I Tried Japan's $2000 Lucky Bags Ft. Shibuya Kaho
TLDRJoin Connor and Kaho as they embark on an exhilarating hunt for Japan's coveted 'Lucky Bags,' an annual tradition where stores offer incredible value and surprise goodies. From fast food giants like McDonald's and KFC to beloved brands like Starbucks and Nintendo, the duo unboxes an array of these limited-edition bags, revealing an assortment of quirky merchandise, gaming consoles, anime figurines, and more. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of reactions, ranging from sheer delight to utter bewilderment, as they uncover the treasures (or disappointments) hidden within each bag, all while providing insightful commentary on Japanese culture and their personal experiences.
- 😄 The video features the unboxing and reviewing of various Japanese New Year 'lucky bags' containing random assortments of products and merchandise.
- 🎁 Some lucky bags, like those from McDonald's and Starbucks, offered good value with branded products and household items worth more than their cost.
- 🔥 The Gunpla (Gundam model kits) lucky bag from Yodobashi Camera was an impressive haul, containing multiple high-grade and master-grade kits worth significantly more than the bag's price.
- 🎮 One of the best deals was a Nintendo Switch lucky bag that included the console, games like Mario's Wonder and Pikmin 4, providing excellent value for the price paid.
- 🤩 The highlight was the AmiAmi anime figure lucky bag, featuring expensive and exclusive figures from popular franchises like Konosuba, Persona 5, and Bunny Girl Senpai, far exceeding the bag's cost.
- 🤑 Overall, the lucky bags demonstrated that in Japan, these offerings often provide genuine value and rare/limited items to consumers at a discounted price.
- 😅 Some bags, like KFC's, were less impressive, essentially just offering coupons and basic merchandise, failing to live up to the 'lucky bag' concept.
- 🤔 The unboxing showcased the excitement and suspense of not knowing what products would be revealed in each bag, adding to the appeal of this Japanese tradition.
- 📦 The video highlighted the care and attention to packaging and presentation given to even the most basic lucky bag items in Japan.
- 🇯🇵 The lucky bag phenomenon exemplifies Japan's unique consumer culture and the country's love for limited-edition, exclusive, and novelty products.
Q & A
What is the purpose of the video?
-The video showcases the presenter and a friend opening various 'lucky bags' or 'fukubukuro' purchased from different stores in Japan on New Year's Day, revealing and reviewing the contents.
Why are lucky bags popular in Japan?
-Lucky bags are a Japanese tradition where stores offer grab bags with mystery items at a discounted price, often containing products worth more than the cost of the bag itself. It's a way for stores to thank customers and clear inventory.
What were some of the notable lucky bags featured in the video?
-The video featured lucky bags from McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks, Yodobashi Camera (containing Gundam model kits and a Nintendo Switch bundle), and AmiAmi (containing high-quality anime figures).
How did the presenter feel about the McDonald's lucky bag?
-The presenter seemed pleased with the McDonald's lucky bag, describing the contents, including a tote bag, pencil case, cup, and alarm clock, as an "easy A-tier" or good value for the price.
What was the most expensive lucky bag featured, and what did it contain?
-The most expensive lucky bag was from AmiAmi, costing 30,000 yen (around $250). It contained four high-quality anime figures, including a highly sought-after and sold-out figure of the character Darkness from the series 'KonoSuba,' which alone was worth around $400 on the resale market.
How did the presenter react to the Darkness figure?
-The presenter was extremely excited and pleased with the Darkness figure, describing it as "the greatest thing I've ever bought in my life" and stating that Darkness is his favorite character from the series.
Why did the presenter seem surprised by the value of some lucky bags?
-The presenter seemed surprised by the high value of some lucky bags, especially the AmiAmi bag, as the retail value of the contents far exceeded the cost of the bag itself, making it an excellent deal.
What did the presenter think about the overall lucky bag experience?
-The presenter seemed very satisfied with the overall lucky bag experience, stating that they got better value compared to the previous year and that the lucky bag culture in Japan often results in getting good deals and products.
Were there any lucky bags that disappointed the presenter?
-While the presenter seemed pleased with most of the lucky bags, he expressed disappointment with the KFC bag, describing it as just an empty bag with a coupon and rating it as a "C or D tier" compared to the McDonald's bag.
What did the presenter plan to do with some of the lucky bag items?
