Driving my New Mustang Until I Total It
TLDRتتبع السيناريو مغامرات شخص يدعى كودي أثناء قيادته فورد موستانج في مجموعة متنوعة من السياقات، من المسارات إلى التجمعات. يواجه كودي مشاكل متعددة بدءًا من السيطرة على السيارة وحتى إحداث أضرار بالممتلكات والأشخاص، مما ينتج عنه العديد من المواقف الفكاهية والمشاكل. يظهر الفيديو أيضًا استخدام السخرية والمبالغة لتسليط الضوء على الأساطير المحيطة بسيارات موستانج والحوادث. في النهاية، يتم تقديم السرد بأسلوب ساخر يتناول الفوضى التي تسببها هذه السيارة، مع التأكيد على المبالغة في الأحداث للترفيه.
- 🚗视频中主角驾驶一辆野马汽车,经历了一系列危险和不负责任的驾驶行为。
- 😱驾驶者在驾驶过程中多次表现出对安全缺乏考虑,包括高速驾驶和在人群中穿梭。
- 🤕提到了多次发生事故的可能性,并在视频中多次提及“Sweet James事故伤害律师”。
- 🏎️视频中的驾驶者在赛车场上驾驶野马汽车,并展示了车辆的性能。
- 🚨在驾驶过程中,车辆出现了多次技术问题,包括变速箱损坏和起火。
- 😡驾驶者在与其他超级跑车会面时,表现出傲慢和不顾他人的行为。
- 🤯驾驶者进行了危险的动作,如在停车场中进行烧胎和失控的旋转。
- 🚨视频的结尾部分,车辆严重损坏并最终翻车,驾驶者对此似乎并不重视。
- 👮♂️视频暗示了对警察权力滥用的批评,并提到了编辑的驾照被无故没收的事件。
- 💸提到了金钱问题,驾驶者在事故发生后担心的是自己车辆的损坏而非受伤的人。
- 🏆视频中出现了一些奖杯,但后来被用来做愚蠢的展示,显示了驾驶者对胜利的渴望和不成熟的态度。
Q & A
视频中提到的'Sweet James accident injury attorneys'是什么?
为什么驾驶员在视频中提到了'California Special'?
视频中的驾驶员为什么认为他可能需要'Sweet James'的服务?
🚗 Mustang驾驶初体验与意外事故
视频的第一部分介绍了驾驶一辆Mustang的体验,以及在驾驶过程中可能发生的各种意外。主角在驾驶时显得非常兴奋,同时也透露出对安全事故的担忧。在尝试展示车辆性能时,发生了多次意外,包括撞到人和车辆,以及在车流中失控。视频中还提到了'Sweet James事故伤害律师',暗示如果发生事故,可以寻求法律援助。
🏎️ 赛道上的惊险驾驶与车辆损坏
🤕 驾驶中的不幸事故与法律责任
在第三段中,主角继续驾驶Mustang并遇到了更多的危险情况,包括撞到行人和车辆。视频中出现了对法律责任的讨论,特别是当车辆失控造成伤害时。主角还提到了'Sweet James事故伤害律师',强调了在遭受意外伤害时寻求法律援助的重要性。此外,还涉及了对警察权力滥用的批评。
🚨 Mustang的终极测试与彻底损毁
💡Traction Control
💡Chili Cookoff
Driving a Mustang with the intention to either total it or drive through a crowd.
The car is used to being in terrible condition.
Calling Sweet James accident injury attorneys after an accident involving a Ford Mustang.
Filming a Mustang video after undergoing several bone marrow transplants to prepare for potential injuries.
Concerns about the car's ability to handle after shifting gears.
Blaming others for losing control of the car.
Attempting to attend a supercar meet with a Mustang, despite it not being in the same class as the other cars.
Performing a donut in a car park, causing alarm and distress.
A car hitting a kid and the subsequent panic about potential arrest.
Attempting a controlled drive on a race track and expressing fear about the car's performance.
Experiencing a transmission failure and a fire in the car.
Discussing the car's poor handling and maneuvering abilities.
Accidentally hitting a person with the car and considering fleeing the scene.
The car being described as the 'worst' and having a poor sound.
