Asking College Students to Paint THEIR Dorm...
TLDRDans cette vidéo, l'animateur explore un campus universitaire avec l'objectif de persuader des étudiants de lui permettre de peindre dans leur dortoir ou sur un objet de leur dortoir. Après plusieurs tentatives infructueuses, il réussit à peindre un mur dans une maison de fraternité avec un thème de vague et de soleil, ainsi que le nom de la fraternité. Il continue ensuite avec d'autres étudiants, peignant un couvercle de laptop et un panneau, apportant une touche personnelle à chaque objet. Le résultat est une série de créations artistiques qui transforment les espaces ordinaires en œuvres d'art, tout en établissant des liens avec les étudiants et en apportant un sentiment de communauté.
- 🎨 L'objectif principal du vidéaste est de peindre des chambres d'étudiants ou des objets de leur dortoir.
- 🏫 Il se rend sur un campus universitaire pour réaliser son projet.
- 👫 Il abordera des étudiants pour obtenir leur permission de peindre leurs espaces ou leurs biens.
- 🚫 Il rencontre plusieurs refus, car les étudiants ne peuvent ou ne veulent pas lui accorder l'accès à leur chambre.
- 🤝 Finalement, il réussit à obtenir l'autorisation de peindre un mur dans une maison de fraternité.
- 🖌️ Il planifie et exécute un design comprenant une vague, un soleil et le nom de la fraternité, Kappa Alpha.
- 🎥 Il filme le processus de création artistique et les réactions des étudiants à son travail.
- 🛠️ Après avoir terminé le mur, il se tourne vers d'autres objets à peindre comme un couvercle de MacBook et un panneau.
- 🔄 Il expérimente avec différents designs jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve une idée qui convienne à chaque objet.
- 🎁 Il offre les objets peints aux étudiants, en plus de réaliser un cadeau supplémentaire en achetant de nouveaux appareils.
- 📹 Le vidéaste capture les réactions des étudiants lors de la livraison des objets personnalisés.
Q & A
Quel était l'objectif principal du vidéaste dans cette vidéo?
-L'objectif principal du vidéaste était de trouver des étudiants qui accepteraient de laisser peindre soit leur chambre d'étudiant, soit un objet de leur chambre.
Combien de personnes le vidéaste espérait-il convaincre de lui permettre de peindre?
-Le vidéaste espérait convaincre environ 3 ou 4 personnes de lui permettre de peindre.
Quel type de lieu le vidéaste a-t-il choisi pour commencer sa quête?
-Le vidéaste a choisi un campus universitaire pour commencer sa quête.
Quels obstacles a-t-il rencontrés lorsque les étudiants refusaient de le laisser peindre?
-Les étudiants ont mentionné des obstacles tels que le désordre de leur chambre, le fait qu'ils étaient sur le point de déménager, ou la peur d'encourir des frais pour la peinture des murs.
Quel conseil a-t-on donné au vidéaste pour améliorer ses chances de succès?
-Le conseil donné était d'aller sur la 'frat row', c'est-à-dire les maisons des fraternités, où il pourrait avoir plus de chance de succès.
Quel type de lieu le vidéaste a-t-il visité après avoir écouté les conseils?
-Après avoir écouté les conseils, le vidéaste a visité une maison de fraternité ('frat house').
Quel fut le premier objet que le vidéaste a accepté de peindre dans la maison de fraternité?
-Le premier objet que le vidéaste a accepté de peindre fut un mur à l'intérieur de la maison de fraternité.
Quel était le thème demandé par les membres de la fraternité pour la peinture du mur?
-Le thème demandé par les membres de la fraternité incluait une grande vague, un soleil et les mots 'Kappa Alpha', qui est le nom de leur clan.
Quel autre établissement scolaire a visité le vidéaste après le campus universitaire initial?
-Après le campus universitaire initial, le vidéaste a visité l'UCSD (Université de Californie à San Diego).
Quels objets a-t-il accepté de peindre pour les étudiants de l'UCSD?
-Pour les étudiants de l'UCSD, le vidéaste a accepté de peindre un couvercle de MacBook, un signe et un signe de porte.
Quel fut le sentiment général des étudiants après avoir vu les objets peints par le vidéaste?
-Le sentiment général des étudiants était positif, ils ont exprimé leur admiration et leur gratitude pour les objets peints personnalisés.
Quel était le défi que le vidéaste avait posé aux étudiants avant de peindre leurs objets?
-Le défi que le vidéaste avait posé aux étudiants était de gagner contre lui en faisant des poussées de poitrine pour obtenir la permission de peindre leurs objets.
