dominating online geoguessr but i only have 0.1 seconds

14 Apr 202312:39

TLDRThe video transcript describes a player's experience with the online game Geoguessr, where the challenge is to guess the location shown in a Google Street View image within 0.1 seconds. The player aims to reach the Champion rank and discusses their strategy, which involves making quick guesses to limit the time for the opponent. Throughout the game, the player makes various guesses, some accurate and others not, reflecting on their thought process and the difficulty of distinguishing between different global locations based on brief visual cues. The player also acknowledges the need for practice to improve their performance against higher-ranked opponents. The summary captures the excitement and strategy involved in playing Geoguessr at a high level.


  • 🎮 The player is known for guessing locations in Geoguessr extremely quickly, aiming to test their skills at just 0.1 seconds per guess.
  • 🏆 The goal is to reach the Champion rank in Geoguessr, starting from day two of the challenge.
  • 🎥 The video was accidentally recorded with the wrong microphone, which the player apologizes for.
  • 🚗 The player discusses their thought process, often second-guessing their initial instincts when making quick guesses.
  • 🌍 Guesses range across the globe, with the player identifying various countries and continents based on visual cues.
  • 🤔 The player acknowledges the difficulty of making accurate guesses in such a short time frame and the importance of trusting their gut.
  • 📈 Despite some mistakes, the player's rating increases, showing an understanding of the game's mechanics and strategy.
  • 🏆 The player reflects on the need to practice and learn the map better to compete against higher-ranked players.
  • 🌐 The player comments on the game's map design, expressing a desire for a less skewed view to make better-informed guesses.
  • 😅 There are moments of humor and self-deprecation, especially when the player makes incorrect guesses.
  • 👍 The player encourages viewers to check out Geoguessr and ends the video with a call to action for likes and subscriptions.

Q & A

  • What is the player known for in Geoguesser?

    -The player is known for guessing their location in only 0.1 seconds in Geoguesser.

  • What is the player's goal in the game?

    -The player's goal is to reach the Champion rank on the Geoguesser leaderboard while only using 0.1 seconds to make a guess.

  • What issue does the player face with the game's camera generation?

    -The player struggles to get their camera generation down in time, which affects their ability to quickly make a guess.

  • What is the player's strategy for making quick guesses?

    -The player tries to make their guess quickly to give the opposing team less time to look around.

  • Why does the player feel that Geoguesser's maps are not ideal?

    -The player feels that Geoguesser's maps are not ideal because they are often panned to the side, making it difficult to get a clear view of the road or other distinguishing features.

  • What does the player think about the difficulty of guessing locations in certain regions?

    -The player finds it challenging to guess locations in regions like Eastern Europe or South America because the architecture and landscapes can look similar.

  • How does the player feel about their performance in the game?

    -The player acknowledges making mistakes but remains optimistic about their performance, noting that they still managed to win games despite these errors.

  • What does the player suggest for improving their game?

    -The player suggests that they need to practice and learn the map and the distribution better to improve their performance, especially against higher-rated players.

  • What is the player's highest rank achieved in the game?

    -The player's highest rank achieved in the game is within the top forty-one thousand.

  • What is the player's strategy for guessing locations quickly?

    -The player relies on quick observations, such as the side of the road, buildings, and other environmental clues, to make an educated guess in the limited time.

  • How does the player feel about their ability to guess locations accurately?

    -The player expresses both confidence and self-doubt throughout the game, highlighting the challenge of making accurate guesses in such a short time frame.



🕹️ Geoguesser Challenge: Can 0.1 Seconds Lead to Victory?

The speaker is attempting to excel in the game Geoguesser, a game that challenges players to guess their location based on a given street view. They are particularly aiming to test their skills by guessing locations in just 0.1 seconds. The speaker discusses their strategy, which involves making quick guesses to limit the time the game's AI has to analyze the scene. They recount their thought process as they navigate through various rounds, speculating on locations such as Kenya, Turkey, and South America, and express frustration when they don't trust their initial instincts. Despite some missteps, they manage to achieve a 'double' win and express determination to improve their rank, acknowledging the need to practice to compete against more skilled players.