Street racing and narrowly avoiding a police chase.
Attempting a hill climb and expressing surprise at the car's capabilities.
The car rolling over and the occupants escaping unharmed.
Flipping the car back over and starting it after it has been upside down all night.
today I'm going to be driving a Mustang
until I completely total it or drive
through a giant crowd of people
whichever comes
first my God that's terrible mansau it's
not my fault that the car is just used
to that that's what they do play the
all right so let's get started oh my God
what did you run him over call the
ambulance I didn't even see him I'm god
what the heck if you've been injured in
an accident or innocently smacked by a
Ford Mustang call Sweet James accident
attorneys I decided after many years I'm
going to film a mustang video finally
and that's only after I've taken several
bone marrow transplants to beef up my
skeletal structure for when I get
severely injured my God there's no
telling after I shift this shifter the
hell that will unfold you just shifted
it also it sounds like everybody
push guys guys push harder look what you
guys did now oh my God you always blame
things on everybody else but you that's
your fault guys come on shut up this is
your fault in the first place listen all
you do is blame things on other people
you just lost control okay that was not
me I'm done with this dude you don't
know what you're doing why are you
getting out go just
go that sounds so so good yeah this is
like a super car this thing is absurd
okay dude that sounds great dud it
doesn't Cody there's turns coming up I'm
good at driving stop I was taking
Corners at like 180 last time that's not
even possible after days of saving I
finally picked up days a Mustang 5 I was
thinking today we could take this to the
car meet there a super car meet going on
no no no no we can't pull up in this
super cars this is not in the same class
this is a completely different type of
cars I'll just swing in we'll Flex on
everybody and leave dude who are you
flexing on so I think this is the car me
hold on he's telling you to stop
honestly wait Cody he's bro he hit my
mirror he was trying to tell you to
stop what sup guys it's that young Lambo
kid here I really like the color on this
one Cody these cars are way too nice to
be here
no why the are you turning off traction
do not do a
donut please stop dude I actually my god
dude they're laugh they love it he's
going to hit all the
cars Cody please stop what is he doing
they're loving this they do not love it
literally one bit hey they are literally
laughing at
us man this is even supposed to be here
let me park and enjoy it get out of here
look at these cars it's fine dude C we
got a get out of here Cody
stopwhere else is he doing out of here
bro you just stalled it dud they love it
have you ever driven a before is your
dad here help me get the trophies out
you have trophies we are not putting
these in front of the
car trophies yeah keep laughing fourth
place stop quit embarrassing me let me
set the trophies up bro this is so
stupid listen if you can actually help
set up some of the coms over on the side
I'm the one in the 504 Mustang I'm going
to get the display board and you can
finish you have a display board Cody why
do you have a tropy for second place at
the chili cook
off can't even open worst sounding
exhaust okay no put that one away they
weren't supposed to see that dude if you
listen for 2 seconds you'd hear
everybody is laughing at you no they're
laughing with me are you laughing right
now no and you're here for it's not the
car meat it's a it's a private meat I'm
going to rev it they don't want you to R
it don't do that stop nobody wants you
to rev it I L just you're
stop did everybody like that everyone's
leaving actually why is everybody going
Cody nobody wanted you to come here wait
are they all rolling out yes they're
leav no they're cruising they're going
on a cruise dud we
no hey dude let's pack these up I want
to get rolling with the crew before we
lose him help me pack these up be super
careful please that's my uh best in
category red 2015 5 Mustangs no giv
please don't scratch them don't shut
the what was that be careful man
please please be careful be
careful here I forgot my I forgot my car
model what the
heck what are you doing why are you why
are you destroying the trophy you just
broke my glass shut up if you want to
leave so bad get in the car
go oh look your second annual chili
cookoff second place trophy is still
intact there we go it's getting
car let's go we're going to miss Cody
they do not want to cruise with
you you're burning the clutch that was F
just drive slow through the parking lot
show off a little bit there's still
people Cody
slow my God Cody there's a kid Cody you
just hit a kid cody you're going to get
arrested you're going to get arrested
Cody you're going to get
arrested you are fleeing you are
literally fleeing right now Cody he's
