Sơn Tùng M-TP
7 Mar 202404:37


TLDRThis poignant script delves into the complexities of a relationship's dissolution. It grapples with the conflicting emotions of letting go while cherishing the beautiful memories shared. The narrative questions whether forgetting and drifting apart like strangers can truly alleviate the heartache, or if the pain lingers, reminding us of what was once treasured. It encourages sincerity, cherishing every moment, and looking back fondly at the sun that once shone on the relationship, recognizing that the future is uncertain, yet the precious memories will forever remain.


  • 😔 The script expresses heartbreak, regret, and the difficulty of moving on after a breakup.
  • ❓ It questions whether forgetting the past relationship and pretending to be strangers will truly ease the suffering or only make the memories more vivid.
  • 🌅 It encourages cherishing the beautiful moments and memories shared, even if the relationship ends.
  • 💔 The pain and bitterness of a breakup are acknowledged, but the script suggests it's okay to linger on those feelings.
  • 🤷‍♂️ It recognizes the unpredictability of the future and the uncertainty of whether love will endure.
  • 🤝 It emphasizes the importance of being sincere, honest, and cherishing every moment together while in a relationship.
  • ⏳ The script acknowledges that the passage of time and changing circumstances can lead to relationships ending unexpectedly.
  • 🔄 It reflects on the cyclical nature of relationships, where people come together and then drift apart like strangers.
  • 🙅‍♀️ It advises against trying to completely forget the past relationship or the person, as the memories and emotions will likely linger.
  • 🌈 Despite the pain and heartache, the script suggests that life will be okay, and the beautiful memories will remain.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme or idea conveyed in the script?

    -The script appears to be reflecting on the pain and heartache of a breakup, the lingering memories, and the difficulty of truly forgetting someone with whom you shared a deep connection.

  • What tone or emotion does the script convey?

    -The script conveys a melancholic and bittersweet tone, expressing the sadness, confusion, and lingering affection associated with a breakup.

  • What is the significance of the line "No one can change the past..., … but someone gotta try!"?

    -This line suggests a sense of regret or desire to change the past circumstances that led to the breakup, even though it is ultimately impossible to alter the past.

  • How does the script portray the act of forgetting or moving on from a past relationship?

    -The script portrays forgetting or moving on as a difficult and almost impossible task, suggesting that the memories and emotions linger despite attempts to forget or pretend to be strangers.

  • What is the significance of the repeated line "Look back towards the sun"?

    -This line could symbolize the idea of looking towards a brighter future or finding hope and positivity, even in the midst of the pain and heartache of a breakup.

  • How does the script address the idea of predicting or foreseeing the future?

    -The script acknowledges the uncertainty of the future, stating that no one can foresee or predict what will happen tomorrow, especially in matters of love and relationships.

  • What is the significance of the line "Be sincere when we are together, and cherish every moment, Every minute of every day"?

    -This line emphasizes the importance of being present and appreciating the time shared with a loved one, as those moments become cherished memories after a breakup.

  • How does the script address the idea of honesty and openness in relationships?

    -The script encourages honesty and openness in relationships, suggesting that being sincere and truthful with one another is vital, even in the face of difficulties or the pain of a breakup.

  • What is the significance of the repeated question "Then could the suffering be quickly forgotten? Or would oblivion only make us remember this heartache even more?"

    -This repeated question highlights the internal conflict and struggle of trying to forget someone or a past relationship, suggesting that attempts to forget may only intensify the memories and heartache.

  • How does the script address the idea of lingering pain and bitterness after a breakup?

    -The script acknowledges that it is okay to linger in the pain and bitterness after a breakup, suggesting that these emotions are a natural part of the healing process and should not be suppressed or denied.



🥀 Nostalgic Reflections on Love's Fragility

The paragraph is a melancholic and poetic reflection on the fleeting nature of love and relationships. It expresses the pain and heartache of a breakup, grappling with the idea of moving on and forgetting the past. The narrator wonders how to truly forget the memories and bonds shared, questioning if oblivion will only make the heartache linger more. Despite the bitterness, the narrator encourages cherishing moments together and being sincere, as beautiful memories will remain forever. The passage conveys a sense of uncertainty about the future, acknowledging that love's fate is as unpredictable as the changing clouds. It contemplates the difficulties of drifting apart like strangers after a passionate connection and grapples with the idea of forgetting faces, names, and the once-sworn oaths.




The term 'past' refers to events, experiences, and memories from a previous time. In the context of the video, the line "No one can change the past..." suggests that the past is something that cannot be altered or undone, despite one's desires or efforts. This sets the tone for the theme of letting go and accepting the inevitability of certain situations, particularly in relationships.


The 'future' represents the unknown and unpredictable events that lie ahead. The script repeatedly questions the ability to foresee or predict the future, suggesting an underlying uncertainty about what lies ahead, especially in matters of love and relationships. This uncertainty adds to the poignancy of the message, as the characters grapple with the prospect of their relationship's future.


Heartbreak refers to the intense emotional pain and anguish experienced when a romantic relationship ends. The script explores the idea of heartbreak through lines like "Who will wipe this pain away?" and "Then will it hurt?", acknowledging the emotional turmoil and suffering that often accompanies the end of a significant relationship.


