Climbing Stairway to Heaven
- 🎉 视频中的主角发现了一些有趣的东西,并希望通过展示它来给观众一个惊喜。
- 🤔 主角和Mikey之间有一个关于谁能制造出更令人惊讶的事物的竞赛。
- 🛤️ 主角在Minecraft中建造了一个自动扶梯,并认为这是一个令人惊叹的创造。
- 😮 Mikey最初对自动扶梯的实用性表示怀疑,但后来也承认它很酷。
- 🏆 他们决定举行一个建筑比赛,使用自动扶梯来建造有趣的东西。
- 🔥 主角使用自动扶梯设置了一个陷阱,包含了熔岩,这让Mikey感到惊讶。
- 🤹♂️ Mikey虽然声称不容易被惊喜,但在自动扶梯的新奇用途中逐渐被吸引。
- 🌊 主角探索了自动扶梯是否可以在水下使用,并成功创建了一个水下城市。
- 🌈 主角利用自动扶梯在Minecraft的不同维度(如下界)中进行传送。
- ⚓ 主角通过反向心理学,设置了一个标有“绝对不要乘坐”的自动扶梯,以吸引Mikey的注意。
- 💎 Mikey被散落的钻石吸引,最终决定尝试主角设置的自动扶梯,即使有警告标志。
Q & A
😄 探索乌托邦的惊喜
😲 Mikey的自动扶梯体验
😱 Mikey落入陷阱
💡建造比赛(Building Contest)
💡逆反心理(Reverse Psychology)
💡生存模式(Survival Mode)
almost there no way what's in Utopia I'm
starting to get excited maybe treasure
nothing today I found something
interesting I want to show off it's
going to be so amazing you'll be really
surprised really mhm no way I don't get
surprised if you can surprise me it must
be something huge seriously then if I
can surprise you does that mean I win
sure that sounds like a good idea I'm a
moving walking dancing active turtle I
don't surprise easily otherwise I'd be
surprised every time I looked in the
mirror although I don't like to admit it
anyways mhm show me wait am I making a
big deal by talking about it hey stop
what's the matter sorry but I don't
really get surprised so it might be
frustrating for you if it helps I could
slip up for the video otherwise you
think my reaction is kind of bland yep
got it where should I look look over
that way for a sec okay I guess I'll
build it somewhere over here just hang
on for a minute Mikey here we go okay
I'm ready where is
it look oh wow H what is it are you
surprised me don't be ridiculous I
wasn't surprised it would have to be
something big to surprise me it's an
escalator that's right Mikey isn't it
awesome take a closer look I mean
escalators in Minecraft no way wow you
just said wow so what we won't even use
it nah it's not that incredible it's
useless huh how come I mean we can just
climb like this you have to admit it's
awesome fine it's awesome oh really I'm
not surprised I made these just for
today h let's use them to build
something here I'll give you half of
them Mikey here thanks but it's kind of
a waste what do we do with these in
Minecraft whatever don't worry let's
stop saying things like that for I doubt
we'll use them cut it out we won't need
them at all Wow Let's have a building
contest let's do
it my mic is off seems like Mikey really
wasn't surprised at all that's a bit
disappointing in that case I guess I'll
use these escalators to build something
interesting and surprise Mikey that way
I hope we can make something fun with
these oh these are cool wow what
uh nothing the escalators can go down
too seriously we have nothing to use
these escalators for why don't we just
walk I guess they're cool but other than
that they're useless why do humans
always think they can do things like
this to goof off I'm a creature of the
natural world mhm I enjoy walking on my
own two feet silly
humans what's up with that Mikey Mikey
Mikey I do like humans though hey I'm
talking about put something important
here uh huh you used the escalator uh no
I didn't you did no way that wasn't me
Mikey you must be hooked to use them
this much this is great I sure have used
them you used them that's awesome I was
just testing them out they ended up
looking nice this is fun no wonder you
rode them so much I did not anyway I
learned something check it out try out
the escalators I made what do you think
would you happen to be surprised Mikey
I'm more interested in how you said they
were useless but you were using them go
down this one it's fun you might as well
try my creation seriously Mikey you're
hooked it's dangerous switch into
survival mode why do it that's more
dangerous switch to survival mode you'll
really get caught up in it tell me when
you're done uh come on did you do it
there come over here but watch your step
what's this it's dangerous go slow Mikey
this is just going to be something weird
isn't it nah take a ride and be careful
it's definitely weird I'm going to pass
it's not dangerous seriously just do it
well I guess I have to I definitely
think there's something more to this I
don't have much Choice it's fine go
ahead so you like escalators I do all
right oh wait hey Mikey
you hey hang on are you okay I can't get
off this thing oh that's not good ow are
you okay what no hey you're even leaving
TNT Mike key were you surprised no I
wasn't what well I'll admit that I was
surprised that there was lava but I
could tell that you were absolutely up
to something but maybe I can get a point
for surprising you with the lava M
that's fine sure thanks the score is
1 let's both make something Mikey I
might become a master with these things
I'll give Mikey a big surprise me nah I
won't get surprised I definitely won't
get surprised as a dancing talking
Turtle it takes something substantial to
