Finding out I'm pregnant & telling my family | BABY 3
TLDRThe video transcript captures a woman's emotional journey as she anxiously awaits the results of a pregnancy test. She discusses her hopes, the subtle signs she's been observing, and the emotional impact of the testing process. Despite initial doubts and past experiences with false positives, she finds a faint line on the test, which she shares with her husband and later confirmss with a digital test. The moment is further heightened by the surprise visit of her sister, who becomes the first person she tells about the positive result. The video also includes the joyous reactions of her family, particularly her children, as they learn about the impending arrival of a new baby. The summary encapsulates the anticipation, emotion, and excitement of a family growing by one.
- ð€° The speaker is trying to interpret the results of a pregnancy test and is hopeful for a positive outcome.
- ð€ There's a sense of doubt and uncertainty as the speaker questions if they are seeing a line on the test due to imagination.
- ð The speaker mentions they are either 8 or 9 days post ovulation (DPO), indicating the timing of when they might expect a positive pregnancy result.
- ð The speaker describes a physical sensation, possibly related to implantation, which they feel every month.
- 𧪠There is a mention of using different types of pregnancy tests, including digital ones, which are taken when one is quite sure of being pregnant.
- ð¢ An emotional reaction occurs when the speaker's sister says something that makes her cry, which is unusual for her.
- ð€·ââïž The speaker's husband, Kurt, suggests that her emotional reaction is a sign of pregnancy, as it's out of character for her.
- ð€ The speaker and her sister are very close and honest with each other, which is highlighted by the sister's unexpected visit after the positive test result.
- ðŽ There's a mention of a 'cool element' where the speaker's husband has always wanted to get pregnant in February, and they are now trying.
- ð¶ The speaker is dreaming of having three children and is aware that this could be her last pregnancy.
- ð¡ The family dynamics are depicted, with the speaker sharing the news of the pregnancy with her children and discussing the implications for them.
Q & A
What is the speaker's initial perception about seeing a line on the pregnancy test?
-The speaker is unsure if the line is real or a figment of her imagination, mentioning that she has to squint to see it and often feels hopeful despite the faintness of the line.
How does the speaker describe her feelings about possibly being pregnant?
-The speaker expresses a mix of hope and skepticism, acknowledging that she might be trying to see something that isn't there, but also harboring a secret hope for a positive result.
What physical sensation does the speaker mention experiencing around 7 or 8 DPO (Days Past Ovulation)?
-The speaker mentions feeling a super light twinge, like a pinch or tightening on her ovary, which she speculates could be implantation or the onset of her period.
How does the speaker's husband, Kurt, react when she cries after an argument with her sister?
-Kurt tries to comfort her, suggesting that it's not a big deal and that she should settle down. After the situation is diffused, he expresses his suspicion that she might be pregnant due to her unusual emotional reaction.
What is the significance of the speaker's anxiety and unmotivated feelings?
-The speaker associates these feelings with potential hormonal changes, as they are not typical for her personality. She also notes that these feelings are common for her in pregnancy.
How does the speaker's husband, Kurt, feel about the idea of getting pregnant in February?
-Kurt has a strong preference for getting pregnant in February, but the speaker disagrees, suggesting that they should try in December instead.
What does the speaker do after taking a positive pregnancy test?
-The speaker takes a digital pregnancy test to confirm the result and then shares the news with her husband and children, telling them that she is pregnant and there's a baby in her belly.
How does the speaker's older sister find out about the pregnancy?
-The sister shows up unannounced at the speaker's house shortly after the positive test result. The speaker tells her about the pregnancy, and they discover they will be pregnant just 4 weeks apart from each other.
What is the speaker's emotional state during the script?
-The speaker experiences a range of emotions, including hope, skepticism, anxiety, and excitement. She also feels sensitive and emotional, as evidenced by her crying after an argument with her sister.
What does the speaker mean when she says she has 'crazy lady eyes'?
-The speaker uses this phrase to humorously describe her intense focus and scrutiny when trying to discern a faint line on a pregnancy test, suggesting that others might not be able to see what she sees.
What is the significance of the speaker's mention of 'two crosses' on a pregnancy test?
