My First TOTS Pack Opening! Is TOTS Glitch back? FC MOBILE
TLDRفي هذا النص المكتوب، يحتوي على تدوينة توضيحية لفيديو يشجع على فتح الحزم في لعبة الفوتبول الإلكترونية. يبدأ النص بوصف محتوى التحميل الجديد وأحداث اللعبة، ثم ينتقل إلى استلام مكافأة يومية مجانية. تبعًا ذلك، يشجع النص على استبدال الرموز الموجودة لصالح الرموز الرمزية. يُشير إلى أنه يمكن للاعبين استبدال 80 رموز لكي تحصل على 160 رموز إضافية. يُذكر النص بوجود الحزم في المتجر التي سيتم فتحها، ويُشير إلى أن البطاقة الأفضلية هي بتقييم 96. يُشير إلى أن البطاقة المطلوبة هي لللاعب الويلز القديم ليفربول 'يان راش'. يُشير إلى أن البطاقات الموجودة في الحزم ليست قابلة للتداول، ولكن يُشير إلى وجود بطاقات جيدة أخرى. يُشير إلى أن الأحداث التالية تتضمن فتح الحزم المختلفة والحصول على بطاقات لاعبين بتقييمات عاليين، ويُشير إلى أن الأحداث قد تكون مثيرة للجدل. يُشير إلى أن الأحداث تتضمن فتح الحزم المحدودة والحصول على بطاقة لاعب مميز، ولكن يُشير إلى أنه قد يكون النتيجة غير مرضي في بعض الأحيان. يُشير إلى أنه يُمكن استبدال البطاقات الموجودة لكي تحصل على بطاقات أخرى بتقييمات أعلى، ولكن يُشير إلى وجود مشاكل في التبادل. يُشير إلى أنه يُنصح بالتفكير قبل الدخول في التبادلات، ويُشير إلى أن الأحداث قد تكون ممتعة إذا كانت البطاقات التي يُمكن الحصول عليها ممتعة.
- 🕒 **بداية الحدث:** يبدأ الفيديو في الساعة 6:30 صباحًا مع بداية موسم فريق الموسم.
- 🎮 **شاشةلading Screen الجديدة:** تظهر شاشة التحميل الجديدة للاعبين إيارل هاراند، ي مانسون وجود بيلج.
- 🔄 **تبادل الرموز:** يتحدث المتحدث عن تبادل الرموز لصالح الرموز الرمزية.
- 🏆 **بطاقة مجانية:** يُشير إلى بطاقة فريق الموسم مجانية مع تقييم 91 لـ 'Claw Card'.
- 🛍️ **فتح الحزم:** يحاول المتحدث فتح بعض الحزم المتاحة في متجر اللعبة.
- 👤 **كشف الهوية:** يستخدم نقاط FC لكشف اسم أو الهوية لبطاقة الرمزية، ويكشف في النهاية أنه ين Rush.
- 🇧🇷 **البطاقة المميزة:** يحصل المتحدث على بطاقة 'Team of the Season' للاعب بريطاني، جوردن بون، مع تقييم 3 نجوم.
- 📦 **ال包裹 المحدد:** يُشير إلى الحزم المختلفة التي يتم فتحها، بما في ذلك 'Team of the Season bundle' و 'Dynamic CER'.
- 🤑 **الأسعار والطلب:** يشير المتحدث إلى الأسعار والطلب الحالية لبطاقات اللاعبين المميزة.
- 🎉 **البطاقة الأفضل:** يحصل المتحدث على بطاقة Bukayo Saka من فريق England، تقييم 98، وهو ما يُعتبر كنتيجة مميزة.
- 🚫 **التبادلات ممنوع:** يشير إلى أنه تم قفل علامة التبادلات بسبب مشاكل غير محددة.
- 📈 **ال包裹 غير المفيد:** ينصح المتحدث بعدم فتح الحزم المحدودة لأنها لم تعطي نتائج مفيدة.
Q & A
视频中提到的'team of the season'是什么?
-在视频中,'team of the season'指的是游戏中的一个特殊活动,玩家可以通过开启卡包获得赛季最佳球员卡片。
视频里提到的'Star Pass tokens'和'centurions tokens'是什么?
