"Show Me Your Cards!" - Judge Threatens To Incarcerate Trump & Fines Him For Violating Gag Order
TLDRThe transcript discusses a recent ruling by Judge Juan Merchan allowing former President Trump to attend his son Baron's graduation, despite imposing a $99,000 fine for violating a gag order. The judge also threatens Trump with incarceration if he continues to violate the order. The conversation touches on the ongoing legal challenges Trump faces, including the Stormy Daniels hush money trial, and the potential implications of judicial activism on the upcoming election. The speakers express their views on the situation, suggesting that the judge's actions could backfire and strengthen Trump's position. They also discuss the role of the Supreme Court in upholding American values and the importance of transparency in the legal process. The transcript concludes with a mention of a contest related to the Manex networking app and a birthday wish for Vinnie, one of the speakers.
- 📰 A judge has officially allowed Donald Trump to attend his son Baron's graduation but fined him $99,000 for violating a gag order.
- 🚫 The judge threatened Trump with incarceration if he continues to violate the gag order, which is in place during the trial involving Stormy Daniels.
- 💬 Trump is criticized for his repeated violations of the gag order, with the judge noting nine instances, including criticizing expected trial witnesses and social media posts.
- 🚨 Protesters gathered outside Manhattan Criminal Court, with some showing support for Trump, while others demonstrated against him.
- 🤝 Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, testified that he was not informed that the company would use the money to pay an adult entertainment star, which he would have considered a reputational risk.
- 💭 The discussion suggests that if Trump were to openly criticize the judge or witnesses in a podcast, it could lead to him being held in contempt of court and potentially incarcerated.
- 🤔 The length of the gag order is likely to cover the duration of the trial, raising questions about the potential for it to be extended.
- 🎓 The judge allowed Trump to take May 17th off from the trial to attend his son's graduation, despite the ongoing legal proceedings.
- 💰 Trump is ordered to pay $9,000 by the end of the week for his violations, or face potential incarceration.
- 🤝 There is a discussion about the political affiliations and donations of Judge Juan Merchan, appointed by Michael Bloomberg, and his role in the case.
- 🌐 The script also touches on a trade war between the US and China, particularly regarding apps, with Apple's actions in China being highlighted.
Q & A
What is the breaking news about Donald Trump?
-The breaking news is that a judge has officially allowed Donald Trump to attend Baron's graduation but fined him $99,000 for violating a gag order.
What is the consequence if Trump continues to violate the gag order?
-The judge has threatened Trump with incarceration as a punishment if he willfully violates the gag order again.
What is the context of the gag order and the trial?
-The gag order and the trial are related to a case involving Stormy Daniels and hush money, where Trump is accused of repeatedly violating the gag order by criticizing expected trial witnesses and posting on social media.
What was the stance of the protesters outside Manhattan Criminal Court?
-The protesters outside Manhattan Criminal Court were demonstrating in support of Trump, with some brandishing Trump's flag and chanting 'we want Trump.'
What did Michael Cohen testify about in relation to the case?
-Michael Cohen testified that he was not informed that the company would use the money to pay an adult entertainment star, and that had he known, he would have considered it a reputational risk and asked additional questions.
What is the judge's political background according to the script?
-The judge, Juan Merchan, was appointed by Michael Bloomberg and has made donations to the Democratic party, Joe Biden's campaign, and the Progressive Turnout Project.
What does the speaker suggest Trump should do in response to the gag order?
-The speaker suggests that Trump should openly challenge the gag order by, for example, conducting a long-form podcast where he speaks his mind, and see how the judge and the system react.
What is the significance of the judge's threat of incarceration in the context of the election?
-The speaker believes that such a move would backfire and potentially help Trump in the election, as it could be seen as an infringement on freedom of speech and gain him sympathy votes.
What is the current situation with the trade war between the US and China as mentioned in the script?
-The trade war situation involves Apple complying with China's requests to remove certain apps like WhatsApp and Signal from its App Store in China, which is part of a larger conflict over technology and communication.
What does the speaker imply about the Supreme Court's role in protecting the Republic?
-The speaker expresses confidence in the Supreme Court to act as a check on other branches of government and to protect the Constitution and the Republic from what they perceive as manipulative actions.
What is the Manet contest mentioned in the script?
-The Manet contest is a competition where participants compete by asking questions and engaging with the platform, with the winners being invited to a dinner at Casa D'Angelo.
