Victoria Nuland RESIGNS, Glenn Greenwald EVISCERATES Leading Neocon: Interview
TLDRVictoria Nuland, eine prominente US-Diplomatin mit einer hawkischen Haltung gegenüber Russland, tritt von ihrem Amt zurück. Ihre Karriere, bekannt für die Unterstützung neo-konservativer Politik, von der Beratung Dick Cheneys bis hin zur Beteiligung am Ukraine-Konflikt, wird von Journalist Glenn Greenwald diskutiert. Greenwald beleuchtet Nulands Einfluss auf die US-Außenpolitik und die fortwährende Präsenz neo-konservativer Ideologien in beiden großen Parteien. Die Diskussion umfasst auch die Reaktionen auf Nulands Politik und ihre Rolle in der Dynamik der aktuellen politischen Landschaft der USA, insbesondere in Bezug auf den Krieg in der Ukraine und die Unterstützung Israels.
- 🌟 Victoria Nuland tritt aus ihrem Posten als stellvertretende Außenministerin für politische Angelegenheiten zurück, einer der höchsten diplomatischen Positionen der USA.
- 🔥 Sie ist für ihre hawkishen Haltung, insbesondere gegenüber Russland und dessen Handlungen in der Ukraine, bekannt und hat zunehmend Kritik für ihre Ansichten erfahren.
- 🚫 Nuland wurde im letzten Jahr von Biden für die zweitnationale Position im Außenministerium übergangen.
- 📈 Vor ihrem Amt im Biden-Administration diente sie als Assistentin für Europa während der Obama-Administration, aber sie ging in den Ruhestand, nachdem Donald Trump gewählt wurde.
- 🔙 In ihrer langen Karriere war sie unter anderem in Moskau während des Putsches 1993 gegen den damaligen russischen Präsidenten Boris Jelzin und Botschafterin bei der NATO.
- 💡 Glenn Greenwald, Journalist und Kritiker der US-Außenpolitik, diskutiert Nulands Legacy und Karriere.
- 🤔 Greenwald betont, dass Nuland ein repräsentatives Beispiel für die Funktionsweise von Washington ist und ihre Karriere von ihrer Zeit als Beraterin von Dick Cheney im Weißen Haus und ihrer Rolle bei der Planung der Invasion des Iraks und der Aufrechterhaltung der Besatzung definiert wurde.
- 🌐 Nuland hat eine kontinuierliche Karriere in der US-Außenpolitik, von der Clinton- bis zur Biden-Administration, mit Ausnahme der vier Jahre unter Präsident Trump.
- 🔄 Greenwald sieht eine Kontinuität in der US-Außenpolitik, unabhängig von der regierende Partei, und betont, dass viele damalige Neoconservative nun in die demokratische Partei integriert sind.
- 🤝 Die Diskussion erörtert auch die Möglichkeit einer Verschiebung in der US-Außenpolitik, sowohl innerhalb der republikanischen als auch der demokratischen Partei, insbesondere im Hinblick auf eine mögliche Abkehr von interventionistischen Politiken.
- 🌟 Die Unterhaltung von Victoria Nuland und die Debatte um ihre Karriere und die US-Außenpolitik zeigen die Komplexität und die anhaltenden Diskussionen über die Rolle und die Strategien der USA auf der internationalen Bühne.
Q & A
Wer tritt als Under Secretary of State für politische Angelegenheiten zurück?
-Victoria Nuland tritt von ihrem Posten als Under Secretary of State für politische Angelegenheiten zurück, einer der höchsten rangenden US-Diplomatenpositionen.
Welche Haltung ist Victoria Nuland insbesondere gegenüber Russland bekannt?
-Victoria Nuland ist für ihre hawkishen Haltung, insbesondere gegenüber Russland und seinen Handlungen gegen die Ukraine, bekannt.
Welche Kritik hat Victoria Nuland aufgrund ihrer Ansichten erhalten?