-这些是游戏中的一种货币或者代币,玩家可以通过它们来交换其他类型的代币,如'Icon tokens'。
视频中提到的'walk out'是什么意思?
-'Walk out'在视频中指的是从卡包中开出特殊动画的球员卡片,通常这些卡片的评分较高。
视频里提到的'FC points'是什么?
-'FC points'可能指的是游戏中的一种点数,可以用来解锁卡包中的特定信息,比如球员的国籍或名字。
视频里提到的'94 to 99 into three exchange'是什么?
视频中提到的'untradeable card'是什么意思?
-'Untradeable card'指的是在游戏中开出的卡片,这种卡片不能在市场上交易,只能由玩家自己使用。
视频里提到的'EA Sports'是指什么?
-EA Sports是Electronic Arts公司旗下的一个品牌,专门负责开发和发布体育类视频游戏。
视频中提到的'Dynamic offer'是什么?
-'Dynamic offer'可能指的是游戏中的一种特殊的、限时的卡包购买选项,它们的内容和价格可能会变化。
视频最后提到的'exchange tab got locked'是什么意思?
🕒 Morning Pack Opening Session
The video begins with the host opening various packs in a game at 6:30 a.m., focusing on the 'Team of the Season' event. The host discusses a new loading screen featuring Erling Haaland, Mason and Jude Bell, and expresses excitement about the potential of opening new packs. They mention a free 'Claw Card' and a 'Team of the Season' card as login rewards. The host then talks about exchanging tokens for 'Icon Tokens' and participating in the 'Team of Season Icon Chapter'. They also mention using FC points to try and unlock more information about the player's nationality, which is revealed to be Wales, and the player is identified as Ian Rush, a Liverpool legend. The host proceeds to open several packs, including a 'Team of the Season' bundle and a 'Season Daily Offer Pack', with varied results, including a 93-99 OVR player and a 90-99 OVR player. The segment ends with the host expressing disappointment over not getting a 'walk out' player but remains hopeful for future packs.
📦 Excitement and Disappointment in Pack Opening
The host continues to open packs with the hope of obtaining high-rated players. They discuss the probability of getting a 94 to 99 rated player from the 'Team of the Season limited bundle' and consider it a good deal for the cost of 200 FC points. Despite not getting the desired 'walk out' player initially, the host remains optimistic and continues to open more packs. They express excitement upon obtaining a 95 rated player, a tradeable card, which they consider a good pull. The host then decides to open more packs at an increased pace, hoping for better results. They end the segment by packing a 'Team of the Season verified' player, Bukos Saka, which they are thrilled about, considering it a great end to the pack opening session.
🎲 Pack Opening Conclusion and Exchanges
The host summarizes the pack opening session, mentioning that while it wasn't spectacular, they were satisfied with the results, including packing a 98 rated player. They discuss the demand for certain players in the game's market and consider selling some of the obtained players. The host then attempts to use the exchange feature in the game to obtain higher-rated players but encounters an issue where the exchange tab is locked, possibly due to a high demand for high-rated players. The video concludes with the host expressing their overall satisfaction with the pack opening and encouraging viewers to subscribe to their channel for more content.
💡Team of the Season
💡Pack Opening
💡Walk Out
💡FC Points
💡Dynamic Offer
💡Untradeable Card
💡OVR (Overall Rating)
💡Claw Card
💡Star Pass Tokens
💡Centurions Tokens
It's 6:30 a.m. and time for a new Team of the Season event.
A new loading screen featuring Erling Haaland, Y Manson, and Jude Bell is introduced.
A free 91-rated Team of the Season card is available as a day five login reward.
The speaker plans to exchange tokens for Icon tokens in the Team of Season Icon chapter.
After exchanging tokens, a maximum of 160 tokens can be obtained for SE icons.
Playing head-to-head matches and watching ads can earn more Icon tokens.
The first reveal is the nation, which turns out to be Wales, indicating Ian Rush.
The Team of the Season bundle guarantees a 93 to 99 OVR player.
A Team of the Season walk-out card for England's right-wing, Jared Bowen, is opened.
The speaker expresses disappointment with the lack of high-rated walk-out cards.
A 90 to 99 OVR player pack reveals Sancho, a highly sought-after card.
The Team of the Season limited bundle offers a guaranteed 94 to 99 Team of the Season player.
