MAGA Backpedals When They Find Out About Trump Killing A Bill That Would've Closed The Border
TLDRThe transcript captures a discussion on the importance of border control, with strong support expressed for a bill that would grant the president the authority to close border crossings at will, particularly during surges in migration. The conversation also touches on the participant's support for Donald Trump's stance on immigration, despite some confusion over his position on a specific bipartisan bill. The speaker emphasizes the need for legal immigration and expresses concerns about the current administration's approach to border management.
- 🚨 The interviewee strongly believes in the importance of border control and is supportive of a bill that allows the president to close sections of the border at will during surges in migration.
- 🤔 The interviewee questions why Donald Trump would urge Congress not to support a bipartisan bill that would give the president authority over border closures.
- 💪 The interviewee expresses full support for Trump's position on border control despite the president's opposition to the mentioned bipartisan bill.
- 🏛️ The interviewee acknowledges that the issue is complex and refrains from commenting on Trump's strategy, but maintains their stance on the necessity of border control.
- 🌍 The interviewee is concerned about the current administration's approach to border protection and believes that Trump could implement effective policies if he were to return to office.
- 📈 The interviewee views the influx of immigrants as a threat to national sovereignty and the social fabric of the country.
- 🔒 The interviewee advocates for legal immigration and expresses concern about the lack of background checks and tracking for those entering the country illegally.
- 🎉 The interviewee associates the excitement and support for Trump with his perceived honesty and commitment to addressing border issues.
- 🔄 The interviewee suggests that the Democrats may be motivated by a desire to gain additional congressional seats through increased immigrant populations.
- 🚫 The interviewee is critical of the recent immigration bill, believing it does not adequately address the issue of illegal immigration and border security.
Q & A
What is the speaker's stance on border control?
-The speaker strongly supports border control and believes it is very important. They advocate for the president to have the authority to close sections of the border at will, especially during a surge in migration.
How does the speaker feel about the bipartisan bill that would give the president authority to close the border?
-The speaker is in favor of such a bill. They believe that other countries have border control and the United States should have it too. They support giving the president the power to close border crossings to manage migration surges.
What was the speaker's reaction to Donald Trump's urging against the bipartisan bill?
-The speaker seems to be confused but still supportive of Trump. They believe that Trump must have had a better plan in mind and trusts that he can handle border issues effectively.
What does the speaker think about the current administration's approach to border control?
-The speaker is critical of the current administration, stating that they believe President Biden is protecting illegal immigrants and that his actions are not appropriate for his position.
How does the speaker feel about the recent immigration bill in Congress?
-The speaker is against the recent immigration bill, believing it does not support border security. They mention that the bill would codify the entry of 5,000 illegal aliens a day, which they see as a problem.
What is the speaker's view on the impact of immigration on the United States?
-The speaker is concerned about the impact of immigration, particularly illegal immigration. They believe it leads to crime and burdens the country with the cost of supporting immigrants who have not entered legally.
What does the speaker suggest as a solution to the issue of illegal immigration?
-The speaker advocates for stronger measures to stop the 'flood' of migrants. They mention the construction of a wall as a solution and suggest that states should have the power to enforce their own immigration policies.
How does the speaker feel about the historical context of immigration in the United States?
-The speaker acknowledges the history of the United States as a nation of immigrants but differentiates between past immigration and the current situation, emphasizing the need for legal entry and self-sufficiency upon arrival.
What is the speaker's opinion on the potential political motivations behind immigration policies?
-The speaker suggests that the Democratic party may be motivated by a desire to gain more votes and congressional seats through increased immigration, implying that they believe this is not in the best interest of the country.
How does the speaker view the idea of physically preventing border crossings?
-The speaker entertains extreme ideas such as using alligators or snakes to deter border crossings. However, they also express a desire for a more controlled and legal immigration process, suggesting a conflict between their emotions and their understanding of what is morally and legally acceptable.
What does the speaker believe should be the criteria for immigration?
-The speaker believes that immigrants should enter the country legally, providing necessary documentation and going through proper channels. They emphasize the importance of knowing who is entering the country and supporting themselves without relying on government assistance.
🛃 Border Control Advocacy
The speaker expresses strong support for stringent border control measures, including the idea of giving the president the authority to close sections of the border at will. They mention a bipartisan bill in Congress that would have granted such power but were surprised that Donald Trump urged against its support. The speaker trusts Trump's intentions and believes in the importance of legal immigration, expressing concern about the current administration's approach to border management.
