The TRUTH About Selling A.I. Art...

8 Oct 202312:42

TLDRThe video script discusses the rise of AI-generated artwork and its profitability, with examples of successful sales on platforms like Etsy. It addresses legal and ethical concerns, noting that while AI art is not currently protected by copyright law, selling it is still legal and can be highly profitable. The script also touches on a class action lawsuit against AI companies and presents arguments from an artist's perspective on the impact of AI on creativity and originality in art.


  • 💼 AI-generated artwork is highly profitable, with examples of shops making tens of thousands of dollars monthly.
  • 🎨 The ability of AI to generate artwork has sparked both ethical and legal debates in the art community.
  • 🤖 Identifying AI-generated art among traditional works can be challenging, as shown through comparison examples.
  • 💡 AI-generated artwork does not currently receive the same copyright protection as human-created works, as per a US judge's ruling.
  • 📈 Selling AI art on platforms like Etsy is not only feasible but also very successful, as evidenced by shop sales data.
  • 🏛 The legal landscape around AI-generated art is evolving, with recent court cases highlighting copyright complexities.
  • ⚖ In the Anderson vs. Stability LTD case, a judge found no substantial similarity between AI-generated images and the original works of the artists involved.
  • 🔍 AI is a tool that replicates styles and generates images based on prompts, not an autonomous creator.
  • 👩‍🎨 Artist Carla Ortiz argues that AI lacks the personal touch and life experiences that contribute to human creativity.
  • 📝 The script suggests AI art, while controversial, represents a new, evolving medium for creative exploration.

Q & A

  • What is the current state of AI-generated artwork on the internet?

    -There has been a significant increase in AI-generated artwork being made and sold online. This has led to some controversy due to legal and ethical concerns, but it has also shown potential for profitability, with some creators earning substantial incomes from selling AI-generated images.

  • What are some of the controversies surrounding AI-generated artwork?

    -Controversies include legal concerns such as copyright infringement, ethical issues regarding the potential for AI to 'steal' from human artists, and debates over whether selling AI-generated art is viable or if it's just a form of clickbait.

  • How much profit can one make by selling AI-generated artwork?

    -The profitability varies, but there are instances where individuals have made up to $40,000 a month by selling AI-generated images. Some shops have reported monthly earnings of around $55,000, even reaching sales of 28,000 with a profit margin of approximately 91%.

  • What are the legal concerns regarding the copyright of AI-generated artwork?

    -A recent US court ruling stated that AI-generated media does not receive the same copyright protection as human-created works, as it lacks human involvement. This means that AI-generated art is treated more like public domain, which poses challenges for creators seeking to protect their work.

  • How can creators protect their AI-generated artwork?

    -While AI-generated art does not receive traditional copyright protection, creators can still take steps to protect their work. They can use watermarks, maintain proof of creation, and rely on platform policies that prevent unauthorized reproductions and duplications.

  • What is the Anderson vs Stability LTD class action lawsuit about?

    -The lawsuit was filed by three artists against major AI companies, alleging that these companies used their images to train AI models without permission, violating their copyrights. The case is significant as it explores the intersection of AI, copyright law, and artist rights.

  • What was the judge's stance in the Anderson vs Stability LTD case?

    -The judge found no substantial similarity between the artists' images and those generated by AI, and noted that the artists' works were part of a vast dataset used for training. The judge also highlighted issues with the lawsuit, such as lack of registration of works with the US Copyright Office, which may lead to the case being dismissed or refiled individually.

  • What ethical concerns does Carla Ortez raise about AI-generated art?

    -Carla Ortez argues that AI is not inspired like humans and lacks the ability to contribute authentic, individual art. She raises concerns about forgery, plagiarism, and the threat AI poses to artistic individuality, suggesting that AI's reliance on existing data limits its creative potential.

  • How can artists collaborate with AI to explore new possibilities?

    -Artists can use AI as a tool to experiment with different styles and techniques, creating unique works that combine human creativity with AI's capabilities. This collaboration can lead to innovative art forms and expand the boundaries of artistic expression.

  • What is the role of AI in the creative process?

    -AI can serve as a tool that replicates styles and generates new images based on指令 given by the user. It is not an autonomous creator but rather an extension of human creativity, offering artists new ways to explore and express their ideas.

  • What is the general consensus on the viability of selling AI-generated art?

    -While there are debates and concerns, the evidence from various online platforms like Etsy shows that AI-generated art can be successfully sold, and in some cases, can be quite profitable. The key is to create unique and appealing designs that stand out in the market.



🎨 The Rise of AI Art and Its Controversies

This paragraph discusses the surge in AI-generated artwork and the随之而来的争议. It mentions the potential earnings from selling such art, ranging from $10 to $40,000 a month. The speaker has created videos on this topic and acknowledges the ongoing debates, including recent class action lawsuits and copyright issues. The paragraph also highlights the varying opinions on the legality and ethics of selling AI art, with some arguing it should be illegal or unethical due to its potential to 'steal' from human artists, while others question its viability in the market. The speaker aims to address these concerns, starting with the profitability of AI art, using examples of successful sales to demonstrate its market potential.


