Bill Maher on humor in politics: "Don't be tribal"

CBS Sunday Morning
12 May 202407:12


TLDRThe transcript captures a candid discussion with Bill Maher, host of HBO's 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' where he addresses the current political climate with his signature humor and wit. Maher emphasizes the importance of truth-telling in politics and criticizes both the left and the right for their shortcomings. He discusses the prevalence of misinformation and the need for more substantive discourse, rather than resorting to cancel culture. Maher also touches on the importance of engaging with opposing views and not being confined by one's echo chamber. His new book, a compilation of his commentary over the years, reflects on whether the world or he has changed more. The conversation highlights Maher's commitment to speaking for the 'normies,' the majority who are tired of partisanship and seek practical solutions over ideological ones.


  • 📺 **Bill Maher's Show**: The transcript is from HBO's 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' a long-running talk show where politics and current events are discussed with humor and insight.
  • 🤔 **No Cameras in Supreme Court**: Maher expresses his confusion over the prohibition of cameras in the Supreme Court, contrasting it with the pervasive surveillance in other public places.
  • 😂 **Laughter as Truth**: Maher believes laughter is an involuntary response that indicates a person's internal recognition of truth in what they find amusing.
  • 📉 **U.S. Education Rankings**: The script mentions a study where U.S. students ranked last in math skills but first in confidence, highlighting a disconnect between perception and reality.
  • 🎯 **Bill Maher's Approach**: Maher's humor is not spared for anyone, targeting both the right and left sides of the political spectrum, aiming to tell truths rather than pander to audience biases.
  • 👴 **Bill Maher's Longevity**: Maher has been in the public eye for many years, and his humor and commentary have evolved, yet he remains committed to courting controversy.
  • 🗣️ **Free Speech vs. Cancel Culture**: Maher advocates for responding to disagreeable speech with more speech, rather than resorting to 'canceling' people, which he views as cowardly.
  • 📚 **New Book**: Maher has compiled his commentary from years on 'Real Time' into a new book, reflecting on whether the world or he has changed more.
  • 👉 **Speaking for the 'Normies'**: Maher positions himself as a voice for the average person who is tired of partisanship and doesn't want to hate half the country.
  • 🔥 **Trump's Presidency**: The transcript touches on Trump's presidency, including his numerous false or misleading statements and the public's reaction to his behavior.
  • 🤝 **Engaging with Opposing Views**: Maher encourages people to engage with those they disagree with, suggesting that doing so might humanize them rather than viewing them as monsters.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of Bill Maher's show 'Real Time with Bill Maher'?

    -The main theme of the show is to provide a forum for debating current political and social issues with a mix of humor and critical analysis, often targeting politicians and media figures from both the left and the right.

  • Why does Bill Maher believe laughter is a significant aspect of communication?

    -Laughter is significant because it is involuntary, and when people laugh at something, it indicates that they find it true or relatable on some level, even if they weren't supposed to.

  • What is Bill Maher's stance on the lack of cameras in the Supreme Court?

    -Bill Maher expresses confusion and disagreement with the absence of cameras in the Supreme Court, given that almost every other aspect of life in America is recorded or filmed.

  • How does Bill Maher describe his approach to political commentary?

    -Bill Maher's approach is to 'keep it real,' avoiding tribalism, not saying something just to please a particular audience, and not pulling punches when presenting practical solutions over ideological ones.

  • What does Bill Maher think about the current state of U.S. students' math skills and confidence?

    -According to a study of eight developed countries, U.S. students ranked last in math skills but were first in confidence about their math abilities, which Maher finds ironic given their actual performance.

  • What is the title of Bill Maher's new book, and what inspired him to write it?

    -The title of the book is not mentioned in the transcript, but it is a compilation of his commentary from 'Real Time.' Maher wanted to see if the world or he had changed more over the years by revisiting his past editorials.

  • How does Bill Maher respond to critics who say he should focus more on the right because they are more alarming?