📰 Trump's Legal Battle and Public Support
The first paragraph discusses the legal developments involving former President Trump. A judge has allowed Trump to attend his son Baron's graduation but fined him $99,000 for violating a gag order. The judge also threatened Trump with incarceration if he continues to violate the order. The paragraph highlights public protests in support of Trump and the political implications of the judge's actions. It also touches on a trade war between the US and China, where Apple is seen complying with China's requests to remove certain apps from its App Store.
💬 Consequences of Violating Gag Orders and Judicial Power
This paragraph explores the potential consequences if Trump were to violate the gag order by doing a two-hour podcast criticizing the judge or witnesses. It suggests that the court could find him in contempt and take him into custody immediately. The discussion also considers the impact of such an event on the election, with the speaker believing it could help Trump. The paragraph further addresses the timeline of the gag order and the possibility of delaying the trial until after the election, which the speaker views as a risk to freedom.
🚨 Challenging the Judiciary and Calling for Transparency
The third paragraph is a call to action, urging to challenge the judge's authority and see if the threats of contempt are genuine. The speaker suggests that being confrontational and pushing for immediate action could lead to a Supreme Court intervention, which they believe would be favorable. The paragraph also discusses the importance of the Supreme Court in upholding American values and the speaker's confidence in its ability to protect the Republic.
👥 Public Reaction to Judicial Activism and Political Strategy
This paragraph talks about the public's perception of judicial activism and how it's affecting political strategies. The speaker criticizes the judge's decisions as manipulative and calls for transparency in the legal process. They emphasize the importance of the Constitution and the Supreme Court in safeguarding American democracy. The paragraph also mentions other potential legal challenges that Trump might face and the speaker's determination to confront them head-on.
🎉 Celebrating Vinnie's Birthday and Promoting the Manéka App
The final paragraph shifts the topic to celebrating Vinnie's birthday and promoting the Manéka app. The speaker encourages listeners to wish Vinnie a happy birthday and to use the Manéka app to network and ask questions. They highlight the app's high response rate and provide a call to action for listeners to download the app and participate in a contest for a chance to have dinner with the speakers at casa d'Angelo.
💡Breaking News
💡Gag Order
💡Contempt of Court
💡Supreme Court
💡Judicial Activism
💡Trade War
💡Mane Event
Judge officially allows Trump to attend Baron's graduation but fines him $99,000 for gag order violation.
The judge threatens Trump with incarceration if he continues to violate the gag order.
Trump returns to court for the Stormy Daniels hush money trial.
Michael Cohen, former attorney for Trump, testifies that he was not informed about the payment to an adult entertainment star, which he considers a reputational risk.
Protesters gather outside Manhattan Criminal Court, with some showing support for Trump.
Judge Juan Merchan, appointed by Bloomberg, has made a ruling on Trump's contempt for violating gag orders.
Trump is fined $9,000 for nine violations of the gag order, including criticizing expected trial witnesses and social media posts.
Apple is aiding China in a growing trade war by pulling apps like WhatsApp and Signal from its App Store in China.
Discussion on the potential legal and political ramifications if Trump were to openly criticize the judge or witnesses in a podcast.
The concept of presidential immunity is being debated in the Supreme Court.
The speaker expresses confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court as a check on potential judicial activism.
Trump's team is urged to accelerate legal processes rather than delay decisions.
There is a mention of an RNC event scheduled for July 15 and the potential impact on Trump's legal situation if he is restricted from attending.
The speaker challenges the judge to enforce the gag order to its fullest extent, inviting a direct confrontation.
The difficulty of finding an impartial jury for a case involving a figure as polarizing as Donald Trump is highlighted.
The speaker expresses a desire to see the true motives behind the legal actions against Trump, urging transparency.
The Manet contest is announced, offering a chance to have dinner with the speakers at casa d'Angelo.