-The presenter mentioned that he would keep some items for himself, such as the Nintendo Switch bundle and the Darkness figure, while offering to give away other items, like the Dragon Quest game, to his friend.
🛒 Opening McDonald's Lucky Bag from 2021
The video opens with the unboxing of a McDonald's lucky bag from 2021, containing various McDonald's-themed merchandise such as a tote bag, pencil case, plastic cup, and an alarm clock. The hosts express their delight with the quality and cuteness of the items, valuing the lucky bag as a good deal.
🍗 Unboxing KFC and Starbucks Lucky Bags
The hosts move on to unboxing a KFC lucky bag, which contains a red bag and coupons, deemed underwhelming compared to the McDonald's bag. Next, they open a Starbucks lucky bag, revealing travel mugs, tumblers, a mug, and a donut-shaped cushion. While appreciating some items, they find the overall value to be average.
⚔️ Exploring a Gunpla Lucky Bag
The video showcases the unboxing of a highly anticipated lucky bag from a popular Gunpla (Gundam plastic model) store. The bag contains an impressive array of Gunpla kits, including high-grade and master-grade models, as well as tools and accessories. The hosts are thrilled with the value and quality of the items, considering it a great deal for Gunpla enthusiasts.
🎮 Unraveling a Nintendo Switch Lucky Bag
The hosts excitedly open a lucky bag from a Nintendo retailer, revealing a brand-new red Mario-themed Nintendo Switch console and three games: Super Mario Wonder, Dragon Quest, and Pikmin 4. They are amazed by the incredible value of the bag, considering the high prices of the individual items.
🎌 Unveiling Anime Figure Lucky Bags
The video showcases the unboxing of an anime figure lucky bag from a popular store. The hosts are thrilled to discover high-quality figures from various popular anime series, including Persona 5, Quintessential Quintuplets, and KonoSuba. They express their delight with the rarity and value of the figures, especially the highly sought-after Darkness figure from KonoSuba.
📦 Closing Thoughts on Lucky Bag Unboxing
In the closing segment, the hosts reflect on their overall experience with unboxing various lucky bags. They express their satisfaction with the value and quality of the items received, particularly praising the incredible anime figure lucky bag. They encourage viewers to participate in the lucky bag culture in Japan and suggest revisiting the experience next year.
💡Lucky Bags
💡Anime Figures
💡Nintendo Switch
This is actually very cute no no yeah okay let's have a look then I'm, loving you, so cute okay I actually kind of like, that right right and it's a pration it's, not just McDonald's look at the back, there a collaboration between cool man, you're going to grill it's a perfect, collaboration yeah it's great yeah no, this is no this is great this is good, yeah actually I mean weirdly enough this, is a very high quality to it's really, cute right okay but the design nice yeah,
I don't think if, I I like the tote bag I'll say it I, think it's all right that's not a bad, product that's not the only one would, you like to op it sure what what this, someone has cherished this for 3 years,
You know this is why in Japan a lot of, the times when you go to places and it's, like oh it's lightly used you're like oh, an America that would mean it's, basically like broken but in Japan it's, like all right there's like one scratch, on the plastic wrapper and you're like, what press in condition
Okay so it's a, McDonald's pencil case we got a, Coleman's and McDonald's branded plastic, cup and you can choose between Hawai Ino, and AO wait there was multiple people, who had these bags what why this one, looks like a cup for a kid MacDonald's, here and a CO one on the back yeah I, mean it's um it's a plastic cup C this,
I'm excited about this is pretty cool, this is a McDonald's clock I think this, is kind of cute oh wow oh it's an alarm, clock too what does it go it go wake up, get a cheeseburger there is, it okay that's pretty good that's how, you wake up,
Too okay actually that's pretty good I'm, too Ling this has implications for me as, a consumer of products but I think it's, pretty cool I think I think I would, never want to eat McDonald's if I work, up to this if I could get it back in, 2021 I could also get the 3,000 yen, coupon she she' basically get McDonald's, yeah like three McDonald's meals and all, this cool stuff yes I'm guessing you're, going to keep this I'd have to can I, yeah you know what I I like that one a, lot if we're doing tier lists of the bag, that's an easy a tier
So next one is, also fast food it's not as popular as, McDonald's here but you get asked about, that place a lot around Christmas people, ask you yes yes that that is it I didn't, have the Japanese Christmas meal but do, you want to show the viewers one,
Kentucky, chicken this is the whole bag the, Kentucky New Year 2024 what on Earth, could the colonel be giving to us let's, find out what is SEC what is what is, this this is it that's it for the March, what this is it and here's a coupon oh, my God but you can you have to use it, before, April,