-The mention of 'two crosses' refers to a feature of some digital pregnancy tests that display two lines to indicate a positive result. The speaker is trying to convince her husband that the test is indeed positive.
ð€° Hopeful Expectations and Pregnancy Testing
The speaker expresses a sense of hopefulness and doubt while discussing their experience with pregnancy testing. They mention feeling a twinge during ovulation and share their emotional journey, including the anticipation and anxiety that comes with trying to conceive. The speaker also talks about their past experiences with false positives and the symptoms they are currently experiencing, such as being easily offended and feeling anxious and unmotivated. They also mention a past decision to try for a baby in February, and the emotional impact of taking a pregnancy test, which they believe shows a faint positive line.
ð Confirming Pregnancy and Sharing the News
After taking a digital pregnancy test and receiving a positive result, the speaker is overjoyed and shares the exciting news with their family. They recount the surprise visit from their older sister, who becomes the first person to know about the pregnancy. The speaker also discusses telling their children about the new baby and the emotional reactions from everyone involved. There's a sense of disbelief and joy as they confirm the pregnancy to their partner and children, and they express the importance of being gentle with them during this time due to their new pregnancy.
ð¡Pregnancy Test
ð¡DPO (Days Past Ovulation)
ð¡False Positive
ð¡Hormonal Changes
ð¡Symptom Update
ð¡Digital Pregnancy Test
ð¡Positive Pregnancy Test
ð¡Ovulation Tracking
ð¡Family Dynamics
ð¡Emotional Reaction
The individual is trying to see a line on a pregnancy test and is unsure if it's there or just their imagination
They are either 8 or 9 days post ovulation (DPO) and felt a light twinge or pinching sensation on their ovary
They have been feeling anxious, nervous, and unmotivated, which they think could be pregnancy symptoms
Last year, they decided to start trying to get pregnant in February, but ended up getting pregnant in December on their first try
They took a digital pregnancy test and it came back positive after just 5 minutes
Their older sister unexpectedly showed up right after they took the positive test and was the first person they told
They are only going to be 4 weeks apart in pregnancy from their sister
They told their children about the pregnancy and asked if they think it's a boy or a girl
Their husband noticed that they were acting differently and got offended easily, which made him think they might be pregnant
They took a few pregnancy tests with faint lines and are hopeful but trying not to get their hopes up too much
They feel their heart racing and their back hurting like it did with their first pregnancy
They are excited to announce the pregnancy to their family and want everyone to be nice to them
Their children are happy and excited about becoming a big brother/sister
They are hoping for a girl and ask their children if they think it's a boy or a girl
They took a test in the right lighting and could see a faint line, which made them believe they are pregnant
They are trying to capture the moment and save it since they have always dreamed of having three kids
They took a digital test and it came back positive, making them very excited and emotional
I think I'm trying to find something
that's not there and like honestly I
think it's my imagination like I think
in isn't the rule like if you have to
squint to see it it's not there and like
I'm putting it against this window
lighting I don't think there's a line
but the fact that I'm
filming means that like every other
month I have subconscious hope hope deep
down that maybe
maybe this is a month that I get a
positive pregnancy test you can't see
another L I know you can't I know you
can't I don't really think I can either
but I think I'm
like anyway I'm either 8 or 9
DPO yesterday so maybe like 7 or 8 DPO I
did feel a super super light twinge like
a little like pinch tightening on my
ovary but I pretty much much feel that
every single
month maybe that was implantation maybe
my body's getting its period I think I'm
trying to see something that's not
there I don't know anyway 9 DPO not
hopeful but like secretly hopeful like
always things are progressing it's 9
maybe 10 DPO and after I talked to you
guys yesterday this one that honestly I
can't see anything it was just in like
really good lighting I could maybe see
something I feel like you can see
nothing that night I took another one
and I can see like a strand of hair type
of line the
faintest faintest line can you see that
line there and then this
morning so faint but like faint is faint
like faint is still something I don't
know if you can see like the faintest
line there
the first response like the pink ones
they freak me out a little bit because I
know a few people who have gotten false
positives from these like you can see
like you can see it in that oh my gosh
symptom symptom update 10 DPO my older
sister made me cry yesterday we were at