📝 Legal and Ethical Considerations of AI Art

The second paragraph delves into the legal and ethical aspects of selling AI-generated art. It explains the current copyright law's stance on AI-generated works, noting that they do not receive the same protection as human-created works. The speaker provides insights into how copyright works, the difference between automatic registration and pre-registration, and the implications of these for AI art. The paragraph also touches on a class action lawsuit against major AI companies, highlighting the complexities and challenges in proving copyright infringement in AI-generated content. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the lack of laws prohibiting the sale of AI art and its successful sales on platforms like Etsy, while acknowledging the broader ethical questions raised by the use of AI in art.


🤖 AI's Role in Art and the Future of Creativity

The final paragraph explores the role of AI in the creative process and its impact on individuality in art. It presents arguments from an artist involved in a lawsuit against AI companies, who contends that AI's 'inspiration' differs from human creativity. The artist argues that AI, being a tool, cannot authentically contribute to individual art and that its reliance on existing data limits its creative potential. The speaker counters by suggesting that AI should be seen as a collaborative tool for artists, rather than a threat to individuality. The paragraph concludes by inviting viewers to share their thoughts on the profitability and ethical use of AI-generated art, highlighting the ongoing conversation and curiosity surrounding this emerging medium.



💡AI-generated artwork

AI-generated artwork refers to pieces of visual art that are created using artificial intelligence algorithms, rather than by human artists. In the video, the speaker discusses the increasing popularity of such artwork on the internet and the potential for profiting from selling these AI-created images, while also addressing the controversy surrounding their legal and ethical implications.

💡Class action lawsuit

A class action lawsuit is a legal action taken by a group of people who have suffered similar harm or losses, and who collectively bring a claim to court. In the context of the video, a class action lawsuit has been filed against major AI companies, alleging that these companies violated the copyright of artists by using their images to train AI models.


Copyright is a legal right that grants creators exclusive rights to their original works, typically for a certain period of time. It prevents others from using, distributing, or reproducing the work without permission. In the video, the speaker discusses the complexities of copyright law in relation to AI-generated artwork, noting that current laws may not offer the same protections for AI-generated works as they do for human-created ones.


Profitability refers to the ability of a business or venture to generate profit, or a positive return on investment. In the video, the speaker explores the profitability of selling AI-generated artwork, providing evidence that it can indeed be a lucrative business, with some shops making significant monthly revenues.

💡Ethical concerns

Ethical concerns pertain to the moral implications and values associated with certain actions or decisions. In the video, ethical concerns about AI-generated artwork involve whether it is right to profit from art that is created without human artists' direct creative input and whether it undermines the originality and effort of human artists.

💡Public domain

The public domain refers to creative works that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, and therefore can be freely used by the public. In the context of the video, AI-generated artwork is compared to being in the public domain because it does not receive the same copyright protections as human-created works.

💡Digital downloads

Digital downloads refer to the purchase and distribution of digital content, such as images, music, or software, which can be downloaded and used by consumers immediately after purchase. In the video, the speaker discusses the sale of AI-generated artwork as digital downloads on platforms like Etsy, highlighting the ease and potential profitability of this business model.

💡Generative AI algorithms

Generative AI algorithms are a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as images or music, based on patterns and data it has learned from. These algorithms are used to generate new, unique pieces of content without direct human intervention. In the video, generative AI algorithms are the basis for creating the AI-generated artwork discussed.

💡Artistic originality

Artistic originality refers to the unique and creative expression of an artist in their work. It is a key aspect of copyright law, as original works are protected by copyright. The video discusses the debate over whether AI-generated artwork can possess originality, as it is created by algorithms rather than by human artists.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without permission and presenting them as one's own. In the context of AI-generated artwork, plagiarism concerns arise when AI models potentially replicate the style or content of existing artworks, which could be seen as infringing on the original artist's copyright.


AI generated artwork has seen a significant increase in production and sales across the internet.

Some claim that selling AI generated images can generate substantial monthly incomes, ranging from $10 to $40,000.

There is ongoing controversy surrounding the legality and ethics of selling AI generated artwork, with recent class action lawsuits and copyright news.

Some believe AI generated artwork should be illegal or is unethical as it potentially 'steals' from human artists, while others question its viability in the market.

The video aims to address the legal concerns, ethical standpoint, and the practicality of selling AI art.

A game is played within the video to test the audience's ability to distinguish between AI and human-made artwork.

Examples of successful AI art shops on Etsy are provided, with one shop making £55,000 per month after only 9 months.

AI generated art is profitable, with digital products having around a 91% profit margin after fees.

AI generated media currently does not receive the same copyright protection as human-created works due to a recent US judge's ruling.

Copyright law only extends to works created by humans, treating AI generated art more like public domain.

The risk of someone copying and selling AI art is minimal due to the difficulty in proving the artwork was made solely by AI.

The first class action lawsuit against major AI companies (Stability, Mid Journey, and Deviant Art) alleges copyright infringement.

The judge in the lawsuit found no substantial similarity between the artists' images and those created by AI generators.

Only one of the three defendants had registered her works with the US copyright office, potentially limiting the damages she could receive.

The case may be dismissed, but the plaintiffs are allowed to refile individually.

There are no current laws against selling AI artwork, and it sells well on platforms like Etsy.

The ethical debate includes concerns about AI promoting theft and forgery, and its impact on individuality in art.

AI is seen by some as a threat to individuality and authentic creativity, while others view it as a tool for exploration and new possibilities in art.

The video invites viewers to share their thoughts on whether people should be allowed to profit from AI art.