    -Maher argues that the truth isn't one-sided and that both the left and the right have their issues. He believes in addressing both sides rather than focusing on one to the exclusion of the other.

  • What is Bill Maher's opinion on President Trump's character and behavior?

    -Bill Maher describes Trump as literally crazy, with a level of malignant narcissism that is diagnosable. He also mentions that Trump has made over 8,000 false or misleading statements during his presidency.

  • What was the reaction of Bill Maher's Democratic friends when Bill Barr appeared on his show?

    -His Democratic friends were upset and questioned how Maher could give a platform to someone like Bill Barr, who they believe lied about the Mueller Report.

  • What does Bill Maher think about the current trend towards a more secular society?

    -Maher sees the trend towards secularism as a positive development, as long as it is by free will and not forced upon people.

  • How does Bill Maher describe his political stance in relation to both the left and the right?

    -Maher acknowledges his disagreements with both sides, stating that he has quarrels with the left and that the right often alarms him. He advocates for a middle ground, representing the 'normies' who are tired of partisanship.

  • What is Bill Maher's view on the concept of 'cancel culture' in response to speech one disagrees with?

    -Maher is against 'cancel culture,' believing that the right response to speech one doesn't like is more speech, not the 'lazy cowardly response of canceling people.'



😀 Bill Maher's Candid Conversations and Comedy

In this segment, Bill Maher is highlighted as a comedian and political commentator known for his ability to make audiences both laugh and think. Maher has been hosting HBO's 'Real Time with Bill Maher' for over two decades where he engages in debates with prominent figures in politics and news. The paragraph discusses Maher's approach to humor, which involves not just making people laugh but also making them think about the truth behind his jokes. It also touches on his views on political tribalism, the importance of not being swayed by ideology, and the need for practical solutions. The discussion includes Maher's thoughts on the current political climate, his criticism of both the right and the left, and his new book, which is a compilation of his commentary from 'Real Time.'


😕 Bill Barr's Appearance and the State of Republican Politics

This paragraph focuses on the reaction to Bill Barr, the former Attorney General under presidents George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump, appearing on Maher's show. It explores the tension between Maher's Democratic friends and the decision to give a platform to someone they perceive as problematic. The summary also delves into Maher's views on the secularization of society and the importance of engaging in dialogue with people who hold different opinions. Maher's criticism of Barr's handling of the Mueller Report is mentioned, along with his classification of Barr as a 'good as it gets' Republican due to Barr's acknowledgment of Trump's election loss. The paragraph ends with a reflection on Maher's perspective on politics, suggesting that while he has disagreements with the left, he sees the current state of affairs as potentially the 'good old days' compared to what could come.



💡Kristi Noem

Kristi Noem is an American politician serving as the Governor of South Dakota since January 2019. In the script, she is mentioned in a humorous or critical context, possibly related to a controversial statement or action that has been made into a joke by Bill Maher, reflecting the satirical nature of the show.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., often referred to as RFK Jr., is an environmental activist and attorney, as well as a vocal critic against vaccines. The script alludes to a bizarre claim he made, which is used to illustrate the type of outlandish statements that can be found in political and public discourse, fitting the show's theme of scrutinizing such behavior.

💡Bill Maher

Bill Maher is an American comedian and television host, known for his show 'Real Time with Bill Maher' on HBO. He is renowned for his wit, political commentary, and ability to provoke thought and laughter. In the script, Maher is central to the discussion, with his humor and perspectives on various political issues shaping the narrative.

💡Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the federal judiciary and has the final say on legal matters. The script mentions the lack of cameras in the Supreme Court, which Maher finds perplexing given the prevalence of cameras and surveillance in other aspects of American life, highlighting a debate on transparency in governmental institutions.


Partisanship refers to a strong commitment to a political party's policies and a tendency to promote them without regard to their merits. The script discusses the frustration with partisanship, indicating a desire for more cooperation and less division, which is a recurring theme in discussions about the current political climate.