coming does he see me my God this video
is powered by sweet James accident and
injury attorneys little figure this is
James we might be needing him he's fine
he'll be okay guys let's get this
cleaned up
I don't usually go to a controlled place
like a RAC trck but I thought this would
be a good idea to really feel the
genuine power and performance and
capabilities with you in the car to
enjoy it with
me for the turbo spool turbo there's no
turbos the traction control is on
there's no reason to wreck my challenge
here all I have to do is successfully go
around this track once not killing
someone vehicular manslaughter running
over someone hitting someone killing
myself and others with a deadly weapon
smacking into people smacking people
running into guard rails flipping and
killing myself and you Cody I I don't
know if I want to ride with you we'll be
going under 200 wait the pits is right
here can you just drop me off up here
one second man why are you buckling your
helmet I'm scared you're the one driving
I'm scared let me
out oh oh
that was a flame try a
launch jeez Louise man that was actually
a lot better than I expected the
traction control help it's a miracle in
a normal civilian interaction it sounds
horrible on the track it kind of does
sound good but unfortunately the
traction controls coming off I actually
am going to get out of the car no no
just St man this is what I want to
I don't know how that happens it's
actually it's probably going to weird
de oh my
God that's a Mustang that was a Mustang
that's what I was waiting for the myths
are true that can get scary really quick
oh my God I don't think that's a man
factur fought if traction controls off
but like what's going on though you
know what what were you saying to him oh
nothing I was just saying what's up
sound like you're saying helping no I
keep hitting
second no other car would do that no I'm
not trying to spin out like this is no
same way as before yes
360 what does it mean when none of the
gears work uh I think we grenaded the
transmission and also we're on fire and
dying inside of the car send help call
911 immediately it's stuck in first were
you like ripping the shifter like really
hard like back and forth
no whoever just blew the Mustang
transmission I'm going to catch you kill
the one driving the car this is what I'm
talking about you just offut it to other
people says you you want me to do a
burnout light him up light him up just
give him a little bit yeah just give a
little bit do a
burnout all right yeah watch this
yeah yeah
tires AR spit they good they're not
spitting he said the tires aren't
spitting the tires are not
spitting stop you're going to blow the
engine it's still smoking dude it's
still smoking I crazy burn it's still
smoking I think you just cooked your
clutch dude why didn't you stop me oh my
God I did I told you they were screaming
for you I'll do a crazy burnout next
time been in the shop for 9 months the
only thing that's been in a shot for 9
months is your mom that doesn't even
make sense my mom is in a retirement
home the only entertaining thing here is
you that's a compliment cool not even
like mean at all the only loser here is
me yep yeah no that's not what I meant
the only person filming here is you I
that's right all right you see these
cones right here all those cones in that
line I'm going to demonstrate my
maneuvering abilities in the worst
maneuvering car on Earth my goal is to
weave in between all these cones in less
than 4
seconds bro holy sh speed up let me
Focus dude this isn't even a test
anybody can do
this is hitting all of them you're
hitting all of them Cody what happened
look at the course you go in between the
cones Cody I didn't hit him well that's
a good thing that's a
good oh my God what I just Cody get out
of the car I'm fine who's you just hit
this kid oh oh my God that was from his
head maybe we can run before anybody
comes call an ambulance there's one
right there call what do we do dude so
much money the car just lost control
you're the one that was I'll just tell
them the car was out of control right
dude I think he's like severely in oh no
his fo little body another victim of the
Mustang dude it was literally the car it
was the car he got sted by it was the
car he'll be fine raise your chin up for
me what's your name BR nice to meet you
I need you to take some deep breaths for
me look I was on my phone and I just
couldn't see you you were driving with
your phone on I was playing bejweled I
don't care you were well that's why it
was an accident but then the car lost
control doctor I can't feel my legs
who's going to pay for my car damages
you will pay for that if you've been
brutally smacked by a Mustang call Sweet
James accident and injury attorneys
sweet James has been in business for
over 20 years and has acquired over $1
billion in settlements for wrongfully
injured clients you've been bit by a dog
electrocuted by power lines hit by a
tank a helicopter fell on you if someone
