the truth about ChatGPT generated code

Low Level Learning
13 May 202310:34

TLDRThe video explores the capability of ChatGPT in generating secure code for three programming tasks: an HTTP server, a TLV server, and a fictional 'BofA' protocol. Despite the code compiling without errors, significant security vulnerabilities were found, such as buffer overflows and improper handling of user-controlled data. The video emphasizes the risks of relying on AI-generated code without thorough review and understanding, highlighting the importance of best coding practices for security.


  • 🧐 The video aims to test the ability of ChatGPT to generate secure code for three programming problems.
  • 🚀 ChatGPT is often criticized for potentially replacing software developers, but the video argues that the code it produces may not be inherently safe.
  • 📝 The first task involves creating an HTTP server, and the code provided by ChatGPT compiles successfully without errors or warnings.
  • 🔍 Despite the functionality, a security vulnerability is identified in the HTTP server code related to buffer overflow.
  • 💻 The video demonstrates that the buffer overflow vulnerability cannot be triggered, possibly due to buffer size coincidences.
  • 🔗 The second task is to create a TLV (Tag-Length-Value) server, and the provided code also compiles without issues.
  • 🛑 A significant vulnerability is found in the TLV server code, where user-controlled length values could lead to buffer overflows.
  • 📖 For the third task, ChatGPT is given a complex prompt to create a better optimized file access protocol (BofA), but it fails to generate complete code.
  • 🤖 The video concludes that ChatGPT's code can be functionally correct but may contain bad practices and security vulnerabilities, potentially misleading new programmers.
  • 🎥 The video is a critique of the idea that AI can fully replace human developers, highlighting the importance of understanding and securing code.

Q & A

  • What was the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video was to test the ability of ChatGPT to solve three simple programming problems without creating any security vulnerabilities.

  • What was the first programming task given to ChatGPT?

    -The first programming task was to create an HTTP server that serves files on the internet.

  • Did the HTTP server code provided by ChatGPT compile successfully?

    -Yes, the HTTP server code compiled successfully without any errors or warnings.

  • What security vulnerability was found in the HTTP server code?

    -A buffer overflow vulnerability was found, where the code did not specify the length of the buffer for the file name, potentially allowing for a buffer overflow attack.

  • What was the second programming task given to ChatGPT?

    -The second task was to create a TLV (Tag-Length-Value) server for passing binary data between a server and a client.

  • Was there a vulnerability in the TLV server code provided by ChatGPT?

    -Yes, there was a vulnerability where the length value was directly controlled by the user, leading to a potential buffer overflow.

  • What was the third and final prompt given to ChatGPT?

    -The third prompt asked ChatGPT to create a better, optimized file access protocol, referred to as BofA, for a hypothetical university's network programming class.

  • Did ChatGPT successfully complete the third prompt?

    -No, ChatGPT did not successfully complete the third prompt; it failed to generate the full code for the BofA protocol.

  • What was the main critique of ChatGPT's code in the video?

    -The main critique was that ChatGPT's code might functionally work but contains bad practices and security vulnerabilities that could mislead new programmers into producing insecure and poor-quality code.

  • What was the conclusion of the video regarding ChatGPT's ability to replace software developers?

    -The conclusion was that ChatGPT is not likely to replace software developers, as the code it generates may contain security vulnerabilities and bad practices that require human oversight and improvement.



🤖 Testing Chat GPT's Programming Security

The paragraph discusses the author's challenge to see if Chat GPT can solve three programming problems without creating security vulnerabilities. The author expresses skepticism about Chat GPT's ability to produce safe code, as they believe it only generates code it has seen elsewhere. The first prompt involves creating an HTTP server, and the code provided by Chat GPT compiles successfully without errors or warnings. However, a security vulnerability is discovered in the form of a buffer overflow, which could allow for server crashes. The author also criticizes the lack of bounds checking in the code, which could lead to potential exploits.


🔍 Analyzing Chat GPT's TLV Server Code

In this paragraph, the focus is on the second prompt, where the author asks Chat GPT to create a TLV (Tag-Length-Value) server. The code provided compiles without issues, but the author identifies a vulnerability related to the handling of length fields, which could lead to buffer overflows. The author expresses concern about the lack of validation on the length field, which could allow for malformed packets to be processed. The summary also touches on the potential dangers of allowing users direct control over length values without proper checks.


