ChatGPT Built my FIFA MOBILE Squad!
TLDRفي هذا النص، يُظهر مستخدم يدعى RK كيف يُستخدم برنامج الذكاء الاصطناعي "Chad GPT" لبناء فريق في لعبة FIFA Mobile. يبدأ RK بطرح سؤال إلى الذكاء الاصطناعي حول تشكيلة الفريق، ويحصل على التشكيلة 433. ثم يستخدم مولد الأحداث لتحديد اللاعبين الأسطوريين والموجودين حاليا، بدءًا من حارس الهدف Lev Yashin وحتى اللاعبين الآخرين مثل روبرتو كارلوس وكافو. يُنصح RK باختيار لاعبين ذوي تراخيص عالية وتحسينهم بانتظام، ويُشير إلى أهمية التوازن بين الهجوم والدفاع. يُكمل النص بوصف لعبه مع فريق Brazil ضد Liverpool، حيث يُظهر أن Brazil يلعب بسلاسة ويُحقق نجاحاً بضربات متعددة.
- 🤖 RK 频道介绍了一个由 AI Chad GPT 建议的独特阵容构建。
- 📈 Chad GPT 提供了关于如何构建 FIFA 移动阵容的建议,包括球员选择、技能提升和阵容更新。
- 💰 RK 通过旋转轮盘来决定是选择传奇球员还是现役球员,增加了视频的互动性。
- 🎯 阵容构建开始于守门员位置,Chad GPT 建议了传奇球员列夫·雅辛。
- 🕷️ Lev Yashin(列夫·雅辛)以其在 FIFA 移动中的出色卡片而著称。
- 🛡️ 接下来是后防线的构建,包括传奇左后卫罗伯托·卡洛斯和右后卫卡福。
- 🦸♂️ 中后卫组合是传奇球员保罗·马尔蒂尼和现役球员范戴克。
- 🔄 中场方面,Chad GPT 选择了现役球员凯文·德布劳内和传奇球员齐达内。
- 🎮 攻击型中场位置,Chad GPT 推荐了现役球员布鲁诺·费尔南德斯。
- 🏟️ 攻击线上,右翼是传奇球员乔治·贝斯特,左翼是现役球员姆巴佩。
- ⚽ 最后,前锋位置选择了传奇球员罗纳尔多。
- 📊 整个阵容的平均评分超过 110,显示了 Chad GPT 建议的高质量。
- 🤝 最终,Chad GPT 构建的阵容在模拟比赛中表现出色,以巴西队的身份战胜了利物浦。
Q & A
视频中提到的Chad GPT是什么?
-Chad GPT是一个人工智能助手,用户可以向它提问,它会给出建议和答案。
-RK要构建一个由Chad GPT建议的独特球队,球队将包含图标球员和现役球员的混合。
构建球队时,Chad GPT给出了哪些建议?
-Chad GPT建议关注球队的化学效应、平衡攻防、选择高评分球员、利用技能提升、研究球员统计数据、跟进更新并定期升级球员。
右后卫位置的球员是谁,Chad GPT是如何建议的?
-右后卫位置的球员是卡福,Chad GPT通过旋转轮盘建议了图标球员,然后选择了卡福。
RK用Chad GPT构建的球队整体评分是多少?
-RK用Chad GPT构建的球队整体评分是135。
😀 Squad Building with AI Assistance
The video begins with the host, RK, welcoming viewers back to his channel. He introduces a unique squad-building session where the squad is suggested by an AI named Chad GPT. The AI provides detailed advice on building a FIFA Mobile squad, emphasizing chemistry, balance, and player ratings. The host engages with the AI to select players for various positions, starting with the goalkeeper and proceeding through the defense and midfield. The AI's suggestions include both iconic and current players, and the host incorporates a spin-off wheel to decide between icons and present players for each position.
😎 High-Quality Player Selections and Squad Cost
The host continues to build the squad with the AI's guidance, acquiring high-rated players for the left back, right back, and center back positions, including icons like Lev Yashin, Roberto Carlos, and Paolo Maldini, as well as a present player, Virgil van Dijk. The video highlights the increasing cost of the squad as high-quality players are selected. The host expresses excitement as the squad takes shape, with all players having an overall rating of over 110.
🤩 Finishing the Squad with Attacking Power
The video concludes with the selection of midfielders and forwards for the squad. The AI suggests present and icon players for the remaining positions, including Kevin De Bruyne, Zinedine Zidane, Bruno Fernandes, and attackers like Lionel Messi, George Best, Kylian Mbappe, and an icon striker, Cristiano Ronaldo. The host successfully adds these players to the squad, resulting in a team with an overall rating of 135. The video transitions into a head-to-head match featuring the newly built squad, with commentary by Derek Ray and Stuart Robson, discussing the match's progress and the performance of the teams.
💡Squad Builder
💡Chad GPT
💡FIFA Mobile
💡Skill Boost
💡Icons and Present Players
💡Spin-Off Wheel
💡Head-to-Head Match
The squad builder is unique as it is suggested by an AI named Chad GPT.
