Spanian on A Current Affair
TLDR安东尼·李,更为人熟知的名字是Spanian,曾经是一个犯罪生涯几乎占据了他三分之一生命的囚犯。现在,他不仅改过自新,还通过社交媒体帮助他人,成为了悉尼地下世界的一个标志性人物。Spanian在短短四年内迅速崛起,拥有自己的音乐视频、播客和YouTube频道,吸引了成千上万的粉丝。他坦率地讲述自己从少年拘留所到成年后因与不良群体交往而陷入毒品和犯罪的深渊。Spanian的故事虽然充满了惊心动魄的片段,但他的真诚和坦率赢得了观众的共鸣。他的内容旨在启发人们认识到犯罪生活的真相,帮助他们远离毒品。尽管他现在在社交媒体上颇有名气,但他仍然坦诚地面对过去,不为自己的行为寻求原谅,也不感到悲伤。Spanian的新书《Unfiltered Hood Life》记录了他的经历,他希望通过自己的故事激励人们追求更好的生活。
- 🛡️ Anthony Lee,也被称为Spanian,曾经是一个犯罪分子,但现在已经改过自新,并开始帮助他人。
- 📈 在短短四年内,Spanian成为了一个社交媒体明星,拥有自己的音乐视频、播客和YouTube频道,拥有数十万的粉丝。
- 🚫 他公开反对毒品,认为毒品是浪费生命,并鼓励人们远离毒品。
- 🔥 他的生活曾经充满犯罪,包括偷窃、高速追逐、贩毒和刺伤,但他在2016年有了改变的意识。
- 🎥 他的内容直接且坦率,有时可能会引起争议,但这也是他吸引观众的原因之一。
- 👮♂️ 他承认自己是一个有争议的人物,但他的诚实和坦率帮助他赢得了一定的观众。
- 👍 他的故事和视频被青少年工作者用作教育材料,帮助孩子们认识到犯罪生活的后果。
- 👕 出狱后,他创立了自己的时尚品牌,并开始传播正能量。
- 🚫 尽管他现在在社交媒体上很有名,但他仍然坚持不为自己过去的罪行道歉。
- 📚 他写了一本书《Unfiltered Hood Life》,分享了他的故事,但警告说这本书不适合年轻人阅读。
- 🏆 他现在自称为‘平民’,并且已经五年没有再犯罪,他享受着现在的成功生活。
Q & A
-Spanian除了在社交媒体上取得成功外,还有自己的时尚品牌,并且出版了一本名为《Unfiltered Hood Life》的书。
Spanian的书《Unfiltered Hood Life》适合哪些读者?
-Spanian的书《Unfiltered Hood Life》并不适合年轻读者,它包含了他个人生活的直白描述,可能包含一些成人内容。
😀 从囚犯到社会工作者的转变
Anthony Lee,也被称为Spanian,曾经是一个犯罪生涯的人,他在30岁之前大部分时间都在监狱中度过。现在他改变了自己的生活,并且开始帮助他人。Spanian在社交媒体上迅速崛起,拥有自己的音乐视频、播客和YouTube频道,并且拥有数十万的粉丝。他公开反对毒品,认为那是浪费生命,并且他的经历和坦诚赢得了观众的共鸣。Spanian的故事充满了挑战,但他的转变给人们带来了希望,他的内容虽然直接,但目的是为了帮助那些迷失的年轻人。
🎓 脱离犯罪,拥抱新生活
Anthony Lee现在完全脱离了犯罪生活,已经五年没有再犯罪,并且自称为'平民'。他出版了一本名为《Unfiltered Hood Life》的书,记录了他的生活和转变。这本书并不适合年轻人阅读,但对于那些想了解他故事的人来说,是一本宝贵的资源。Anthony Lee现在享受着他的新生活,并且通过他的积极影响,正在被世界所接受。尽管他曾经有过艰难的开始,但他现在正努力克服这些影响,并且正在尝试人生中的许多第一次,比如获得驾照。
Anthony Lee,也被称为Spanian,曾因犯罪入狱,现在他改变了自己的生活,并帮助他人。
Spanian的书《Unfiltered Hood Life》已经出版,但警告说它并不适合年轻人阅读。
what do you got come on welcome back
anthony lee's was the sort of blade
across the street to avoid by 30 he'd
spent most of his life behind bars
now he's turned his life around and he's
helping others oh nice
if sydney's underbelly needed an icon
it's got one now
hey who just thinks
except i don't dump people in
anthony lee's more commonly known as
spanian has come a long way in four
short years the fast rising social media
star has his own music videos podcasts
and youtube channel and hundreds of
thousands of honors
i'm a quite intriguing person
so i'm like we're excited about making
the most of it it's a far cry from where
he sat behind bars for almost a third of
his life and as recently as 2017
petty crimes of stealing high speed
drug runs
stabbings a couple times
he counts himself lucky for being saved
from a downward spiral
in jail to turn his back on drugs
hate my guts because i speak openly
the putridness and how stupid how gronky
being on drugs is and what a waste of
life and what a bunch of gronks that
would sit in prison for 10 years of
their life and i say that on the
internet and
no one has my experience you just get
off your head either way you choose you
know that's not a way to live like
we have to learn to appreciate these
little things you know what i mean like
juvenile detention since 15 and a half
by 16.
grip of his life after growing up with
the wrong crowd
i've lost my uncle who was the only man
in my life he was like my older brother
lost three or five of my best friends
to heroin