🚧 Chat GPT's Incomplete Response to Advanced Protocol Challenge

The final paragraph presents the third and most complex prompt, where the author asks Chat GPT to create an optimized file access protocol called BofA. However, Chat GPT fails to generate a complete code response, highlighting the limitations of the AI in handling more advanced programming tasks. The author points out several issues with the incomplete code, including the use of magic values and potential buffer overflows. The paragraph concludes with the author's critique of Chat GPT's tendency to produce code that may mislead new programmers and reinforce bad coding practices.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to an AI-based chatbot developed by OpenAI, which is designed to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, the speaker is challenging Chat GPT's ability to write secure and reliable code for various programming tasks, questioning whether it could replace human software developers.

💡Security vulnerabilities

Security vulnerabilities are weaknesses in a system that can be exploited by malicious actors to gain unauthorized access or perform actions that can harm the system or its users. In the video, the speaker is specifically looking for these vulnerabilities in the code generated by Chat GPT, using them as evidence to argue against the notion that AI can fully replace human programmers.

💡HTTP server

An HTTP server is a program that uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to communicate over the World Wide Web. It handles client requests by sending back web pages or other data in response. In the video, the speaker asks Chat GPT to generate code for an HTTP server and then tests it for functionality and security issues.

💡Buffer overflow

A buffer overflow is a type of security vulnerability that occurs when a program attempts to write more data to a fixed-length block of memory, or buffer, than it can hold. This can lead to data corruption, crashes, or even allow an attacker to execute malicious code. In the video, the speaker identifies a potential buffer overflow in the code generated by Chat GPT and explains how it could be exploited.

💡TLV server

A TLV (Tag-Length-Value) server is a type of network protocol where data is encoded in a structured format with a tag to identify the type of data, a length to specify the size of the data, and the value itself. In the video, the speaker challenges Chat GPT to create a TLV server and then analyzes the code for potential security vulnerabilities related to the handling of the length field.

💡Dark mode

Dark mode is a display mode in software applications that uses a dark color scheme, reducing the brightness and glare of the screen, which can be easier on the eyes, especially in low light conditions. In the video, the speaker humorously mentions dark mode users to cover their eyes, likely referring to a visual gag or a dramatic effect in the content that follows.


Homework refers to tasks or assignments given by teachers to students to be completed outside of class time. In the video, the speaker jokingly refers to a prompt given to Chat GPT as if it were a homework assignment, highlighting the challenge of creating advanced network programs, which is a common task in computer science courses.

💡Advanced code

Advanced code typically refers to complex programming that involves a deeper understanding of programming concepts, languages, and tools. In the context of the video, the speaker is examining whether Chat GPT can produce advanced code that is not only functional but also secure, which is a key aspect of being a proficient software developer.

💡Optimized file access protocol

An optimized file access protocol is a method or system designed to efficiently retrieve and manage data from files. It aims to improve performance and minimize resource usage. In the video, the speaker asks Chat GPT to create a better, optimized file access protocol, which is a hypothetical task to test the AI's coding capabilities.

💡Magic values

Magic values are constants used in code whose meaning is not immediately clear from the context. They can make the code harder to understand and maintain. In the video, the speaker criticizes the use of magic values in the code generated by Chat GPT, as they can lead to confusion and difficulty in debugging or modifying the code in the future.

💡Buffer overflow condition

A buffer overflow condition, as mentioned in the video, occurs when more data is written to a buffer than it can hold, which can lead to data corruption or program crashes. It is a serious security concern as it can allow attackers to execute arbitrary code. The speaker identifies this as a recurring issue in the code samples provided by Chat GPT, emphasizing the importance of secure coding practices.


Chat GPT is challenged to solve three simple programming problems without creating security vulnerabilities.

The assertion that Chat GPT will replace software developers is disputed due to concerns over the safety of its generated code.

The first prompt involves creating an HTTP server to serve files on the internet.

Chat GPT's code compiles without errors or warnings, surprising the tester.

A security vulnerability is discovered in the HTTP server code related to buffer overflow.

The second prompt asks for a TLV (Tag-Length-Value) server, highlighting potential risks in user-controlled length fields.

The TLV server code provided by Chat GPT also compiles without issues.

A vulnerability in the TLV server code is identified, concerning user control over the length value leading to buffer overflows.

The final prompt requests a better, optimized file access protocol called BofA.

Chat GPT struggles to complete the code for the BofA protocol, indicating complexity beyond its capabilities.

The video concludes with a demonstration that all three prompts from Chat GPT contain security vulnerabilities.

The tester expresses concerns that Chat GPT's code may mislead new programmers into producing insecure code.

The video emphasizes the importance of understanding and implementing secure coding practices.

A special part of the video reveals the tester's skepticism about Chat GPT's ability to replace human programmers.