Chad GPT provides suggestions and answers to questions asked.
The AI emphasizes the importance of chemistry, balance, attack, defense, high ratings, skill boosts, player stats, and regular updates.
The suggested formation by Chad GPT is 4-3-3.
The squad includes a mix of icon and present players.
The goalkeeper selected by the AI is Lev Yashin, an icon player.
For the left back position, Roberto Carlos, another icon player, is chosen.
The right back position features Cafu, an icon player as well.
Van Dyke and Paulo Maldini, both highly rated present and icon players, are selected for the center back positions.
Chad GPT suggests present and icon players for the midfield, including Kevin De Bruyne and Zinedine Zidane.
For the attacking midfielder (CAM) position, Bruno Fernandes, a present player, is chosen.
The right wing position features George Best, an icon player.
Kylian Mbappe, a present player, is selected for the left wing position.
The striker position is filled by an icon player, Ronaldo.
The final squad has an overall rating of 135, showcasing the AI's effectiveness in squad building.
A head-to-head match is played with the AI-selected squad against Liverpool.
Brazil, the team in the match, shows a lively and dominant performance.
The match ends with Brazil prevailing, highlighting the strong impact of the AI-selected squad.
yo okay gang what's going on and welcome
back to my channel this is RK ready back
with an amazing squad builder on this
channel so today's squad builder is
going to be quite unique guys because
this time our Squad is going to be
suggested by Chad gbt so if you don't
know what Chad Jeep it is basically it's
an AI so you can ask it questions and
it's going to give you suggestions and
it's going to give you the answer so
let's go and ask charged gp2 to help us
build an amazing Squad can you help me
make an amazing FIFA mobile Squad so of
course I'd be happy so it's saying it's
happy to help me uh making the squad and
just give me tips guys so focus on
chemistry balance attack and defense
choose players with high ratings utilize
skill boost research player stats keep
up with updates experiment with
formations upgrade players regularly
actually this answer was quite
unexpected to be honest it's even
telling about skill boosts and stuff I
actually didn't see that coming but
anyways first let's ask it with the
formation so guys I've asked charging to
send me a formation and it has come up
with 433 chat so detailed explanation
well done there so here we go fourth
with the attack just like charity said
so guys let's go and spin this feeling
because you know charge GPT always uh
suggests the present players only so
yeah I want it to be a nice mix of icons
and past and present players so I've
included a spin-off wheel so first let's
start with goalkeeper and whatever comes
in the wheel I'm gonna ask chargpt to
select the icon player or present player
so let's go starting with the goalkeeper
first and here we go the spin-off wheel
it's spinning so we have an icon player
I guess yeah so that's an icon player so
let's ask chargpt for an icon player so
here we go
so it has suggested me live Yasin guys
so the black Spider so it also gave some
explanation about left gash in so he's
got a great card in FIFA mobile so let's
go and get the card now
so the budget is successful and we've
got leviation let's go and put him in
the squad 187 million coins for him so
love Yashin and here we go the first
position so the goalkeeper is set now
it's time for the next positions now
let's pin for left back position guys
let's see if you're gonna get an icon or
a present player so the spin of wheel
says icon again all right so I'm gonna
ask shot GPD for another icon all right
let's ask chargpt for a icon left back
and it searches Roberto Carlos so he's
got an amazing card recent so let's go
and get Robert to Carlos now so this
squad is starting to get very expensive
4.1 million coins for her left back and
we are just two positions done and we
already spent more than uh 550 million
coins and Roberto Carlos is here here we
go left back rubber to Carlos so let's
go and place him in the squad now so
left back Roberto Carlos his set and
let's move to the next position alright
now let's spin for the right back
position guys let's see what the spin or
I mean wheel says and not an icon player
again come on no way the spin of wheel
is making us quite much expensive guys
so let's go and ask chat GPT for an icon
player so service me an icon right be
right back come on kafu all right so
that's actually a quite a good solution
let's go and get kafu now guys and kafu
is here guys let's go and place him in
the squad a squad is getting much better
now so far all the three picks suggested
by the chat GPT were actually too good
so let's go to the next position now
let's spin the wheel twice for the two
Center back so let's go the first
attempt and here we go let's see what
we're gonna get so we have a pleasant
player guys so that's one of the
outcomes so we need a present Center
back player so now we have one icons in
the back and one present player Center
back so let's go ask chargpt for it so
the chat CPT says present Center back to
be Van Dyke and the icons in the back to
be Paulo Maldini wow guys actually chat
CPT is quite smart so in free mobile
both Maldini cards and also vbd cards
are broken so that's actually a very
good solution so let's go and get PVD
because I've already got Maldini in my
team so let's go and place maldin if you
already have him in our team guys here
we go so we have Van Dyke let's put him
in the team guys wow
look at the defense and goalkeeper guys
actually the Chachi video suggestions so
far have been really good so let's go go
on to the Midfield and let's see what
it's going to suggest all right guys now
let's spin the wheel twice for the two
sentiment cards and let's see what the
outcome is going to be and the first
time here we go I think it's a present
player so yeah we're gonna select one
