Eddie Hearn Immediate Reaction To Ryan Garcia Win Over Devin Haney

Boxing News
20 Apr 202403:42


TLDRThe transcript discusses a recent boxing match between Ryan Garcia and Deon, which ended in a stunning victory for Ryan. The speaker, Andy, praises Ryan's performance, noting his significant size advantage and the fact that he seemed to be in a different weight division compared to Deon. Despite Deon's injury in the first round, Ryan's dominance was evident throughout the fight. Andy expresses sympathy for Deon, acknowledging his previous undefeated status and the emotional impact of the loss. There is speculation about a potential rematch and future plans for Ryan, including a possible fight against Terence Crawford, which is to be announced at a press conference. The summary captures the essence of the match and the emotional response from the boxing community.


  • šŸ„Š Ryan Garcia put on an unbelievable performance, impressing with his size and skill in the ring.
  • šŸ‘Š Devin showed a lot of heart but ultimately did not perform well enough to win the fight.
  • šŸ˜• Deon got hurt badly in the first round and struggled to recover, affecting his performance.
  • šŸ“‰ Despite Deon's struggles, the speaker had him winning two to four rounds, indicating a close fight.
  • šŸ„‡ Ryan Garcia is credited with a strong performance, even though he was knocked down multiple times.
  • šŸ† The WBC title is now vacant, opening up opportunities for contenders including Ryan and Deon.
  • šŸ”„ There is interest in a rematch between Ryan and Deon, which would likely draw significant attention.
  • šŸ“ˆ Ryan Garcia's plans and potential opportunities may change following his victory.
  • šŸ¤” There was a notable weight difference between the fighters, with Ryan appearing much larger.
  • šŸ’” Deon is likely devastated by the loss, given his previous undefeated status and winning mentality.
  • šŸ“… An upcoming press conference is scheduled for Wednesday, hinting at future fight announcements.

Q & A

  • What did Andy think about Ryan's performance in the fight?

    -Andy thought Ryan was amazing and looked huge in the ring, appearing at least one division bigger.

  • How did Deon perform in the fight according to the transcript?

    -Deon got hurt badly in the first round and despite winning the next four rounds, he was criticized for boxing poorly.

  • What was the final outcome of the fight?

    -The fight ended in a draw, with Ryan winning virtually every other round apart from the ones where he got dropped.

  • How did Deon's performance affect Andy's opinion?

    -Andy felt gutted for Deon and believed he boxed a poor fight, despite acknowledging that Deon is a winner.

  • What are the implications for Ryan Garcia's career after this fight?

    -Ryan's plans will change, and he may seek a shot at the vacant belt. There is also a possibility of a rematch with Deon.

  • What is the significance of the weight difference mentioned in the transcript?

    -The weight difference was significant as Ryan looked much bigger, which could have affected the dynamics of the fight.

  • How did Deon cope with the loss?

    -The transcript suggests Deon would be devastated, as he is an undefeated fighter and a winner at heart.

  • What is the significance of the press conference announced for Wednesday?

    -The press conference is expected to announce a fight card for an upcoming event in August, with a significant fight likely to be featured.

  • What is the sentiment towards a potential rematch between Ryan and Deon?

    -The sentiment is positive, with the suggestion that a rematch would be huge and attract a lot of attention.

  • What was Andy's perspective on Deon's performance after the first knockdown?

    -Andy felt that Deon never quite managed to find his legs again after the first knockdown.

  • What does Andy suggest about Deon's future performance?

    -Andy suggests that Deon has to be a lot better in future fights, implying that there is room for improvement.

  • How does Andy describe the overall experience of watching the fight?

    -Andy describes the fight as incredible to watch, despite the disappointment for Deon.



