DeeBaby - Painful Visits ( Official Video )
TLDRCe script de vidéo semble décrire une chanson riche en émotions et en récits, mêlant des thèmes de fierté, de lutte, et de triomphe face aux adversités. Il évoque une vie marquée par des défis, depuis les confrontations dans le quartier jusqu'aux succès et reconnaissances dans l'industrie de la musique, soulignant un parcours de résilience et de victoire. L'artiste parle de garder ses amis proches et ses ennemis à l'écart, tout en naviguant dans le monde avec prudence et force. Les références à la richesse, aux conflits, et à l'amour propre se mêlent pour créer une narration puissante qui célèbre le passage de l'adversité à la prospérité.
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🎶 Lutte et Réussite
Ce paragraphe plonge dans une réflexion introspective sur le parcours d'un individu qui a connu de nombreuses luttes, évoquant des thèmes tels que la confrontation à la mort, la richesse, la trahison et la survie dans un environnement hostile. La narration, entrecoupée de références à la musique, décrit un cheminement personnel marqué par des épreuves, notamment des conflits et des défis personnels, tout en soulignant un sentiment de réussite malgré les obstacles. Le narrateur mentionne l'utilisation de substances, la gestion des relations toxiques et la transformation des épreuves en victoires. Les métaphores de guerre et de combat servent à illustrer la lutte constante pour la supériorité et la survie. La répétition de certaines lignes suggère un cycle de réflexion continue sur ces thèmes, soulignant l'importance de rester vigilant et déterminé face à l'adversité.
Quick to the graveyard, 6 in my front yard
Sipping green, I poing and I have mix
She so SPO, I pour for more
Stopped looking at the scoreboard, but now we up 10
Big old militia with the phases and cold wars
Keep squares out of your circle
Little up pictures off your busy wall
Platinum, they chose that overall
When life gives you twists and turns, you got to straighten it all
Put out the car full of my kin and drive straight
You never had to strip deep and squat in a cell
We going to kill them boys by winning
Made 50 racks, first day of the week
Went Hollywood, feel like I'm too rich
Say you love me not before I go on tour
Every champagne body you pop, we going to pop five more
keep that right there right
quick to the
graveyard 6 in my front yard J for
sipping green I poing and I have mix
with a some right now baby can't find no
all tell her no but she so SPO I pour
for more and make my so B some many
years I stop looking at the scoreboard
but now we up 10 probably plenty more
big old militia with the phes and cold
Wars that bad [ __ ] left you with a hot
dick in a cold s keep squ out of your
circle and your overall I pull up KN got
little up pictures off your busy wall
who said they hotter than my team cuz I
can't over already Platinum me they
chose that overall said they going to
kill me about one I
rock and right going straighten of all
when life give you twist and turns you
got to straighten it
all you got to straighten it all put out
the car full of my kids and D straight
he F that car with them things and Dr
straight want me to [ __ ] with my chain
when I'm taking them off I C her
reaching for her there's no point of
taking those off you ain't never had to
strip D and squatting and call you never
had to pay the C I would have take the
we going to kill them boys by winning I
buy [ __ ] catalog sell it for a couple
hundred, W breaking my do I made 50 RS
first day of the week Ain nothing to
talk about I just make my old [ __ ] [ __ ]
on my new [ __ ] I went Hollywood I feel
like I'm too rich CU so I proba need a
and I had seen do [ __ ] but let's go back
before before I had the C so thick this
[ __ ] here looking like motor so say you
love me not before I go on tour before I
hop on that Y and I say all the boy I
told you once or twice shouldn't be
three or four rap check just ride to my
bank so P another four every champagne
body you pop we going to pop five more
cuz everybody
in 6 in my yard J sipping green I pop
and I have me with a right now baby
can't find
no tell her no but she so SPO I pour for
more and make my so some many I stop
looking at the scoreboard but now we up
probably plenty more big old militia
withs and cold
4.7 / 5 (46 votes)

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