Okay so it came with this PL uh red bag, oh there's something else in there what, is that just hey download the app, there's another coupon you have a, discount coupon to get it's not the best, ones though but this is the bag that, came with it it's a fine bag yeah but, compared to McDonald's and what the, McDonald's tote bag is so much better, than this I mean it's just like night, and day if you're a KFC fan this is I'm,
Sure this is very exciting I mean look, how look how the colonel looks so happy, there and they're the long nine in a, actually yes and then this special, ticket so you can have a free biscuit or, two pach chickens oh my God but you, cannot keep it until Christmas though, you have to use it this is a lot of food,
Actually why do they put the holes in, the biscuit here oh I don't know that's, weird another biscuit you think it's a, sexual, statement you think they want to the, biscuit cahoe is that what you're, implying I think this one is okay you're, basically paying MH for a gift card but,
A gift card that's worse because you can, only buy these items you can't get, anything I just don't know who I would, buy this for it's an empty bag pretty, much that's it there's nothing else in, it if McDonald's had came after this, perhaps we would have been we would have, thought this was okay but after seeing, McDonald's they've just beaten KFC again,
Like they always do I think this one is, a C or D tier I totally agree oh okay do, you want the bag do you like to keep the, bag for your friends gu yeah okay I'll, keep the bag is you like to keep the, coupon P you never know yeah I just want,
To hear this one more time just so I, know what sounds, [Music], like this is so much better than, KFC so so far we have two boxes around, the same price vastly different quality, we feel so why don't we upgrade okay a,
Little bit it's still food price okay, okay well a little more pricier okay, what brand is it this time what do you, think it is international I think, everyone knows but uh other British, maybe you're not fan of brand Burger, King, what is this what a Starbucks Starbucks,
Oh God Japan is obsessed with Starbucks, this is like all March both secret March, we all get the same bag but inside of, the bag is different and no coupon well, yeah get into it get into it oh my God, the bag is nice though right I like to, pick this cute pink is it like a travel, cap oh yeah it is yeah oh wow that's,
that's how you wake up too another you
think it's a sexual
statement # reuse and respect oh z g z g
that is yeah you see it all huh yeah you
could really get everything you want out
this as we all know Japan is absolutely
obsessed with GAA so much so that every
single year they sell fukubukuro or in
English just lucky bags and I know
exactly what you're thinking all of
these lucky bags are normally scams
however no in Japan often the these
lucky bags are worth more than the price
you pay for them the reason why they're
often such good value is that often
stores do this once a year and they are
very limited normally a way to thank the
customers and so obviously me and Kaho
went down to akih harra to grab as many
of these lucky boxes as we could and
nearly bankrupting me in the process so
let's find out what's inside last time
we did this we did get some cool stuff
we also got some really really bad stuff
with that laptop actually down which I
actually broke oh my god wow he heavy oh
my God wait wait wait you smashed it
smashed it up yeah look at the keyboard
it's like yeah the keyboard didn't break
it's pretty much fold because it was
already like a second day of the new
year like January second or third I
didn't go out on the first day but I did
go out on the first day of the year
before 8 a.m. like 7:30 around 7 you're
dedicated you should it's it's my
channel you don't have to care you
should turn up at like 1:00 p.m. deal
yeah okay and in case you don't believe
me he kahoe explaining how hard it is to
just even get one of these lucky bags
some of the lucky bags they already
tasting your neck with Raffles like you
have to win the raffle to get the item
and some I couldn't get but yeah I could
get the
2021 Happy New Year I got red pants so I
can fix it at 2024 starting with a
rather unusual lucky bag one from
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want to miss out on this back to the
video it cost us 3,000 yen for that
lacky back at the time okay with 37 Yen
coupon now minus the coupons I could get
it at Half Price 1,500 so some guy just
had this in his house for 3 years in the
in the original bag I got it in ad M why
did he why why would someone just have
this in their house for 3 years it's
like a retro game you know you keep it
for a while I'm not keeping a McDonald's
bag in my house for 3 years this is
insane it's actually very cute no no
yeah okay let's have a look then I'm
loving you
so cute okay I actually kind of like
that right right and it's a pration it's
not just McDonald's look at the back
there a collaboration between cool man
you're going to grill it's a perfect
collaboration yeah it's great yeah no
this is no this is great this is good
yeah actually I mean weirdly enough this