present player and the next sentiment
let's see
but we got one icon Center bit player
and one present sentiment player so
let's go ask chargpt so let's see let's
see so Kevin De bruyne is one of the
sentiment and the next one is zidane wow
Guys these selections have been Top
Notch to be honest so let's go and put
in zidane and KDP in our team so guys
first let's go and place Kevin De bruyne
so we have a 120 rated Kevin De bruyne
card look at that card Beast card now
let's go and get zidane as well and we
got ourselves a zidane card as well so
we're gonna put him in the sentiment
position though and the two sentiments
are done now it's time for the attacking
midfielder all right so let's go and
spin it again so let's see what the
wheel says
I'm guessing it's a pleasant player yes
that's a present player guys so let's go
and ask shot GPT for a present player so
guys I asked the charge GB to suggest me
a cam and it suggested me Bruno for now
so let's go and get Bruno Finance here
we go Bruno Finance is successfully
purchased 94.8 million coins so let's go
and put him in a squad so the team has
shaped up very well guys so far it's
looking very strong to be honest all the
players charge GPT has suggested so far
are more than 110 overall so that's
actually great suggestions so let's go
and complete our attack as well so now
let's pin for the right wing player so
let's see what we are gonna get in the
right wing position hopefully a present
player then it will be suggesting us
messy but it's an icon player in the
right wing position so let's go and ask
sharp GPT for the right wind player so
let's see what chapter GPD is going to
respond with
Lionel Messi again I'm gonna just go
with Messi guys here we go let's see
okay it's thinking it's thinking
judge best
okay now we are talking yeah yeah this
is actually a crazy good solution guys
so let's go and get George best so I'm
gonna get the cam card because even this
provides chemistry in the right wing
position so let's go and get George best
this is actually a crazy good solution
it first suggested me messy but still
yeah even best is a really good solution
so let's go and play his best in the
team now best so here we go right wing
George best is here now let's pin for
the lefting position card and let's see
what the wheel is going to say I mean
it's a present player so let's go and
ask chargpt for a present player so guys
I've asked you to suggest me a pleasant
lifting clear and it suggested me with
Killian mbappe so let's go and get
Killian mbappe here we go guys uh mbappe
lifting card is here so let's go and put
him in the squad
wow the squad looks insane guys now we
have one position left that is a striker
version so let's go and spill naveena so
let's go and the final player the
striker position and who do we get
it's an icon player guys it's an icon
player so let's go and ask chat GPD for
an icon player
I got Ronaldo
don't order suggestion guys one more
dubs audition we already have him so
let's go and place him in the squad
right now so we already have him so just
let's go and place him in the squad and
here we go finally the chat CPT Squad is
completed 135 overall guys I mean that's
a dub guys that's a dub team selected by
chat gbt now let's go and play a
head-to-head match with this wonderful
hello it's great to be with you and I
don't think anybody is going to complain
especially about the weather I'm Derek
Ray and joining me to provide expert
analysis Stuart Robson can't wait for
this one to start with justifiable cause
it is Liverpool against Brazil well
thanks Derek as always the scene is set
two good teams a great playing surface
and a vibrant atmosphere it has all the
ingredients for a really exciting game
encouraging move this from Brazil
but the danger averted for now
carrying Benzema
Joy Linton
dimaraj Ronaldinho
e Linton
credit to them for winning back
possession well play stopped it is a
free kick
Killian and Bape
a danger here as he runs at them but
nothing comes a bit
Marcus rashford
another successful intervention winning
the ball back
Bruno Fernandez
throw in for Brazil
and support available
well it came to nothing in the end
Kevin De bruyne is
one minute oh what an opportunity
one nil it is they've been pushing for
the opener and now they have it
Liverpool into action
and the whistle is sounded for half time
in this game
so back underway here Brazil with the
lead but this game a long way from being
done and dusted
Ronaldinho really good challenge
best and a goal they're gonna take some
stopping now two in front here
well as you can see this is a wonderful
strike he makes the perfect connection
and he has so much Pace on it it's a
great goal for the visitors
the lead here
Liverpool have given us away
real chance
and a goal to increase their advantage
to three can they be stopped
well here it is again and it was never
really in doubt wasn't he was always
so the action continues and it's been a
thorough master class from Brazil so far
you do sense it's a question of how many
goalkeeper has it
just 20 minutes remaining now
successfully cut out
another referee not too happy with the
challenge and blows for a free kick
and that is going to be a free kick
and the Danger's still on
Bruno fernanch
plenty of support here
de bruyne
he takes aim a really good reflexes and
danger Roberta
firing is in oh really commanding
no problems for the keeper
electronic board has been held in the
air and we're going to have a minimum of
four added minutes
Ronaldo a goal and I'll tell you what on
this sort of form very few would lay a
glove on them
and full-time Brazil have prevailed
that's the big story here Stuart your
thoughts on their performance
performance wasn't it I was particularly
impressed with their play going forward
really Lively almost cutting through at
will at times the result was never much
in doubt if I'm honest
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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