-Victoria Nuland ist wegen ihrer Ansichten immer stärker unter Beschuss geraten, insbesondere weil sie im letzten Jahr von Biden für die Nummer-zweite Position im Außenministerium übergangen wurde.
Welche Position hatte Victoria Nuland während der Obama-Administration?
-Während der Obama-Administration diente Victoria Nuland als Assistentin des Außenministeriums für Europa.
Wie verlief Victoria Nulans diplomatischer Karriereweg nach ihrem Rücktritt?
-Nach ihrem Rücktritt zog es ihre diplomatische Karriere nach Moskau, während des Putschs 1993 gegen den damaligen russischen Präsidenten Boris Jelzin, und sie war auch Botschafterin bei der NATO und Sprecherin für die Außenministerin Hillary Clinton.
Wer ist der Ehemann von Victoria Nuland?
-Victoria Nuland ist mit Robert Kagan verheiratet, einem Neokonservativisten, der Teil einer einflussreichen neokonservativischen Dynastiefamilie in den USA ist.
Welche Rolle spielte Victoria Nuland bei der Umsetzung des Irak-Kriegs?
-Victoria Nuland war eine wichtige Beraterin für Dick Cheney im Weißen Haus 2003 und in den folgenden Jahren und berieten ihn darüber, wie man die Invasion des Irak umsetzen und die Besatzung des Irak aufrechterhalten sollte.
Wie verhält es sich mit der Unterstützung der USA für die Ukraine?
-Die USA unterstützten offensichtlich die 2014er Putschgegen den damalig gewählten Präsidenten der Ukraine, der im Jahr 2010 gewählt und für ein fünfjähriges Amt angeschlagen war, aber 2014 entfernt wurde, als die USA und die EU ihn als zu nahe an Moskau herangehen sah.
Was zeigt der Aufzeichnung, auf die sich die Diskussion bezieht?
-Die Aufzeichnung, die diskutiert wird, zeigt, dass Victoria Nuland mit dem damaligen US-Botschafter in der Ukraine über genau die Personen diskutierte, die die USA wollten, um in der ukrainischen Regierung nach der Entfernung des gewählten Präsidenten zu stehen.
Was ist der Hintergrund von Nulans familiären Verbindungen zur Ukraine?
-Victoria Nulans Familie hat Wurzeln in der Ukraine, was ihre enge Verbindung zum Land und ihre politische Einflussnahme in der Region erklärt.
Wie wird die jetzige politische Landschaft in Bezug auf interventionistische Außenpolitiken verstanden?
-Es gibt sowohl auf der rechten als auch auf der linken Seite eine zunehmende Opposition gegen interventionistische Außenpolitiken, insbesondere im Hinblick auf den Krieg in Gaza und die Unterstützung Israels. Jedoch bleibt die allgemeine Unterstützung für militärische Interventionen im Namen des Angriffs auf andere Länder erhalten, solange sie als 'Feinde' betrachtet werden.
Welche Auswirkungen hatte die politische Karriere von Victoria Nuland auf die Außenpolitik der USA?
-Victoria Nulands Karriere verdeutlicht die Kontinuität in der US-Außenpolitik, unabhängig von der regierende Partei. Sie hat in jeder Regierung von Clinton bis Biden mitgearbeitet, mit Ausnahme der Trump-Ära, und hat dabei sowohl interventionistische als auch neokonservative Politiken verfolgt und umgesetzt.
💡Victoria Nuland
💡Krieg in der Ukraine
💡Glenn Greenwald
Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, will step down from her position.
Nuland is known for her hawkish stance, particularly towards Russia and its actions against Ukraine.
She was passed over for the number two spot at the State Department by President Biden last year.
Nuland served as Assistant Secretary of State for Europe during the Obama Administration.
Her diplomatic career includes time in Moscow during the 1993 coup and as an ambassador to NATO.
Nuland is also known as the spouse of neocon Robert Kagan.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald discusses Nuland's legacy and her role in Washington.