💡Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is the practice of publicly shaming and boycotting individuals or entities that are deemed to have done something offensive or unacceptable according to societal standards. Maher criticizes this as a 'lazy cowardly response' rather than engaging in discourse, which is a central theme in the discussion about handling disagreement and controversy.

💡Echo Chamber

An echo chamber is a metaphor for a situation in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system. Maher encourages getting out of one's echo chamber to better understand opposing views, which is a call for open dialogue and breaking down barriers to communication.

💡Malignant Narcissism

Malignant narcissism is a term used to describe a specific level of narcissism that is considered particularly harmful and destructive. In the script, it is used to describe former President Donald Trump's personality, indicating a serious concern about the psychological traits of political figures and their impact on governance.

💡False or Misleading Statements

This refers to the act of making statements that are either factually incorrect or intended to deceive. The script mentions that Trump made over 8,000 such statements during his presidency, which is a point of contention and a reflection of the broader conversation about truth and integrity in politics.

💡Bill Barr

Bill Barr is a former United States Attorney General who served under Presidents George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump. The script discusses his appearance on Maher's show and the controversy it sparked, particularly among Democratic viewers, which speaks to the polarizing nature of political discourse and the selection of guests on political talk shows.

💡Secular Society

A secular society is one in which religious institutions and beliefs do not play a central role in public life. The script suggests that society is becoming more secular, which is a broader commentary on social trends and the role of religion in public discourse, reflecting a shift in cultural values.


Kristi Noem is criticized for claiming she shot her dog.

RFK Jr. humorously claims to have found a dead worm in his brain.

Bill Maher discusses the absurdity of no cameras being allowed in the Supreme Court.

Laughter is described as an involuntary response indicating truth.

U.S. students ranked last in math skills but first in confidence in a study of eight developed countries.

Bill Maher's humor is a mix of political commentary and truth-telling.

The importance of not being tribal and offering practical solutions over ideological ones.

Bill Maher has been a controversial figure for over 21 years on HBO's Real Time.

His new book compiles years of commentary, aiming to see if the world or he has changed more.

Bill Maher speaks for the 'normies', expressing a desire to avoid partisanship and hatred.

Criticism of both the left and the right, with the right being more alarming to Maher.

Trump's presidency is criticized for over 8,000 false or misleading statements.

Bill Maher has invited Trump on his show, but believes Trump watches it 'accidentally' every week.

Bill Barr, former Attorney General, is criticized for his handling of the Mueller Report.

The importance of engaging with people of different views to understand them better.

Bill Maher's belief that society is becoming more secular and that this is a positive development.

The title of Maher's new book reflects his approach to politics and controversy.

A cynical view of politics is attributed to knowing too much, rather than a lack of knowledge.



[Applause] New Rules between Kristi Noem  saying she shot her dog and RFK Jr saying  


he found a dead worm in his brain  politicians need to go back to


lying for two decades and counting HBO's Real Time  with Bill Maher has been the Forum where some of  


the biggest names in politics and news debate  issues of our time front and center for all of  


it is Bill Maher himself he's in conversation  with our Robert Costa can you make an audience  


laugh and think at the same time totally of course  I don't understand this no cameras at the Supreme  


Court I don't get this you can film everything  in America you can barely go to the washroom on  


a plane without it being filmed the great thing  about laughter is that it's involuntary so if  


you laugh at something something in you tells  you that's true that must be true I laughed at  


it maybe I wasn't supposed to a study of eight  developed countries found that U.S. students  


were dead last in math skills but number one in  confidence in math skills even though they suck  


at it yes we're number one in thinking we're  number one if you catch yourself laughing at  


something Bill Maher has said lately on HBO's real  time his Friday night perch for the past 21 years  


just be careful next time the joke could be on you  how long you've been you've been doing this for so  


long this interview it does seem it does seem like  it nobody is spared Bill Maher's humor political  


