Avadh Mein Raghurai

Hansraj Raghuwanshi
15 Jan 202404:37


TLDRThe script is a vibrant and devotional narrative centered around the revered figure of Lord Ram. It celebrates his victorious return to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana, signifying the triumph of good over evil. The lyrics invoke the auspiciousness of Lord Ram's name and the divine protection it offers. The script also alludes to the spiritual significance of Lord Ram's rule in Ayodhya, promising a golden era of righteousness and peace. The celebratory tone is further enhanced by the mention of Diwali, the festival of lights, symbolizing the joyous occasion of Ram's homecoming. The narrative concludes with a resounding affirmation of the eternal truth and the promise of Lord Ram's reign, inspiring devotion and reverence among the listeners.


  • 🎶 The script appears to be lyrics from a devotional song or musical piece, focusing on the themes of victory and celebration.
  • 🏰 It mentions 'Ayodhya', suggesting a connection to the epic Ramayana and its central figure, Lord Ram.
  • 👑 There is a reference to 'Raghuraj', possibly alluding to Lord Ram's rule or the ideal kingdom he represents.
  • 🎉 The lyrics speak of a grand welcome ('स्वागत') to Ayodhya, indicating a significant event or arrival.
  • 🙏 There are repeated calls to chant 'Ram', which is a common practice in Hindu devotion ('Jap') to invoke the blessings of Lord Ram.
  • 🕊️ The mention of 'Sarayu' and 'Chand' could be references to the river Sarayu, associated with Lord Ram, and 'Chand' (moon) as a symbol of peace and tranquility.
  • 🏆 The script talks about overcoming adversaries, possibly symbolizing the victory of good over evil.
  • 🌟 It emphasizes the eternal nature of Lord Ram and his role in the spiritual realm ('sanatan dharam' - eternal righteousness).
  • 👑 The phrase 'Raj Karenge Ram' suggests a reign of Lord Ram, indicating a period of peace and righteousness.
  • 🎇 The script concludes with a festive note, mentioning Diwali (the festival of lights) and a celebration of Lord Ram's victory and return.
  • 🕊️ The overall message is one of triumph, devotion, and the enduring legacy of Lord Ram in the cultural and religious fabric of India.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the script?

    -The central theme of the script is the celebration of Lord Ram's victory and his return to Ayodhya, emphasizing the triumph of good over evil.

  • Who is described as having a chariot of victory?

    -Lord Ram is described as having a chariot of victory (रघुराई सोने का रथ), symbolizing his successful campaign against evil forces.

  • What does the phrase 'बोलो राम राम राम बोलो राम राम बोलो' signify?

    -The phrase 'बोलो राम राम राम बोलो राम राम बोलो' is a chant or prayer that calls upon Lord Ram, emphasizing devotion and the repetition of his name as a form of worship.

  • How is the victory of Lord Ram described in the script?

    -The victory of Lord Ram is described as a significant and auspicious event (बड़ी शुभ ये खबर), with his triumph over demons and the liberation of the world from evil.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'रघुनंदन का नाम ये धरती होगी'?

    -The phrase 'रघुनंदन का नाम ये धरती होगी' signifies that the name of Lord Ram (Raghunandan) will be eternally remembered and revered on this earth, symbolizing the lasting impact of his deeds.

  • What event is being prepared for in the script?

    -The script describes preparations for the grand welcome of Lord Ram in Ayodhya (होना राम का अयोध्या में है का स्वागत), indicating a celebration of his return and victory.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'सनातन धर्म सनातन धाम'?

    -The phrase 'सनातन धर्म सनातन धाम' refers to the eternal religion and righteous path, highlighting the scriptural and moral values that Lord Ram represents.

  • Who is expected to rule in Ayodhya according to the script?

    -According to the script, Lord Ram is expected to rule in Ayodhya (राम यहां पर राज करेंगे राम), establishing a kingdom of righteousness and virtue.

  • What does the script suggest about the nature of truth and falsehood?

    -The script suggests that there are false narratives (झूठे सत्य) about Lord Ram, but his true and eternal nature (रघुनंदन का नाम) will be upheld by the saints and sages on earth.

  • How is the celebration of Lord Ram's victory depicted in the script?

    -The celebration of Lord Ram's victory is depicted through the imagery of Diwali (दीवाली), with the lighting of lamps (दीप जलाएंगे) and the joyous atmosphere of the festivities.

  • What is the emotional tone of the script?