Statistics on the Man app's high response rate are shared, emphasizing its utility for networking.
breaking news did you hear about what
just came through right now Robie if you
want pull pull up the breaking news
breaking news is the judge officially is
allowing Trump to go to Baron's
graduation but he did find him $99,000
for the gag whatever violation so so
judge thre ex president of incarceration
punishment over gag of violations but
allows him to attend Baron's uh
graduation go a little bit lower former
president Trump returns to court for
stormmy Daniels hush money trial Trump
was $9,000 for repeated gag order the
judge threaten them with incarcerator
punishment if necessary and appropriate
should Trump continue to violate the gag
order the judge also allowed Trump to
have May 17 off from The Trial to attend
his Sun Baron's graduation go a little
lower to see what a president Trump
protesters gathered outside of Manhattan
Criminal Court to voice their support
demonstrators uh brandishing Trump's
flag can be heard chanting we want Trump
at collect Pond Park a pro Trump motor
Kate drove through lore Manhattan
blasting a song uh whose lyrics include
f Facebook F Twitter to go a little
lower okay that's weird so Michael
Cohen's expans uh Gary F who testified
that he upset up that Michael Cohen used
to pay off storm D is now off the stand
pharaoh and Cohen said they did not tell
him that the company would use any pay
adult entertainment star and that he
would have certainly ask additional
questions had he been informed it is an
industry that we do not work with he
said on stand we might consider that a
reputational risk the trial will resume
in a new witness after 50-minute break
the most important part of this whole
thing is Rob go all the way to the top
what does the judge mean saying
threatens the president with
incarcerator punishment what does that
mean that's when you get LED hang on
that's right you get LED from the
courtroom and you end you go to the
local jail which is the equivalent of
the drunk taint also calls Detention
Center where they would hold you
overnight you would sober up and then
your friend comes and picks you up in
the morning that's it it's the overnight
jail it's like take him into custody and
you end up overnight in the CL any mug
shots or no but by the way if that
happens the Democrats need to understand
they better stop saying this because
this is the kind of stuff that by the
way they just gave him another half
point in the polls when they do that
when the judge says that and the people
in New York hear it certain people it's
like it's like putting oxygen into the
into the PO this is such a backfire for
them but Tom they just can't stop they
because they started this BS uh Witch
Hunt now they can't stop and it's
getting him stronger and stronger and
stronger bro New Yorkers are in the
streets uh protesting for him I think
it's fantastic good here's the the
national polls don't even matter here's
further news the judge finds Trump in
contempt for violating gag orders trial
continues judge Juan mishan ruled Donald
Trump violated the gag order gag order
nine times for criticizing expected
trial Witnesses and posts on social
media Trump must pay 9,000
by the end of the week I don't know if
he's going to come up with it the judge
will threaten incarceration if Trump
willfully violates the gag order again
you know Pat the backdrop of this is
there is a trade war that is going that
is starting right now uh between the US
and China on apps and apple is actually
helping China um on the 19th uh we just
go back it was very quiet story but
apple is pulling things out of its App
Store in China uh in China people are
sideloading what app and then using VPN
so that they can communicate with people
around the world like relatives and and
things like that and have the CCP you
know maybe not see it and then app Apple
pulled WhatsApp threads and signal and
that's just the beginning so this is
going back and forth where China is now
saying okay well I'm taking this off and
they all they do is they ask Apple to do
it and apple is acting sort of like the
Secretary of State for China at the
moment complying with this whereas what
did what did mus do in Brazil he went
face to face with the judge now
ultimately capitulated but he went face
to face and says no I'm not going to do
this automatically you know so by the
way go pull up this guy's profile Juan
merchan guy from bota
Colombia uh if you can pull him up real
quick yeah Juan meran uh uh judge Rob
it's m e r c h
n so go go to his Wikipedia Rob go to
his Wikipedia just yeah so zoom in a
little bit so check this that so here's
a guy who was appointed by Bloomberg
weird political views in the middle
during the 2020 US presidential election
merchan donated $15 to the Democratic
party B de Pockets obviously yeah he's
rich and to Joe Biden's campaign 10 $10
to the progressive turnout project and
$10 to stop
Republicans a subsidiary of the previous
and if you look at who gave him the job
merchan go there you go became a judge
in ' 06 uh New York City Mayor Michael
Bloomberg appointed him and he remained
until the role of 09 and then he's done
a bunch of other things so that is who's
priding over this whole thing here so I
got a question Tom what happens if
president Donald Trump does a two-hour
podcast right now okay if he does a
two-hour podcast right now openly speaks
okay talks about where he's at what does
it do if he does a long form two our