A 94-rated Cole Palmer card is obtained from the Team of the Season daily offer.
The speaker gets a 95-rated Lucas Vasquez card in a subsequent pack opening.
A tradeable 96-rated card featuring a player from Argentina is opened.
The final pack of the Team of the Season limited pack Pro reveals Bukayo Saka, a highly desirable card.
The Team of the Season unlimited pack opens with a tradeable Denzaka and a normal version of Kusa.
The Exchange tab gets locked, temporarily making it unavailable for further exchanges.
The speaker expresses overall satisfaction with the pack openings, despite not getting any 98+ rated players.
yo AR gang what's going on it's 6:30
a.m. in the morning that means it's team
of the season time so let's open the
game and let's see okay we have a new
loading screen guys it's earling harand
y Manson and Jude Bell gold today it's
going to be a pack opening plus Also
let's have a look at the event uh yeah
let's just try to open a few packs if
possible so first guys we have this free
claw card right back 91 R team of the
season card so yeah it's a day five
login reward so let's go claim this one
and there's no walk out for 9 one rated
unfortunately but you know what there
are some nice packs in the store which
we're going to be opening but first guys
it's time to exchange all our tokens for
this icon tokens guys so let's go do it
and let's see what we can do in the team
of season icon chapter so we got 80
tokens after exchanging those Star Pass
tokens and then we're going to exchange
our centurions tokens as well in return
for 80 Icon tokens uh so yeah that's the
maximum you can get like 160 tokens them
of the SE icons is just like the
centurion's uh chapter guys the Ludo
chapter where you have to accumulate
some set of points every day so yeah the
best thing is to play a head toad match
and the worst attack match then you can
wrap it up with two matches itself and
you can collect 20 tokens here and also
you can watch more ads and get more uh
icon tokens and also you can use your FC
points if you're very rich first thing
we're going to do is we're going to
reveal something here okay I think I
want to reveal the position no uh the
nation what should I reveal first I
think I should just go with uh ovard
yeah let's let's let have a look at the
OVR guys I want to see what OVR it is
and it's going to be okay 96 rated icon
for free if that's the case here I mean
I I'm I'm going to be extremely happy
guys I'm going to be extremely happy and
oh wait there are more guys it's not
just one there are more than one guys
wow just amazing so you know what let's
just spend a few FC points maybe and try
to unlock a name or position something
like that I got a few FC points anyways
all right guys let's go and claim the
nation so that you'll get an idea what
nationality the player is from so here
comes the nationality guys and it is
Wales that's Yan Rush guys that's Yan
Rush the Liverpool Legend so yeah it it
is revealed now and I think I should
have uh you know kept my FC points guys
uh I spent them all but anyways we got
these packs I'm going to begin with the
steam of the Season bundle so you get a
93 to 99 OVR player and it's not even a
walk out wait what okay never mind this
is the big one this is the big one bonus
unable player
here we go it's a team of the season
walk out and it's England okay rightwing
no it's Striker Watkins no it's Jared
Bowen guys it's not Watkins it's Jared
Bowen so I I kind of like the team of
the season uh you know walk out
animation uh it's nice it's not a
tradeable it's an untradeable card this
card looks okay three star V foot I'm
never using him honestly so let's move
on to the next one which is going to be
this one uh 90 to 99 over player so here
we go let's let's have a look and the
theme of the Season daily offer pack is
opened so it's touch Center back oh my
God no freaking way oh that's San juice
guys I thought that was a Virgil Van but
I got s juice that's it but you know
what that's a good looking card as well
and I think yeah there's lot of Supply
right now so we have this Dynamic offer
I can open four of these easily so let's
go and open the dynamic offer okay never
mind it's just a 90 rated Chucho
Hernandez so let's let's move on to the
next one so here comes the second
Dynamic CER and never mind so it's
musera the goalkeeper so the third one
here we go okay not even a single walk
out so far okay this might be a scam
packs guys okay the fourth one here
comes the pack oh my God not even a
single walk out out of all these guys
that is kind of disappointing so we've
got 46,000 more so you know what I'm
going to spend on this uh tots limited
pack Pro guys let's go I'm going to open
280 time and hopefully a walk out this
time and no it's not a walk out so far
not even a single walk out so far guys
which is very bad but yeah that's fine
