filters with Stable Diffusion 1.5?

    -Using filters with Stable Diffusion 1.5 can dramatically improve the coherency and aesthetics of the generated images, even at larger dimensions.

  • Why might someone choose to use Stable Diffusion 1.5 over XL despite the challenges?

    -Someone might choose to use Stable Diffusion 1.5 over XL as a challenge to improve their prompting skills, and if they can achieve great results, their images will look amazing.

  • What is the recommended approach for beginners learning to use Stable Diffusion?

    -For beginners, it is recommended to start with Stable Diffusion XL as it is easier to prompt and yields better results without extensive use of negative prompts or filters.

  • How can users provide feedback or ask questions about Playground?

    -Users can provide feedback or ask questions about Playground by leaving comments below the videos, and the creator will address them, considering a monthly Q&A session.



🖼️ Comparison of Stable Diffusion 1.5 and SDL 1.5

This paragraph introduces the differences between the two versions of the Stable Diffusion model, specifically focusing on their native resolutions. It explains that Stable Diffusion 1.5 has a 512x512 resolution, while the newer SDL 1.5 model offers a higher 1024x1024 resolution. The speaker highlights that higher resolutions in SDL 1.5 lead to better image quality and less likelihood of deformities such as double heads or other anomalies. The paragraph also discusses the practical application of these models by showing examples of images generated using both versions. The speaker notes that while 1.5 may require more negative prompts and filters to achieve better results, SDL 1.5 can produce higher quality images at larger sizes without the need for additional prompts or filters.


🔍 The Role of the Refiner Model in SDL 1.5

This paragraph delves into the additional feature of the SDL 1.5 model, the refiner. It explains that the refiner is not mandatory but can significantly enhance the details in the generated images. The speaker demonstrates this by adjusting the refinement slider and comparing the original and refined images, showing a marked improvement in the intricacy and definition of details. The paragraph also touches on the importance of using the refiner judiciously to avoid over-complicating the images. Furthermore, the speaker clarifies how to identify the appropriate filters for each model and suggests starting with SDL 1.5 for easier prompting, while acknowledging that achieving great results with the older 1.5 model can yield amazing images.



💡Stable Diffusion 1.5

Stable Diffusion 1.5 is an older foundational model discussed in the video. It is characterized by a native resolution of 512x512, which means it is optimized for images of this size. The video illustrates that when using this model, going beyond the optimal size, such as 1024x768, can result in deformities like double heads. However, with the use of negative prompts and filters, better results can be achieved, and the model can produce more coherent images, especially at the native resolution of 512x512.

💡Stable Diffusion XL

Stable Diffusion XL, also referred to as SDXL, is a more recent model introduced in the past summer according to the video. It has a higher native resolution of 1024x1024, allowing for the creation of images with more detail and less likelihood of deformities when scaled up. The video highlights that SDXL can handle larger aspect ratios like 1536x640 without the issues that arise with the 1.5 model. Additionally, SDXL has a refiner model that can enhance details, making it particularly useful for images requiring intricate details.

💡Native Resolution

Native resolution refers to the default size for which a model or display is specifically designed to produce the best possible image quality. In the context of the video, the native resolutions for Stable Diffusion 1.5 and Stable Diffusion XL are 512x512 and 1024x1024, respectively. The video emphasizes that working within these native resolutions yields optimal results, with quality degrading when exceeding these sizes.


Deformities in the context of the video refer to the visual anomalies or distortions that can occur in the generated images when the models are used outside their optimal conditions. For instance, using Stable Diffusion 1.5 for images larger than its native resolution can lead to deformities such as double heads or distorted limbs. The video suggests that these issues can be mitigated by using negative prompts and filters, or by using the refiner model in Stable Diffusion XL.

💡Negative Prompts

Negative prompts are instructions given to the model to exclude certain elements or characteristics from the generated images. The video explains that Stable Diffusion 1.5 often requires more negative prompts to achieve a coherent and desirable image outcome, especially when the model is pushed beyond its optimal conditions. This technique helps in refining the results and reducing the occurrence of deformities.


Filters in the context of the video are additional inputs or modifications applied to the model to improve the quality and coherence of the generated images. They can be used with Stable Diffusion 1.5 to enhance the results, making the images more visually pleasing and accurate to the prompt. The video shows that filters, when used with negative prompts, can dramatically improve the output of Stable Diffusion 1.5.

💡Refiner Model

The refiner model is a feature specific to Stable Diffusion XL that allows for the enhancement of details in the generated images. By using the refiner, finer details such as jewelry or intricate patterns become more defined and clear. The video suggests that while the refiner model can be a significant advantage, it should be used judiciously to avoid overdoing and causing a mess in the image.

💡Dynamic Range

Dynamic range in the context of the video refers to the variation in color, contrast, and overall image quality that a model can produce. The video mentions that Stable Diffusion XL tends to have a better dynamic range, resulting in images with better contrast in blacks and more vibrant colors compared to Stable Diffusion 1.5. This makes the images generated by XL more visually appealing and closer to the desired prompt.


Prompting is the process of providing inputs or text descriptions to the model to guide the generation of specific images. The video discusses the ease of prompting with Stable Diffusion XL compared to Stable Diffusion 1.5, suggesting that XL requires fewer negative prompts to achieve satisfactory results. Effective prompting is crucial for obtaining images that closely match the desired output.

💡Aspect Ratios

Aspect ratios refer to the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image. The video highlights that Stable Diffusion XL works better with larger aspect ratios, such as 1536x640, without the issues of distortion that can occur with Stable Diffusion 1.5. This means that XL can handle a wider range of image shapes and sizes while maintaining image quality.

💡Image Quality

Image quality refers to the clarity, detail, and overall visual appeal of the images produced by the models. The video emphasizes that Stable Diffusion XL generally produces images with higher quality due to its higher native resolution and better dynamic range. It also mentions that the use of filters and negative prompts can significantly improve the quality of images generated by Stable Diffusion 1.5.


Stable Diffusion 1.5 and SDXL are two versions of a foundational model used in playground.

SD 1.5 is an older model compared to SDXL, which was released in the past summer.

The native resolution of SD 1.5 is 512x512, while SDXL has a higher resolution of 1024x1024.

SDXL is capable of higher resolutions, which is beneficial for larger image sizes.

Using SD 1.5 for sizes beyond the optimal 512x512, such as 1024x768, may result in deformities like double heads.

SDXL allows for larger image sizes, like 1536x640, with less likelihood of deformities.

The presenter demonstrates the use of both models with a simple prompt and their respective outputs.

Increasing the resolution to 1024x768 with SD 1.5 can lead to out of proportion and deformed images.

SDXL produces better image quality overall, even without the use of negative prompts or filters.

SD 1.5 requires more negative prompts to achieve a coherent image, improving results with the use of filters.

The use of a filter, such as 'realistic vision', significantly improves the coherency and aesthetics of SD 1.5 images.

SDXL has a 'refiner model' that enhances details, making it advantageous for images requiring fine details.

The refiner can be overused, leading to messy results.

Filters for SDXL and SD 1.5 can be identified by labels in the filter menu.

Starting with SDXL is recommended for beginners due to its easier prompting.

Achieving great results with SD 1.5 can make SDXL images look amazing, providing a challenge for users.

The presenter plans to answer more questions in future videos, considering doing them monthly.