šŸ„Š Ryan Garcia's Impressive Victory

The first paragraph discusses an incredible boxing match where Ryan Garcia showcased an amazing performance. Andy, the narrator, expresses his astonishment at the sport's capacity to amaze. Ryan's size advantage is noted, as he appeared significantly larger than his opponent, Deon. Despite Deon getting hurt in the first round, Ryan is credited with winning the subsequent four rounds, leading to a draw. The summary acknowledges Deon's struggle to recover and praises Ryan's resilience and skill. The paragraph concludes with a note on Deon's potential for a rematch and the anticipation of Ryan's future in the sport.




Performance in this context refers to the execution and display of skills by the fighters in a boxing match. It is a key aspect of the video's theme as it discusses the fighters' abilities and how they performed on the night of the match. For example, the script mentions 'incredible performance tonight' and 'Ryan looked huge in the ring,' indicating the superior performance of Ryan over Deon.

šŸ’”Ryan Garcia

Ryan Garcia is a professional boxer who is a central figure in the video's narrative. His performance, strategy, and the impact of his victory on his career are discussed extensively. The term is used to highlight the success and future prospects of Ryan after his win, as in 'tonight belongs to the Maverick of Ryan Garcia' and 'Ryan's plans now will change.'


Deon is likely referring to Deontay Wilder, an American professional boxer, who is mentioned in comparison to Ryan Garcia. The script discusses Deon's performance, his injury, and the potential for a rematch. The term 'Deon' is integral to the video's theme as it contrasts his performance with that of Ryan, as in 'gutted for Deon' and 'Deon got hurt badly in the first round.'

šŸ’”Weight Difference

The weight difference between the fighters is a significant factor in the context of the boxing match discussed in the video. It is mentioned to emphasize the physical advantage that Ryan Garcia appeared to have over his opponent. The term is used to provide insight into the possible reasons behind the outcome of the match, as in 'I've any regret that maybe a, contractually something was absolutely, you know I wasn't involved in the contractual negotiations and I would have had him waning uh today coming in at 3 and a half pound over.'


A rematch is a subsequent competition between the same opponents after a previous contest, often sought when there is a desire for retribution or to settle a disputed outcome. In the video, the possibility of a rematch between Ryan Garcia and Deon is discussed, highlighting the interest and anticipation surrounding a potential second fight, as in 'we'd love to do the rematch as well Ryan' and 'those two de and Ryan, they could fight three four five times, it would have everybody tuning in.'

šŸ’”WBC Title

The WBC Title refers to the World Boxing Council championship belt, which is a symbol of achievement in the sport of boxing. The video discusses the implications of the vacant WBC title and the opportunities it presents for the fighters. The term is used to explore future prospects in the boxing world, as in 'the belt's vacant so you know you, got to look at what's next.'

šŸ’”Boxing Strategy

Boxing strategy refers to the tactical approach a fighter uses during a match. The video script comments on the strategies employed by the fighters, particularly criticizing Deon's strategy as 'really poorly.' The term is important to the video's theme as it analyzes the fighters' performances and the impact of their strategies on the match outcome.


A knockdown in boxing occurs when a fighter is knocked to the floor by an opponent's blow. The script mentions Deon being 'dropped too many times,' which significantly affected the fight's result. The term 'knockdown' is used to illustrate the severity of Deon's situation during the match and the difficulty of recovering from such setbacks.


Sport, in this context, refers to the competitive physical activity of boxing. The video emphasizes the unpredictable and exciting nature of the sport, as well as the emotional investment of the athletes and fans. The term is central to the video's theme, as it sets the stage for discussing the athletes' performances and the sport's impact on them, as in 'the sport never ceases to Amazement.'

šŸ’”Press Conference

A press conference is a formal meeting or function where members of the press or media are invited to hear a statement or announcement and ask questions. The video mentions an upcoming press conference, indicating the ongoing interest and media coverage of the boxing event. The term is used to highlight the significance of the event and the public's anticipation for further news, as in 'Premier you've got a press conference, announced for Wednesday.'