you know what let me switch to my other
account so that's where we go big in
this packs on that account so let's go
all right guys so it's time to open the
team of the season limited bundle it has
a guaranteed 94 to 99 team of the season
player let's have a look at the
probability so it's 36% off packing a 94
27% off packing a 95 and 18% off a 96 so
not at all bad actually it's more than
50 almost 50% probability of packing 96
plus rated players so that is not at all
bad for sure especially given just 200
FC points that's a nice deal in my
opinion so if you got the FC points
definitely open this one guys in my
opinion so here we go here comes the
pack England okay don't be Striker right
mid this time Cole Palmer guys that's 94
rated I guess yeah is a 94 rated and
that's not the best one you would expect
out of this but that's absolutely fine
let's move on to the next one so I'm
going to open this team of season uh
daily offer so 4,000 gems for this one
come on okay it's not a work out guys
it's just San and yeah it's time to move
on to the next one team of the season
Dynamic offer come on please give me
that Patrick via or any Arsenal player I
would love to take it what what is this
for girl Center forward oh that's jot
okay oh we got the right back T from PSV
uh let's move on to the second one come
on okay not even a walk out on this one
so yeah lofter Chic that's what we got
and the third one here comes the third
pack so we got rare and the final one
and it's just 200,000 Coins Plus a few
goalkeepers and the next pack is going
to be the steam of the Season daily
bundle 3,000 gems for this one so let's
go and see what we're going to pack out
of this so here comes the bonus
untradeable player and it's a team of
the season vard so Argentina uh that's M
no it's not it's
Alvarez okay Julian Alvarez oh is just
got 90 rated card I thought he's got
some nice thoughts card or something but
yeah that's what we got and also these
are all the limited offers we've got
right now we've got the centurions fun
team of the season starter packs welcome
pack and yeah we've got this Pro Max
pack as well where you get a pushka card
and yeah that is it I don't think I'm
going to purchase any of those uh so
let's move on to the next pack which is
the limited uh limited pack Pro so you
know what first let's open one by one
and later we can increase the speed and
it's a walk out guys so let's freaking
of Brazil goalkeeper no it's
sentiment oh J oh no wait uh Douglas L
wait I thought that was Newcastle but
never mind it's Aston Villa uh so the
next one is here so it's not a walk on
all right that's absolutely fine we've
got eight more of this come on ES Sports
give me one good walk out out of all
this no we got kuras Mohammad kurus
that's very disappointing so the fourth
pack here we go it's a walk out guys so
come on Patrick WEA no it's touch Center
vanik no it's always s juice guys it's
always s juice uh yep that's very bad to
be honest been cwed twice already but
you know what you have to get used to it
guys it's always it's most of the times
same juice for sure uh come on it's back
toback walk outs this time Spain rodri
no it's not rodri oh caral no it's not
caral it's Lucas Vasquez okay never mind
and that's what we got let's move on to
the sixth pack come on okay it's back to
back walkouts thce in a row Argentina
Center forward no it's mallis this time
finally we got our nice for 96 no it's
he's 95 guys but still that's absolutely
fine he's a tradeable and yes he is a
tradeable card so that's not at all bad
so the seventh pack here comes the
seventh pack guys and it's another walk
out no it's uh Rivals walk out I'm going
to skip this one I'm not interested
about it and yeah we' got Megan so we
got three more of this come on y please
one more good good pull that's what I
want 197 plus player is what we want
today guys and nope it's just Mohammad
kurus and the 10th one come on please
it's a team of the season verified I
mean yeah England right wing bukos Saka
yes we packed our star boy let's
freaking go guys this is the card I
wanted and we did pack him today so that
is awesome that is absolutely fire pack
so let's have a look at his price
62.7 million coins and look at the
supply as well it's actually very high
uh I mean I'm me demand guys it's very
high demanded card right now so that's a
nice way to end this team of the season
limited pack Pro now we're going to move
on to the team of the is an unlimited
pack so I'm not sure how many I can open
but I'm going to I think I'm going to
open all those or maybe I should
probably go for this one I'm not sure to
be honest guys you know what let's just
open this one I think I'm I'm going to
open all the 20 at a time let's see how
many we can open open oh we can open
only five at a time so let's go I'm
going to open these all guys so team of