is a very high quality to it's really
cute right okay but the design nice yeah
I don't think if
I I like the tote bag I'll say it I
think it's all right that's not a bad
product that's not the only one would
you like to op it sure what what this
someone has cherished this for 3 years
you know this is why in Japan a lot of
the times when you go to places and it's
like oh it's lightly used you're like oh
an America that would mean it's
basically like broken but in Japan it's
like all right there's like one scratch
on the plastic wrapper and you're like
what press in condition okay so it's a
McDonald's pencil case we got a
Coleman's and McDonald's branded plastic
cup and you can choose between Hawai Ino
and AO wait there was multiple people
who had these bags what why this one
looks like a cup for a kid MacDonald's
here and a CO one on the back yeah I
mean it's um it's a plastic cup C this
I'm excited about this is pretty cool
this is a McDonald's clock I think this
is kind of cute oh wow oh it's an alarm
clock too what does it go it go wake up
get a cheeseburger there is
it okay that's pretty good that's how
you wake up
too okay actually that's pretty good I'm
too Ling this has implications for me as
a consumer of products but I think it's
pretty cool I think I think I would
never want to eat McDonald's if I work
up to this if I could get it back in
2021 I could also get the 3,000 yen
coupon she she' basically get McDonald's
yeah like three McDonald's meals and all
this cool stuff yes I'm guessing you're
going to keep this I'd have to can I
yeah you know what I I like that one a
lot if we're doing tier lists of the bag
that's an easy a tier so next one is
also fast food it's not as popular as
McDonald's here but you get asked about
that place a lot around Christmas people
ask you yes yes that that is it I didn't
have the Japanese Christmas meal but do
you want to show the viewers one
chicken this is the whole bag the
Kentucky New Year 2024 what on Earth
could the colonel be giving to us let's
find out what is SEC what is what is
this this is it that's it for the March
what this is it and here's a coupon oh
my God but you can you have to use it
okay so it came with this PL uh red bag
oh there's something else in there what
is that just hey download the app
there's another coupon you have a
discount coupon to get it's not the best
ones though but this is the bag that
came with it it's a fine bag yeah but
compared to McDonald's and what the
McDonald's tote bag is so much better
than this I mean it's just like night
and day if you're a KFC fan this is I'm
sure this is very exciting I mean look
how look how the colonel looks so happy
there and they're the long nine in a
actually yes and then this special
ticket so you can have a free biscuit or
two pach chickens oh my God but you
cannot keep it until Christmas though
you have to use it this is a lot of food
actually why do they put the holes in
the biscuit here oh I don't know that's
weird another biscuit you think it's a
statement you think they want to the
biscuit cahoe is that what you're
implying I think this one is okay you're
basically paying MH for a gift card but
a gift card that's worse because you can
only buy these items you can't get
anything I just don't know who I would
buy this for it's an empty bag pretty
much that's it there's nothing else in
it if McDonald's had came after this
perhaps we would have been we would have
thought this was okay but after seeing
McDonald's they've just beaten KFC again
like they always do I think this one is
a C or D tier I totally agree oh okay do
you want the bag do you like to keep the
bag for your friends gu yeah okay I'll
keep the bag is you like to keep the
coupon P you never know yeah I just want
to hear this one more time just so I
know what sounds
like this is so much better than
KFC so so far we have two boxes around
the same price vastly different quality
we feel so why don't we upgrade okay a
little bit it's still food price okay
okay well a little more pricier okay
what brand is it this time what do you
think it is international I think
everyone knows but uh other British
maybe you're not fan of brand Burger
what is this what a Starbucks Starbucks
oh God Japan is obsessed with Starbucks
this is like all March both secret March
we all get the same bag but inside of
the bag is different and no coupon well
yeah get into it get into it oh my God
the bag is nice though right I like to
pick this cute pink is it like a travel
cap oh yeah it is yeah oh wow that's
very cute oh yeah damn look at that and
very a Japanese size right yeah and it's
Sakura as well so often I find it quite
hard to find a reasonably size travel
cup cuz obviously in America they're
quite big but true in Japan and it could
be good for soup too yeah I didn't think
about having soup in it well that's cool
damn that actually looks really good
quality as well so so far pretty decent
uh what's this then H another tumra oh
my God yeah it is another tum design
hasht reuse in respect okay I guess I'll
I'll reuse it that's that's like me with
my content reuse and respect I I don't
know what the design is it look like
coffee here I think yeah coffee beans