🗳️ Political Impact of Immigration
The speaker discusses the political implications of immigration, suggesting that the Democratic party may be motivated by the potential for additional votes and congressional seats due to the influx of immigrants. They argue that there should be a focus on legal immigration and express skepticism about the current policies, citing concerns about the potential for crime and the burden on American citizens. The speaker also touches on the historical context of immigration in the United States and the need for a more selective and regulated approach to newcomers.
💡Border Control
💡Immigration Bill
💡Donald Trump
💡Surge in Migration
💡Legal Immigration
💡National Sovereignty
💡Congressional Action
💡Track and Trace
💡Build the Wall
💡Illegal Aliens
Border control is considered a crucial issue, with support for a bill allowing the president to close sections of the border at will.
The speaker expresses full support for a bill that would grant the president authority over border closures in response to high migration levels.
The speaker questions why other countries have border control and the United States does not.
The speaker was supportive of Donald Trump and his policies, even though Trump urged Congress not to support a bipartisan bill for border control.
The speaker believes that Trump may have a better plan for border control than just shutting the border down.
The speaker is adamant about wanting the border closed and legal immigration processes followed.
The speaker expresses concern about the inability to track immigrants and the potential security risks associated with open borders.
The speaker criticizes the current administration for protecting undocumented immigrants and believes Trump can improve the situation.
The speaker is against the recent immigration bill and believes it does not provide adequate border security.
The speaker suggests that the Democratic party may be encouraging illegal immigration for political gains, such as additional congressional seats.
The speaker is in favor of legal immigration and against the current influx of undocumented immigrants.
The speaker expresses a desire for stronger measures to prevent illegal border crossings, even suggesting extreme measures like using force.
The speaker believes that immigrants should be required to provide documentation and go through proper channels to enter the country legally.
The speaker compares the current situation to ancient Rome, where letting in too many people eventually led to the empire's downfall.
The speaker values the principles of self-reliance and contribution to society that historical immigrants embodied, as opposed to reliance on government support.
is the Border an important issue for you
yes it is very important goad would you
be supportive of a bill that gave the
president the authority to close
sections of the border at his will at
any time uh if if the migration got too
high yes I close it all I mean that's
what I'm saying yes I'm I'm going
support it 100% there has to be border
control other countries have it why
don't we so why were you supportive then
of Donald Trump when he urged members of
Congress to vote against such a
bipartisan Bill yes yes but if you if
you want that why wouldn't Trump want
that is what I'm saying well okay wait
Trump maybe Trump wants to close the
bill correct there is a bipartisan Bill
in Congress that would have given the
president authority to close the border
or different border crossings Trump
wanted people to vote against it in
Congress and both Republicans and
Democrats were dismayed at that do you
still support Trump's position on that
is what I'm asking I just my position
would be and I don't get into the whole
thing I wanted closed I want areas open
if they're going to do it legal do it
legal I don't care if it's Democrat
Republican I want the Border closed and
people come in like we normal come in
legal one of the issues that I can't
hard hardly bear to even think about is
is the Border I know anything else is
going to be easy but this is not going
to be easy there's too many of them in
here and we don't know where they are or
what they look like or they're not
there's no track we can't track
them and Biden right now is protecting
them so he's got no business being where
he is and Trump will fix that we just
got to be sure that they don't cheat and
make it not possible for Trump to get in
there do you think they cheated last
time I know they did this was the same
kind of people this much that was in
here in 20 was the same buildup and the
same exciting EXC ex exciting excitement
that you felt tonight he's honest and he
wants what we want we want to close the
borders and 11,000 immigrants came in
and so the border is an important issue
to you would you support a Bill in
Congress that gave the president the
authority to close the border at his whm
if there's a surge in immigrants to say
we're going to close that border
crossing and the president has the
authority to do
that sure CU that that bill was just in
Congress and Donald Trump urged many
members of Congress not to support such
a bill how what would you say to Donald
Trump about
that I don't
know I'm sure he's got a good a better
plan than just shutting the Border I
know I don't know what I would do he
kept the borders safe so the borders are
important oh oh yeah oh yeah borders
yeah would you like the president to
have the power to close um different
border crossing uh at at his whim to
close it whenever he wanted yes yes so
there was a Bill in Congress recently
that Donald Trump had people uh in in
congress not support it was a bipartisan
Bill to give the president the authority
to close different border crossings are
you upset with Trump that he urged them
not to pass that bill
um no because I know I know that he um
can handle he's handled it before and I
know that once he gets back into the
administration he can um bring back the
policies that he did have and um
hopefully get control over the Border
again so and what about immigration is
that an important issue for you