season limited pack and it's not a team
of season workout I'm going to skip this
one if it's not a team of the season
walk out come on team of the season
limited pack it's a team of the year in
the team of the season pack so it's
Switzerland CDM that's Den jaka so I'm
going to skip this one but we got a
tradeable version though so that's not
at all bad I can exchange him for a few
coins it's icon walk out guys Italy okay
CDM that's kuso but what version is this
yeah it's just normal one why okay never
mind so this is not really a great pack
I wouldn't really suggest you to open
this pack guys uh so Saudi Arabia
Striker aljabar but I think this is just
a normal version yes is 898 version so
yeah this is what we got in the steam of
the Season limited pack yeah let's go
open this one I'm going to go maybe
three at a time so you know let's go
three at a time guys hopefully that
works for us and it's a walk team of
season verified walk Ura Center forward
yeah that's Center forward Julian
Alvarez so that's not the best one you
would wanted uh but yeah that's
absolutely fine we got more packs to
open and is this guy having any demand
okay he's actually having a a bit of
demand guys that's not bad I can sell
him back probably so let's go three
again you know what if if if you don't
pack anyone about 95 in this I'm going
to go 5 at a time guys so here comes the
pack it's touch it's Center back
obviously it's say juice yeah it's say
juice never mind I'm going to skip it so
yeah we've got no one about 95 so that
means I'm going to increase the pace I'm
going to open five your time and here
comes the five packs guys come on EA
Sports you are listening to me I know
that and it's a German walk out Howards
no it's not Howards Center back who is
this guy I'm B sorry I am I might have
misre his name but yeah we got B guys
he's going for 22.4 million so 23.5
million coins so not at all bad this
look this is okay one this is okay one
94 I'll take it but we we can definitely
do better guys you know what let's spend
all the remaining ones uh so I can open
seven of these so let's go I want to see
those earling Highlands dlish vas in
this pack so here we go and it's a team
of season obviously and it's going to be
English Walker
cerate Arsenal wait diin rice no
freaking way guys it's tickin rice rice
rice baby come on Wow Let's freaking go
as a gunner you know I don't want
anything more than this I pack two of
our best players in the season which is
rice and Saka I'm absolutely happy with
that let's see what's behind Saka we got
hen Capi as well so
wow this has been so good this has been
a wonderful pack opening for me guys I
just can't ask for more definitely this
is this is crazy good luck today wow but
rice packing rice and Saka in the same
pack opening that's you know awesome
guys we got a team of their player here
Poland that's 11 gold key so yeah I'm
going to skip this one so guiol and that
is it guys
so not at all bad we had a decent pack
opening I wouldn't say spectacular
something but we packed 98 over here so
I'm not supposed to complain about that
uh and we got R multiple times I thought
it was Van but it was St jice so yeah
I'm sure even you guys will face the
same thing you know being crawled with
the Dutch flag but I think mine was a
decent pack opening now let's head into
the store and let's have a look at the
exchanges guys 94 to 99 into three
player guys for that you need four oh my
God for this you need four of this 94
to9 wait is it a tradeable version or
untradeable it's an untradeable guys but
you know what I think I'm I'm willing to
take the risk I've got three cheap
players probably probably I can put them
in probably I think I should just put
them in yeah Mall let's freaking go
let's do this let's do this it's a no
limit exchange as well 94 to 99 into
three exchange so here we go let's have
a look at the exchange guys come on EA
please please it's a te of the Season
verified okay Columbia Louis Diaz don't
say 95 is the highest rated card that we
packed no
way that's a big fat L guys and got okay
we've got two Louis gazes and one Palmer
guys so I mean that's terrible I guess
wait what why can't he use these players
why can't he use mallister wait what
what's going on I can definitely use
them right oh yeah I can use them
obviously I think I got to buy one more
so guys I don't know what's wrong but
while I was doing the exchanges uh The
Exchange tab got locked I guess that's a
mistake from EA because probably the
exchanges is giving too many high rated
players or something so yeah the
exchange is locked so this feature is
temporar unavailable so that means we
can't further continue any of these
exchanges so that's it guys I hope you
all have enjoyed this video if you did
make sure to subscribe to my channel and
go watch this video next
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