šŸ’”Bounce Back

To 'bounce back' is a colloquial term that means to recover or return to a previous state of success after a setback or failure. The video uses this term to discuss Deon's potential recovery from his loss, emphasizing the resilience required in sports. The term is used to convey a message of hope and determination, as in 'you got to come back, and bounce back stronger.'


Incredible performance by Ryan Garcia and Devin tonight

Ryan looked huge in the ring, at least one division bigger

Deon got hurt badly in the first round and never really recovered

Ryan won the next four rounds after Deon's injury

The fight ended in a draw

Deon turned his back a lot and was hard to hit cleanly

Deon boxed really poorly tonight

It's difficult to win a fight when you've been dropped three times

Ryan Garcia is the clear winner tonight

The WBC title is now vacant

Deon will want a shot back at the belt

A rematch between Deon and Ryan would be huge

Deon needs to come back stronger after this loss

Ryan looked significantly bigger than Deon due to weight difference

Deon is devastated by the loss as an undefeated fighter

A press conference with Terence Crawford is announced for Wednesday

There will be a big fight announcement on the card in August



this is Andy for


Bo Eddie Eddie on to I didn't to see I




also unbelievable performance tonight


what did you make of that incredible I


mean the sport never ceases to Amazement


you know I thought Ryan was amazing I


thought Devin you know showed so much


heart um but box really poorly you I


thought Ryan looked huge huge in the


ring at least one division big bigger if


not more and you know after the the


first round Deon got hurt badly in the


first round I don't think he really


recovered but I thought he went on and


won the next four rounds I actually had


to fight a draw because I thought that




what o


prick um


yeah yeah I I did have the fighter draw


you know I thought he won the last round


and he won virtually every other round


apart from the rounds um that he got


dropped in but he got dropped too many


times it's very diff ult to win a round


when you sorry win a fight when you've


been dropped three times but you know


just incredible to watch gutted for Deon


gutted but you have to give unbelievable


credit to Ryan Garcia mental Eddie after


the first knockdown do you feel like de


never quite managed to find his legs


again yes I'm no I mean you say that but


then you know I had him winning two


three four like Ryan didn't do anything


and he was like it was weird he was like


turning his back all the


and you couldn't really hit him clean


but he just boxed really poorly de


really poorly um you know and uh gutted


for him gutted but like I said tonight


belongs to the Maverick of Ryan Garcia I


mean obviously Ryan's plans now will


change for where do you go with de well


look the belt's vacant so you know you


got to look at what's next um and he'll


want a shot back at that belt obviously


we'd love to do the rematch as well Ryan


have big plans you know he's a big star


um but the WBC title goes up in the air


and there's going to be a lot of people


fighting for him those two de and Ryan


they could fight three four five times


it would have everybody tuning in how


big would a rematch be huge you know


huge and know ryal fancied a rematch and


deon's got to be a lot better like I


said he was I thought he I told him I


thought he boxed really poor toight not


taking anything away from Ryan but I


thought I thought dein boxed a poor


fight tonight and uh but doesn't matter


you got to perform on the night and


tonight belongs to Ryan Garcia obviously


we know about the weight difference you


mentioned it earlier on how much bigger


Ryan looked I've any regret that maybe a


contractually something was absolutely


you know I'll be honest with you I


wasn't involved in the contractual


negotiations and I would have had him


waning uh today coming in at 3 and a


half pound over because Deon Deon


hydrates heavy but you


know so would a r like I said he looked


huge in there tonight a loss never


defines anyone Eddie but how is Deon


coping with that yeah be devastated


because he's a winner you know he's an


undefeated fighter and um you know for


me he's a he's a winner so when you get


beat and you've done everything you can


it's heartbreaking but that's just what


happens in sport you got to come back


and bounce back stronger final one


Premier you've got a press conference


announced for Wednesday everybody on


social media reporting it's mad M


Crawford yeah I mean you know there's


obviously um rad season we'll be holding


a show in August and we will have fight


on that card and there will be an


announcement on Wednesday and I hope the


entire world media are there well I see


you in Liverpool see you in New York no


not staying going to tryy