Quelle fut la réaction d'un étudiant après avoir reçu les écouteurs peints par le vidéaste?
-L'étudiant a été très émerveillé et a exprimé qu'il aimait les écouteurs peints, qu'ils étaient beaux et qu'il les trouvait meilleurs que ceux qu'il avait déjà.
Quel était le concept derrière la conception du couvercle de MacBook pour Mimi?
-Le concept derrière la conception du couvercle de MacBook pour Mimi était de créer quelque chose qui ressemble à un poster, avec des fleurs en différentes nuances de bleu, reflétant son goût pour la nature et sa couleur préférée.
🎨 Peinture de la chambre d'étudiant : Tentatives et succès
Le narrateur est sur un campus universitaire avec l'objectif de peindre des dortoirs d'étudiants ou des objets de leur chambre. Après plusieurs tentatives infructueuses, il est finalement autorisé à peindre un mur dans une maison de fraternité. Il y crée une grande vague et un soleil avec le nom de la fraternité, Kappa Alpha, en lettres noires. La pièce commune est fréquentée par des étudiants et des mères lors de la semaine-end des mères. Le narrateur prévoit de passer la nuit à planifier son design avant de commencer à travailler le lendemain matin.
🖌️ Peinture sur demande : Objets d'étudiants personnalisés
Après avoir réalisé que peindre les murs posait des problèmes, le narrateur change de stratégie et propose de peindre des objets des étudiants. Il est amené à peindre un couvercle de MacBook et un panneau, avec des thèmes variés comme une bande dessinée pour le panneau et un design floral en bleu pour le couvercle de MacBook. Il décrit également le processus de création, y compris la préparation des surfaces et l'application des couleurs. Le narrateur exprime son amour pour le processus créatif et la satisfaction de voir les designs se materialiser.
🚗 Livraison des œuvres d'art personnalisées
Le narrateur livre avec enthousiasme les œuvres d'art qu'il a créées pour les étudiants. Il reçoit des commentaires positifs des étudiants, qui apprécient grandement les designs originaux. Il explique également qu'il a acheté un MacBook et des écouteurs pour personnaliser et offrir à des étudiants qui utilisent des ordinateurs publics et des écouteurs filaire. Le narrateur se montre nerveux mais déterminé à offrir ces cadeaux inattendus, qui sont accueillis avec gratitude et surprise.
💻 Finalisation de la commande et livraison de la protection pour MacBook
Le narrateur termine la peinture d'une protection pour MacBook, inspirée des posters de fleurs bleues dans la chambre de l'étudiante Mimi. Il remplace la protection cassée de son MacBook par le nouveau design personnalisé. Le narrateur prévoit de livrer la protection de MacBook peinte et de faire don d'un MacBook et d'une paire d'écouteurs peints, dans le but de surprendre et de réjouir les étudiants avec des objets uniques et personnalisés.
💡campus universitaire
💡frat house
💡Kappa Alpha
The creator aims to paint college students' dorm rooms or an item from their dorm.
Initially faced rejections due to dorm policies and students' unwillingness.
Discovered that painting items instead of walls might be more successful.
Successfully gained access to a fraternity house and painted a wall with a wave, sun, and fraternity name.
The fraternity members were excited about the transformation of their common area.
At UCSD, the creator found a student willing to let them paint a laptop cover and a table.
The creator also decided to paint a sign with a comic book theme for another student.
The sign painting process involved sanding, priming, and detailed comic strip artwork.
The laptop cover was customized with a nature-themed design and the student's name.
The creator's innovative approach to street art involved engaging directly with college students.
The project included a variety of painting techniques and materials, such as spray paint and acetone for cleaning.
The final products were well-received, leading to positive reactions and gratitude from the students.
The creator also gave away custom-painted headphones and a laptop to students at the library.
The project demonstrates the power of art in transforming spaces and personal items.
The creator's interactions with students were filmed for a YouTube video, showcasing the process and reactions.
The project involved a significant amount of time and effort, including planning, painting, and delivering the items.
The creator's approach to finding subjects involved approaching strangers and asking for their participation.