    -The emotional tone of the script is one of triumph, joy, and reverence, as it celebrates the victory of Lord Ram and the establishment of righteousness.



🎶 Musical Praise of Lord Rama and His Victory 🎶

This paragraph is a vivid depiction of the celebration and praise of Lord Rama's victory and return to Ayodhya. It begins with a musical note indicating the start of a song or chant. The content is filled with devotional lyrics that glorify Lord Rama's triumph over evil, symbolized by the defeat of Ravana and other demons. The lyrics express the joy of the divine event, with Lord Rama's chariot arriving in Ayodhya, and the city welcoming him with open arms. The narrative includes the mention of Lord Rama's righteous battle against the demons, the vanquishing of Ravana, and the overall theme of good triumphing over evil. The paragraph concludes with a reaffirmation of Lord Rama's rule in Ayodhya and a call for celebration with Diwali and other festivities. The use of repeated phrases like 'Ram bolo' and 'Ram karja' emphasizes the devotion and the call to action for Lord Rama's followers to celebrate his victory and remember his teachings.


Ram's Divine Birth and Significance
Exile and Trials
Battle of Lanka
Return and Coronation
Ram and His Journey
Characters and Their Roles
Dharma and righteousness
Devotion and Faith
Victory of Good over Evil
Sacrifice and Duty
Themes and Messages
Festivals and Celebrations
Impact on Society
Cultural and Religious Significance
Hindu Mythology and Spirituality



The term 'Mangal' in the context of the script refers to auspiciousness or good fortune, which is a common theme in Indian culture. It is often associated with the beginning of any good work or event. In the script, it signifies the positive and holy essence of the message being conveyed, as seen in the phrase 'Mangal, Bhawan Amangal', highlighting the dichotomy between auspicious and inauspicious events.


In the script, 'Hari' is a name used to refer to Lord Rama, a central figure in Hindu mythology known for his righteousness and divine qualities. The term is used to invoke the presence and blessings of Lord Rama, emphasizing the religious and devotional aspect of the content. It is repeated multiple times to stress its importance and to create a rhythmic, chant-like quality in the recitation.


The word 'Asar' translates to 'impact' or 'influence' in English. In the context of the script, it likely refers to the impact or influence of Lord Rama's teachings or actions on his followers and the world. The term is used to highlight the transformative power of righteousness and virtue, as exemplified by Lord Rama's life.


Referring to 'Bihari Ram', this term is a colloquial way of addressing Lord Rama, who is believed to have spent a part of his exile in the region of Bihar in India. The term signifies the geographical and cultural association with Lord Rama, reinforcing the local and historical connection to the deity.

💡Ram Katha

The phrase 'Ram Katha' refers to the stories or narratives from the life of Lord Rama, which are deeply revered in Hindu tradition. These stories are often recited or sung as a form of devotion and spiritual practice. In the script, the recitation of 'Ram Katha' serves as a means of invoking divine blessings and emphasizing the moral and spiritual lessons derived from Lord Rama's life.


Ayodhya is a significant city in Hinduism, believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama. In the script, the mention of 'Ayodhya' symbolizes the sacred and historical importance of the city in the context of Lord Rama's life and the broader Hindu epic, the Ramayana. It also serves as a reminder of the divine and royal lineage of Lord Rama.


The term 'Raghuraj' refers to the royal lineage or dynasty of Lord Rama, who is a part of the Raghuvansha (the solar dynasty). In the script, it signifies the royal and divine heritage of Lord Rama, emphasizing his status as a righteous king and a deity. The mention of 'Raghuraj' also alludes to the grandeur and righteousness associated with Lord Rama's rule.


Sarayu is the name of a river in the Indian epic Ramayana, and it is also the name of Lord Rama's wife, Sita's, mother. In the script, the mention of 'Sarayu' could be a reference to both the river and the mother, symbolizing purity, nourishment, and the sacred bond of motherhood and nature. It adds a layer of depth to the devotional and cultural significance of the narrative.


The concept of 'Victory' in the script represents the triumph of good over evil, a recurring theme in the stories of Lord Rama. It is used to celebrate the defeat of the demon king Ravana by Lord Rama, symbolizing the victory of righteousness and dharma (righteous duty). The term is used to inspire and uplift the listeners, reminding them of the eternal victory of virtue.


Dharma, a fundamental concept in Hinduism, refers to the moral and ethical duties, responsibilities, and principles that individuals must follow to maintain order in the universe. In the script, 'Dharma' is emphasized as the guiding force behind Lord Rama's actions and the ultimate goal of human life. It is portrayed as the eternal truth and the path that leads to righteousness and spiritual fulfillment.