Nuland was a key advisor to Dick Cheney in the White House, counseling him on the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
The Iraq War is considered one of the worst wars of the last generation, yet those responsible, including Nuland, are not widely remembered or mentioned.
Nuland continued to implement neoconservative policies, wanting to confront not just Russia, but most other countries in the world.
Nuland was part of the Obama Administration's hawkish State Department, pushing to confront Russia more than Obama desired.
Nuland's actions in Ukraine, including her involvement in the 2014 coup, have been controversial and are seen as a key event leading to the war in Ukraine.
Nuland's tape recording incident suggested she was plotting the leadership of Ukraine after the elected president was removed.
The people Nuland wanted in power in Ukraine after the coup ended up ruling the country.
Nuland's career and the continuity of American foreign policy, regardless of who is in office, is a testament to the power of certain individuals and ideologies in Washington.
Nuland's stepping down may be due to her main project, the war in Ukraine, being a failure, and her career ambitions being hindered.
The political transformation in the U.S. has seen neoconservatives like Nuland align with the Democratic Party, showing a shift in the political landscape.
There is a growing opposition on the left to wars, such as in Gaza, and a reawakening of anti-war sentiment.
Some right-wing pundits are questioning support for Israel's wars, indicating a potential shift in foreign policy views.
The Democratic party's continued support for candidates like Adam Schiff, who supported the Iraq War, shows the party's stance on interventionist policies.
Victoria nuland will step down from her
post as under Secretary of State for
political Affairs the third highest
ranking US Diplomat position known for
her hawkish stance especially toward
Russia and his actions against Ukraine
nulan has increasingly come under Fire
over her views she was passed over for
the number two spot at the state
department by Biden last year now prior
to joining the Biden Administration
nulan served as assistant Secretary of
State for Europe during the Obama
Administration but retired after Donald
Trump was elected now her diplomatic
career took her to Moscow during the
1993 coup against then Russian president
Boris yelson and an ambassador to Nato
and a spokesperson for the Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton Newlands also
known as the spouse of neocon Robert
Kagan now with us to discuss her Legacy
is journalist Glenn Greenwald Glenn it
is an honor to have you on our show
again always great to be with you guys
thanks for asking so I think our viewers
are probably a little bit more educated
about Victoria Newland than uh the
average of viewers of political news
shows but in case anyone has missed out
on what she has been responsible during
her time advising uh presidents why
don't you fill them
in yeah I mean I find her not just a
singularly repellent and destructive
figure but also a highly representative
one a really Vivid vessel through which
we can understand how Washington really
works because although you mentioned
most of the low lights of her career one
of the things you admitted that actually
was most important in launching her as a
major voice in Washington was that she
was Dick Cheney's top advisor in the
White House in 2003 and for the next
several years for counseling him on how
to implement the invasion of Iraq and
then how to maintain the occupation of
Iraq and we're supposed to regard I
thought the Iraq War as some kind of
grave at Best Mistake if not moral crime
the worst war of the last generation and
yet the people responsible which
certainly includes Victoria nulan it's
almost like we don't even remember
anymore who these people are we don't
even mention it we just elected Adam
Smith the Democrats did rather to the
Senate effectively in California last
night he was a major voice for the Iraq
War of course Joe Biden was it's like
this has all been forgotten and then
from there she just continued to
implement classical neoconservative
policies not just wanting to confront
Russia but most other countries in the
world and she's part of this neocon
circle that liberals just 15 years ago
used to describe as warmongering and
psychotic and yet she served very
comfortably under the Obama
Administration with both John krey and
Hillary Clinton then ran Ukraine for
both Obama and now Biden I mean the
Ukraine piece I think where a lot of us
came to be more knowledgeable about
Victoria nulan with the now Infamous
tape recording that seemed to suggest or
seem to demonstrate her trying to choose
the leadership of Ukraine can you unpack
pack that episode for those who might
not be as
aware yeah so well first of all she has
roots in Ukraine her family uh is in