surprise me sure it happened once mhm
they are pretty convenient oh really but
I got you with lava so we're even it's a
tie sure thing
Mikey I made something interesting show
me what is it mhm does it just go up and
down down yep ride it up and down it
kind of looks like fun I'll try it out
for you I'm famous for not getting
surprised I'll take it for a test drive
ready write it up Mikey will it be fun
it sure will
okay you're on it yeah I'm on my way up
hey huh wait I came back somehow I'll
try it wo I'm in the nether it only sent
me back huh the escalator is moving
again you were only here for a second
I'll release you so you can cross to
this side where am I let's see if we can
use escalators in the nether
sure wo amazing wow the escalators are
working hey I hopped on amazing amazing
no way it's a little amazing are you
surprised by it not surprised but we're
in the nether it's interesting but not
surprising mhm JJ I'm just not surprised
that's the only thing I won't concede to
you I'll admit that these escalators are
fun though awesome well you say you
haven't been surprised this time I guess
that's fine I didn't even get surprised
when I got tossed into The Nether is
that so well whatever okay then Mikey
great wo look at that can I ride it sure
it turns into a nether escalator just
like this
huh huh what uh I don't get it it just
back wait what it brought me back what
was that about huh I don't know let's go
back let's go
back oh Mikey we came out someplace
odd we were underwater now we're at some
weird Islands let's have some fun here
good idea Mikey I wonder if we can put
them in the water let's try it ah too
bad looks like it doesn't work try it
like this huh how did you do that check
it out let's see if it works W I'm
riding it he hey awesome it's like an
underwater city Mikey let's play with
these a little more sure okay I'll put
these here it's magical there we go
awesome interesting and okay we reached
the surface Mikey wow ride the escalator
sure huh wo this is
awesome wow what's wrong I feel like I'm
in survival mode and I'm
stuck am I in trouble what
help no I'm going to lose it
all yes I beat Mikey that wasn't good
well Mikey I'll build over here so you
can play around however you like sounds
good to me having fun I sure am I'm
still not surprised though
fine my mic is off this escalator will
take its Rider all the way to
Utopia I made it just now H it's pretty
cool huh once you ride it you can't get
off until you reach Utopia now if I told
Mikey to ride it directly I don't think
he'd do it so instead I left these signs
out front this sign says absolutely do
not ride it
if I use reverse psychology on Mikey and
tell Mikey not to ride it then he will
so I've set it up to try to get Mikey to
ride the
escalator I'll scatter a few diamonds
around okay that should do it
perfect what are you up to Mikey not
really up to anything just chilling I
was looking at this escalator well I'll
be over here okay oh diamonds cool you
see some this is probably a trap but I'm
a rusting Turtle diamonds I'm so happy
this is amazing I love diamonds JJ
there's a sign here that says absolutely
do not ride this h destination
Utopia H well if it says not to ride it
and I'm a good Turtle then I won't you
won't I'm too well behaved for that if
it says not to ride it then I won't ride
it if I wasn't well behaved then I
wouldn't ride it h i mean I would oh
that was weird you're right it's
dangerous Mikey so absolutely do not
ride that okay but is it really
dangerous so much that I shouldn't ride
it I'm the only one who can ride on it
Mikey so just I won't ride it okay huh
hey Mikey you are riding it definitely
not huh hey you were watching me again
yeah wait where is this actually taking
me well where am I going you want to
know what's coming yeah once you ride it
you can't get off are you for real
YouTube what are you doing I'm busy I'm
not bored or anything just busy well
you're definitely going to be surprised
after this I'm sure I will be but right
now I'm bored how long have I been on
here don't worry it's so high you're
almost at the top huh mhm time flies
when you're on YouTube it's only been 7
Minutes almost there no way wasn't you
Utopia I'm starting to get
excited Utopia uh-huh I've heard all
about it yeah it seems extremely
luxurious what could be there what could
there be maybe treasure huh what huh
hey no way you fell Mikey you really
surprised me that wait oh you're under
attack hang on hey
Mikey you're being attacked by drowned
I'll save you pal stay there one second
you died Mikey come on help me wow I
didn't make that part of the
Trap if you enjoyed today's adventure
make sure to like And subscribe plus you
can check us out on Twitter Instagram
and Tik Tok whenever you want with the
links in the corner thanks for watching
see you next time a
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