💡Ram Rajya

The term 'Ram Rajya' refers to the ideal kingdom or rule of Lord Rama, which is considered a golden age of peace, prosperity, and righteousness in Hindu tradition. In the script, the mention of 'Ram Rajya' signifies the aspiration for a just and virtuous society, where dharma prevails and people live in harmony. It serves as a reminder of the ideal standards of governance and moral conduct.


The mention of 'संगीत' indicating the presence of music in the transcript.

The phrase 'मंगल, भवन अमंगल' which signifies auspicious and inauspicious beginnings.

The call to action 'हारी द्रव सुदसरथ' which translates to 'Hari (Lord Rama) draws the bow, aiming straight'.

The repeated chant 'राम राम बोलो राम राम' emphasizing the invocation of Lord Rama's name.

The phrase 'बड़ी शुभ ये खबर' meaning 'This is a very auspicious news', indicating a significant and positive event.

The mention of 'आई बाजे घर घर' referring to the widespread playing of conch shells in every household.

The description of 'शहनाई पापियों का अवध करके आए अवध में' which depicts the slaying of demons and the arrival in the battle.

The reference to 'रघुराई सोने का रथ' symbolizing the chariot of Lord Rama adorned with gold.

The phrase 'होगा भगवा भारत' foretelling the victory of Lord Rama, the divine king.

The welcoming of 'होगा राम का अयोध्या में ऐसा' indicating the grand welcome of Lord Rama in Ayodhya.

The chant 'राम करता जार राम राम जपता जा घड़िया' which translates to 'Rama is being invoked, and the bell is ringing'.

The expression of joy 'की सरयुग के मीठे जल में खुशबू है चंदन' meaning 'O beloved moon, you are delighted in the sweet waters of the river Saryu'.

The declaration 'की प्रभु राज' proclaiming the kingship of Lord Rama.

The phrase 'संभालेंगे' repeated three times, signifying the resolve to overcome past adversities.

The mention of 'जय श्री' as a victory cry, often associated with the triumph of good over evil.

The affirmation 'राम है बाकी सब किस्से झूठे सत्य' meaning 'Rama is the truth, all else is false', emphasizing the ultimate truth of Lord Rama.

The vision of 'रघुनंदन का नाम ये धरती होगी संतों की' indicating that the name of Lord Rama will be the earth for the saints.

The final statement 'राम यहां पर राज करेंगे' asserting that Lord Rama will rule here, signifying a period of righteousness and peace.







भवन अमंगल


हारी द्रव सुदसरथ




बिहारी राम राम बोलो राम राम बोलो राम राम


बोलो राम राम राम राम बोलो राम राम बोलो


राम राम बोलो राम राम बड़ी शुभ ये खबर


आई बाजे घर घर


शहनाई पापियों का अवध करके आए अवध में


रघुराई पापियों का वध करके के आए अवध में




रघुराई सोने का रथ


होगा भगवा भारत


होगा राम का अयोध्या में ऐसा




होगा राम का अयोध्या में है का स्वागत


होगा राम राम करज जा राम राम करता जा राम


राम करता जार राम राम जपता जा घड़िया






राघव के वंदन


की सरयु के मीठे जल में खुशबू है चंदन


की सरयुग के मीठे जल में खुशबू है चंदन


की प्रभु राज




फिर ताज




दूर थे कल जिनसे उन्ह आज




दूर थे कल जिनसे उन्हें आज








राम राम कर जा रे राम राम करता जाए राम


राम करता जाए राम राम जपता जाए हम दीप








अब कभी राम मेरे वनवास ना


जाएंगे अब कभी राम मेरे ब




जाएंगे दिन दुख के बीत


गए आ


सबके मीत


गए हार गए




रघुवंशी जीत


गए हार गए बैरी






गए सनातन धर्म सनातन धाम यही थे यही


रहेंगे राम है बाकी सब किस्से झूठे सत्य


है रघुनंदन का नाम ये धरती होगी संतों की


ये धरती योगी संतों की यहां पर राज करेंगे


राम यहां पर राज करेंगे राम यहां पर राज


करेंगे राम


जय श्री





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Devotional ChantsVictory of RamSpiritual EnlightenmentHindu MythologyRam CharitraDivine TriumphBhajansEpic BattleFaith and DevotionRamayan