Create Free AI Music Inspired by Any Singer or Musician - MusicFX
TLDR该视频介绍了Google音乐效果(Music Effects)这一创新技术,它允许用户免费在线生成音乐。尽管该技术仍处于实验阶段,但已经能够通过大型语言模型和独特的水印技术,根据文本提示创作出具有版权保护的音乐。视频中,用户通过简单的操作展示了如何生成不同风格和主题的音乐,强调了其易用性和多样性,同时鼓励观众参与该项目并提供反馈,以便Google持续改进其人工智能技术。
- 🎵 介绍了一个由谷歌开发的名为Music Effects的免费人工智能音乐创作工具。
- 🔍 该技术目前仍处于实验阶段,允许用户在线生成音乐而无需支付费用。
- 🚫 需要注意的是,特定提及艺术家或包含人声的提示不会被生成为音乐。
- 🌐 Music Effects基于谷歌的音乐Alm大型语言模型,并使用Deep Minds新颖的水印技术。
- 🛡️ 通过syn ID技术在输出中嵌入数字水印,确保用户的版权得到保护。
- 📝 用户可以注册并提供反馈,包括生成的音频和提示建议,以帮助改进项目。
- 📱 界面直观易用,用户只需在左侧粘贴文本提示,点击“我感觉很幸运”即可生成音乐。
- 🎶 提供多种音乐风格选项,如爵士、放克、灵魂、萨克斯风等,用户可根据喜好选择。
- 🔄 可以对生成的音乐进行下载、分享,并调整设置,如种子值和循环时长。
- 💡 用户可以尝试不同的提示,如以不同时代旅行为灵感的歌曲,或以颜色代表特定情感的歌曲。
- 🌟 通过提供现有歌曲或音乐家的灵感,AI能够生成受其启发的音乐作品。
- 📢 视频制作者鼓励观众尝试这项工具,并分享他们的作品和体验。
Q & A
Google Music Effects 是一种什么样的技术?
-Google Music Effects 是一种由 Google 开发的创新技术,它仍处于实验阶段,允许用户在线免费生成音乐。
使用 Google Music Effects 生成音乐有哪些限制?
-使用 Google Music Effects 生成的音乐不会包含特定艺术家的提示或包含人声。
Google Music Effects 使用了哪些 Google 技术?
-Google Music Effects 利用了 Google 的音乐 Alm 大型语言模型,并使用了 Google 深度思维的新颖水印技术 syn ID 来嵌入数字水印。
用户如何参与 Google Music Effects 项目并提供帮助?
-用户可以通过注册、提供电子邮件、生成的音频和提示建议来参与项目,并且可以通过点击旗帜图标报告内容,以便 Google 负责任地改进其 AI。
Google Music Effects 的用户界面如何操作?
用户可以如何自定义 Google Music Effects 生成的音乐?
用户如何下载或分享他们用 Google Music Effects 生成的音乐?
Google Music Effects 是否需要用户登录或提供信用卡信息?
-不,Google Music Effects 允许用户免费使用,无需登录或提供信用卡信息,只需使用免费的电子邮件注册即可。
视频作者如何评价 Google Music Effects 技术?
-视频作者对 Google Music Effects 技术给予了高度评价,认为它能够生成令人惊叹的音乐,并且对 Google 提供这项免费服务表示感谢。
视频作者建议如何使用 Google Music Effects 生成的音乐?
🎵 探索AI音乐创作 - 谷歌音乐效果
本段落介绍了一个名为音乐效果的谷歌项目,这是一个利用人工智能在线免费创作音乐的创新技术。项目目前仍处于实验阶段,用户可以通过输入文本提示生成音乐,但需注意不会生成提及特定艺术家或包含人声的音乐。该技术使用谷歌的音乐Alm大型语言模型和深度思维的新型水印技术syn ID,确保输出的音乐嵌入数字水印,保护版权。此外,用户还可以参与项目,提供反馈,帮助改进AI。界面直观易用,用户只需粘贴文本提示并点击“我感觉很幸运”,即可在右侧听到生成的歌曲。用户还可以选择不同的音乐风格和设置,如循环播放等。
🎶 体验AI生成的不同风格音乐
在这一段中,用户通过不同的文本提示,体验了AI生成音乐的多样性。首先,用户尝试创建一首描述穿越不同时代的旅行的歌曲,然后是一首每节代表一种颜色和特定情感的歌曲。接着,用户挑战AI创作一首受宝莱坞爱情主题启发的歌曲,以及一首受印度著名音乐家Naim shaan启发的旋律。最后,用户尝试生成受巴基斯坦传奇歌手Nusrat Fat Al Khan启发的苏菲歌曲,以及受Andrea boili启发的古典风格歌曲。每首歌曲都展示了AI音乐创作的丰富性和可能性,用户对生成的音乐表示赞赏,并鼓励观众尝试这项免费技术。
🌟 推广AI音乐创作工具
尝试使用Google音乐效果中的Music Effects,这是一种新颖且处于实验阶段的技术。
Google的音乐AI大型语言模型为Music Effects提供支持,能够生成音乐。
使用Google DeepMind的新颖水印技术syn ID,在输出中嵌入数字水印,保护版权。
尝试生成受特定艺术家启发的音乐,如印度著名音乐家Naim shaan。
生成受巴基斯坦传奇歌手Nusrat Fat Al Khan启发的苏菲歌曲。
if you're looking to create free music
by using artificial intelligence online
without spending a dime then try out
music Effects by Google Music effects is
a very new and Innovative technology
which is still in experimental stages by
Google it allows you to generate your
own music for free but be aware that
certain cues that mention specific
artists or include vocals will not be
generated music f is powered by Google's
music Alm large language model and uses
Google deep Minds novel watermarking
technology syn ID to embed a digital
watermark in the output so that you will
have your copyrights too also if you're
looking to contribute to this project or
help out in any way you can go and sign
up and also um give them your email
generated audio and prompt suggestions
are experimental you can also report
content under Google's policies or
applicable laws or even give feedback by
clicking the flag icon so that they can
improve their AI responsibly okay so
that was the whole Theory now if you
look at the screen in front of you it is
very very uh in intuitive and easy to
follow all you need to do is that on
left hand side paste your text prompt
then um just click on I'm feeling lucky
and then it will give you your beautiful
song on the right hand side also you can
go with soothing jazz funk soul
saxophone and you can click on more to
get more um options here and then you
can keep clicking on more more more and
it will give you more stuff so let me
grab one of the
prompt and let's see how it goes so I am
just going to give it a song like this
okay so the it's bit big um so let me
read it it says that uh maybe I'll say
create a
song create a song that captur the
essence of traveling through different
eras the verses could describe the sight
sounds and emotions experienced in each
period from ancient civilization through
the futuristic world yet to come the
chorus could tie these experiences
together reflecting on the constants of
human emotion and connection Through
Time and of course I didn't write it
myself this is all chat gbt anyway I'll
just click on uh generate but before
that maybe I will go with low fire and
generate now it is optimizing my prompt
and then it is generating the music as
you can see uh in the progress part two
also there you go so it already
so as you can see it has generated two