Memories are the recollections of past experiences and shared moments. In the context of the video, the script highlights the importance of cherishing memories, even in the face of separation or heartbreak. Lines like "Beautiful memories we once had will forever remain" and "The smile and the tear we shared" emphasize the enduring nature of memories and their ability to provide comfort and nostalgia.


Forgetting, in this context, refers to the idea of intentionally erasing or suppressing memories and emotions associated with a past relationship. The script explores the difficulty and potential futility of trying to forget, as evidenced by lines like "How to really forget, when that old oath is still unchanged?" and "Forget each other and pretend we were strangers, (how?)". This suggests that forgetting may not be a viable solution to cope with the pain of heartbreak.


To cherish means to hold something or someone dear, to appreciate and value their presence or memory deeply. The script encourages cherishing the present moment and the time spent together, as expressed in lines like "be sincere when we are together, and cherish every moment" and "Every minute of every day". This emphasis on cherishing the present underscores the importance of living in the moment and appreciating what one has before it's gone.


Honesty refers to the quality of being truthful, sincere, and transparent in one's actions and emotions. The script advocates for honesty in relationships, as seen in the line "be honest to each other". This suggests that honesty and open communication are vital for maintaining healthy and meaningful connections, even in the face of adversity or potential separation.


Passion represents intense emotions, fervor, and deep romantic feelings. The script contrasts the present situation with the past, stating "We used to be so passionate", implying that the relationship once had a strong, passionate foundation that has since faded or been lost. This highlights the natural ebb and flow of relationships and the potential for passion to diminish over time.


The concept of 'strangers' is used metaphorically in the script to represent the emotional distance and detachment that can arise between two people who were once deeply connected. Lines like "We drift apart like strangers" and "Forget each other and pretend we were strangers" suggest the potential for former lovers to become emotionally and physically distant, as if they were strangers to one another.


Promises refer to the commitments, vows, or pledges made between two individuals in a relationship. The script mentions "our promises" in the context of questioning whether love can remain whole, despite the challenges faced. This highlights the significance of promises made in relationships and the potential for them to be tested or broken, leading to heartbreak and uncertainty.


No one can change the past..., but someone gotta try!

When tomorrow passes by so fast, we no longer walk together, Then will it hurt?

Who will wipe those tears? Who will wipe this pain away?

What if we heartlessly turn our back, And pretend we don't know each other, Silently passing by without saying a word?

Then could the suffering be quickly forgotten? Or would oblivion only make us remember this heartache even more?

Don't be childish! We used to be so passionate, So why when breaking up, We drift apart like strangers?

Anyone dares to predict the future? No one can foresee the future.

Don't know if tomorrow, love will still remain whole, like our promises, Despite the storm separating us.

Beautiful memories we once had will forever remain, The smile and the tear we shared.

Look back towards the sun.

Love then let go, As fragile as it is, fate is just luck.

Together, then separated again, changing faster than clouds in the sky.

Forget each other and pretend we were strangers, (how?), Forget the face, and even the name, (how?)

How to really forget, when that old oath is still unchanged?

So don't try to forget, It's okay to linger, It's okay to be in pain, Even if it's bitter, we'll still be okay.

Be sincere when we are together, and cherish every moment, Every minute of every day, be honest to each other.



No one can change the past...


… but someone gotta try!


When tomorrow passes by so fast, we no longer walk together


Then will it hurt?


Who will wipe those tears?


Who will wipe this pain away?


What if we heartlessly turn our back


And pretend we don’t know each other


Silently passing by without saying a word


Then could the suffering be quickly forgotten?


Or would oblivion only make us remember this heartache even more?


Don’t be childish!


We used to be so passionate


So why when breaking up,


We drift apart like strangers


Anyone dares to predict the future?


No one can foresee the future


Don’t know if tomorrow, love will still remain whole


like our promises


Despite the storm separating us


Beautiful memories we once had will forever remain


The smile and the tear we shared


Look back towards the sun


(Look back towards the sun)


Who knows the future tomorrow?


Love then let go


As fragile as it is, fate is just luck


Together, then separated again, changing faster than clouds in the sky


Forget each other and pretend we were strangers




Forget the face, and even the name




How to really forget


when that old oath is still unchanged?


so don't try to forget


It's okay to linger


It's okay to be in pain


Even if it's bitter, we’ll still be okay


Be sincere when we are together


and cherish every moment


Every minute of every day,


be honest to each other


Then could the suffering be quickly forgotten?


Or would oblivion only make us remember this heartache even more?


Don’t be childish!


We used to be so passionate


So why when breaking up,


We drift apart like strangers


Anyone dares to predict the future?


No one can foresee the future


Don’t know if tomorrow, love will still remain whole


like our promises


Despite the storm separating us


Beautiful memories we once had will forever remain


The smile and the tear we shared


Look back towards the sun


Anyone dares to predict the future?


No one can foresee the future


Don’t know if tomorrow, love will still remain whole like our promises


Despite the storm separating us


Beautiful memories we once had will forever remain


The smile and the tear we shared


Look back towards the sun


Look back towards the sun

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Tags associés
Love StoryBreakupNostalgiaMemoriesUncertaintyEmotional JourneyPoetryRelationshipsSelf-ReflectionMoving On
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