everyone i know still on heroin everyone
i grew up with
and most of them are in jail
my drug dependence i'm talking when i
was 16 17 years old my heroin addiction
you're talking over a thousand dollars a
he says his turnaround wasn't quick but
there were moments of clarity
a life of crimes all i knew one day in
2016 looked at myself saying the truth
that's it sucking it that's crazy it's
unheard of where i come from i don't
know any other stories like that
his content isn't a sunday school picnic
and even spanion admits he's not
everyone's cup of tea
it's a mixture between
loving me or hating my guts i'm a very
very divisive person in australia but i
would wait in a tree with a kitchen
knife some parts of his story are
downright frightening and i would
jump out the tree like batman with a
knife and land in front of him and bomb
and i'll say let's go like give me
but he says honesty is the reason behind
his growing audience
those people are raw and rough
you only connect with them by being raw
and rough
welcome to sydney land
thousands of thousands anywhere from
youth workers who spend their days at
your centers playing my videos for the
kids because they know that no one can
reach them as good as i can
to the kids themselves to adults who
saying i'm the reason they got off drugs
i'm the reason they see the truth about
the criminal lifestyle
whatever effort that the police and
they're doing good
in this place i didn't pay him succeeded
very well i didn't know the 35 year old
knows sydney well
some of its grittier parts close to his
it was the straightest version of what
you'd see in the movies at queens where
between the projects they're just
dealing blatantly and cars would pull up
guess what it was this was bloomberg was
the hood
after leaving jail his wrapping became
popular and the rest followed including
a fashion label
nothing's off limits
the positive energy i put out into the
world for the first time
and the world's loving me
there's a big misconception about me
that i don't talk about my crimes in a
way where i'm begging the nation for
forgiveness and
i cop a lot of hate for that and i think
it's a lot of misunderstanding like i
did lose my life to jail i did lose my
life so
unfortunately that's the life i led and
but i feel like i owe no apologies and
no sadness for anything that i've done
despite his recent social media fame the
impacts of a hard beginning still linger
never been to a wedding i've never been
to someone's birthday party i've never
had a job until recently i've never had
i'm still on my green page i'm 35 years
old i just got my license for the first
i i'm a full disconnect from the world
is your life of crime done it is done
i've been there almost five years now i
refer to myself as a civilian now
first time in my life i'm full of
civilian i don't even know what jail
smells like anymore but it's done and
what i'm on is um great successes like i
it hey
spanian's book unfiltered hood life is
available in completely taylor's butt a
word of warning it is definitely not for
to get readers ambulance for her mum
4.7 / 5 (42 votes)

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