tracks for us this is the first track if
you don't like it you can just simply
click on the second one and let's play
it I'm just playing it uh for 10 seconds
or 15
maybe now you can download it or you can
share it and then you can also change
some of the settings that what sort of
seed um you want to give seed is just a
random number to give more variety to it
and how much uh longer you want you can
even go with a 70 second that is
good and also you can Loop through it
which just stitches it so that it
becomes an endless loop okay that is
cool let me give it another prompt and
see how it goes so maybe I will just
give it
um emotions with
the some of the emotional
songs okay so in this one I'm just
asking it to develop a song where each
verse is dedicated to a color that
represents a specific emotion blue for
sadness red for passion yellow for
happiness the lyrics could delve into
the nuances of these feelings how they
change and interne let's click and maybe
I'll just go
with exciting and then
generate so let's see how it goes with
human experiences and stuff
takes bit of a time to generate let's
wait for
how amazing and how nice it is let me
play the other one
how cool was that amazing stuff I mean I
think I'm going to use at least the at
uh you know the first one was amazing I
would say second one is also very good
so I'm going to use it later on but let
me first give it one more Regional sort
of prompt here so I'm asking it craft a
Bollywood song inspired by the love
focusing on the beauty and complexity of
lover each verse could explore different
shades of Love make it I I'll say as
melodious as
possible and then maybe I will go with
medium Tempo and generate let's wait for
it to
this is amazing out of this world loved
it let's hear the second one
how beautiful that is I mean this is
simply out of this world I mean I just
you know I was compelled to sing but I'm
not a singer at all so I'll spare you
that but you can imagine how beautiful
that was let me try to give it some of
the uh inspiration of an existing song
to see if it is able to detect
that so I'm just going to
say so Naim shaan um was a very famous
musician from India let's see if it is
able to generate any Melody inspired by
him or the duo I think they were two
people let me see if I could select any
um good Tempo maybe melodic is good
wow that was amazing
let me play another
okay so this is amazing you know I know
my audience are from all over the world
but I think this music is awesome let me
ask at one more inspiration I'll just
it create a Sufi song inspired by
Nusrat Fat Al
Khan and if you don't know who foran is
I would highly suggest that you Google
just you know listen to what he has sang
he is no more he is one of the legendary
singers from Pakistan so let me see if I
could find any um appropriate genre for
him let me see let me
see VI and exciting
nopes it's very hard maybe ethereal was
let me go with
etherial let's
okay amazing stuff let me play little
bit of this
one great stuff
okay I could go on and on for the whole
day but let me do the final one let me
say that create uh create a Timeless
song inspired by Andrea boili who is one
of the best singer of all time I would
say setting should
in front of
uh cedral something like that let's see
what it does and let me see if I could
find the classical
here don't want to go with melodic
nopes and maybe Soul let's so Soul let's
this is it guys amazing stuff I mean I'm
really already you know in love with
this this is amazing and if you click
here you can see at the top left that
you can go with image effects and T Test
effects and I have already covered them
in my other videos but you this music
effects this is amazing all for free you
can generate on your own music and then
maybe you can you know sing with it
create a karaoke ke or something like
that but all in all really heads off to
Google for not only creating this but
also giving this out for free and you
don't even have to log in sorry log in
with your credit card or anything just
sign up with your free email and then
off you go I'll drop the link in videos
description too so that you can and play
along if you like the content please
consider subscribing to the channel and
if you know of any other similar tool
please share it in the comment and I'll
be happy to review it and if you're
already subscribed do me a favor and
share this video with your contacts
maybe uh in your social media like
Facebook Twitter because the more the
merrier and I will I would highly highly
appreciate the support that's it thanks
for watching and have a have a good day
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