TV is full of groans and eye rolls and or as he  sees it his truth telling not on the right if  


you're going to turn over your party to a foreign  power at least pick the right one Russia are you  


kidding it's like the Republicans looked over all  the companies they could merge with and pick Sears  


nor on the left you call yourself the resistance  then fight Behind Enemy Lines that's what a  


resistance does that's the difference between  blowing up a tank and tweeting about it get  


out of your Echo chamber and infiltrate theirs  what is the through line through everything you  


write and everything you say uh keep it real you  know don't be tribal don't say say something just  


because that's going to make the audience of  one side applaud or boo practical Solutions as  


opposed to ideological and uh don't pull a punch  we have a great show the 68-year-old Maher has  


been swinging at Targets high and low his entire  career taking his own share of knocks along the  


way but he still gladly courts controversy  the right response to speech you don't like  


is more speech not the lazy cowardly response  of canceling people that attitude explains the  


title of his new book it's compiled from years of  Mars commentary on real time I wanted to see if  


the world had changed or I had changed more I was  Excavating reading over all these editorials from  


years and years and years and I wanted to find  that answer I speak for the normies you know I I  


speak for that I think vast middle that is tired  of the partisanship um I don't want to hate half  


the country and I don't hate half the country you  write a lot of throughout this book that the left  


irritates you frustrates you at times but the  right often alarms you yes they're very alarming  


they're extremely alarming more alarming what  do you say to your critics though who say then  


you should just focus on them Bill if they're  more alarming to you than the left then why not  


Shine the spotlight on them only the truth isn't  one sided like that the Democrats constantly are  


running against Trump with the idea you people out  there couldn't possibly vote for this guy and and  


people are saying watch me hold my beer watch  me to vote for him again instead of just saying  


oh he's Lying we know he's a liar he's Donald  Trump he can't help himself he's crazy I mean  


I think literally crazy I think there's a a kind  of a level of malignant narcissism which is not  


just a personality Quirk it's diagnosable and he  suffers from it Trump has made over 8,000 false or  


misleading statements as president nothing like  this has ever happened before if you had him on  


real time what would you ask him would you please  go away have you asked him to come on of course  


we've asked everybody I mean of that stature um  he knows he has an open invitation to come on  


but I don't think he really hates me because I  think he this the amount of times that he goes  


after me he watches the show accidentally it's  always accidentally he watches it accidentally  


every week it's amazing in fact conservatives  don't shy away from real time he is the former  


Attorney General wow under president's George  HW Bush and Donald Trump Bill Barr is over here  


when Bill Barr came on your show what did some of  your Democratic friends say yeah this is exactly  


what I hate about this country how dare you how  dare you platform someone the way I see it we we  


are moving becoming a much more secular society  just 55 but that's by Free Will that's good I  


mean I it's good that people people do have free  will okay and and they should they should be able  


they should be able so you're going to have to  talk to people and maybe you'll find out that  


they're not the monsters you think they are I  mean do I apologize for Bill Barr's U I thought  


horrible behavior when the when the Mueller Report  came out and he basically uh lied about it I don't  


but look this is what I call a good as it gets  Republican he came out and said Trump lost the  


election that's the main thing in the Republican  party right now do you believe elections count  


only if you win as good as it gets could well  be Maher's motto for politics I certainly have  


my quarrels with the left and for life to me  these are probably the good old days it could  


get a lot worse not wishing for what could be but  recognizing what he sees is real and taking you  


on if you're not you say you're cynical about  politics don't flatter yourself cynical comes  


when you know too much you on the other hand  haven't bothered to learn anything [Applause]

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Etiquetas relacionadas
Political SatireBill MaherHBOReal TimeComedyControversyPartisanshipTruth TellingIdeological DebateCultural CommentarySocial CritiqueMedia AnalysisElection 2020Trump CritiqueFree SpeechCancel CultureRepublican PartyDemocratic PartySecular SocietyMalignant NarcissismBill BarrMueller Report
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