here like doves or something it's okay
okay wow all right two all right what
else we got in here let's got this too
and you got that what's that oh is that
you are here collection oh wait it's a
Japanese mag it's huge oh very we said
Japan okay I have one of these actually
not this one Japan Starbucks does this
thing where every single prefecture has
their own cup design based on the
prefectual history and culture and I
have the o one oh cool so it's got a
bunch of like hot springs on it it just
say Japan generic yeah Japan spring it
just say spring now I'm starting to
piece it together I think we're getting
the unused or unsold goods and they're
putting it in a box but this would
normally cost like 2,000 y oh that's
truee I think it's quite expensive
normally I also have another reuse and
respect oh wa that's cute look like a
milk jar oh W what is this so you don't
have to just like put everything onto
your face you can just noly sip do you
pour everything onto your face normally
car is that how you do it you just like
ah so we have a mug yes this and this
and then we have have one more item and
the bag I guess yay Donuts it's just a
regular donut it's like the Grays right
with Grays you see a little bit gray
here Oh you mean like the shading yeah
but it's just a dut you can put it on it
no under your ass that's what there is
ha there is it's not six show no I know
I know I know I know but I I feel like a
donut for buying this 8,000 Yen and we
the back too so and you know pretty good
the bag's pretty good to be fair I
actually like the bag more than anything
else but um I don't really care for
having a I mean that's too small for a b
guess not just for your butt caho why is
it always yeah I think you put it
anywhere oh yeah it doesn't say anything
about BS I don't think they normally say
anything about bucks you made that up
you decided this well well there are a
lot of cushions like for bottom like
this right I know I know but I think it
should happen to be a donut you know no
that's true I okay do you want any of
these K by the way cuz I have three now
by the way so if you actually want one
feel free to take one if I just lived
alone and I spent 8,000 Yen on this I'd
be like like why do I have three this is
for my gym and this is for picnic and I
don't know I mean I like this design cuz
I think you can drink coffee out of this
you can work and this is more for like I
guess whatever liquid you want to keep
cool or hot this these are for like old
gender I can see why they probably
didn't sell as well as the other stuff
cuz it it's kind of
like yeah weirdly though this is my
favorite item the bag I actually don't
mind that I would give that a high C or
low B what would you put it see I'm
excited about some of the products not
all of them care about the boxes or my
OCD is kiding me like I'll do it quickly
I just put them away and C was dying
whenever we do these videos I'm like
throw it away we'll get on to the next
thing C was like please this is the
reason why we can get like Mario 64 in
box it's because of people like Kaho who
put everything away and store it
properly thank you Kaho what's the next
price so I went to Y the Bashi and there
was a hum mon long ass 9 in front of
yashi before 8:00 a.m. is everyone
waiting for the lucky box how long do
you have to wait for this like 1 hour
less than 1 hour that's still a long
time to wait for a box all right well
let's see it let's get it out oh my God
this will the one okay wait wait so I'm
seeing a theme on both of these boxes
this one is a games video games Nintendo
switch this one is gum yes wow okay and
it's guaranteed to have Master Grade in
there says on top all right well let's
start with the gumla then and then we'll
get into this other one so people are
lining up for this yes is that because
the reputation is generally that you're
always going to get some pretty good
stuff yes they make it a different kinds
you C you know the Bas humongous it's
very tall huge like seven stories all
right there we go y this is so crazy
Japan try not to package something
insanely well oh my God okay that's
a that's so many stuff you can have gump
a stream Corner let's just start pulling
stuff out yeah there's a ton of tools on
the top I remember that they have tools
too yeah this is basically a gump begin
a kit at this point erasers and yeah
some board I'm pretty sure a lot of your
viewers going to recognize oh is this a
sending tool yes definitely different
kinds wait so this is like a full kit so
you have the you have the mat as well to
build it I love the name of this one
godand godand is that the brand name it
just keeps saying godand as well
randomly on it godand uh and then we
have so many gum in here wait is this
another tool wait this is my
favorite for all the W of streamers and
YouTubers out there make Tik Tok videos
you have to have good lighting when
building your gum okay let's start
looking at the gum we have five gumla in
total that came with this I don't know
any of these so if you know anything
please tell me these are as well oh wow
so many oh my gosh this one by far has
got to be the big boy oh wow this oh Z
Gundam Z Gundam wow this is the Gundam