large part from Ukraine and I think a
lot of people have forgotten this part
of history that during the Obama
Administration Obama was reluctant to
confront Russia he didn't want to send
lethal arms to Ukraine he didn't want to
confront Russia over uh Syria he didn't
think Syria or Ukraine was worth risking
a war with Russia but part of the state
department led by Hillary Clinton was
extremely hawkish and pushing to do more
to confront Russia and Hillary and
Victoria newand were very much part of
that when Hillary wrote her book the one
place she was most critical of Obama was
on his refusal to confront Russia more
and she led the way and what you can
basically trace this current war in
Ukraine to was the 2014 US supported
attempt and you can argue about how much
the US was involved but they were
certainly supportive openly of the coup
against the then elected president of
Ukraine who was elected in 2010 served a
five it was supposed to serve a 5-year
office but he was removed moved in 2014
when the US and the EU perceived him as
being too comfortable with Moscow and
Victoria nulan went there she like gave
cupcakes and donuts to the people
outside the palace trying to remove him
from power and that was a key event in
what led to the war in Ukraine and then
as you say she got caught on a tape
recorded conversation that they claimed
the Russians hacked and released but
whoever it was it was certainly an
authentic H where she was plotting with
the then US ambassador to to Ukraine
over exactly which people the US wanted
to take which positions in the Ukrainian
government once this uh elected
president was removed and then after
that coup was effectuated exactly the
people that she directed be put into
government ended up ruling Ukraine you
know you mentioned earlier that uh uh
not so long ago um liberals many
Democrats were you know horrified by the
decision to invade Iraq which was
supported by many top Democrats but was
an initiative under a Republican
president and now some certainly not all
but some of the most um kind of
neoconservative or more interventionist
hawkish voices uh continue to exist or
have even maybe grown with respect to
Ukraine in particular in the Democratic
party like I if I'm looking on on X I'm
seeing criticism of Victoria nuland from
you know people U responsible
non-interventionist voices on the left
like yourself but also frankly a lot of
people on the right given how Ukraine
has shifted the political veillance a
little bit seeing like Steve for
instance did an episode in his show
condemning her um that sort of thing
what do you think it says about the
trajectory of the political
transformation on foreign policy taking
place in this
country when I started writing about
politics Robbie it was 2005 late 2005 in
the middle of the war on terror at the
beginning of the second term of buen and
a consensus emerged among liberals then
that neocons were the single worst
faction in American political life Bill
Crystal and Paul wolfowitz I I mean all
these people that brought in Guantanamo
and torture and the invasion of Iraq and
you know the attempt to move that to
Iran and she was not only you know
counseling that but she was also the UN
ambassador to Nato that led the way with
condesa Rice under Bush and trying to
expand NATO up to the Russian border to
include Ukraine which was again probably
the initial act that led us to where we
are in Ukraine so if I had said you know
15 or 10 years ago that Victoria newand
who also again is married to like into
the Kagan family probably the largest
and most important dynastic neocon
family in the United States the brother
the father her husband if you had said
Nikki Victoria Nan was this you know
sort of symbol of American evil every
liberal would applaud you because she
was a well-known recognized neocon which
is what liberals thought now 15 years
later you won't see a single mainstream
Democrat or liberal agreeing with you
that Victoria nand is that and that's
because like most neocons she has
aligned herself with the Democratic
party she served again comfortably in
the Obama Administration she wasn't a
civil servant she was a political
appointee and then again in the Biden
Administration where she Rose to the top
highest level of the state department so
these kinds of people who 10 years ago
were considered Evil by American
liberals and the left are now integrated
into the Democratic party along with the
broader neoconservative movement and
that's not because they changed it's
because the politics of each party did
to what do you attribute her stepping
down I think you know it's I mean one
can only speculate you never really know
for sure but I think in part it's two
things one is the fact that the most
important project for her which is the
war in Ukraine to try and topple Russia
is a gigantic gigantic failure Russia is
the only country expanding the territory
that it holds no by no sense is Ukraine