podcast right now and criticizes the
judge or criticizes the witnesses well
he's going to do it you if he goes two
hours he's going to criticize them and
he says exactly what's on his mind what
happens he will go into court and the
court will immediately say you know um
uh they probably will have the uh the
state the prosecutor and his lawyer
quickly meet in Chambers and the judge
will will say look you know what this is
this is contempt I'm going to find your
your client in contempt and we're going
to take him into custody or without even
having a sidebar he just says court toun
session uh it says Mr trump it was
observed you were on a two-hour podcast
you just said this and this I warned you
I told you I find you $9,000 court cost
that you paid but you know what this
cannot stand I find you in contempt
wraps the judge can do it it's like an
executive order within the court case
procedural I find you in contempt I'm
finding you this and Deputy will you
please take him into custody okay stay
with me here stay with me here uh does
that help him or hurt him with the
election uh it I think it completely
helps him because to people like me it's
a freedom of speech thing you're trying
to gag this guy while you're trying to
choke this guy okay stay with me that's
my point remember when Colorado tried to
prevent him to even be on the ticket who
came in and intervened the US Supreme
Court said 7 to2 that that this this
can't stand and then the other two
liberal drugs justices without comment
went along with the vote to make it 9
nothing okay so then say they put him in
jail okay the whole whatever threat she
he's given right say they put him in
jail how long before The Supreme Court
gets involved in saying what the hell
are you guys doing uh well this is a pro
this would be procedural in New York
Supreme Court a contempt thing and then
you know he'll be he'll be out in 24
hours or six hours but the the whole
point is is is that you need a court
decision then to go to the Supreme Court
so once they're done with this they they
can appeal it okay let me continue my
questioning Tom the length of this gag
order Rob if you can look it up what is
the length of this gag order do you guys
know it's I do not know but it's you if
you what we probably show up is a length
of time covering the trial itself okay
so if if the length in time covering the
trial itself can can I as judge Juan
Merchant or whatever the guy's name is
can I delay this trial Tom till November
10th oh yeah and that yes you can and
that is exactly the risk to freedom and
the proper so stay with me here so if I
can extend this trial till November 10th
and if I since Biden on Howard Stern if
you can play the clip Biden on Howard
Stern came out tough saying yes he will
agree to go ahead and play this clip
I had if you I don't know if you're
going to debate your uh your opponent I
am somewhere I don't know when I'm happy
toate noidea where he
is so he's saying he's happy to debate
him okay Trump suggested let's debate at
the white house because it's comfortable
for you because you don't have to leave
you know get out of bed or whatever kind
ofing him a little bit so if he
debates Biden while he has the gag order
while this go uh it's still going the
trial's still going
can he still find him with the gag order
while he calls out the judge and calls
out New York can they come and say
during the debate you said such and such
because of that we're we're putting you
in jail can they do that oh absolutely
when a court case is in motion that
judge is God and can find you the court
meaning the judge finds you in contempt
and confine you and hold you overnight
it it it's then guess what judges Gods
when the court Cas is motion then guess
what I'm doing I'm doing a podcast right
now yeah you're right I'm doing it right
now let's get on with it right now find
me arrest me today let's roll you want
to play this with me I'm not waiting I'm
going to go out there and talk right now
and whoever this Noble podcaster that
would be willing to do it whatever the
gag order is agree to be willing to pay
whatever the fines are cover the fines I
know a couple friends I can call that
would be willing to do this but my
suggestion my suggestion is that if you
want to do this and they want to silence
you well let's actually see what the
judge is going to do now let's let's
actually call the guys Bluff let's do
right now put me in jail go ahead put me
in jail let's go and do it right now
let's sit down and talk and say
everything you want to say but do it in
a sense of hey allegedly allegedly
allegedly allegedly allegedly do it in
that way and see what you're going to do
I would go like this and say hey call
all in
flip what are you going to do go ahead
go ahead put me in jail do it what are
you going to do and then see how they're
going to react because for me to sit
this long and let this thing go this is
what I want to do I want to get it to
the point where Supreme Court is
pressured to come in and say hey hey New
York what are you guys doing you guys
doing is this America is this how we're
going to be reacting to this let's play
Let's play right now if you're going to
take an angle like this and try to do
something for a what for a Stormy
Daniels hush money Michael cohens going
around talking and this guy can't wait a
minute what do you that was the lawyer
apparently right if that's the case and
that's going on show me your cards I
want to see your cards you know how