right this is Gundam right Gundam
already there are so many different
kinds of Gundam this is one of the
Gundams one of the 5,000 Gundams well
this is what you get for 20,000 yen
which I think is a great deal cuz I just
actually had to look at some of the
prices online in Japan selling for
$7,000 Yen so about $50 obviously
America these prices would be a lot
higher and these are around what 3,000
4,000 Yen each a friend of mine who is
obsessed with gumpla assures me that
this is pretty good value and these are
all high grades which is kind of if I'm
not mistaken Gundam fans please don't
kill me there's different grades to
Gundams which generally means the
different sizes the Gundams come in so
these are high grades which are kind of
like the beginner level and this is a
Master Grade which is like one step up
and a bit higher I kind of wish I was
into gum more I've built two or three
gumer in my life really uh it's just
kind of stressful it's super relaxing
you have to be meticulous a lot of
things yeah because it's like a it's
like building a giant Lego right sorry
gum fans you build the Lego and then
sometimes you're looking at the manual
and you're like oh I got to put this
piece here but I've done something wrong
and now I have to figure out what I've
done wrong and I have to spend the next
3 hours trying to fix it and that's
where I get really stressed out but it
is fun building it it's very relaxing
dude this guy's thick why is he so dummy
thick It's Kind like a
Lamborghini look how dummy thick this
guy no no look at the back look at the
booty on this one I understand why
Gundam fans are in into this now I think
I would put this in s tier or a tier if
you're a gumpla fan I mean you're
getting a bain and it's surprise you can
surprise yourself yeah I kind of like
the idea of being like hey I don't know
what I want to build I just want to
build something and it's also a good way
to get into Gundam more because you know
now Gundam Seed new movies coming out
but there's so many different Gundams
it's really hard to get in I've always
wanted to be more knowledgeable about
Gundam but there's just too many things
to watch and I don't know where to begin
and everyone has a different opinion
however what I do have an opinion on is
that this is pretty good value for money
all right let's put it back in the box
neatly so is happy yeah so that I don't
freak out all right so we just had an
absolute Banger of a box y Bashi camera
so far very very very happy with the
first been why there is a long nine with
a long nine now I'm starting to
understand why people are going shopping
on the first this makes a lot of sense
this is the Nintendo switch box and you
just told me there's a full Nintendo
switch in here and games it's a March I
actually wanted another Nintendo switch
genuinely I got the very first Nintendo
switch model and it's definitely
struggling so this is perfect um sorry
if you wanted that the Nintendo switch
no we see the Carter don't like the cter
maybe it's cuz Zelda and you're not
really into Zelda I love Zelda who
doesn't love Zelda who doesn't love
Zelda Kaho tell me one person that's
true all right are you ready to see
what's inside are 45,000 Yen Lucky
Box oh my God we got the Mario version
of the Nintendo switch which is red and
we also got wow oh Mario game wait we
got a brand new one oh wow wa this is a
Super Mario Wonder this is the new one
that just came out then we also got
oh hey it's Dragon Quest oh Dragon Quest
which I know that you're a big fan of I
mean everyone knows the Dragon Quest in
Japan we're not too big into Dragon
Quest in the western world but it's
becoming more popular now and the final
game that we got as well is Pikmin 4
what the heck this is the Mario Red
version of the switch which actually I
don't think is being sold much anymore
on Amazon it's listed in Japan for
38,000 Yen and you paid 45,000 for this
box that means you paid 7,000 yen for
these three games which is great value
because this game right now is like
7,000 yen this is just a like a pretty
good deal like if you wanted to get a
switch this would be the best starter
kit for it thanks kah thanks for getting
me thanks man I didn't know I needed
this a thank you can keep the McDonald's
B you can keep the Box yeah you can keep
the uh yeah here you go yeah you can get
you can have this I'll take I'll take
all of this actually you got the alarm
clock right that's cool yeah that's
Prett cool actually you can have dragon
chist on Dragon CH is the wonderful
franchise it's Square do you have this
game I don't well now you have this game
this is s tier again oh really oh wow
for the fact that you get actual good
value of stuff like it's very expensive
but you know you're getting an OLED
switch you know you're going to get two
good games two and a half good games no
I'm I'm I'm joking I'm joking you know
you're going to get three game I mean
it's just great next year we definitely
have to get everything that they have
yashi camera two s tiers from yashi
camera wow I'm actually really Blown
Away we have not been scammed so far I
feel like we've had value with the
amount of money that we spent I went for