The project aimed to bring a positive change to students' living spaces through personalized artwork.
okay guys we're at a college campus
today I'm going to be walking around
asking college students if I can paint
their dorm let's see my goal is to get
like 3 or four people to let me inside
their dorm and if they let me inside I'm
going to ask if I can either paint their
walls or take an item from their dorm
home paint it and then bring it back to
them later you guys live here yeah yeah
can I paint your dorm room paint my dorm
room yeah no we're going to get a fe for
that can I paint your dorm uh no thanks
um well it's kind of a mess and we're
moving oh so no yeah no I'm sorry oh
that's okay I have a good one Maybe not
maybe not something that I do videos
where I rock a rock yeah oh I'm okay can
I paint your dorm no sorry I mean can I
paint your car paint it yeah no no I
pretty quickly realized even if they
wanted to let me in they probably
couldn't paint my dorm yeah paint it we
will get charged I'll pay the fee it's
okay I would recommend going like on
frat row and you could probably get no I
figured I'd take your advice and go the
fat houses to see if I had any better
luck can I see like some work you got or
like yeah you can see my YouTube channel
can we look can we tour that place
something want
yeah what goes on in here rituals and
stuff oh yeah rituals well more so like
see your uh Sigma then
fire oh
okay ah I wanted to film a video here
maybe I can customize that Stu huh do
you guys live here they want houses no
we don't oh ask people if I can paint
their dorm roof like a wall in there um
here that' be sweet cuz we're going to
be actually living in here next year oh
really yeah is is this a fat house these
are all cool cool let me go in and ask
and then um we we probably have a couple
guys come out okay yeah cool yeah yeah
our is just right here what up nice to
meet you Mar Luke oh what's going on
here you guys aren going to like attack
me or anything okay you guys just not
filming here is that chill oh the whole
Point's the video it's all for the video
what do you guys
F I'm looking for some
left what's your name Marco oh my name's
Marco too what the heck after they
showed me all around they took me to the
wall they wanted me to paint I mean we
have this like wall this wall yeah I be
I would be allowed to do it I guess they
also had a party that night so they told
me if I came back in the morning I can
get started is that where you guys are
living in that that yeah so we're about
to sign the lease for that room for like
all of next year oh dang so you're going
to look at this every day when you wake
up uh oh yeah yeah it's going to be uh
Tyler your name Brendon cool nice to
meet you thanks for uh you know letting
me in yeah we we'll stay in touch I'll
text you like some ideas I'm so EXC nice
to meet oh my gosh that could not have
been better actually I didn't know
that's what it was like inside of a frat
house I spent that night planning out my
design then I went back the next morning
to get to work yeah I'm Aiden by the way
nice to meet you nice to meet you Marco
sorry I wasn't here last night and I
didn't realize what a
mess the guy who let me inside's kind of
like the one I was talking to the whole
time he also got up early to let me in
that room so I could set up it was like
11:00 it was early for them yeah so this
is the wall I'm give to you yeah I mean
it's a good size for you huge yeah it's
perfect they also told me they wanted
like a big wave and a sun on the wall
and then also Kappa Alpha words on the
side which is the name of their like
Clan they also asked for a couple other
things but I don't think I added
everything Beach like girls
oh I don't know like the wall was also
kind of yellow so I sketched out the
wave with white and then I started
filling it in with blue also that room I
was in was kind of like the common area
of the whole place so there was just
people walking in and out all day the
weekend I was there was also a mom's
weekend so a bunch of them brought their
moms this is my mom that is the nicest
thing about this entire
building can you paint the entire
building also apparently at these fat
houses if you leave anything up on the
wall it'll just get taken right away
that's why so many of the walls are
painted cuz they can't like hang
anything up it'll get stolen after I had
the base colors of the wave I started
working on the sun oh that's so sick oh
you guys oh swe you you a little
breakfast burrito dude I'm good for now
thank you so much once the sun and the
wave were done I added Kappa Alpha on
the side and then I outlined that in
black and added a shadow behind it and I
was pretty much done they also asked me
to leave a little space on the side of
the wall they were going to add like
sorority house names but honestly the
rest of the wall looks really good all
that was left to do was to show them
yeah I cannot wait I [ __ ]
sweet oh my god dude thank you so much
than you guys're we're going to be
living in this exact room next our room
got a huge upgrade oh my God turn this
room from like the worst room in the
house to the best room in the house all
right guys full I'll see you
later thanks guys after we took some
pictures and I said my goodbyes it was
time to go to the next school to find
the next Player for my little game all
right we're at UCSD now we're going to
ask some more people uh oh excuse me
excuse me brother you know that guy oh
excuse me excuse
me they didn't even have headphones in
or anything excuse me excuse
me excuse
me I never experien the ignoring things
I also realized I would have better luck
asking people to paint their stuff