🌍 Global Guessing: The Difficulty of Quick Localization

The speaker continues their Geoguesser gameplay, focusing on quickly identifying global locations. They discuss the challenge of making accurate guesses based on limited visual cues, such as buildings, road signs, and landscapes. The speaker highlights their confusion between European and South American architecture and the difficulty of distinguishing between countries that share similar features. They mention the importance of observing details like driving direction and road signs to make an educated guess. Despite some incorrect guesses, they maintain a positive attitude, encouraging themselves to keep trying and learn from their mistakes. The speaker also acknowledges the need for practice to improve their performance against more skilled opponents.


🏆 Climbing the Ranks: From Silver to Gold and Beyond

The speaker is engaged in a competitive session of Geoguesser, aiming to climb the ranks from Silver to Gold and possibly higher. They discuss their strategy of quickly locking in their guesses to prevent the AI from gaining an advantage. The speaker reflects on their performance, noting that they have not lost a game that day and are now ranked in the top 41,000 players. They express their determination to continue playing and improving, even when faced with challenging opponents. The speaker also humorously comments on their appearance and encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel for more content like this.




Geoguessr is an online geography game where players are placed in a random location on Google Street View and must guess where they are in the world. The game is used as the central theme of the video, showcasing the player's challenge to guess locations within 0.1 seconds.


A leaderboard in the context of online gaming, including Geoguessr, is a ranking of players based on their performance, typically their scores or achievements. The player aims to rank higher by quickly guessing locations, which is a key objective in the video.

💡0.1 seconds

This phrase refers to the extremely short amount of time the player is allowing themselves to make a guess in Geoguessr. It emphasizes the challenge and the player's self-imposed restriction to test their geography skills to the limit.

💡Champion rank

In competitive games, the 'Champion rank' often signifies the highest level of achievement a player can attain. The player expresses their goal to reach this rank in Geoguessr, indicating a high level of ambition and skill.


Guessing is the act of making an estimate or inference in the absence of certain information, which is the core mechanic of Geoguessr. The player's ability to make quick guesses is a central focus of the video.

💡Street View

Google Street View is the technology that Geoguessr uses to place players in various locations around the world. It provides panoramic images that players must analyze to make their location guesses, which is a critical element of the gameplay.


Rwanda is a country in East Africa that is mentioned in the script as one of the locations the player is trying to guess. It serves as an example of the diverse and global nature of the locations in Geoguessr.


Scandinavia refers to the region in Northern Europe that includes Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The term is used in the script when the player is trying to guess a location, highlighting the game's use of geography to challenge players.

💡Concrete parking lot

This term is used to describe a type of urban landscape that the player encounters during the game. It represents the kind of visual clues players must interpret quickly to make their guesses, emphasizing the game's reliance on observational skills.

💡Gold rated players

In the context of the game, 'Gold rated players' likely refers to players who have achieved a certain high level of skill and ranking in Geoguessr. The mention of facing such players underscores the increasing difficulty and competitiveness as the player advances.


The term 'map' in this context refers to the virtual representation of the world used in Geoguessr. The player discusses the challenge of interpreting the map, particularly when it is 'panned to the side,' indicating the importance of map orientation in making accurate guesses.


The player is known for guessing their location in Geoguessr within 0.1 seconds.

Aims to test their skills by reaching the Champion rank with only 0.1 seconds to guess.

Mistakenly recorded the video with the wrong microphone.

Believes the game is winnable with a score of 658 rounds to one.

Struggles with quick guessing due to limited time, unlike other players.

Initially thought the location was African but also felt European.

Guesses Central Europe but emphasizes the challenge of quick guessing.

Mistakenly guesses Kenya instead of Rwanda and reflects on trusting instincts.

Successfully guesses locations like East Turkey and Iceland.

Misidentifies the car as South African and later corrects to Brazil.

Expresses difficulty in distinguishing between Scandinavian countries.

Strategically guesses South America and acknowledges the need to learn the map better.

Mentions the importance of recognizing road signs and architecture for quick guesses.

Regrets not practicing the map and the impact on performance against higher-ranked players.

Successfully guesses France and acknowledges the challenge of the game.

Advances to Gold rank and notes the increased skill level of opponents.

Successfully guesses Peru based on environmental cues.

Reaches a score of 700 and reflects on the difficulty of guessing without context.

Climbs to rank top 41,000 and plans to continue improving.