expelling Russia from any land in
Ukraine let alone all of it which was
the goal of the war at the same time
they can't even get another $60 billion
through the Congress so her main project
is a failure but I think it's more just
career ambition that she really wanted
that number two spot her lifelong
ambition everyone knows is to be
Secretary of State and when Wendy
Sherman reti hired as deputy secretary
of state in August she wanted that job
permanently she got passed over by
somebody who and now her replacement is
also somebody who worked for Dick Cheney
in the dict Cheney George Bush White
House to showing this kind of bipartisan
continuity and probably she feels like
she's at the end of her line of her
career maybe in a second B
Administration if there is one she could
return but for now I think she feels
like she's at a career dead end it is a
powerful example of the tremendous
continuity in American foreign policy
regardless of who gets voted into office
even when when the president is voted in
on an explicitly anti-interventionist or
anti-expansion of the Iraq you know Fury
over Iraq in Afghanistan helped Propel
Obama to Victory and to some extent
Trump even uh but but and yet there is
there is a continuity in the in the the
PE the Victorian nuland type people who
actually make these policies uh does
does that seem to to be the
case yeah I mean she went she goes back
to all the way back to Clinton so she
has served in the state department in
every Administration from Clinton to
Biden except for the four years when
Donald Trump was president that was the
only time she was out of government and
again she started as a civil servant but
the more you go up the ranks they become
political appointees you have to be
appointed by the president sometimes
confirmed by the Senate so after the
Clint year she was a real closely held
adviser and official of George Bush of
Barack Obama of Joe Biden of Dick Cheney
these people that were told can't agree
on anything use this same people to
implement their foreign policy why is
that because they have largely the same
foreign policy and that doesn't change
no matter who you vote for and I think
that's what makes Victoria nulan so
illustrative let me ask you this I mean
as Robbie just alluded to there does
seem to be more energy emerging in this
kind of new faction of the Republican
party that is anti-interventionist at
least in some respects I would say
Ukraine but not Israel for the most part
and I I do wonder if you see that as a
shift away from this kind of
uniform commitment to this kind of
neocon ideology within the parties
there's any possibility that there is a
real movement of foot not just on the
right but because of the burgeoning and
growing uh opposition on the left to the
war in Gaza or do you think that
ultimately and perhaps the the outcome
of the California Senate race is
indicative of this that those kinds of
interest will ultimately be subsumed
into the party
Machinery right I think it's actually a
little bit of all of that I mean first
of all you know you have California the
one of the bluest states in the country
and they not only elect Adam shiff who
was support of the Iraq War but he was
also the candidate endorsed by APAC for
good reason he's probably the most
steadfast supporter of Israel in at
least the California delegation so you
know you have an opportunity to pick
whoever you want they're going to win
the general election you have Katy
Porter Barbara Lee and they chose Adam
Schiff so I think that tells you a lot
where the Democratic party is still on
these issues but Israel is an
interesting kind of switch in this
because virtually the entire Republican
party maybe with one or two exceptions
are fanatical supporters of giving Aid
to Israel in this war supporting Israel
in this destruction of Gaza most of the
democratic party is too although they're
rhetorically at least resisting a little
bit more and I do think that kind of
shows the limits on this realignment
namely that there are a lot of people on
the right who still like Wars as long as
they're not about help helping other
countries become democracies or helping
them improve their societies but if it's
about obliterating someone they regard
as enemies like Arabs and Palestinians
and Muslims they still kind of get
behind it that said there is more
opposition on the right you know very
prominent right-wing pundits like
Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson and a
lot of others from that populist realm
who do are who are now saying for the
first time why are we paying for
Israel's Wars how is that in our
interest but there's also a lot of
reawakened anti-war on the left as a
result of this war in Gaza that I hope
will Revitalize that on the left as well
Glenn Greenwald uh excellent points
thank you so much for joining us can't
appreciate enough always good to see you
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