instead of asking to paint their walls
what about like an item from your dorm
can I take something and then I'm
talking I don't think I can help if I
beat you in chest can I paint your
house paintt my house like paint your
uh what do I get you get you I don't
know you get you can say you want excuse
me ask you question um do you live here
uh in a dorm I'm trying to find someone
who's uh willing to let me paint their
dorm or just like an item from your dorm
that you can give me for a couple days
I'll paint it and then give it back to
you like what kind of item could
literally be anything it could be like a
a desk a chair something under a
wall I mean I guess I can find something
could we do it now sure oh oh well great
what's your name uh Mimi Mimi Marco nice
to meet you oh she ended up just taking
us right to our dorm and she said she
had a couple things in mind for me to
paint here's the table if it's too big
I'll find something else smaller it's
kind of big I don't know if you want to
take that what what are the other
options she also gave me the option of
her purse or a laptop cover to paint you
would be fine with me painting that yeah
it's fine I'll do the laptop cover is
that fine yeah it's fine all right cool
thank you oh she's gone I know a laptop
covers a pretty simple item so before I
went all the way back home I wanted to
find another stranger to let me inside
so I can take both items back to the
warehouse and then get started that's
you guys obviously are the reason I'm
here doing this video I also 2 weeks ago
I went to Pennsylvania and I was asking
Amish people to paint their house so
that obviously did not work at all but
this is you know this is my second
option asking college kids this is the
this is option number two you guys
should let me know where you want me to
go next though cuz I think I you know
when you leave the is up to me it
obviously doesn't work out too well
sorry I'm on my way to
class did you live here yeah can I paint
your dorm room uh I don't think so what
about an item from your dorm room I
can't have it be like Furniture cuz like
oh what do you have in there then
otherwise uh any cool stuff do you want
to come see it yeah it's in the tower
let's go I want to see yeah let's see
what it is what's your name Leo Marco
nice nice to meet you this guy ended up
being so nice and he was already on the
way back to his dorm so he just brought
us up with him and showed us around the
whole place we've got some some art up
on the walls too we like all Drew
ourselves this is uh this is kind of
like homey it's homey we've done the
best we can with the space we have it's
pretty tight I don't know if you're
interested ining this but um I do have
it I don't know if it works for what
you're looking for no this is great
where'd you get you sold this no I found
it on the ground and it was uh it was
there and and
uh yeah but I didn't steal it that was
awesome that dude was so cool that guy
was so nice he was like a gave us a full
tour and everything we got the laptop
cover and this sign now I just have to
get to work I guess that guy was awesome
oh okay I got both items right there
it's pretty big he definitely stole it
also he also ended up calling me that
night and telling me what he wanted on
the sign he asked me to do like a comic
book theme with this girl this guy and
then 605 I also thought it was a good
idea to sand off the spot I was going a
paint but it kind of didn't work I'm
using acetone and rubbing it on here to
try to get it off I'm kind of scraping
it once it's soft this is going to take
a long time I ended up spending like an
hour and a half grinding the top of this
thing and then I spent another hour
sanding it so it was smooth and then I
took it outside and spray the whole
thing white okay now it's all white I'm
going to put this thing back up on the
wall and outline all the characters so I
can start filling those in with paint
after I had the outline done and I
started filling in the colors I was kind
of having like second thoughts about the
design I feel like this honestly happens
all the time where I think of something
better while I'm working on something
and then I can never end up liking the
design I'm working on cuz I know there's
like a better option this is all dry so
that's all dry but I kind of realized I
don't like it I ended up just respraying
the whole thing white and then I took it
upstairs and kind of just focused on
getting the sign done I think the
problem with the last one is none of the
things went together like they were all
on the sign but they didn't flow
together my new plan was to make like a
comic strip art and then have all the
things he asked for inside of that I
already love this way better than the
the last one the comic look is so cool
oh I feel so much better I spent the
rest of the night working on it and then
in the morning I finished up all the
little details all the black outlines
and then I started the black borders for
the comic strips this might have been
the best day of my life I love when I
peel off tape and it's like a perfect
line it's honestly the best feeling in
the world oh my gosh that's nice woo oh
my gosh no better feeling in the world
wow wow oh that's nice dude oh my go I'm
just going to go across this with like a
shaky hand so it looks a bit roughed up
once I go across the whole thing then I
can do the clear coat and I'll pretty
much be done this is definitely
something I would hang up in my own room
I honestly love the way it looks it
really has all the things he asked for
it has the comic strip art it has the
girl he asked for it has King DDD it
also has 605 it honestly just looks so