the name of the company too okay they
shouldn't disappoint us because you're
the Bashi Starbucks McDonald's yeah not
not some
guyra yeah on 15 iPhone 12 cases that
wasn't even iPhone 12 or iPhone 11 it
was iPhone 5 yeah and he had a bunch of
the old iPhone cable not lightning the
one before it which if you I mean it's
been like 10 years since I've seen that
thing but we do have one more big boy
box right yes that's the amyamy Box the
one that you saw earlier in this video
that we went and collected even though
it's not as expensive as the other boxes
it does promised to be nearly 70,000 Yen
worth of value about $500 oh my God oh
my God okay yeah you got it you got it
you got it you got it come on
come this is definitely bigger than last
year and it only has four figurings you
standing up when this is on the table is
at the same height this is actually
ridiculous so I think we should do what
we did last year where I open it up and
one by one you surprise me with what's
in the box and hopefully I react
positively to what we get obviously I
love amami sometimes don't love the
figures that they give us but they are
very nice and honestly my favorite store
to go and get anime figures in this is
my favorite part of doing this by the
way I
love love using a box cutter all right K
what do we have in there does it look
good does it look promising wow this is
one is humongous oh my God okay so I got
three anime and one from game okay two
are from manga one is from game and
another one is from light Noble okay
let's do the secret one first all right
in this box we have oh my God I just saw
it it's Persona 5 oh my God I actually
haven't played persona but I've always
been asked many times to play it this is
I think a very nice figure though let's
open this bad boy I'll be very careful
so I can give this away I saw varying
prices online when I looked at this one
just now and it's going for roughly
around 20,000 yen this is not a cheap
figure by any means this is like $150
figure at minimum figure opening
asmo W all right so we have a base all
right that's good says Morana car which
I haven't played Persona 5 so I actually
don't know there's a face change that
you can do so we could change it to we
could change it to other face maybe we
should oh god what have I done oh my God
no no what have to a the forehead no oh
my God it comes with the gun or the axe
and obviously we have the little hat
that it comes with oh wow big oh my God
that's very detailed I like that that I
think that looks pretty cool should we
try the other hand on as well and I'm
sure all the Persona fans are jealous
punching the air that I don't really
fully appreciate this figure but either
way it's very nice I like this one I
like this one it's a popular show it's a
popular game all right so we just had a
pretty good Persona figure so far so
good I'm kind of scared about the light
novel character cuz that could be as
enough I love this show so much uh it's
not my favorite girl I don't know if you
have even a favorite girl okay out of
five let's open
five oh my great s Queen trap Japan
loves this show so much love the show so
much I know that every single arcade
ever in Japan this show for some reason
just dominates for like the past three
years i' I've seen nothing but these
damn ws and I haven't watched the show
yeah this is
ich oh maybe she's my type then
actually they're all the same age though
wait how is she older then oh like
minutes apart oh my God does she have
the older energy I she there she Dan
okay well then I most likely like it
then this is listed at 18,800 Yen oh
okay I love it when they add textures to
the base cuz I feel like it's just such
a nice TP it often goes underappreciated
wow the quality of this figure is so
good yes I like the texture and like
look at the details on the coat on the
back as well and on the side so much
detail you can feel the air God I wish
you brought me a coffee we've already
got more than we would have paid for
this so definely this box cost 30,000
yen in half of the Box already we've
already made our value this is crazy is
she the most popular I want to say so no
I guess my girl is probably the most
popular girl because she had her like
you say my girl my girl most popular
well let's get on to the next figure all
right so we've had extreme value so far
I'm very happy with it I yeah I feel
like you've we you've found some amazing
boxes so this is just bonus now there
are only two more I'm just going to go
with smaller one this is known is from
Shen jampo Okay shonan jump I like
shonan and quite um sexual I might oh oh
really I mean it can't be that bad right
well let's see okay we show better this
not just trouble it's not just trouble
it's trouble Darkness oh my God yeah
that is that is definitely sexual that
is definitely sexy are you a big fan of
tavu or oh I like the art okay that's
the normally the correct response uh do
you want to open this up and let's have
a look at it yeah it's going for around
200,000 Yen potentially the most
expensive figure we had all day oh my
Lord wow look at the bag oh my God oh my
God can you show that on YouTube uh well
we'll try we'll try that's so
heavy oh my Lord that is yeah you see it