absolutely because the border is being
flooded right now so we actually do need
to cut that back a little bit so that we
can take care of the people people that
are here in this country right now if
there was a bipartisan Bill in Congress
that did cut that that also gave the
president the power to shut down
specific border crossings at their whim
what would would you support
that anything that stops this flood of
migrants right now is just too much
because the US Congress just had a bill
an immigration Bill and Donald Trump
who's not in office now is trying to
urge members of his party not to support
it even though it did what I just said
what do you think about that and would
you would you like to tell Trump to
actually support it cuz that's what you
were saying you wanted all I have to say
is Build That Wall that's all I have to
say about that is the Border an
important issue for you it's the most
important issue the most our sovereignty
of our country is at stake yes there was
a Bill in Congress that gave the
president power to shut off different
border crossings as the surges were
happening and close them entirely would
you be supportive of that Congress is
never going to do that well Congress
just had a bill that would have given
the president power for that no the
Congress had a bill that's codified
5,000 illegal aliens a day that's not
border security so there's no middle
ground then it's either All or Nothing
in Your op or Nothing in Your in your
tape I believe the Democrats want 10
million more votes and they'll get them
at the next census with all these
illegal aliens coming across that's what
I believe they want Congressional House
Seats but these aren't people that are
getting citizenship right I mean they're
not Grant but eventually they probably
and I just think the extra congressional
seats for the Democrats is what they're
after is the Border an important issue
to you very much so very much so would
you be supportive of a bill that gave
the president the authority to close
different border crossings at will when
the surge got too high oh yes oh yes so
Donald Trump just urged people in his
own party in Congress to oppose such a
bill how did you feel about that thank
you uh I can't comment on that I'm I'm
not sure you know I'm I'm not going to
comment on something I don't don't know
about is the Border an important issue
for you oh 110% I think there's been a
lot of crime driven from the border and
the infant tractor from there and I
don't think uh I don't think that it's
helping the American people and that's
what I care about in in my eyes is the
Americans we're giving money to
immigrants that are coming over here for
a free $10,000 would you support a bill
that gave the president the authority to
close border crossings at his or her
whim Whenever there was a surge in
migration oh 110% so were you at When
Donald Trump went and told people in
Congress that they shouldn't support a
bill that had that as a provision that
was the most recent immigration bill I I
don't support it I think that he should
have the authority to do such um but
there's a lot of a lot of legality
behind that and I understand Donald
Trump is trying to protect his back and
and what happens with him is immigration
an important issue to you it is now and
and why is that why do you say it like
that oh those couple of million that
came in
illegally and what do you uh what what
is it about them and what what is it
about immigration that gives you Paws I
would just prefer that the people that
come into our country do it legally we
don't know anything about them uh if I
go to another country I have to provide
all kinds of things including a birth
certificate when we were talking earlier
when you said you would support that
bill he urged members of Congress to not
support such a bill what would you say
to Trump about that you pretty much have
to do what Texas do and you have to make
make it a crime to force it by the
states because because what happens is
when different parties come in they
don't want to force certain things you
know so you need to have that each state
have make it legal but it's Texas is a
state and it's a federal law so you
still support Texas overriding the US
government hell yeah yeah it's just it's
just like maybe it's not legal like
legally like you know right but morally
like it's what people want like a lot
more people think they if you could just
literally just shoot people at the B
like they wouldn't come they wouldn't
come anymore would you put alligators
out there or or snakes in the water
would we want to be would we want to be
a country that shot people who came
across the border though yeah I mean
because you like you can't just let
everyone overrun the country because
you're going to make it so the whole the
whole boat crashes you know tips over
and sinks you want to only let in
certain amount and you want to marry you
don't want and you want to scream too
you don't want just people to walk in by
foot you want them come by by airplanes
you want them come by trains you you you
know you want to screen them you don't
know who they are before they come in
you know so once in a while if you shot
some you think it would scare people
from coming and and like why do why does
people think that we have to be the
country that lets everyone in you know
like like everyone's under this like
brainwashing that you have to let
everyone in or or you're a mean person
or something well we were a country of
immigrants right I mean you could you
could go back to like ancient Rome the
same thing they let in too many like
people from around their their empire
I'm just talking about our country was
founded on principles about you know
give us you're tired you're poor you're
hungry but but we but we didn't have
they they weren't getting food stamps
they weren't getting supported by the
government when they came here they had
they were they were they were on their
own when they came here if people if
they did that now people would like
respect them more you know if they did
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