good all that was left to do was to
deliver it okay it's delivery day today
we're going to drive back up to UCSD
deliver this right now I am outside so
whenever you get oh there he is hey
don't look look okay I won't I won don't
even try to peek let's just go up there
I won't I'll take you I'll just follow
up from behind you okay how how you been
I'm good how are you good sorry it took
long oh holy [ __ ] oh my God that's
actually that is actually sick dude the
DDD the one only well I love the uh the
like darkening like burth did like a
it's supposed to be like a ripped off
comic page thank you bro I appreciate it
I love it this is awesome it up so much
better than I thought it wouldest I have
no idea still have a thing this it's
just so cool what is up with what's the
king DDD what's all that like what's
that all mean so we have a bit of a
smash um problem in this house uh where'
you actually get this um I there's a a
lot of construction that happens around
here and often times they like forget to
pick up all the stuff that they left
there when the SES are done after I said
my goodbyes it was time to go back to
the warehouse to work on Mimi's
laptop okay now we have to start the
MacBook cover i b my head so hard I
don't even know this is her is it her
busted MacBook cover I'm just kidding it
did have a crack in it though I asked
her what size her was and I just
reordered the same thing new white so I
don't know if you guys saw in her room
but she had like a bunch of posters up
on the wall I kind of thought it would
be cool to make the laptop cover look
like a poster I feel like it's also the
same shape as a poster and that's kind
of all she had in her room she also
texted me she likes nature and her
favorite color is blue so I kind of
wanted to do a bunch of flowers with
different shades of blue once all the
flowers were done I added a title and a
subtitle kind of like a real poster this
might be one of my favorite things I'm
not going to lie I don't know it looks
cool huh obviously what does it say up
there what I write I wrote blue flower
box because it kind of looks like a
flower that's blue and it's a box and
then I got her name right there Mimi and
at the bottom like a subtitle or
something I put University of California
San Diego pretty cool I think this looks
really good I did like a matte clear
coat once the cover was all done before
I went back to deliver it let me just
explain something cuz it's going to be
confusing if I don't I thought it would
be cool to also buy a real laptop and
headphones and then paint both of those
so I can go back to the school later and
go like in the library and find someone
using the public computer and then also
find someone wearing like wired
headphones and then give them the custom
new thing so before I went back to the
school I also painted the laptop I kind
of just did a simple design that
probably anyone would like and then on
the headphones I also did something
simple I did like a nature Leaf theme
these look awesome these look so cool
laptops all after I had everything done
I packed it all up and went to the
school to look for some people in the
library also if I look awkward and
nervous in these clips it's because I
was I didn't know what to say when I
walked up to these people I also like
had the camera like hidden I like stuck
it between books and the Shelf it just
felt weird but I got the job done excuse
me uh what's your name nice to meet you
Marco what are you watching I'm doing
some homework right now okay um are
those the only headphones you have yeah
do you like them
sort of yeah I use them all the time um
I have this as a gift actually yeah it's
you are are you read for real yeah open
up I painted them too I customized
them oh
wow these look nice yeah open them up
check them
out these are nice bro are they better
than the ones you have yeah totally
thank you yeah thank you too that
actually means a lot all right cool have
fun thank you have fun with homework
yeah see you
bye yo so I'm doing a video where I'm
just giving people stuff no you keep it
oh you you want to back no no it's
actually for you but I'm just telling
you I'm doing a video how's it going I'm
doing a video where I'm asking people
about the uh resources here at Cal State
cool did you borrow that laptop yes I
did did you borrow it from the library
um yes the um techn
Resource Center is it good yeah it
actually is pretty good is that your
main laptop yes it is I have a gift for
you you have a gift yeah holy frak laugh
off oh my
gosh you don't have to borrow that one
anymore open it up also I customized it
too you did I do like painting and art
and stuff so wa that's amazing I love it
thank you so much of course hopefully
that helps out permission to initiate
granted now all that was left to do is
go deliver Mimi's laptop cover and we're
done which also I think this is super
clean this I don't know if this is my
favorite item I'm between the laptop
cover and the sign I don't know which
one I like more but oh oh hey perfect
timing can we come in to deliver it yeah
how you been sorry took so long oh no
worries oh hey how's it going first of
all this for you that's your other one
oh I don't think I need that one yeah I
ordered a new one cuz yours had like
yeah I dropped it a couple times okay
well don't drw this one
I wow oh my
God this is so cute I painted all the
flowers on there but the it looks so
like professional it looks just like the
posters I have in my room that's
literally my goal that was my goal yeah
cuz I could put that there definitely an
upgrade I got a
aw holy heck
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