all huh wow yeah you could really get
everything you want out of this this is
really sharp what the heck wow you
feeling the bud you it's here it's here
oh okay okay okay and the crow here oh
wow wow wow it Hearts oh my God that's
actually super short um yeah her her is
good she's very attractive I would say
she's totally like a mil type so I guess
it could be your type I don't know I
think whatever this is is my type uh how
old is she though well she's saub oh
okay well there we go perfect I feel
degenerate showing this but hey it's
beautiful and 20,000 yen so my goodness
I think they've over promised on the
value so far like this is this is a lot
of value and we have the biggest box
don't you forget it this is a nice
figure and it's got a really nice base I
like the fact they've used her hair no
dress dress as the base here this is
nice it's hard not to look look at the
feet this this is the kind of figure
where I would have this in my living
room my mom would walk in she'd be like
oh oh we have um we have that do we all
right so we're going to move on to the
final box of today uh and I'm excited
see you said it's the biggest one right
yes that's the light novel why is the
light novel one the biggest one what is
happening it sounds like a tectronic
plate inside of the Box oh my God I can
actually fit inside the Box oh my God we
found a new home there you go Connor I
don't know if it's your wife all right
can I I up the show yes it's Goa oh oh
no way wait is it Darkness it's
Darkness wait darkness is my favorite
oh when you said it was big I thought
it's got to be a bunny costume cuz they
always make the bunny costumes for some
reason so big and amyamy somehow this is
truly the best gift you've ever bought
this is yes look at that oh my God look
at the expression her facial expression
so precious a beautiful Crusader with a
strong sense of justice last time I feel
like we got some good figures but we
didn't get any from shows that I really
loved and I love koruba and darkness
always is my favorite girl nice wa look
at that what the heck is that sorry this
isn't Mount Rushmore what the hell this
is haboobs I I thought I'd just opened
up Everest that's not how big they are
in the show I swear oh my God I'm such a
degenerate that I want this in my house
this is stay this is stay it goes for
25,000 Yen 25,000 Yen yeah but it's
unavailable so you can't actually buy
this anymore so the resales of this are
on a lot of eBay are like 400 USD wow um
oh there's two versions of this this is
the bare leg version as we can see there
is another one that has tights that one
is sold out obviously I think tights are
quite popular with certain demographics
like more pigment I guess more painting
yeah so oh my God I mean my God there's
mountains back and front I think if this
was life siize you'd be climbing this is
so heavy as well this is so ridiculously
heavy but it's probably the greatest
thing I've ever bought in my life so I'm
thank you this is amazing darkness is my
favorite girl from I don't care about
her anymore gone I'm waking up in the
morning make a coffee she's there that's
what it's all about looks a little tight
you this is like I think they did her
dirty I think her that should be
covering a little more of a bot but it
is amazing oh my Lord damn the fact that
this box costs 30 ,000 Yen when very
much clearly at least the stuff that we
got in our box is could be worth retail
at about 100,000 Yen uh which is about
700 USD no wonder just just sold out
more than one son like immediately I'm
not surprised that they're selling out
every single year I think we we even
lucky that we can get our hands on this
cuz this is insane value obviously
amyamy s tier I have to move the I have
to move yabashi camera down to a just
because this is such a clear S I guess
that's been all of our lucky boxes let
us know C how was your box well it's
like all empty now and yeah you know
what it can fit me actually okay well
maybe if someone is very lucky they
they'll get a cahoe lucky box with a
inside oh my God it can actually fit you
cooe damn oh my go but that's been all
of our lucky bags I think we definitely
got a better collection than last year
we had some amazing gifts especially
from the cheaper side even the
McDonald's one was really fun all the
way to the amazing figures that we got
definitely think that I'm a fan of this
lucky B culture in Japan it seems that
you often just get good stuff so Japan
keep doing what you're doing keep making
lucky bags that are actually lucky I
feel lucky I didn't know I needed this
in my life but now I do and I can't live
without it but thank you so much for
watching hope you enjoyed and make sure
to go subscribe uh for more content and
let us know if we should do this again
next year and get more amazing lucky
bags I know I want to I'm going to go
play my switch now and
watch I knew you have been playing s
games so I know to go get Corner
probably doesn't new I need another
switch I need Darkness needs her own
switch okay so we're both going to go
play games now all right well thank you
for watching go subscribe bye
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