sometimes you play poker and what do you
do you're like I don't give a if I
lose us $10,000 I want to see what the
hell you got for the sake of a l for me
I'm willing to lose I'll give you
$10,000 but I want to know if I read you
right or wrong boom and they say oh
I was right oh I was wrong great
but I want to know your hand I think
it's at a point right now that delaying
this whole concept
is strategically I don't think the Right
Moves being made and by the way again
I'm not on the inside I don't talk to
the campaign I'm not sitting on the on
the thing but I don't think the idea of
delaying a decision to be made is also
good I want to find out right now what
your motives are are you dark and
deceptive show me your damn cards show
me your damn cards because what we
learned the Supreme Court doesn't stand
with what Colorado wanted to do what we
learned the Supreme Court when Biden was
lecturing them from the stage on his
whatever annual what do you
call you know what the what the Supreme
Court did boom they sat like that not
shaking that were United against a
president even though we know three and
four of them are liberals they were
America before
they were America before politics when
he's trying to lecture at these guys so
to me guess what what gives me the
confidence with America what gives me
the confidence with America is our
Supreme Court that's what gives me
confidence with America what gives me
confident that this Republic's not going
to fall is the Supreme Court well let's
guess what let's go straight to him
let's let's Force this guy to do this
now I don't want it to happen in October
I don't want it to happen in September I
don't want it to happen in August we got
an RNC coming up when when is RNC is it
July June when is RNC is it June or July
July 15 is RNC let's go let's go cuz
then you can't even talk here can you
imagine if RNC happens I would love this
come on Judge let's play ball I would
love it if the RNC happens and the judge
doesn't allow him to go to the RNC oh
man you know how much you know how you
know how you know how crazy that would
be do you know what would happen oh my
God first of all y your your strategy of
trying to both appease to Muslims and
Jews backfired 81% of people ages 183 35
lots of these guys are college students
you've lost Joseph Biden now you want to
play this you want to use the doj show
your entire cards man I want to see what
you got I think you're bluffing but I
think you're deceptive I think you're
dark I want to know it now I don't want
to know anything close to July 15 put me
in jail right now is what I want to want
to do if that's the card you want to
play Let's Roll let's roll because this
questioning process I just went through
Tom if 90% of what you said is accurate
and that's what's going to happen let's
accelerate this process I don't want to
slow play it I think that's I want to
get to a decision that's a great point
and that's a what a I had by the way who
thought of that who thought of a tactic
where they're like oh you're still
talking trash during that get them up
cuz like if he if one of the debates or
or or he's on the debate stage and he
does it how how far in F uh when there's
a debate when's the next one how many
days it's like a usually this is a
weapon of the they tried to take
judicial activism which is to to attempt
to prosecute him to say look how many
indictments he's got look at how many
things he's got that's what they're
trying to say and Nancy Pelosi on MSNBC
is sitting there using the talking point
oh he was bad on the economy he's bad on
the economy that's the talking points
but what has happened they has turned
judicial activism has become a cause for
the people that appreciate freedom and
see through this and are
looking at it now and saying wait a
minute they're trying to manipulate this
I don't stand for it the polls are
showing that Americans are not fooled
and more Americans have to wake up to
what is happening that the Biden
Administration and their proxies are
doing under this I want to see it too
Pat I want to see it judge take your
move Take Your Best Shot you're a
manipulative little peon sitting there
on the bench controlling things whether
a man can go to his his freaking son's
graduation or not I was a foreman of a
jury there was a appointment for one of
the lawyers and we didn't go to court
for two days they they move these things
all the time but for Trump no you can't
go you can't do it this is manipulation
this is judicial activism and people are
seeing through it and more people have
to see through it this is your country
which one do you want to vote for do you
want to want to vote for the one we have
to get back or do you want to vote for
the one that's happening around you
right now I love when Tom gets fired up
especially against Vinnie well you're
speaking of judicial activism what is
the famous quote by Roy Cohen who is
Donald Trump's Mentor he said don't tell
me the law tell me who the judge is so
there's the judge there's the jury and
the Executioner they could be all three
speaking of jury how the hell do you get
a quote unquote fair and impartial jury
to try Donald Trump go ask a jury hey
what are your thoughts on Donald Trump
never heard of him can you tell me who
yeah no strong feelings what it's all Bs
okay this is one one of four potential
court cases right and this is actually
the least pressing this is stormy
freaking Daniels and hush money and
moving who got F who got fine 200 when
it gets into the maril Lago FBI stuff