my mom's house for dinner me and my
sister are brutally honest with each
other all the time like we never get
offended we have not fought or argued in
we me and my sisters we just like don't
really argue anyway we get along amazing
my sister said something to me last
night and I lost it like I got so
offended which is I'm the hardest person
to offend crying I stormed off and I'm
pretty sure I heard my family being like
she's pregnant like this is not normal
Kurt came up to me he was like it's okay
like it's not a big deal settle down
whatever we ended up diffusing the
situation my sister apologized it was
fine and then we got home and Kur was
like I think you're pregnant and I was
like why cuz I cried and he's like yes
like that is not you the fact that I got
so offended and cried also I feel really
anxious and I'm not really an anxious
person like really nervous and really
anxious and it's not because of like
this stuff it's like hormonal like I'm
just really really anxious feel really
unmotivated in every sense in like the
gym work which is really common for me
in pregnancy I'm like really mellow this
I I don't know I don't really trust
these I don't know why I bought them but
like surely you guys can see this one
surely you guys can see that little
faint line
yeah like I think I am but I just keep
telling myself I might not be just to
like guard my heart but
like I think I
am another cool element is last year
when we decided we wanted to start
trying Kurt has always said February
always he's like I feel like going get
pregnant in February and I was like not
Arc in December like because we got
Malachi first try like he's always said
that I just took two more because I have
to tell Kurt like I can't go another 24
hours just like acting normal and now
I'm taking a
digital and like you only take digitals
if you're pretty sure oh my gosh I don't
want to
look I feel sick
this is the longest 5 minutes of my
life and my back is actually hurting
like it did with
Malachi my heart is Ping so fast I'm
just trying to save this moment because
you know we've always prayed for and
dreamt of having three kids pretty much
knowing this is my last pregnancy and my
last time taking a pregnancy test wow
wow wow look can you do this
one I kid you not less than 5 minutes
after I took the positive pregnancy test
the digital my doorbell rang and it was
my older sister she never turns up
unannounced she had to pick up something
from my house but she asked me had I
tested yet cuz we were both keeping
track of each other's ovulation and I
told her yes I had tested but it was
negative but I just could not keep the
secret like her being here could not be
more perfect I knew Kurt would be okay
with it so she was actually the first
person I
told a screwdriver in this one so crazy
that we're only going to be 4 weeks
apart in pregnancy me and you are you
joking shut up no
way no way
no way what did it
so pink dude's
out you going to put that palm tree one
in that's a cool like I want to put
this that one
okay look at me after this we need to
pack and everyone needs to be really
nice to me because I'm
pregnant are
you do you have a bab your
oh my
goodness oh my goodness did you know no
Mommy's got a baby in a tummy are you
really yeah I
am oh what I wanted to tell you and Dad
at the same time I knew there was a a
reason why you were grumpy last night I
know I know you can't see it at the
guess what there's a baby in mom's belly
there's a baby in mom's belly milk not
yet yeah I'll get milk when the baby's
born have a look do you think it's a
girl or a boy I can't believe that girl
you think it's a girl how wait wait so
how how long have you known this for
last night I took you won't even be able
to see it cuz you don't have crazy lady
eyes I took this one and in the right
light you can see the faintest line
nothing there believe me there is and
then why do you don't have two
crosses how do you know that cuz em has
one two crosses and he had two crosses
he he doesn't miss to beat this I'll
I'll show you and then so last night
after Emily made me cry I was like
something's not right with me cuz I said
to you last night I was like something's
you I said I don't want to hurt your
feelings but you overreacted a little
bit yeah can you see that little you
can't go in the light see that tiny line
so I was like at any line I'm like okay
yeah so then this morning I took that
one can you see two lines see if there's
two if there's one line there's pregnant
so you have that's a really Fain line
are you are you actually baby yeah I'm
not trick I wouldn't trick about
something like this I
you're not going to be the baby anymore
man you're going to be the middle
brother you're going to have to step up
and be the big dog of the house baby no
baby no baby
why's listening to me which one where do
you want do you want a baby just
there guys
listen listen listening listening um
there is in my mommy's tell me there is
give me
five you got another bab know I like I
bet she's
prant she was she a little I was like
what's going
on might find out who the dad
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