dropped an anle on you from 2,000 ft in
the air call Sweet James accident injury
attorneys he he can do all that
yep so I'm driving without a license I
will run but anyways I don't advocate
for that what I do Advocate against is
police officers misusing their power and
taking driver's licenses when they're
not supposed to pretty soon I'll be
publishing the video on how the Frankin
PD stole my editor's driver's license
for no reason but anyway my first
impressions of this car you
know it's it's actually the
worst sounds like one ton Tanya after
some Taco
Bell there's so many Tik toks about like
Mustang owners being like my neighbors
when I start the car in the
morning yeah I wonder why they probably
want to they probably don't want to be
anywhere near you I blew the
transmission already for 10 minutes of
track time so it's been to the shop in
the California Special what the is that
I don't know it's probably going to give
me cancer wait no no no no they're using
slang to say that California is special
these buttons first of all look like
bills what the
hell oh I don't want to put too much gas
in the car because obviously it's not
going to make it too long and I don't
want to waste money I just want to put
just enough gas in the car to get it by
until we don't need it anymore how much
gas is
uh okay that should be good that was it
yeah I put zero ounces
in wa are you doing
that I tried street racing and I passed
a carop but they didn't pull me over cuz
I was only going like 177 M an hour I'm
going to try this hill climb here yeah
you guys can't tell how steep it is
maybe the editor could put a visual of
how steep it
wow I'm actually kind of impressed I'm
sure it can do this right how far does
the oil pan stick down I think it is
like the
lowest thing in the car
that didn't sound good okay so I'm just
going to casually Full Throttle pin to
the floor in sixth gear that is the
opposite of
casual it's not going to do
ah what a stupid car there's no weight
in the back on the Ferrari all the
weight was over the rear wheels it was
just like planting itself we need more
weight let's get your mom
oh wow I just had spine surgery
so question is will the car go with the
cargo well that's my
what that's
not all right let's
go spinning already oh my God okay
they're going
everywhere it's in the back it feels
worse oh yeah yeah
yeah it's going to make
a oh you probably cut
it what
the what was that I have 11 P side back
Tire's blown going up the
dam yeah
don't go in the
pond Cody it's near the end of the video
and you haven't toted the car yet oh yes
I'm very well aware this car is actually
impressing me I went the whole video
without hitting a crowd of
people did I hit anything you just
smashed into a crowd of people I got
this let me back out
oh my God okay well the car is not total
cuz it's still moving so that only means
thing oh that does not sound good at all
thanks for pulling me out anytime no
problem Cody are you serious oh no I
know it's a doing in the event of a car
accident stop drop and roll you're in
poison I this look at it I'm allergic to
ivy I think we're good that was a close
one thankfully there's no
damage I think I'm on something yeah you
just ran over the people again I got to
cool this motor off move up that way
up keep coming keep coming yeah okay
yeah it's goinging
off oh my God there's a log through the
radiator now the event of it over
meeting I will stop for 1 millisecond
and then
continue remember that time back in 024
when we Crush that Mustang and flipped
it 60 times wait it is
24 my neck is fine hold up let me
unbuckle oh you want unclip my
belt ow dude my leg it's fine if I can
start this and drive it I give the car a
pass which is rare no key detected hold
up here's our key let me put that in the
holder keeps falling out there's
something that was faulty if this thing
starts I will actually buy one of these
instead of stealing it again
wait oh my
god dude that was actually crazy the G
wagon wouldn't do that thing's a piece
of crap won't even start and this is all
that happened so I don't know why they
engineered it with that through the
front you did that that's all you do is
try to blame things on other people so
it looks like our Anvil tried eating its
way out of the car yeah it's kind of
carnivorous I think it's totaled and in
that case that would declare me the
winner so for that reason I'm
out I think this car is a piece of junk
cuz otherwise it would not be upside
down but you did all this and it hit 30
people you driving car cars cars are
respons for killing over one people a
year no it's the people that hit people
not the cars oh well if that's the logic
then we should apply that to other
the car's been sitting upside down all
night so I'm going to flip it back over
and immediately start it
up this oil coming out of our headlight
I'm really curious why they put oil in
the headlight to begin with
how did it do that
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