then it gets into the Georgia stuff and
then it gets into the DC Insurrection
stuff it's only going to get ugly show
me your cards let's do it let's play
ball go ahead you want to play this dir
if anybody ever plays like this with you
in business and you've been behind Clos
doors when I'm on calls like this if
anybody plays to try to do this dirty to
you show it to me right now do whatever
you threaten to do to me do it to me
right now let's go let's do it to me
right now I don't want to wait that I
don't want to slow play this thing let's
see what you want to do let's see what
you want to do and let's see how America
reacts to it let's see how America
reacts to you trying to destroy this
Republic let's see let's see if the
Constitution and our Supreme Court is
more powerful than George Soros let's
see if the Constitution the Bill of
Rights everything that we have in place
let's see if that is more powerful than
a whole mob that's trying to use the doj
against the candidate let's see that I
am banking on the
Constitution and our Supreme Court
having the back of this great country
that's where my confidence lies so I'd
like to see what they're going to be
doing and you've seen what the Supreme
Court is debating right now the whole
concept of presidential immunity yeah
anyway so that's we'll see what happens
so we announced the Manet contest to
come have dinner with us at casad
dangelo and go have dinner Rob go to the
leaders bulletin folks if you want to
see the leaders bulletin just go to
man.com and all the way at the top
you'll see a leader bulletin click on it
the video explains how to compete it's
whoever mans the most both as experts
influencers and those who ask others as
a user you can compete on this rob you
can stay on that if you want just stay
on that oh you have the C ories of where
they are but but I want to see how many
manx people are doing and then we'll go
to that so if right now if you look at
this new experts on man lightweight if
you look at it zoom in Rob Tulsi gabard
has officially completed 72 mans that
she has responded to by the way on man
second place so far is Brandon Davis
then it's Santino testani John Ray is
competing but he's fourth place and he
got the rest of the folks go even even
Ryan Garcia's at seventh place by the
way responding and by I think he's
responded to every single man he's
gotten and he response in audio so it's
not like he responds uh uh Rob go to the
other category for middleweight if you
look at middleweight Fernando is still
first place at 46 this is people that
pre-announcing the contest they were on
here from April 16th he's done 46
questions he's responded to he's first
place he'd be invited to the dinner then
his parasa Tomo third place look at the
ne Kelly Kelly Dame Dash is even on
there at sixth place go to the last
category heavyweight first place DUS not
even 13 cvin 77 chriso third place and
then you got everybody else now Rob go
to home team go to home team who's
dominating okay dominating Vincent osana
281 thank you everybody I love Vinnie
Vinnie Vinnie then it's Tom 204 Adam 75
we're trying to catch up but I'll tell
you guys here what's going on here in a
minute with Vinnie go down to the bottom
with the people asking most questions
this is how you use maneka slowly but
surely becoming a most uh a popular
networking app because 95% of the time
the people respond to you you want an
answer back pay for it you want to be
waiting for 3 months DM somebody on
Instagram LinkedIn Twitter if you're
lucky for by the way the number of
people getting back to you if you DM
them is less than 3% on Sam apps is 1%
Mana is 91 to 95% look at the people
asking the most questions show that real
quick Rob so first place is who zoom in
a little bit Rob if you could for the uh
Terrell Hall 76 Eddie goser 71 questions
he's asked other Manors Eric link 67
very competitive by the way here now go
to the other side for people that have
been using Man pre-april Dustin is
asking questions Azie second place one
so so so far it hasn't even been two
weeks and top three they're all above a
100 Janette Laos who comes to all the
lives that we do John Ray okay so here's
what I want to do Rob if you can go to
all the QR codes how many of you
watching this be honest who here loves
Vinnie okay who here loves Vinnie if you
love Vinnie today is Vinnie's birthday
good man okay tomorrow's birthday but
today's Mario and tomorrow we're not
doing a a podcast tomorrow so so listen
today tomorrow if you love Vinnie you
want to wish him a happy birthday go on
here man with him send him some love
wish him a happy birthday I'd like to
see him get 200 plus mans today to cross
2000 I'd like to see him get that send
him some love at the same time you can
myself or Tom and FYI for those of you
guys that haven't yet started competing
download the app start manting today
right now for the end of today Rob can
you go to the Flyers showing who the top
people are right now we're going to give
away belt belts by the way really the
lightweight champion would have been
tulsy if it's today t Okay the
middleweight champion would be Fernando
if it ended today heavyweight would be
Dustin the home team would be Vinnie for
new users it would be Terrell and for
existing users it'd be dusy have two
belts he'd be having two Bel
list we're going to give it to him at
casad D'Angelo everybody at first place
will be at the main table anyways so
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